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Issue : 9 Volume No : 009 (Jan. to Apr. 2016) igen ence ake Min csscd International News icis announces Global Teacher Prize PU CRSee AVAlecinactl (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Sunday evening announced through a video-message the winner of B| the Global Teacher Prize, a $1 million award presented by the Varkey Foundation. The Pope's announcement had been previously recorded in the Vatican, and was played at the awards ceremony in Dubai. Pope Angelus: From misery Jesus brings mercy 2016-03-13 Vatican Radio During his Angelus address on the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis drew inspiration from the Gospel reading of the day which the Pope himself described as so beautiful that he reads it and rereads it. It tells the story of the adulterous woman, which the Pope said, highlights the theme of the mercy of God, who never wants the death of the sinner but wants them to convert and live. ‘the Lord walks with us through the ‘dark valleys’ of our lives” 2016-03-14 Vatican Radio (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Monday spoke of a series of events and situations that shed shadows on our lives and lead us to ask difficult questions. Speaking during morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta, the Pope remembered a homeless man who recently died of the cold here in Rome; he recalled the Missionaries of Charity who were killed in an attack in ps] Yemen; and his thoughts flew to the many people who continue to fall ll in the so-called "triangle of death" in the southern Italian region of Campania where the illegal burning of toxic waste causes cancer and despair. As we are forced to face these "dark valleys” of our time, he said, the only answer is to trust in God Bushep Elias Bonseboes DIOCESE OF AMRAVATI aRaeay faa Garde cet aa Ce ite art 3 soRM af ‘ewon af’ reo Ake Se a ad GER Sele FIT BR er ART. BUTT TAR AT aT aveTeAhes 8 I ATT SAT I HHT STIS STOTT aT SH degre guar Prana ara, areoor eer: a mre aor? hr wmf eeET ego, “arOT war renter se eigot fare Rader Tear Wd ae. FSO Saray Goa firs anit ache were Sevararet, RARER HTH GOT BROT B TAA MPS HHS STS. BOT Ae] SIA ASTTSS, RIM SMTA Teale Hap A pow reyes Fear afer a RRaecreT IT fea sere ATEAT ARO SATA PHOT TOT GOAT TANT BS TE,” voftea dora 8 srracar Renee Pers raha es omg, agra oad & eda Te eet sree. aT PRraT quads asorerd afta Stearen sure sareréla OR Ise sae. She SoA FEU SHUT BT Te Ufeateura eee cian rae aA. ear ieentst‘oAtae Prmra” ear erties Sarre aan’ eT eter efarr Stroma a netagaes ‘Srotardtwalas sda. Sa Heater aT ars rasa se. cha saftre terrane, “ry Ney er eR Prearean eevter Gade se." goa reer, “ww ‘we Se Te that a See CaO TART Hebe TCA a ITT SHAS EL STMT HSH ATCA GTI’ (MV). Usa (sy Beet) Aer TS aM Peat TRS" (Arar 98:8). Aer sraeM Treks wrafEe SATET were gle at Tea eae Sts At, sea ATA Say TOT Fatt Bee Aer. era ae sar eh RRareth crab sarereer AlerAraT SATA Vet RTA S SHC RTT RATATAT SATO awe SATS SmeT Aepy GVEA, ALT SF GAVIA LER Mees ORT Gor. care flor Gretta ‘Sherrer srr sngten—aractherarer weer Presven sme. ere Sear Stat Nos sre Sets MT wT afer ay Sepear arenes ye ay a a carer enter eter Waters wafer Qoara wtas Sts A. STITT seefaierrea oresteoe aor Hee SARA Metal Hee EN a ch ete GAL earTesTe GeagA STITT wera HUTT TIGR we era. refed frearar at deer wda evarendl, areat orf aH ako, eure vfea ata feat afer mebta patel sits tard sor ad ora Ate g emer aera, de areht ae ref, Reet al de A Gear stars aga areata Fay] arts - "8 TERT ST Hwa a aTTeT ardla; ‘RI TATA area.” (FAA 24:4) Divine Mercy Sunday and the Sacrament of Mercy OM CO Episcopal Vicar, Amravati Diocese Several years ago, the Catholic Church declared the Sunday after Easter "Divine Mercy Sunday.” So what. exactly is "mercy" anyway, and what does it have to do with the Easterseason? Mercy is not just pity. Neither is it simply sparing someone the punishment that they deserve. No, mercy is love's response to suffering. When mercy encounters suffering, it ultimately seeks to alleviate it. God the Father is so "rich in mercy" (Eph 2:4) that Paul calls him, "the Father of all mercies and the God of all comfort" (2 Cor 1:3 Jesus is the perfect human image of the Father's mercy. ‘When he meets those suffering from hunger, he feeds them, When he encounters someone suffering from physical sickness, he heals them, But true mercy is not superficial, but radical. And Jesus sees that the deepest, suffering in human life, the root cause of all other suffering, is sin, Sin debases us, robbing us of our dignity, weakening and even rupturing our connection, with God, our loving Father and the source of our life. Sin is not just a transgression of some arbitrary law; it, creates a wound in us that can fester and, if not attended to, corrupt us entirely. It gives the Prince of Darkness a hold in our lives that he tries to turn into complete control of our lives. True mercy seeks to alleviate this, deeper suffering that can lead to eternal suffering, Jesus died to do precisely this. And the risen Christ instituted the sacrament of penance to apply the medicine of mercy, won on Calvary, to each individual sinner atthe moment of their deepest need. ‘Wait a minute. So Jesus, not the Church, established this sacrament? Where does the Bible say he did that? Right there, in John's gospel, on Easter Sunday afternoon. Despite the locked doors, he stands amidst, the apostles and says "As the Father has sent me, so I send you." Jesus is the original "apostle" of the Father - the word means "one who is sent." As he was sent ona. mission of mercy, so he sends out his "apostles" on the same mission. He breathes on them and says "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive men’s sins, they are forgiven them; if you hold them bound, they are held bound." (Jn20:19-22), Ifyou havea problem with the Church intruding on what, you think ought to be between just you and God, you'll have to take that one up with Jesus. Itwas his idea. From the looks of this text, he gave the apostles and their successors, whom we call bishops, a great deal of authority in this matter. But he also gave them a great deal of power. The same Holy Spirit responsible for the bringing of order out of chaos (Gen 1) and causing a virgin to conceive and bear a son, is breathed upon the apostles. Heis the Spirit of Mercy, the Spirit of healing, the Spirit of liberation and resurrection. Going to confession is not just meeting an official of the institutional church. It is meeting a man who has been anointed with the Spirit of Mercy to stand in the place of Christ (in persona Christi) and serve as an instrument of the divine physician, True, this instrument is a sinner in need of mercy himself. Peter and doubting Thomas make that abundantly clear right from the start, But they are instruments of God's healing, merciful love, nonetheless. That is the case whether or not they are wise counselors and whether or not they are exceptionally holy. The Spirit Christ breathed on the apostles on the first Easter afternoon has been passed on to these men through the sacrament of Holy Orders. That means that rst is the one you meet in confession. And he comes not just to forgive, but to heal, to liberate, strengthen and, transform. His merciful love means that he died not just to "cover oursins," to wipe them off God's record book, leaving us, the same miserable creatures we'd always been. No, his, mercy kills, the infection, heals the wound, and breaks the bonds. In the sacrament of reconciliation, Jesus invites us penitents, like he did Lazarus, to come out ofthe place of darkness and decay. And he says to his priestly confessors the same thing he said to the people standing around Lazarus's tomb: "unbind him, and let him go free!" That's divine mercy. I don't know about you, but | want asmuch of tas Ican get! Divine Mercy Sunday or the Octave of Easter presents us with one of the most famous of gospel stories - the story of Doubting Thomas. But it shows us how and when the sacrament of penance and reconciliation was instituted by the Lord Jesus Christ -and why. Let's experience Easter Jesus all in the door of Mercy! THRUST AREA 1. Faith Formation Christian Unity Day Celebrated | (Diocesan ) Zonal Level Christian at Mt. Carmel Church, Akola Unity Prayer Meeting at Buldhana Rn OTe ARCS NE MOMENI The Universal Church keeps Christian Unity Octave es from January! 8th to 25th. In order to get maximum Church, Akola. Invited guests were accorded a floral welcome by the Priests, religious and laity OOS OMe over Mt Te Mtr a at eae Cameras program on 26th January 2016. : SESS omCCMERT MESS The Christian Unity Prayer Meeting was held in the SSO auditorium of St. Joseph High School, Buldhana, at hat day, the Priests, Pa eee 04,30 p.m, The Parish Priest of Buldhana Catholic SUD MNOMSMY Church, Fr K.V. Joseph, in his welcome speech . Bishop Elias, participation of Christians from all denominations, our Zone, Akola-Buldana, organised a half day extended a warm welcome to Rt. Re COR SM Cs ee Mee men mY Crees HAT a the bishop of the diocese of Amravati, and all the CCR ENTE SMR CMad Pastors. Rev. Fr, Scaria K. J. welcomed the dignitaries Ve CC RCM SMe with shawl and bouquet of flowers. After the CU MSY traditional lighting of the lamp by the astors/Leaders, renee rhe the cat hism children of Khamgaon and Buldhana performed a prayer dance with the help ofa melodiou and meaningful devotional hymn, Rt. Rev. Bishop Elias read the Holy Scripture, said the oper prayer and urged everyone to feel sorry for their shortcomings. The guided prayer service enriched the participants in an atmosphere of prayer. All the pastors read out various relevant passages from the Bible on UNITY and shared their thoughts and offered meaningful prayers at the end of their reflections, In the concluding message, the president of the function, COMME NeMRaed Rt Rev. Bishop Elias, spoke about the need for unity Gams i an can) val RRM NOREES and love among the Christians, connecting the theme NURS ome oc AMAWAM— DE JUBLEE MEMORIAL of unity to the theme of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. He gave a powerful message by referring to Pope Francis, "Be Merciful like the Heavenly Father”. Thereafter all stood up and recited the Lord's Prayer, holding the hands of those standing next to each other and shared sign of peace with one another, After the concluding prayer and blessing by the Bishop, the choir groups from all churches sang beautiful hymns and songs of praise, Adding more colour to the programme was an audio visual program in the same venue, which included the thematic song on the occasion of the Jubilee Year, Pope's message on Mercy, patriotic songs and performances by army personnel etc. honouring the solemnity of the Republic Day of India ‘The Christian Unity day celebrations we concluded with a Fellowship Meal in the quadrangle of the School. Around 500 Christians belonging to all denominations took part in the Christian Unity Day Program. DECAY C MEME G Eien CReroe ese eE LT) Sears) Inter-Religious Dialogue and Ecumenical Wing On the occasion of the Diamond Jubilee of our Diocese, the Inter-Religious Dialogue Centre, Khamgaon, organised a drawing competition at the Diocesan level for the High School students. The theme of the Drawing was "Promoting love, unity, peace and harmony in our multi-religious society and country". All the High Schools run by the Priests and the Religious of our Diocese were invited to take part in the competition. Schools were urged to encourage participation by as many students as possible. Schools ‘were required to conduct the competition in their own schools and the best five entries were to be sent to Khamgaon by the Principals. The duration of the competition was 2 hours. Nine schools took part in the competition and each of those nine schools sent their best 5 entries. All the 45 (9x5) entries were exhibited in our Fransalian Social Centre Hall. Students from various schools of Khamgaon came to see the drawings and they were all inspired by the theme through the beautiful drawings and colourful paintings by the multi-religious students of the Catholic Schools of our Diocese. The first prize was won by Fatima School, Achalpur, the second (2) prize was shared by the Holy Cross, Akola, and St Anne's, Akola, and the third (3) prize was shared by Dnyanmatha, Amravati, Mount Carmel, Washim, and St Joseph's, Buldana. All the participants of the 9 schools were given certificates and all the winners were given along with the certificates first Prize of Rs. 1,001/- second prize of Rs. 751/- each and the third prize Rs 501/- each. The drawings received are given below. Let us promote peace, harmony, unity, brotherhood and love among all the brethren in our neighbourhood, society, country and in the world at large because we all are under the same roof of the universal family Vasu Daiva Kudumbakam whose creatorand head is our heavenly Father. May the good Lord help all of us specially in this year of the Diamond Jubilee of our Diocese build Basic Human Community (BHC) where all of us despite differences of religion, caste, creed and colour live like brothers and sisters to make this world a beautiful home for the Good Lord to dwell within us! May the festival of Diwali, the celebration of light, which will be celebrated soon, dispel the darkness of disunity, disharmony, hatred, violence, chaos, injustice, non- corporation, inhumann from the universe! May the light of the world enlighten each and everyone to be peace lovers and peace makers! S ete. FrK.V. Joseph msfs Director, Fransalian Vidya Niketan feryenena ty) CATHEDRAL RENOVATION & SUPPORT PRONE SUES TULEN SN ORC Ne CM eT religious and the lay faithful of the diocese of Amravati expresses sincere gratitude and eae CECT OCR Sec ORO eS eee So eits ort SORE eae Nee ea) Peter Tt Without the support and contribution of each of you Senna Ce ESO isco cd Peroni Sree Rah noha erie Orme ite nl Congeec enemies ta eM g era PCC ACSA ERC TS y side we are able to reach out during the 'Year RY ame ere cela he cua WEE RUE UE NES EL Sense Seca Seca TTS received and through the fin received from Fr. Cyriac Thomas msfs, Archt Seana MSN re Sao Byculla, through the untiring efforts made by Mr Adrian Rosario and very many others who are Poe hore a eC implore the blessings of the Blessed Trinity and our Mother of Mercies on each one of you AMMVUWAME Selected entries of the Inter School Drawing competition of Amravati Diocese. 2. Education COU CM ROC nme I cme met PO OMen em CC parang ae Crm ORS Ce Nm wc joy in my heart. This is a very important landmark in SRR CROCS ROR UCR CROC Cross of Chavanod: Amravati Province. Having reached this Milestone after 100 years, our| responsibilities have also increased. I quote Pope Francis who tells us on this Jubilee Year of Consecrated Life. "We look to the past with gratitude, we are called to live the present with passion and we embrace the future with Hope.” As I thank and praise God for these precious years, I like to express my life experience in these words; "People aren't beautiful for the way they look, walk or talk. They are beautiful for the way they love, care and share." 1 greatly appreciate the pioneers who toiled hard for the growth of this School; moreover for each one of the students, who today recall the love and care they, received from their teachers and say "what | am today is because of my school which gave me the values of life." Its the way our dear pioneers loved, cared and shared their knowledge with the students who attended the school in the past 100 years. I feel proud of our students who are today in high offices and politics, business. 95% of population of Paratwada has passed out from Amma's School. We gratefully thank all our Sisters and lay teachers who left no stone unturned to make our students what they are today. Today indeed we enjoy the fruit of theirzealous work. Centenary celebration (1916-2016), at Holy Cross, Paratwada. May this Jubilee celebration help us to build up our students on solid Christian values. I pray for God's choicest blessing upon all who have given their best, and helped to make this year of Centenary a memorable one for all of us. [twas not only centenary celebration but the great revelation of the treasures hidden in the hearts of many ex-students. I personally witnessed that they were the instrument of love, joy, peace, truth, justice and forgiveness in the society today. While we listened to their experiential speeches I felt that they have lived the motto of our School and charism of our Congregation "EDUCATION FOR SOCIAL CHANGE" and "MAKE THE GOOD GOD KNOWN AND LOVED". 1am grateful to our General Sr. Eugene D'souza and her team, Provincial Sr. Jolly George, all the Provincials and their teams, each and every Sister of the Congregation, Bishop Elias Gonsalves, all the priests, Religious, Benefactors, All the Head Mistresses, Teaching and non teaching staff, Ex- students, Students, Parents, Civil authorities, people who have granted support and encouragement in our endeavours and undertakings in the favour of Centenary Celebration. May the Good Lord grant eternal bliss to our Sisters and teachers and laity who have served the School and returned to their heavenly reward. Congratulations to one and all and May the Lord make youall abound in grace and love. = Sr. Connie Collisto, Head Mistress. AMAWAM SACRED HEART SCHOOL, PARATWADA ANNUAL DAY Sacred Heart School, Paratwada celebrated its annual day with the theme ‘Care for Common Home! on February 2, 2016. Most Rev. Elias Gonsalves, the Bishop of Amravati and Dr. Dhananjay Jawalikar, the Chief Officer, Achalpur graced the occasion, The prayer dance, story of creation, skilful presentation of cosmic elements, group dances, mime and sweet home skit performed by the students on the importance of the mother earth made the day more significant, meaningful and colourful. The winners of various co-curricular events and competitions held during the year were awarded with shields, medals and certificates at the hands of the chief guest and guest of honour. The yellow house was declared to be the best house of the academic year 2015-16. The dignitaries, guests and parents were extremely happy with the splendid performance of the students and went home with the message of planning a tree and grow a garden and protecting and preserving the laws ofnature, Sports Day Celebrated in Mount Carmel School, Akola 9th_Jan, 2016, Akola Mount Carmel Secondary & Higher eee OM ORC cm Cn SS SEUS RP Se ae Umut Se Bae Sec omen ey Ee ane MI Mo ERC SCOTS Ca ce ett a eT Oa DS EMM TC UUM nerea eo acca Ce ee ee menace tert ere CLM CS ee SrA Oa CoE CCL Shri, Ambadasji Mankar, Education Officer, Zilla See aco ag Vc A ST ST RCS CCN asc Society, and Rev. Fr. Cyriac, Parish Priest of Ce PUR UC CnC SOR ere ecco Peete See RTE Tanto Rev. Fr. Mathew Karickal, Principal of the school, ere Tent Meee te Thar mee cc eer tone emery PO ea US cece AC te mT lighting of torch by the President, Rt. Rev aie eo NCO ORR NR toc POTS Coe MCR aes CO Cm CMR Tes stot CMEC CT Cou Te tea rc Oya CSS TEs Ted eee Sharma. Then the SES re George, Penretet ores Oe Rae POO ARCR oT oro oi oy Sed were honoured by Rt. Rev oor The track events like Slow Cycle Race continued Fone Se nS cae ot Beas Ciro girls and boys. The winners for Slow Cycle Race were honoured at the hands of Rev. Fr. George Then the dainty girls from Std. IX gave a warm welcome with the beautiful welcome dance to honourable guests and parents. After which was the inspection of various organizations of N.C.C., RS.P, Scouts and Guides by our honourable guests, Then was the Ceremonial Parade of different of various organisations, A troops wonderful prayer dance was presented by the students of Std. IV. The track events of 100m race then continued for boys and girls below and above 14 years. After which the winners were felicitated at the hands of Chief Guest, Hon. Shri, G. Shrikanth, Collector of Akola. Then the. students displayed various drills like Little Star, Butterfly, Yoga in India, Rt. Rev. Bishop Elias Gonsalves enlightened the minds of Staff, Students and parents with his words of encouragement and appreciation. The Drill display continued with Dumbbells, Umbrella Dance, Calisthenies, Lazim, Talnad, Jhaanj and Flag Drill by the students from Std. V to X. Among them Umbrella Drill and Talnad were the star attractions. The programme was conducted by Mrs. Rajshree Sharma, Mrs. Naghma Javed and Sir Stephen Augustine. The vote of thanks was proposed by Sir. Stephen and the programme was finally concluded with the National Anthem. wor SAAT BRT A alle Fist FRICT Bele WIS BieiT. UT wefparca TAT squreara sifveft at. oi. wels (Rreronrent seats) ara. qeaearg Xe. re ana rh, wuAvareafiter RTE sei ofa), ura. qearearfepr fee|ex Gilera afl, erste Bee (rider) sme array vufterd ea. doer gare fer orercaTyS usgitar ARTA ae area fete eri gw urgvaia RarTea GROAT siret. wT fasten ervey Sear, cSt anfe erat Year sea. TTgvaTeAT eed fort exinin Ase a wdifhde tour one, wa wy squrew af. ei. cnx. wets siftaret eed ftenearar walfirer faorea eeareetar arom fragt wart aT ee al ES ar oo aittad Gan 3 Says As TT PRM die soe ars eae 100 A, 200%, 400%, 600%, soo, era wef 4 x 100 100 Ret Ye suf eset Nearer sree. fafer Tenia Piece efpiar ales, flex, arise aT wary evant sire order ure awarendt Rea fea Rac vad, aca ee onftr fer @ Rebar ofan art sere oer det. 3. WOMEN EMPOWERMENT INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY CELEBRATION International Women Day is celebrated all over the India by the Indian people with great zeal and passion on 8th of March to increase the awareness about women rights. This event celebration plays a great role in distributing the real message about the women right and their place in the society. The diocese of Amravati celebrated this day on the 13th of March. The liturgy for the day in the parishes were taken up by the Women Sodality or the Mahila Mandals. At St, Xavier's Cathedral Parish the Women Sodality planned the whole programme so meticulously that the end result was a grand and a meaningful celebration. Bishop Elias Gonsalves The Bishop of the Diocese who was the main celebrant at the AMANWANME__ concelebrated Eucharist highlighted the role of the women and the place that she has in the society. Though she is a minority yet she is a very essential part of the society, the home and the church. He stressed the need of every woman being aware of that power that lies within her and to come forward placing it at the disposal of the family, the community and the Church. He appreciated the women who have come in large numbers for the celebration and exhorted them not only to make stage appearances but, to get integrated into the very life of the church's ministries. Bishop Elias in his homily drew attention to the most recent insertion the pope has made with regard to the Liturgy of Maundy Thursday of the Washing of the Feet. Itis no more the washing of the feet of" pemeoly but washing of the feet of the "People of God", thus working towards the establishing of an inclusive ‘community. The liturgy of the Eucharist was followed by an input talk given by Mr. Simon Martin from Vasai a renowned Marathi literature scholar and writer, in his exhortation said it was Jesus who brought the woman to the centre stage from the margins and who invested her with the rightful dignity. Itis the responsibility of the women toassume this dignity. ‘The happy ending to this celebration was a delicious breakfast sponsored by members of the Sodality. ‘The women of the Parish are a great hope for the Parish. The Times of India of 8th March carried an article where it said that the Women are considered as the most beautifull of God's Creation. May they continue to add flavor to the life of our Parish ‘community Mrs. Anju Dhule President Women Sodality, Amravati, THE REPORT OF THE SURVEY OF THE DUS UU SOMA Leh WNC SUELO LO) ZARI-JAMNI. Ores a ste PSU E STS PU et eee eC diocese celebrates DIAMOND JUBILEE fe 0 TNO) RC Bari URLs jubilee a burse named ‘Our Lady of Perpetual Help’ burse for distressed farmers was declared at the hands of His Grace Archbishop Salvarore. The diocese is Soomro RCT ea eo Cys BOR ered be given after proper survey and inquiry made. From Amravati University 4 MSW students had come to Zari ae STU SSSIe) FON SOA IIB the staff of the MANAV SHAKTI SANSTHA visited 63 distressed families from two TALUKAS ZARI- PAINE AAG found 25 families who are in very pathetic condition jamni to do the surv RR nn S SCC ETS and require immediate help for their survival Social Justice and Social Development [SupportitoyDistressed Farmers THE REPORT OF THE STONE BLEESING OF ‘THE ZARI-JAMANI CENTRE We had our DIAMOND JUBILEE CELEBRATION OF THE DIOCESE OF AMRAVATI on November 22, 2015 at 9.30 am. The solemn Eucharistic celebration on the occasion of the diamond jubilee of our mission diocese of Amravati was presided by His Grace Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio, Apostolic Nuncio to India. In the presence of His Grace Archbishop Abraham Viruthakulangara, Archboshop of Nagpur and by some other bishops. a i] wo We had inauguration of St. Xavier’s Cathedral School (CBSE), a diamond jubilee memorial at 9,00 am by His Grace Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio, We also had blessing of the stones of the ZARI-JAMANI CENTRE, Tivasa School and Convent by His Grace Archbishop Salvatore Pennacchio, THE REPORT OF THE HELP GIVEN TO DISTRESSED FARMERS FAMILIES FROM YAVATMAL DISTRICT. As per the survey ofthe DISTRESSED FARMERS’ FAMILIES the staff of the MANAV SHAKTI SANSTHA visited 63 distressed families from two TALUKAS ZARI-JAMNI & WANI. 25 families who are in very pathetic condition and require immediate help for their survival we started from Ist MARCH onwards to give them some financial help inkind form, worth of Rs. 10,000. Many have prefered to have goats so that th Trace SRS nO SOC) Pree a tke ee SMSO anced Ure ee anne eM eA CoNg TU to receive these help and very grateful to MANAV SU aU STU ema Ron eal Peon aE See nes eenercar tr) by Sr. Ashalata SRA, Washim followed by the lighting of the lamp. The dignitaries and gu Sono au asa we Cun rcsmuearty ee et Ree) SCC Ce MECC SLC Me Cie Seo e UTE E| ford CR ROR ee ae a certs difficulties faced by illiterate adults and innovative methods used in teaching the adult illiterate persons, It was a very enriching lecture which created an Pea eee ni ers TRO Pola a aera AMAWAM After the tea break the second session began with the motivational talk by Rt, Rev. Elias Gonsalves, the Bishop of Amravati. He enlightened the participants further on the three main thrust areas to be focussed on, namely pastoral, social/health and educational, Bishop once again reminded the participants that we should not compartmentalize the areas of our work as they are all interconnected. Our work should move from charity to creating Awareness, community building, focussing on government schemes, collaborative work, capacity building, networking, creating models, planning, evaluation and people's participation. He exhorted the participants to. make-key-shifis in structures, systems;policies and finance management quoting from the diocesan perspective plan. He further added that the Diocesan Social Forum has a three-tier structure of Melghat, SC/ST Plains and Washim, Akola, Yavatmal, Buldana (NT). All of us should move from our respective areas of work towards, social development. Our clinics and dispensaries should not be just institutionalised. Our medical apostolate should never-become centre- based but community based reaching out to at least five villages with quality health services and social development activities. Bishop then shared some theological reflections on the topic especially from the guidelines given by the CBCI regarding the disaster preparedness, campaign against hunger, issues of health, awareness and empowerment, Then the participants discussed how people generally perceive us both common people and professional agencies and it was brought to our notice that we need to improve in the way we function especially in those areas where we lack behind. We need to be more professional and alert in our approach and we need to organise ourselves in all the areas of human life like leadership both civic and political, in professionalism and net working in order to face the new challenges weare facing today. The following \objectives are essential in order to evolve anew paradigm of social outreach: collective, coordinated and secular. The objectives are identifying common works and evolving common thinking and approaches, launching coordinated action with partner organizations during the normal times ag well as times of disaster or other emergencies, reaping economies of scale, generate and leverage synergies, pooling resources! and considering the need to have a long term. vision for social outreach and developing mechanisms and structures to carry out various tasks. Tasks Ahead of us - Identify partners (Christians and non Christians) to network and to build alliances and. solidarities, map and pool resources that can be made available or accessed during times of need, relationship building and image makeover through pro-active engagements with all sections of society and government, learning from/experiences both good and bad and evolving séts of best practices, capacity building of local areas and parishes and facilitating connectivity with eachother and with the central coordinating team, Research, Documentation, Publication and Dissemination. "Social action is not at the periphery butatthe core of theChurch’s Mission" says Cardinal Oswald Gracias. Before the conclusion we had a group discussion to discuss the difficulties that we come across while working with the people and the possible solutions ‘that we see- to prepare an action plan to tackle these problems like poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, health issues etc, Each group came up with various solutions to at least mitigate these issues. The day's program ended with the vote of thanks proposed by Sr. Mukta SCC, Chikhaldara. 0 Training Program At Jeevan Vikas Sanstha, Paratwada AMAWAM Jeevan Vikas Sanstha, Amravati conducted a two day residential training program for village animators of supplementary tutorial classes on 10 and 11 December 2016. There were about twenty participants from five different local centres of Melghat region and Zari-Jamini, The program was inaugurated by the resource person Fr. Godfrey SJ, the Director of MPSM Nashik. The resource team began the sessions with division of letters, groups division levels and English writing with capital and small letters in different ways. The resource person taught the participants how to use the blackboard and charts for the purpose of learning and teaching, He focused his sessions on health, pollution and ayurvedic medicine by using colorful thematic charts and boards. He also taught the participants how to teach action songs through power point presentation. He further added that the traditional blackboard method is a playful learning and creative way of leaming whereby the teacher leams first and then the students. The first beneficiary is in fact the teacherand the secondis the student. ‘After the sessions the participants were divided into ten groups and each group was given a chart to look carefully and demonstrate what they observed in the charts. The groups creatively presented different charts on First Aid, Fever, Cold and Cough, Health and Cleanliness, Besides chart presentation there were other topics such as education of children, organic farming, kitchen garden, people's participation in gram panchayat and MNREGA. Fr, Benjamin the assistant director, JVS exchanged his views on Children’s Parliament and the functions and responsibilities of the children assigned with different portfolios in the parliament. Mr. Holkar conducted an interactive session on the importance of Gram Panchayat, gram sabha, aamsabha followed by distribution of booklets and CDs to the participants Mr. Atul Gawai thanked the resource persons for their wonderful and informative sessions and all participants for their active participation in the training. The training program successfully concluded with lunch on the second day. AMMUWAM Entrepreneurship Development Program in JVS, Paratwada One day EDP (Entrepreneurship Development Program) was conducted for the newly active beneficiaries of Save A Family Plan project of Paratwada and Anjangaon Regions in JVS Paratwada on International Women’s Day, 8th March 2016. ‘The program began with the lighting ofthe lamp and a prayer followed by a word of welcome by the Executive Director Fr.Ramsheen. Sr.Leena, HC motivated the participants regarding general health and hygiene with the help of Audio Visual. The Family Development Program was also explained to the beneficiaries with the help of a PPT as they were coming to the centre for the first time, The resource person for the training was Mr.Gosavi a government recognised professional EDP trainer from Wardha motivated the beneficiaries to think about starting some innovative Income Generation Program. He first gave a lecture on how to think, plan, how to have the positive attitude towards life, how to believe in their own strength and how to be economical in taking up any activity After the lunch break he demonstrated to the participants how to prepare the phenol, agarbati and candles. The resource person involved the participants well as he called them to participate in preparing these items, The beneficiaries were interested and were inspired to think about different Income Generation Programs andaalso the possible markets where they can sell their products. On the whole the EDP program was motivating and inspiring for the new beneficiaries. prc aa Te Pee ecu c cE oecnccn Se ae Cee Pee cen eececerae Coe ete Scene SRE CCR oas COE a RO ee mec Soo eect SR Ln Se Recor SRR RE ST Rocce Ee Teor c one] Sena SECC Ce aa cre oom Ce STC a Be ents Dukes tel A Great Success Village: HartalaGrampanchayat: Hartala, Block: Bhatkuli District: Amravati State: Maharashtra TotalNumbersofGroup: 04 ‘Total Members: 52 Historical Background: With lack of irrigation facilities for agriculture in arid and semi - arid regions becoming uneconomical, Divya Sadan Social Centre venturing with Hartala farmers for sustainable agriculture is producing productivity and sustainability. During British Period, around 70 to 75 years ago 13 acres of land was under government possession, having a pond, Over the years it was ignored by the villagers and remained unused. In the month of December the farmers of the said village rose up to action with motivation and training given by Divya Sadan Social Centre. They prepared a Micro plan for their village. In this plan they pinpointed the need of irrigation, Community Hall, approach roads and Burial place. The CBO members began to generate the possibilities of getting things done. With the submission of the micro plan to the Gram Panchayat during the Gramsabha in 22.03.2015 action followed, Today a watershed is under construction with the help of the government after processing the micro plan through all the connected departments. After a year or two this village will have irrigation facilities for over 200 families with the utilisation of 13 acres of ignored land. Constant follow up of CBO members has resulted the success of watershed coming in to existence in Hartala village. For their good luck this village was under the Jel Shivar Yojana who took interest. The farmers lost no time to begin the work in the month of May 2015, covering the area of 13 acres of land for the watershed project. They have already covered 3 acres and the work is in progress. At present it has slowed down due to the rain and cultivation period. It is expected to be completed in a year's time, This project will irrigate 500 acres of land once it is completed. It will keep the farmer occupied with several cultivations like vegetable, Horticulture and other varieties round the year as per the water availability This will also create more confidence among the farmers to venture further. More and more are encouraged as the time roles out. Sustainability will bea guaranteed result. - Divya Sadan Social Centre, Wadali. National News Bishops ask to include women in feet Ree kere The new regulation puts no restrictions on the number of people selected; but asks to select a small group of the faithful New Delhi: Women can be included in the feet washing liturgical ceremony of Maundy Thursday in Catholic parishes across India, says a note circulated by the conference of Latin ite bishops. Pope Francis has directed the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments to make some changes in the earlier regulations that said only the feet of 12 men be washed during the ceremony, the circular said. The term "12 men" has been changed to "people of God" and the prescription to wash only the feet of men no longer holds. "Women too could be part of the group whose feet are washed, " said the circular. Pope Francis, on the first Maundy Thursday service after his election as pope washed the feet of several inmates of a prison in Rome. Among those whose feet he washed were some girls and some not belonging to the Catholic faith "Although the Vatican Spokesman Father Federico Lombardi said that this was not to be taken as changing the discipline of the Church, it is now clear that the Holy Father was giving a message,” said the circular signed by Cardinal Oswald Gracias, the president of Conference of Catholic Bishops of India. It said the new regulation also does not put restrictions on the number of people selected for washing the feet but simply says "the pastor may select a small group of the faithful.” The group could include "men and women, and it is appropriate that they consist of people young and the old, healthy and sick, clerics, consecrated persons and lay people,” it said quoting from the new regulation. Both the number and composition of those selected would vary from parish to parish. "For example, in some parishes there may not be clerics available to form part of the group. So one should not go outof the way to make sure that each of these categories are part of the group,” the circular said. Cardinal Gracias said although number 12 is no longer binding, "I do think this was a logistically convenient number" and having "too big a number would disturb the service” and “having too small a number might not give the Washing of the Feet its adequate significance." The circular asked to discuss issues in pastoral council if pastors face the resistance to the change and get the councils assistance in deciding the composition ofthe group. SUMMARY OF THE FINAL STATEMENT OF THE EP PIN SAIN TACO BEL PONTO M COM NC SRO I COENEN (oe O RT OPN BOTT Nor ery WITHTHE MAINTHEME PRESENT DAY CHALLENGES” ‘Asleaders of the Church, 182 Bishops from 170 Dioceses of the Church in India ate gathered at St. John’s National ‘Academy of Health Sciences, Bangalore, from 02 to 09 March 2016 to deliberate on "The Response of the Church in India to the Present Day Challenges” during the 32nd Plenary Assembly of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India (CBCI). The Church in India is a vibrant community ‘making significant contribution to nation building through education, social development, health care and service, especially to the poor. The CBCI appreciates the spirit of understanding and collaboration among the three Sui Iuris Churches. The composite culture of India has noble values of religiosity, peace, simplicity and tolerance as lived by Mahatma Gandhi and various Indian sages. We, however, express our sorrow over the killing of innocent people by extremists in India and in various parts of the world, We are shocked by the recent killing of the nuns of the Missionaries of Charity and their collaborators in Yemen. The Bishops have resolved to respond to the challenges facing the Church in India within the Church and within the Country. ‘The following areas were chosen by the Bishops for review and foran appropriate response: 1) Family Life Today ii) Renewal of Consecrated Life iii) The Lay Faithful and the Mission of the Church iv) Ecumenism iv) Inter-religious Dialogue v) The Education Apostolate and vi) Care ofthe Earth, our Common Home and vil) ANew Way of Being Church for an effective response. CONCLUSIO! ‘As authentic citizens of the country, we repose our confidence in the democratic values and the Constitution of India. Trusting in God's grace, love and merey, we march ahead to carry out our God-given mission, confident of the goodwill and support of our people every where. et Nh aa ig . Dy) NY ay ea WY ere Maik This issue is sponsered by Holy ieee eT School, Paratwada.

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