Artifact-School Improvement Plan

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seats Norris Survey Norris Survey Each team member should complete this form separately - this survey is anonymous * Required 1. We have identified the prerequisite knowledge and skills students need in order to master the essential learnings of our course and each unit of this course. * ‘Mark only one oval. SOOOC0C0000CO0O0E 2, Each member of our team is clear on the essential learnings of our courses in general as well as the essential learnings of each unit. ‘Mark only one oval. Not True true oe a eOOOOUOOOCOOoGCsR. ted team team 3, We have developed frequent common formative assessments that help us to determine each student's mastery of essential learnings. * Mark only one oval. 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not Tue tue ‘OOO OOOO OG s our team team ips: googte.comfaldaringon k12 wi ussorm sl shCxE22-cod6VSazNPISAELARLR OSH tbnAFKldt ws ssperz0%6 Naris Survey 4, We have identified course content and/or topics that can be eliminated so we can devote more time to essential curriculum. * Mark only one oval. 1 2 38 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Not Tre sat COG) Cnn) stm) as team foam, 5, We use the results of our common assessments to assist each other in building on strengths and address weaknesses as part of a process of continuous improvement designed to help students achieve at higher levels. * ‘Mark only one oval. Not ‘hee Sale) CORON) EGE GN) 1G): CON Ning team ‘teary 6. We use the results of our common assessments to assist each other in building on strengths and address weaknesses as part of a process of continuous improvement designed to help students achieve at higher levels. * Mark only one oval. True true OO @QOOGOOQOOGOOs on team team 7. We have identified team norms and protocols to guide us in working together. * Mark only one oval. eIEeseeee-Si eee eteeeey tceeee-iceeeet.teceetay Geeeeeseeeeet”Eettees 1 Not Tue true 2OCOOOOOOoCa. our team team tpdoes google cernatartingon x12. sormsld ehCxE212-(2eod6VSceNPISAELARLR-WOshUTenAF Klis 2 07016 Nerris Survey 8. We have analyzed student achievement data and have established SMART goals that we are working Interdependently to achieve. * Mark only one oval. 5 eeeeeer Zasdseee: Beene” Uandzeeyeeseeeeenaaty Aueeeeee aauaateteeen |) a True true eo ae ee) eG eG Ee 4 our fon team ‘9. We have aligned the essential learnings with state and district standards and the high stakes exams required of our students. * Mark only one oval Not = "ODOOOC0O000COC4 team em 10. | feel that my teaching has improved as a result of the PLC process. * ‘Mark only one oval. sae ee@eeeo cera eae o saceO eran eed eOneceeigseee0 si Ih ~ - espns 2) ala Gay Ge ea) Gas) Ga) a Ge (eres ‘1, feel that the leadership on our teams has benefitted or improved my teaching. * ‘Mark only one oval. ee tesa ie teeter ci ee ecto Strongly CO Strongh Dieses GG) GG) Ga GG 12. Please indicate your team or grade level. * ipso goog cralarlingon k12.wi users shOXE2J2-(2codEVEcoNPtsAELARLR-vOshU thrFKledt 36 97016 Noris Survey 13. Is there any other suggestions or comments you would Powered by B Google Forms hips:fdoes googie com/alarington 12. wisusormsShOXE2 2 l2codBVSczNPISAELARLR-vOshLthnAFKkliedt a8 Project Narrative - Norris Schools 1) Substantial, measurable and positive impact on student academic achievement Weekly Wednesday AM PLC time - Our PLC meetings are focused on student achievement; with a priority in teaching the Common Core State Standards well, creating common formative assessments to drive our instructional practices, and to create and implement Standards Based Assessments. - Teacher leader teams - to find/create best practices and drive teams toward improvement - Standards Based Assessments - to teach with the skills and the end in mind; also, to increase rigor. - Trainings in, and the use of, common formative assessments - Time builtin to create CFA's. SBA’s and best practices through the availabilty of money to hire substitutes. - The addition of an instructionaltechnology coach to help foster the development in the and implementation of Standards, Standards Based Assessment, and common formative assessments. = Our progress in these areas will be assessed through state/district assessments. 2) Closing the achievement gap between subgroups of children = Common formative assessment data will be used to identify students who need more assistance/instruction. This data will help inform individual teacher/team instructional practices to bring struggling students “up” - Standards based assessments will allow teachers to assess and communicate a student's progress in specific skill areas, not simply in mastery of content. This change more acourately reflect a student's ability, rather than on behaviors and other non-academic categories. 3) Substantial, measurable, and positive impact on increasing teacher capacity and quality - Weekly Wednesday AM PLC time - Teacher leader teams - Trainings in and use of Standards Based Assessments = Trainings in and the use of common formative assessments - Creation of CFA's, SBA's, and best practices through availabilty of money to hire subs = Instructional/technology Coach - Tri-yearly surveys will be administered to assess the effectiveness of teacher performance, leadership, and PLCs 4) Ensuring that every school is safe, drug-free, and conducive to learning - Adult supervision services will be provided by the school distriet for students on Wednesday mornings during staff PLC time in order to assure student safety 5) Employing effective integration of technology into curricula and instruction = Infinite Campus training will be provided to all of the teaching staff uous improvement - refining, improving and strengthening the programs - 17 lead teachers wil be identified and paid a stipend = 8 teachers will be sent to Solution Tree training in Minneapolis, MN ~ _Allfulltime teaching staff members will receive, read, and utilize "Common Formative ‘Assessment: A Toolkit for Professional Leaming Communities at Work" by Kim Bailey and Chris Jakicic during PLC meetings. = Allstaff members will be assigned and participate in PLC Norris School District School Improvement Plan Reuse rer emo uN em Te} The mission of our school district fs to assist. ‘every child in realizing their full potential and becoming a responsible, productive 21st century citizen. Additionally, we make it our mission to assist every child in becoming a life- long learner with the ability to use technology effectively while appreciating the multi-cultural society in which we live. ca oa ot mathematics and science program local expectations aligning with state and national expectations drop in extra-curricular participation discrepancy between student aptitude and performance statt development Ange ih Shel Ponca Nelda tae Neely as nie) erformed above sate average Engh and reading EPAS (14 15) Local author ntl ans PS implementation Hin etendance rates inthe elementary and mide schol 201415 bos’ & gir’ Basketball & football conference champions 2014-2015 grt’ basketball state champions Project Narrative Project Narrative Project Narrative 3 eis eee cereal PA ens Throughout the 2015-2016 school year, improvement in teacher performance, leadership, and Professional Learning Community (PLC) effectiveness will be assessed by means of a pre-implementation, mid.year Implementation, and end of year staff survey. Cultural Shifts in a Professional Program Plan Goal #: ee s By the end of January 2016, all department/grade-level teams will be using ‘common formative assessment data to drive decision making on a weekly basis. Piece ACSA Ie) Pre agri WKCE Historical Data eter ia ere Sey Program Plan Goal #3: By the beginning of the 2017-2018 school year, all teaching staff will be utilizing a district developed system of standards based assessment, eT tenon ke Reus peer pees ai raceo a Ree Ul US er eS a eas Professional Learning Communities “apace level/team leaders PD opportunities (trainings, terature, ete) {Common Formative Assessments “grace/team level generated “to develop best practices Standarcs Based Grading * to ensue student mastery * increase in gor Bele UCU} 2016-2017 + Focus on improving instruction ~ Full implementation of CFA’s and best practices in the our PLC's + Continuing work on teaching to standards + Pre/Mid/Post Survey and Analysis + Possible training(s) for teacher leaders = PD on Standards-Based Assessment ECs eV ROM Coney ~ Full Time Instructional/Technology Coach Up to 10 days of substitute coverage per teacher ~ Common Formative Assessment: A Tootkit for Professional Learning Communities at Work by: Kim Bailey and Chris Jakicic + Infinite Campus Training = Acknowledgement of Accomplishing Goals Rey ya ee ata) 2015-2016 - PLC/Leader trainings - Implementation of Wednesday AM PLC’s = Focus on Common Formative Assessments CFA Book study + Focus on improving instruction + Beginning to teach to standards = Pre/Mid/Post Survey and Analysis Ro) TSU RT a mR ata 2017-2018 + Full implementation of Standards-Based Assessment + Pre/Mid/Post Survey and Analysis Continuous evaluation of our progress Program Plan Funding Budget Summary Program Fiscal Report esa We greatly appreciate your time and consideration! Sloquiaw yes [fe 40} papinoud 'aq lim Y9e09 ABojouyj>e 1/feuononasul P o1opIeP SYD pue AYER Wy £a| INWWWOD BuIWIeO jeUOIssa}Ouc! “oun 274 wers Buunp sBuuow fopsoupana uo sip 10ouDe uy Aq papinoid a yun sooives Uorsodn x t ‘RBUpIOvo2 SUUSUISSESSe SATEUO}| owes Ubisep pu splepurns auopedy| 8109 UOWLUOD UMOP YeONq 0} SHUREL Dd] {sBiuouAepsoupoy) Aeon syedion 2 Wm Soqueu gels Buloeer eu 5 “son pue “dysiepe0) eo) yuowdojondp vavoee) ssseue 01 pazKieue pue poseistunupe oq jm skenuns ‘Ye}S JeOK Jo pus pue ‘olppiu ‘BulUIBeR | 3

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