March 29 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 29, 2016

Why is earnestness and love for God, supreme in spiritual path? Bhagawan
lovingly explains to us their purpose.
Geetha says: Shraddhavan labhate jnanam (The
persevering seeker secures wisdom). This means that
without perseverance and earnestness, no success can be
achieved. You must develop interest and devote attention to
the path shown by elders and to the knowledge taught by
scriptures. You must pay heed to what the elders say. If you
have no earnestness(shraddha) you cannot achieve
anything, despite your worldly qualifications. Despite ages of
evolution and considerable progress in scientific knowledge,
people are unable to make significant progress towards the
Divine because of absence of strenuous striving in the
spiritual sphere. Study of the scriptures and reciting God's
names may be good acts in themselves. But if there is no
love for God from within, which is the basis of
allsadhana (spiritual discipline), any amount of recitation,
listening or reading of scriptures are of no use.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 5, 1984

Love of God is the surest means for achieving perennial, Divine Bliss. Baba
29 mwrc,2016
sweI ieMspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: Bgvwn leI ipAwr Aqy gMBIrqw,A`iDAwqimk rwh leI,ikauN srv-au`qm hn? Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies dy
lkS bwry ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: DIrj vwlw swDk,bu`DImqw hwsl kr lYNdw hY[ies dw ArQ hY ik sbr qoN ibnW,koeI ij`q nhIN pRwpq kIqI
jw skdI[quhwnUM,Drm-gRMQW iv`c isKwey igAwn Aqy bzurgW v`loN d`sy rsqy qy iDAwn dyxw cwhIdw hY[qusIN,ij`ny
mrzI pVy-ilKy hovo pr SRDw qoN ibnW,quhwnUM ku`J vI pRwpq nhIN ho skdw[A`iDAwqimkqw v`l nw iDAwn dyx kr ky
Aqy sweINs dI qr`kI Aqy bhuq swlW qoN ho rhI qr`kI dy bwvjUd,mnu`K dI ij`nI qr`kI hoxI cwhIdI hY,au`nI nhIN
hoeI[Dwrimk gRMQW dy pVHn Aqy Bgvwn dy nW jpxw BwvyN cMgI cIz hY pr jy mnu`K dw,Bgvwn leI ipAwr,ihrdy
iv`coN nhIN hY(ijhVw A`iDAwqimkqw dw AnuSwSn hY),qW Dwrimk gRMQW dw pVHnw jW aunHW nUM suxx dw koeI lwB nhIN
hY[(05 PrvrI,1984 dy idvX pRvcn)[
Bgvwn qoN AwSIrvwd pRwpq krn leI ,Bgvwn nwl ipAwr krnw hI AslI qrIkw hY[(bwbw)[

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