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Fw: Dreger

. Gary Bettman, Bill Daly, Mike Murphy, Kris

to. King

11/04/2008 03:22 PM

You guys should see what I am responding to.

-----Forwarded by Colin Campbell/NYC/NHL on 11/04/2008 03:21 PM----"Darren Dreger"
... _.,

,,... 1

To <CCampbell,
11/04/2008 02:39 PM

Subject RE: Dreger

You guys are unbelievable!!!

What are we supposed to ignore the fact players are getting hurt?
Are we not supposed to talk about solutions managers and players want discussed?
It's okay for me to sit on set in front of 800,000 viewers and tell them the persistence of Hockey Ops has
paid off and show off a shoulder pad system that may reduce the risk of injury, but you get tweaked by a
simple unofficial survey.
Burke has been busting my balls, worried about the medias role in stirring this up and potentially changing,
if not ruining the game.
It's not what I think, it's what I know and what I know is there is an appetite to further study this issue.
That's the reason for the survey.

From: (Campbell
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008
To: Darren Dreger
Subject: RE: Dreger

You do that.


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