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Hadeel Alshammri

EDT-7800 ICT in Education

Module Seven
Mar 22, 2016

What Ever Happened to Second Life?

Second Life is a virtual world where users could live, meet, go shopping or make
music and art. Second Life created in 2003 by Linden Lab, a digital-entertainment
company. In this article What Ever Happened to Second Life? by Menachem Wecker
(2014) asking the frequent question that some people still asking it; What Ever Happened
to Second Life?
There were 2 reasons as the author states. First, the islands and buildings those
users bookmarked were disappeared after a while for no reason. For example, Paul
Jones, a self-described Second Life tourist from 2006 to 2009, used to attend talks in
the virtual world and visit classes and buildings. After 4 years, all of the islands and
buildings that he had bookmarked had disappeared. (Wecker, 2014)
The second reason is Second Life cut its academic discount. In 2010, Linden Lab
announced that it would end educational discounts for Second Life, which made many
scholars looking for an alternative. As corporations and educational
institutions begin to explore alternatives, they, finally, settled on using
open-source alternatives, such as OpenSim.
In my opinion, I do not really in a good position to judge Second
life, and what if it is good for education or not, because I have not
played with it before this assignment. But what I found after several
readings that educators now are using open-source, in addition, to
other learning sources.

Hadeel Alshammri
EDT-7800 ICT in Education
Module Seven
Mar 22, 2016

Wecker, M. (2014, 04 22). What Ever Happened to Second Life? .
Retrieved 03 22, 2016, from Vitae:

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