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Name: Hannah Timm

Create a QR Code Hunt

1. Topic: The Solar System (4th Grade)
2. Identify the standards and write objectives:

Students should be able to explain the patterns of the sun and
Students should be able to understand and compare sizes of the
earth as well as other objects orbiting the sun
Students should be able to explain an orbit
Students should be able to explain and understand what a comet
is and what they provide scientists
Students should explain how orbits effect seasons on earth
Students should understand and present information on space
exploration and some of the data it provided scientists

3. Describe your method here:

1. Students will use the QR code hunt to find out of
their answer to the question is correct, or to find out more

information on a certain topic. The students will read the

question, answer it, scan the QR code, and then add additional
information to the answer or correct it if necessary.
4. Create a QR code for each question/prompt. Copy and paste the
QR code next to each question/prompt above. QR codes can link to
text, web sites, images, and more!
What is odd about the
Earth as it orbits the sun
that is the reason for

QR Code

The odd thing about the
Earth that gives us
seasons is its tilt, which
makes parts of the earth
closer or farther from
the sun, depending on
the time of year.

What NASA program had

the objective of putting a
man on the moon?

The Apollo Program.

What do we interpret
about the fact that the
sun appears to rise from
the west and set in the

The Earth is spinning

counter clockwise.

Which planet in our solar

system is the most likely
of being able to support


What are the phases of

the moon?

Full, new, first quarter,

third quarter, waning
gibbous, waxing
gibbous, waxing
crescent, waning

How many Earths can fit

inside Saturn?


What are the 2 main

components of a comet?

The 2 main components

of a comet are dust and

What does it mean for an

object to be in orbit of

That the object is

trapped in the gravity of
the other so that it
follows a repeating path
around it.

What is an unmanned
spacecraft built to explore
and transmit information
and photographs back to
earth called?

A probe.

How many jupiters would

fit inside the sun?

One Thousand.

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