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Sample Essay (with feedback) after I tutored her for five months.

The Nazis rise to power was lead by Hitler.This essay will argue that it was a
combination that Hitler was able to take advantage of the economical issues and political
strife(amid the political parties). However other minor factors such as Hitler exploiting
political institutional problems were also a contribution to Hitlers rise to power.
The major factor that allowed Hitler to use the circumstance to take advantage was the
economical flaws of the Weimar Republic. Firstly the treaty of versailles in 1919 created a bad
start for the Weimar Republic. This admitted the faults of beginning war for Germany as well as
creating economical flaws because the Weimar Republic had insufficient funds to repay the
(reparations to the allies), which resulted in the invasion of the Ruhr was also another
important factor that lead to multiple economical and political issues. (also mention how
demilitarization and loss of lands impacted the economy) This was because of the economic
issues lead to hyperinflation in 1923, and this made the Weimar (government) extremely
unpopular, as it created circumstances for the public to lean towards both the extremist parties.
Another economical flaw that contributed to the rise of the Nazi party was the economic
dependency of the US and the Wall Street Crash then directly affected Germany and lead to the
great depression in 1929. The result of the years of the economical issues contributed
significantly to the circumstances that allowed the Nazis to rise to power (as) the circumstance
itself created opportunities in terms of political repercussion as a result of the economical flaws.
The result of the economic issues that lead to a large proportion of people leaning
towards the extremist party. This was demonstrated when the invasion of the Ruhr, it did not
solely cause the hyperinflation that occurred in 1923, the government also actively encouraged
the workers to go on strike and not produce any goods for the French and Belgians. This would
mean that the Weimar Republic is actively showing support for the purpose of the better of the
people, despite of the economical costs. This showed the public that the Weimar Republic are
strong in terms of backing its people up for the purpose of its people. This would mean that it
would draw support from the mass public and was evident when the German workers go on
strike and the government supporting it. However Stressemen caused (the policy to reverse)
which was contradictory to public opinion when he agreed on a treaty with the French, where
they would work in order for the French to leave. He was doing it for the purpose of reviving the
economy, that would relieve the hyperinflation. This showed political pragmatism however
created an opportunity for the extremist Nationalist parties to be able to attack the Weimar
Republic as they were not backing their people. The extremist parties also took advantage of the
newly erupted era that caused the moral declination of the people. (also mention Dawes and
YOung plan too) (and how the political leadership couldnt agree on a solution for the
economic downturn on a more concrete level)
The moral declination of the Germans was evident post world war one. This was shown
through the creation of nightlife as well as women becoming more liberated in terms of sexuality,
the arts also proved this by the creation of abstract art. This means that this would gain the
support of the youngsters of the generation, however it would not gain the support of the older

generations as this they base their ideas on the conservative thoughts. This also created another
circumstance specifically for the right wing party to be able to focus on gaining support of the
majority of the demographic. This could also again demonstrate the lack of restraint on the
popular culture, and leading to the German public to believe that the Weimar Republic are
insufficient to govern the country. Which was another major issue with political institutional
The Weimar Republic showed insufficient leadership as well as institutional flaws. The
political institutional issues that arose during the Weimar Republics reign was the proportional
representation. This meant that the one party would be able to propose a policy and another
opposing party would propose another, as the political spectrum is broad it would mean that the
Reichstag would be unable to pass any laws or policies due to too many disagreements. This
also meant that there was political institutional problems that were caused as it would not benefit
all of the classes ( i dont really understand this sentence), meaning there is a lack of direction
as well as lack of leadership in the Reichstag. In addition the presidential power outweighed the
Reichstag seats by far, as the use of article 48 was accessible towards Hindenburg, resulting in
the creation of the martial law. Article 48 was too vague in terms of the outline of in case of
emergency, there was no definition of emergency and hence again showing the lack of
leadership. The fact that Von Papen as well as Von Schechlier had issues with who was
chancellor and both of them ended up compromising and persuading Hindenburg to appoint
Hitler as the chancellor, believing that they would be able to control him (this is political strife
not an institutional thing). This is particularly important as this shows that this circumstance
was the fact that Hitler was lucky that essentially allowed him to rise to power, along with the
Nazi party. All of the above circumstances created opportunities for the right wing party to be
able to rise to power, however Hitler himself also contributed significantly for his road to power.
The right wing party, in specifically the Nazi party showed strong interest in the people
over politics during the road to power. Hitler himself played a significant role become the leader
of the one party state. The economical circumstances allowed the party to attack the Weimar
Republic in terms of the lacking the power to be able to revive the economy, especially after the
Wall Street Crash in 1929 the German people lost trust in the Weimar Republic. This meant that
this circumstance allowed the Nazi party to be able to promise the German population on
reviving the economy, this is evident in the ideology highlighted in Mein Kampf of the
importance of Volksgemeinschaft, this would attract the German population because it would
allow them to be able to appeal to unite with the other German speaking countries as well as the
economical benefits they would be able to draw from other countries such as labor force as well
as the natural resources. ANother thing was there was no concrete plans to protest about,
only vague promises. The labor force especially attracted to the idea since the 6.6 million
unemployed people in Germany, hence it drew a large proportion of the support. As the Nazi
party also emphasised on the importance of volk this also showed the German public the
importance of nationalism that the Weimar Republic failed to portray during the economical
flaws with the locarno treaty with the French. (Very good point, you are referencing your
previous arguments here)

To an extent, Hitler himself was had an important role, Hitler was a soldier in WWI and
he has emphasised on the importance of the nationalistic views as aforementioned as well as the
importance of conservative values. This meant that it would again revolt the idea of the
liberalism that has been (popular in) the Weimar Republic, as well as the lack of control in the
Weimar republic that Hitler constantly emphasised, this was outlined in the 25 point program as
well Mein Kampf, with the proposal of the importance of gender roles with Kinder, Kutche,
Kurche. He himself also was a great oratory speaker and that allowed him to be able to attract a
lot of attention as well as promote himself within the party. This meant that it provided him with
support not just within the party, but the majority of the people as well. He also persuaded
Hindenburg to use article 48 to pass the marshall law which would be largely beneficial to
himself as well as the party as this would outlaw the communist party, reducing his political
In conclusion, all of these factors allowed Hitler to rise to power, the economical flaws
lead to the political strife that allowed Hitler to be able to attack the Weimar Republic and a
minor factor that he was able to build a good image for himself using his brilliant oratory skills
as well as the use of Mein Kampf and the 25-point program that earned the support of the
German public. However the circumstances evidently allowed Hitler to be able to attack the
Weimar Republic and a combination of his own initiative in order to allow him to rise to power.

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