Sample Student Work Prior To Me Working With Her

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Sample student work prior to me working with her

Evaluate the contributions to the rise to power of Hitler of each of

the following: National Socialist, the use of force and economic
Hitlers rise to power was essentially allowed under the circumstances
the Weimar republic was in. Including ideology, economic factors and the use
of force. These factors all contributed to Hitlers rise to power, however it
was the economical that was essentially the most important factor that
contributed to Hitlers rise to power.

Firstly, the use of force was important in order for Nazi party to give
people the impression they had power. In the end of 1920 the Nazi party
established the , which was lead by . The Munich Putsch was an example of
the use of the SS, although the Munich Putsch failed it was one of the biggest
event that needed the SS. This contributed to Hitlers rise to power as it
showed the power the Nazi party had. Other than that the SS were extremely
useful in 1923-24, after the Wall Street Crash, the SS was appealing to the
Germans as it gave the people working opportunities. The SS also had the
job of assassinating and using violence against the Nazi oppositions. It gave
the public the idea that the Nazi party was very strong and decisive and they

were able to sort out the problems in Germany. However it needed the
nationalistic ideas in order to promote the SS.

Hitler used the nationalistic ideas in order to appeal to the his

nationalistic ideas were underlined using the 25 point program. In 1920 the
Nazi party proposed the 25-point program, within the 25-point program the
points were mainly focused
on these aspects. Racial superiority, extreme nationalism, anti-communism
and democrats.

Extreme nationalism was achieved through his ideas through Mein

Kampf written in 1923, and published in 1925. Essentially Mein Kampf was
the building blocks of Hitlers ideologies. It outlined his ambitions and written
for political purposes. This piece of political literature gave people his
ambitions for Germany and it appealed to people as Germany was in a weak
state. Other than that it was also written in a very vague way in order for
people to not be able to ask questions about the text.

The 25 point program. The 25-point program outlined the territorial

expansion and Volksmenchaft (peoples community) Hitlers idea was to

unite all German speaking countries and gain colonies in order to make
Germany strong and revive its war status. Which means that she is able to
compete with countries such as America and United Kingdom. This is shown
through when Hitler breaks the treaty of Versailles and united with Austria in
1938 (Anschluss). Although this broke the treaty of Versailles the allies did
not do anything with Germany, as they were too busy sorting out their own
problems in their country. This gave the Nazi party the opportunity to gain
power and achieve their territorial expansion goal. They believed they could
achieve territorial expansion due to the fact they considered themselves
more superior than other countries.

Hitler based the Herrenvolk on the Darwins theory, where survival of

the fittest applies. Where the aryans more superior than other races, the
party proposed the idea of Herrenvolk (master race), which meant that the
Aryan race was more superior than the others. The Nazi party also used antisemitism in order to use the Jews as a scapegoat, many of these people were
shop keepers, bankers and cattle owners. In other words, they were better
off than the other Germans. This gave people the idea that the Jews were
greedy and they caused many of the problems in Germany, including the
economical problems.

The other fundamental to Hitlers rise to power is the economical

factors. The Weimar republic was weak economically. This was important as
it gave the Nazi party a turning point in order to seize power. The first acts of
the Weimar Republic was to sign the treaty of Versailles, this devastated the
Germans. Not did they only have to pay the reparations later on which cause
economical problems, they also had to take the blame for the war. The main
economical factors were a problem within the Weimar republic, firstly
Germans were starving after the war, thus increased the amount of people
who died due to disease and starvation. In which most of this population
were the working population and therefore the income of Germany had been
decreased largely.

In 1921 the reparations were set, the Weimar Republic had to pay a
total of 226 million marks, at the end of the First World War Weimar Republic
did not have
the money to feed the people, let alone pay the reparations. In 1922, the
French decided to occupy the Ruhr. As the Weimar Republic was not able to
pay the reparations. Therefore they occupy the Ruhr, the heavy industry
zone of Germany. However the democratic government decided that they

were not going to give in, and they demanded the Germans to go on a strike
as passive resistance. This impacted the Weimar Republic in a lot of ways, as
they were unable to produce anything, hence they were not earning any
money. This lead to the hyperinflation in 1923, hyperinflation lead the middle
classes to lose everything, they lost their savings. This devastated the
population, and the unemployment rate rose from 2% to 23%. This was the
first economic crisis the Weimar Republic faced.

During the golden years 1924-1929, the Weimar Republic was able to
function due to American loans, they were able to recover slightly and were
starting the recover to its former state. However there was one fundamental
problem that the Weimar Republic were running entirely on American loans.
This nightmare occurred as the Wall Street Crash occurred. In 1932 the
Weimar Republic faced their second economical crisis the economical
depression. After the Wall Street Crash there were 6 million people
unemployed and the Germans were in poverty and were unable to survive.
Hitler promised the public what they wanted, for example he promised jobs
for the unemployed. The German people lost their confidence in the

democratic system and therefore turned to the extremist parties: the

Communist and Nazis.

Essentially this was the turning point, that lead to the Nazi Party from
succeeding. As people lost confidence in the democratic system, they quickly
won the support of the general public by Hitlers political ideologies and in
times of desperat. People also opted for the Nazi party rather than the
communist party, as the large co-operations were not keen on sharing their
profit with the common public. This was shown by the election results in
1930, the Nazi party won a lot of the seats and was the second largest party.

In conclusion, overall all of the three aspects had contribution to

Hitlers rise to power, however ultimately it was the circumstances the
Weimar Republic was in which gave the Nazis opportunity to seize power.
The first economical crisis had been forgiven, however the second
economical crisis the public was unable to forgive and hence turned to the
extremist parties. Essentially the second economical crisis was the turning
point for the Nazi party, and the most important event that lead Hitler to rise
to power.

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