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Anna Farrell

Design Brief
January - May 2016

Design Brief
This brief covers the schedule by which the designer (Anna Farrell) and the client
(Karen Hite from Hitek) will interact in order to produce the following deliverables:
New Hitek Logo (with alternate lockups)
All final logo files in vendor-ready formats
New brand color palette
Stationary Suite
Printed Piece
Screen Piece

To Client:
Jan. 29. 2016
To Designer:
Feb. 1. 2016


I will provide you with a page of questions to be answered about your current
logo/title, your company and your space in the market (including competitor and
peer organizations). Once returned, I will use the included information to compile a
visual breakdown of your competitors identities and visual languages (includes
logo breakdown, color palettes, and critique of visual tone and elements).

To Client:
Feb. 2. 2016
To Designer:
Feb. 5. 2016

Logo Design Round 01 - Exploratory

Based on the Creative Brief and Research, I will provide you with 3-4 logo options.
(Each option to include logo, alternate lockup and applied color palette).

To Client:
Feb. 9. 2016
To Designer:
Feb. 10. 2016

Logo Design Round 02 - Response

To Client:
Feb. 11. 2016
To Designer:
Feb. 15. 2016
To Client:
Feb. 19 2016

Based on feedback from Round 01, I will provide you with 2 reworked logo options.
(Each option to include logo, alternate lockup and applied color palette).

Logo Design Round 03 - Refine

If more edits are necessary from Round 2, I will provide you with 1 reworked logo
option. (At this stage, changes should be relatively small and logo may be shown
multiple times with slight variations).

Logo Design Round 04 - Final Files

Based on final logo signoff from Round 03, I will provide final logo files. (Files will be
delivered in .jpg and .pdf formats but other file types can be created as desired).

To Client:
Feb. 25. 2016
To Designer:
Feb. 26. 2016

Stationary Suite Letterhead, Business Card, and Envelope - Round 1

To Client:
Feb. 27. 2016

Stationary Suite Letterhead, Business Card, and Envelope - Final

There will be 1-2 variations on each piece based on the logo chosen by the client.
This will use the clients color scheme and chosen fonts if available.

Based on the feedback, there will be edits, and I will provide you with a final version
of each Stationary Suite item in .pdf form and others as desired.

Anna Farrell

To Client:
March 1. 2016
To Designer:
March 2. 2016

Design Brief
January - May 2016

Printed Piece Round 01 - Exploratory

The chosen logo will be used in a brochure or similar project and 2 different options
will be given to the client.

To Client:
March 3. 2016
To Designer:
Mar. 14. 2016

Printed Piece Round 02 - Response and Refine

The brochure or similar printed piece will be refined based on the response of the

To Client:
Mar. 17. 2016

Printed Piece Round 03 - Final Files

The final files will be provided to the client in .pdf formats and other file types as

To Client:
Mar. 31. 2016
To Designer:
April 2. 2016

Screen Piece Round 01 - Exploratory

To Client:
April 5. 2016
To Designer:
April 7. 2016

Screen Piece Round 02 - Response & Refine

To Client:
April 11. 2016

Two website mock-ups (a top page and interior page) will be given to both the
client and the Design class and teacher for feedback from both groups.

The two website mock-ups will be given to both the client and the Design class and
teacher for feedback from both groups after having been refined after the

Screen Piece Round 03 - Final

The final website mock-ups will be given to the client for her future reference as
wanted, and shown to the Design class and teacher.

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