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Jodi Kern

The Pope
21 March 2016
The Ella michael virus
My best friend Ella Michael died yesterday, I dont why. She seemed fine a week
ago. A couple days she didnt remember who I was, I didnt think much of because she
plays jokes on me a lot. I asked her mom how she died she said the doctors had never
seen a case like hers before. I want to know what killed her, I have to. I owe her that
I began going to the hospital, to ask her doctors the symptoms that she was
showing. There was only one doctor that would talk to me and his name was Dr. Juice.
He said that she had a virus that affected her brain and tonsils. I did not understand
what he had said so I asked to speak english. He explained that the virus that she had
caused her to have delirium, headaches, enlarging of her throat. When her throat
enlarged it seemed like she have strep throat. That is why her parents didnt take her to
the doctor faster.
I had Dr. Juice take me to the lab so he could show me a sample of her blood.
He wanted to show me how her virus was shaped and how the virus affected her genes.
The way that Dr. Juice explained the way the virus was confusing. So I made my own
The virus I guess has its own phenotype which is the types of traits the virus has
and the traits that you can see. The things that you cant see are the genotypes which

are called alleles which are the things that you cannot see. These are the deciding
factors of your phenotypes.
For a trait to be dominant the alleles would look something like this A/A or A/a.
Now the alleles could either be heterozygous dominant or homozygous dominant. A/a
would be heterozygous dominant because there is one dominant trait along with one
recessive trait. A/A is homozygous dominant because there are two dominant traits. For
a trait to be recessive the alleles have to look like this a/a that means it is heterozygous

The Capsid shape of Ellas was sphere which is the dominant trait.

Her virus had a protein number of 5, also the protein length was short. She had an
envelope around the virus which helps protect it. If it were up to me she wouldnt have
ever had the virus and we could be having a sleepover right now instead of me trying to
figure out how this crazy virus killed her. Anyway she also had DNA controlling the
genetic material.

Ellas symptoms came out of nowhere it seemed one day she was talking to me
about a guy she liked the next she could barely remember my name. The reason why
this was is because her virus was lytic. The Doctor says that means that the virus kills
fast. I guess thats better I would never want to see her in pain, she is my best friend.
We live in a very mild to moderate climate which is what Doctor said is where the virus
is most comfortable. Like I said before the virus affects her brain and tonsils, which
caused her strep throat like symptoms and the delirium. I hated going through this with
her because I cared so much for her and she couldnt remember who I was.
Once the virus was inside of her, it immediately began to attack her cells. After
about three days her body could not take it any longer and she died. The bad thing is

her virus is airborne which means anybody she came into contact with could get her
virus. So I may be dying and I wouldnt know until it is too late.
In Ella michael the DNA is analyzed to determine the Amino Acid inside the
protein. How this is done is by using mRNA and tRNA. To find out the amino acid some
people use a codon chart to figure out the amino acid inside the protein.
To everybody out there if you do not want to die from the Ella michael virus here
are the precautions you need to take. First since this is an outbreak always always
wash your hands once you have touched something you are not familiar with. Since this
virus is airborne always cover your mouth and nose, if you happen to cough. - Message
from Dr. Juice to not contract the Ella michael virus.

(One year later)

It has been a year since we were talking with each other. Now her name will be
know for the virus that she was patient zero for. I have heard Ella michael has mutated
so now anybody in any climate is able to contract Ella michael. Many people have died
because of Ella michael. She was always so good connecting with people never did I
think she would be in this way though.

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