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Observation Reflection

The lesson I chose to do my observation on was really the only lesson I saw that
pertained to writing. Students had been working on persuasive five-paragraph essays and the
teacher had noticed that students grammar needed work. For the lesson, students were to copy
down and correct a short passage displayed on the SmartBoard. Most students I observed during
the lesson made the majority of the corrections they were supposed to make while some students
didnt even finish writing the whole passage. I think it was a good lesson and something the
students needed to practice, but there is always room for improvement.
Observing this lesson influenced me as a future teacher in a few ways. First, if I were
doing this lesson, I would print a copy of the passage for each student. This would cut down on
the time it takes for students to re-write the passage in their journals and make corrections.
Instead, students could make corrections right on the passage and keep it for future reference.
Second, try not to get frustrated with students who are taking longer than others. In this lesson,
some students took a lot longer than others to copy down the passage so the teacher was
frustrated she couldnt go over the answers when she wanted to. This may have been prevented if
each student had a printed copy of the passage. Third, be prepared. If there is a teachers manual,
look at it multiple times before teaching the lesson. Overall, this was a valuable lesson to observe
because it opened my eyes to how I would and would not teach my future students.

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