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Teacher Interview

1. How do you write a typical lesson plan?

Using what has transpired in previous lessons, I continue on with my lesson
flow or I go back and reteach. Lesson plans are written in a mini-format of:
opening catch, mini-lesson, student activity, share, closing, sometimes an
exit ticket.
2. What types of materials do you need available when you plan lessons?
I need my curriculum map on the county website, my laptop, internet
3. In what ways do you plan to accommodate individual differences in the
It is noted in the student activity part of my plans AIG students, remedial
students, benchmark students.taken from prior lesson observations and
formative assessments.
4. What are some of your instructional challenges as a teacher?
Having to keep up with pacing when I need to make sure I have met all of
my students needs before moving on.
5. What have been some of your instructional successes as a teacher?
When students pass their summative assessments, when students are able to
explain a project and incorporate vocabulary and expand ideas that were
6. What do you consider essential characteristics for successful teaching?
Always form relationships with all of your students. Having a sense of
humor. Allowing children to be children.
7. How often do your student receive social studies/science instruction?
Formal instruction is usually 3 days science, 2 days social studies. However,
they usually have morning work in both of the subjects.
8. Are you satisfied with the amount of time that you currently allot for

social studies/ science instruction? Explain.

I am satisfied although I wish more of the social studies was integrated into
ELA classes.
9. What motivation tactics do you use to ensure a desire to learn?
High expectations. Making sure I create the class environment where
students form a class family this is done in the beginning of the year and it
takes a while to create (more than two weeks).
10. Tell me about the classroom community. What are your class rules? How
is student behavior monitored? In what ways is positive behavior reinforced?
In what ways are negative behaviors prevented? Tell me about the
consequences for negative behavior.
I do not have a behavior system. I let them know that I expect them all to be
responsible learners. I use a clap system to regain attention. I use (when
needed) a version of 1-2-3 Magic. I am a firm believer in Love and Logic.
It is a book I feel all new teachers should be in a book club with their first or
second year. My consequences for negative behavior are consistent for all
and I do not forget. Consequences range from walking a Thinking path at
recess for a little bit to office referrals.
11. Tell me about the pacing of lessons and interaction in the classroom-use
of time- and other aspect of time.. wait time, and time using teacher talk and
student talk. What works well with your students?
This question is difficult to answer. Every year the class is different and you
utilize what you learn along the way to meet the needs of the class. Wait
time is essential for all but in varying degrees depending on the student
you are working with.

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