Tips, Tricks & Formulae On Atomic Structure

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Tips and Tricks on Atomic Structure

Tip #1
Only s & p electrons count as Valence Electrons

Tip #2

Tip #3
An orbital can hold only two Electrons

Tip #4

Tip #5

Tip #6

Tip #7

Tip #8
Since n cannot be equal to 1, so orbitals 1p, 2d, 3f, 4g do
not exist.

Tip #9

Tip #10

Tip #11

Tip #12
In case of H-atom (Hydrogenic species) energy depends
only upon n-value so 1s<2s=2p<3s=3p=3d

Tip #13

Tip #14
Limitation of de-Broglie concept is that it can be applied
only on objects having force free environment it means
not applicable for any electrons present in atom.

Formulae on Atomic Structure

Important Formula #1
The value of Rydberg constant is 1.0978*107m-1

Important Formula #2
Rutherford's experiment involves the scattering of alpha
particles by nucleus of an atom.

Important Formula #3
X-rays are not deflected by electric and magnetic fields.

Important Formula #4

Important Formula #5

Important Formula #6

Important Formula #7

Important Formula #8

Important Formula #9

Important Formula #10

X-rays are not deflected by electric and magnetic fields.

Important Formula #11

Rutherford's experiment involves the scattering of alpha
particles by nucleus of an atom.

Important Formula #12

The value of Rydberg constant is 1.0978*107m-1

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