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SER ASQUTTEH U.G.D. VERTICAL WICE MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ERECTING AND STARTING VERTICAL DRILLING MACHINE. Page No» _ Drawing No. senoeeee 4. UNPACKING AND LIFTING GP_MACHINS. It is very important thet the machine is lifted by means of a sling around the neck of the co: and slide. The machine should be carefully lowered so as to avoid any damage which can result from letting the baseplate on to the floor with a sudden foree. 2. EXAMINATION UPON ARRIVAL. chine should be examined immediately on arrival, and if a parts are broken or damaged, should be signed for accordingly, or if not noted before signing, machine should be signed for as unexamined and any damage notified within the proper time to carriers, otherwise the carriers may repudiate liability, end no responsibility is accepted by us after despatch from our Works with clean receipt from the Carriers. 3. LEANING It is most important that all the rust preventor or other means of protection (e.g. paper wrapping of bright parts) should be removed and parts thoroughly cleaned, including sliding ways, cylindrical parts, such as pillar, spindle barrel etc., as if not done thoroughly there mey be stiffness, which is caused by congealed rust preventor being in the way of free sliding or swinging of various parts. Various types of protection against rust are used by us according to transit conditions and distance, There is no difficulty with most of these preventatives being cleaned off quite easily. In the case of a varnish rust preventor being used, this mst be removed most thoroughly by a rag heavily soaked in turpentine or turpentine substitute end applied in such a way as to allow the spirit time to penetrate and soften the varnish, which can then be rubbed off quite easily with the same rag. Care must be taken that every particle of varnish is removed in this way, as if not, and sliding or rotating parts are moved over the varnish, this will result in stiffness and interference with proper working. It is irtportant that the underside of the Column, where fitting to the baseplate should be thoroughly cleaned before fitting together. ue After cleaning off all rust preventor, the bright parte should be kept coated with a good light machine oi1 until erected and working. 2 ha, BIXING OF BASEPLATS. The bolts mst,previously have been grouted into the foundation ana the cement properly hardened. Care should be taken that the baseplate is not sprung in any way in fixing. It should be set carefully level and tested to see that this is so, and then bolted down without distortion. It should be fixed on a good foundation and we recommend top to be half an inch above level of floor, as this gives a more convenient working height. Raseplate can be grouted with liquid cement under and around after setting and checking. Be The Erection Instructions should be carefully noted whether the machine is totally or partially dismantled as by careful study of the complete instructions, good kmowledge of the machine will be obtained. LUBRICATION OF BEARINGS AND GEARS. The lubricators on our machines are such as to ensure an ample supply of oil getting to the bearings. This is important whilst the machine is new, to prevent possibility of trouble due to insufficient lubrication. After the machine has been in use for a little while, the amount of lubrication required for the bearings will not be so great. Attention to this will, whilst ensuring efficient lubrication, prevent wastage of lubricant. Lubrication is a most important point in the working of these High Speed Machines end every attention mst, therefore, be paid to same on tho foregoing lines, and specially clear directions given to your works. Good oil and grease should be used in the Lubricators especially for some time after starting to ensure every- thing is running quite free. IMPORTANT. All motions and adjustments are made perfectly free and easy before leaving our Works when all adjustments are made. If this is not the case when machines are installed in Clients' Works, distortion has taken place in lifting otc., or the difficulty is due to rust proventor not being removed in accordance with our instructions, Please see, therefore, that all is madd free by thoroughly Cleaning or removing burrs, instead of by altering adjusting strips, slacking screws, or other similar methods, which will not have the desired effect, and may prove detrimental. SPINDLE MOTOR. The spindle motor can now be tried. To do this we recommend putting the gear lever into the bottom speed indicated by the index plate, selecting the slowest spindle speed in double gear and run for a short time to get oil circulated, and taking particulab care to oil spindle, es instructed in later page of Instructions, so that main spindle bearings receive an ample supply of oil. Opportunity can now be taken to check whether the spindle is ruming in the correct direction, as indicated by the plate, which is marked "Spindle Forward" -'"Spindle Reverse". In the case of A.C. supply it is possible that when the motors are first started up the direction of rotation will be wrong, in which case it will be nocessary for two of the line wires to be veverscd in the terminal box to obtain the correct rotation in the usual manner with A.C. supplics. After running for a short time in slow speed, the application of the self-acting feed could be tried. Ordinarily this feed comes into operation with the drill coming into contact with the work, but the same effect can be obtained before drilling by holding the star handle (4) with the right hand, whilst moving the spindle handwheel (3) anti-clockwise with the left hand; this movement being effected sharply or with a smart jerk, the self-acting feed is then engaged. To disengage this self-acting feed traverse, move the spindle hand traverse wheel (3) in a clockwise direction. The Machine can then be tricd through the different speeds and feeds noting the condition of bearings and gradually increasing the speed, not going on to top speed immediately. After carefully going through the above, which is only as a check on proper erection and running conditions, the machine will be ready for operating. WORKING INSTRUCTIONS. (Refer to Sketohos 3 ahd 4). QUICK MOVEMENT OF SPINDIE, The sta wheel (4) is keyed fast to the shaft of the spindle pinion and can be used at any time to raise and lower the spindle. TQ LOWER SPINDLE AND ENGAGE FEED. The large handwhes1 (3) immediately behind the star wheel will also lower the spindle if no resistance is offered to the movement of the spindle. As soon as the drill meets the resistance of the work, the handwheel puts in the positive fecd clutch and spindle will continue to feed down by power. To disengage feed, reverse the movement of the large handwhecl, This first takes out the feed and then raises the spindle. TAPPING. For tapping purposes, the reverse to the spindle is obtained electrically by mcans of the lever (7). "Star Wheel (4) is provided for use when tapping by hand to avoid the possibility of powe> feed being applied accidentally". SPINDLE SPEED CHANGE. Momentarily stop the motor by means of lever (7). The speed changes are pbtainod by moans of lever (4) in conjunction with the double gear lever (2). For each position of Lever (1) two speeds will be found on the speed plate, these corresponding to single or double gear; the red speeds being single gear ana the black speeds dowble gear. FEED CHANGES. These are obtained by means of lever (5) and are obtained vy simply moving round the lever to the desired feed. ERE HAND FEED. The fine hand feed for drilling facing etc., is obtained by means of handwheel (6). When using the handwheel for fine hand feed purposes, the feed change pointer (5) should be in neutral position and positive fecd clutch engaged by means of wheel (3). TO ADJUST FEED IN CASE OF SLIP. Remove sheet steel cover behind handwheel (6) and adjust locknuts. N.B. If top nut is tightened too much, the safety device will be locked solid and will not slip if overloaded. 10 REMOVE AND RE-INSERT THE SPINDLE BARREL UNIT WITH SPINDLE RACKING GEAR IN POSTPION, Should it be found necessary ta remove the spindle and barrel from the slide and re-insert same, this can be done without removing the trip gear on the front of the slide. The procedure is as follows :- First wind spindle down approximately 6", then pack up the spindle with wood block. Take off the tension on the springs one notch at a time by inserting tommy bar in the holes in shart 5e on the spindie cover and removing the knurled pin one hole at atime to prevent accident, When the tension is released, lift cover sufficient to be able to remove chain and connection from top of spindle. This is held in place with L.H. nut. When removed the top covers can be taken away, The spindle and barrel can be wound down until it runs off the rack, Care must be taken that the spindle and barrel do not drop on the ba: ate. This method applies to swing-aside tables and box tables only, STOR, START AND | With the lever (7) in the middle position the machine is stopped. Moving ihe lever down starts the spindle running i i moving the lever up starts the spindle in the reverse direction. DEPTS SD p (See Sketch No.1.). With Large handwheel (3) lower the spindle until the drill point is touching the work, On the boss of the large hand- Wheel will be found a pointer, Rotate the divided dial behind the wheel (3) clockwise until the stop (11a) on the divided disc encounters the stop on the boss of the wheel (3) then move the divided dial anti-clockwise (or backwards) until the desired depth is recorded under the pointer on the boes of the handwheel (3). Turn knurled knob (11b) on dial anti-clockwise, making half a rotation which will lock the dial in positicn. As soon as the projection on the boss of the handwheel (3) meets the stop (11a) on dial the depth tip will operate and the feed will stop with the drill at the desired depth. The stop (11a) on the dial will swivel clear so that operator can feed further forward without re-engaging of knurle@ knob (11d). When machine is fitted with circular table, Lever (12) operates the lock for lever (9) is provided for locking knee slide to the colum, In the case of power elevating table, the notor is operated from the main switch on the slide, See Foundation Plan Drawing 31125. 6 In the case of H Elevating Tables, the table is elgvated Ly means of a lever on the R.H. side of the machine, The motor is fitted with ball bearings, the bearings being properly packed with grease and should not require any attention in this respect for twelve months. We recommend, however, that at periods of twelve months the bearings should be re~packed with suitable ball bearing grease. The motors should be examined periodically to see that the brushes are correctly ‘edded to the commtator, and winding and brush spindle where such exist are clear of dust. CONTAGTOR GaAR. The contactors are fitted with tips for making and breaking current, These should be periodically examined and any roughness caused by pitting or burning should be carefully smoothed off with a smooth file. When the tips have become so worn that further cleaning up cannot be done, the tips should be replaced by new ones, a supply of these being included with each machine. The electrical equipment is thoroughly tested and ad- justed before despatch. We cannot assume any responsibility for the correct working or damage caused through stoppages or accidents when the apparatus has been interfered with without our consent. INSTRUCTIONS FOR OTLING MACKINE. (Refer to Sketch 2). IMPORTANT WOTR, After the machine has been first filled with oil, it should be run for a short time to allow all the wells and ledges in the slide to become filled with oil. Further, oil should then be added to bring the level back to the correct place on the oil sight. 7 It is recommenged that within the first few days after the machine has been put to work, the oil should be drawn off and filtered in order to remove any foreign matter vhich sometimes shows up in the early stages. The process should be repeated at intervals until the oil is found to be clear of foreign matter. Eefore starting up the machine each day, the spindle and balance chain should be ciled, this being done at the opening at the top of spindle cover. The spindle bearing should also be indicated in the special paragraph below. Then the machined ways on the column should be wiped clean of any dust which may have accumlated, and slightly smeared with oil to ensure free movement of the slide thereon. Before actually starting up the machine it is advisable to have the feed lever in the neutral position; also see that the double gear lever (2) Sketch 3, is properly home, either in the single or double gear position. The following is a summary of the periodical attention required :- TOP PORTION OF SADDL: There is a well or reservoir of oil in which the worm gears and spur gears run. This also should be fillea until showing half way on ihe sight glass. There is also a reservoir or well in the bottom portion of the spindle slide with a level indicator, and this mist be filled to the same level. There is an additional eil well at the back of the slide which should be filled up to the half way line on the oil sight glass, TO CHARGE SPINDLE SID: Drain all the remaining oil from the slide through drain serew holes "Db". Sketch '2' shows position "A", "J", and "c" that are available for charging slide with oil. Screw "A" to be removed anloil poured in until level is reached on Oil Sight "N", Likewise screw "C" to be removed and oil poured in until level is reached on level "F" situated on Double Gear Box at the rear of slide. Screw "J" 4s used for filling bottom half of Slide. O41 must be poured through hole until level is reached on Sight "x", and continue until level 1s reached on sight "E", The following of these instructions will ensure that the slide is fully cherged with ofl. QIL NIPPLES "B" should receive oil daily. MACHING WITH TRAIN SPINDLE. To oil spindle bearing :- Wind barrel down until the end is approximately 12" from underside of slide and white mark appeers on flat by rack tooth. Wait a few moments to allow the bearings to fill with oil. This should be Gone at least once daily. N.B. - SPINDLE BEARINGS MUST BE OILED DAILY. THE _FSND BOX is packed with whecl grease before being despatched from Works, and only needs replenishing at intervals of six months or 50, f_INTERVA OF SIX MONTHS OR SO (Dependent upon running time of the machine, and upon the eee of the oil used) the oil in slide should be drained off and fresh oil poured in as directed above. De wr SQUITH LIMITED, HALIFAX, ENGLAND, Recommended 011 for "ASQUITH" U.G.D, Vertical, Slide Top Half, (See Instruction Book P,7 Point A & C) Castrol Perfecto RR. Slide Bottom Half, (See Instruction Book P.7 Point J) Castrol Perfecto RR. (See Instruction Book P.7 Point B) Castrol Perfecto RR. Castrol Perfecto RR. +890 1130 seconds. 4140 seconds. 57 seconds. 4u5oR. ~5°F. Specific Gravity @ 60°, Viscosity @ 70°R. ws. @ 10PP, vee @ 200°F, Open Flash Point ... Point Point sesseseees 10. OL LEVEL INDICATORS. When the machine has been in use for some time, the oil level indicators will probably become discoloured. These should be taken out and cleaned with a suitable spirit. To remove the white and clear discs unscrew the knurled cap which holds these in place. When replacing, care should be taken to ensure the distance washers are in the correct order. SPARE PARTS LIST. UGD VERTICAL Page No. seeTeH. 2.” William Asquith Ltd. Halifax, England FEED WORMWHEEL, TR Page No. ai. x 122UMA UITOM PIT “LY X (party JI) aqua 122M WIEN PRAT “OF 40 Jet aon cyyeug BUTyDeu aipuras “Fy HOI "SIT TAO ‘yeus Burjory uo ssog = “th 680 ‘121 "10 “pmag dois "2h $10 ‘T2T “Tao cayeus Buryoey uo ysng = “1h £90 "S9T "TAO syymg Bupjoey yo usna “OF 080 “S21 “Ido *xENI0D dizL Marg “bE $80 "S21 “1aO sxoqurod diaL "8 220 “S21 140 “Bod dix jadtmg x0 Surzwog “LE 880 "SZ1 “Ido “Bod diz yoarms | “9¢ 900°H91 “VV ‘Med u9t/€ “SE 100 "000 "XV DMI ZZ_‘sT10> 2 ‘Bu0] 2/1 'G/O u9t/€ Burads “Pe 900 "cor ‘aay TON ITU B/E “EE £60121 *1dO *YPMID P2I2T 20F TEIOD = "ZE 910 IZ1"1GO ryoan1D PIaT "TE 960 °S9T "1GO *yoI|D paeg 203 Burzds "oe ¥10 "100 "AVV “Bury aztM ub/E"T “62 goo"9"s"92 = “Maras usng ng/E x uB/E “87 1S0°S91 "1d TaRTTOD ISMIUL “LZ asn2#720 yan] D-pad _uo12}}0510}-et_—“92 ¥60 "121 IO ‘aaaals adeBuq peed. "Sz 010 ‘901 “dav tmaroS "PH UAV ub/ TT X B/E “2 roNared, ON PE 090 ‘201 “eW 10-12 03 HITE 80g a]pueH BuIy20T-—-——"g *xause Mm ue/S——~E AON UL aEts——9 “nN ux09y——5 sped Sur2oT-ureta——F ssouryoeW u0-T6-P HOB souryaey ie wmoxag Burysoy xny—e O10'2T'S “9S 010 "101 “aa ¥———— aso 9 T Ido €$0 "9€ 1°10 020 “OFT “2a0-——— ‘150 °9€T71d0 ¥S0"9E1=1G0——- sds dn-Burjseg— ‘2 990 ‘F120: SOUTYICW 0-16 WO TT 2S0-°9€ 1 1DO— "8 UY BW 11-10-19) *pea-BupyooT pemars——T oN a ONE ViO ENOAVT Page No. 36. William Asquith Ltd. Halifax, England Aue yim mokeT Jo ait % T9qUIAN “Joy ose “ON [eTTeS auTyowr **/qu0D 400 °ST# "TO sjayperg Surxeag yeys uo T9A0D “LS 900 "STP "TTO sjayoerg Burzeog weys 9S 1¢0°SI®*TdO sarpurds uo pnis ureyd “SS SIT ‘I2t ‘Tao szeg epind ureqd “FS ££0°691 TdO— ai bur B20F——65 620 6FT "IO "PIG wo raAeT aBueyD zvayH “EF 020°S9T ‘TO = “PMS WINIDINq PeaH XOH “8h turd aBuegy 2805 “LF 6S0,“6FT “TAO *hammbue 20 r9pz0 aar8 saqeid “yred aiquizea syowsg * £90"6FI “TAO spoy oBueyn zv0D “EF Of ‘P10 “CHE sdyjoz1D peurowxa ug/L 2h 820 "8FI TO sqyeus o8ueyn re9D “TF 820 “6PT TAO "XOg apisino xaAaT oBuLyD rv “OF 200 “él “1aO *xog 2205 a1qN0d —*6E 10081 "TdO saBueyy ze0D 10y 9A0D “BE 800°0T"S"92 — *MazDS YsNg Buoy u2/T XuB/S *9E 20 100'EVV “Bury aatM “PIP ub/T"S “SE £00 "STP "IdO sjayoerg oouejeg Burzds “¥e 20081 Ido “yayoeag oBueyg teen “ee £90121 ODA “weg eouejeg Burzds xoy yeus “ze $90 °S9T "Td surg parznuy “Te ON Ged ONDE see eesfgu09 William Asquith Led. A LOCK, /E_M¢ TING. Halifax, England SLIDE WITH SPIN L Page No. 37. *karnbua x0 x9pi0 Aue yas mokeT Jo ath ¥ T9qUIN “Jou Os] “ON JerTag oUTYDUUT aATS asuaqd “ized a1quIPA saxousT * * *Burjdnoy 101098 200"8z¥ ‘10 “pYT xog 1¥95 aqqnod = "68 12061 TAO *XOg UE raAay aBueyD zweD “FB 100 6TF TAO “XO ¥9H ajqnoq uo 1aA0D “ER. 800 "STL ssmaz9S PeoH XOH wt X u8/E "28 220°S91 “IO veoatg Burxra Urey “TS. 250 *L9C ATV syoard g/$ ¥ 2 XE ureyo aouejed “08 100 ‘sT#*Tdo. “BurseD apys “6L . Ld Bro 2) w4yIeAG FOIOW "EL x (Jo 2) 194DeIG FOIOW Joy WOM = “LL 1S0 "662 “TdO. “30g 07 3NN P/ETT COL 880 "121 ‘20a ‘dig "Sk ON Hed ONT PE Zt "1zt1do, “pnag 221104 “PL 800 “c0l “Gav caMN HUM Z2/T TEL g00 101 “aay symuy20T “MYM 2/1 “ZL HI “901 S29 curd Apears ub/e°T XB /E “TL 010-421-904 S{VPOYS-29HOU—0E- 800-0159 "PMSF TOW AOF-APUSE fk — 6 “040-1120 ———osF-BuTg99UUOD-—ZOF-PNIS—+8I- €00 01 “ATV smarog qnin u9t/€ Xu2/T *L9 T9T "000 “Xa “OMI OT ‘s1102 g Burads ut Xus/e 99 210 FT “VV ued us/e 789 920-0001 Sa 0F 20 F- FOUR FF 680 "S21 “TO sorpucH "£9 820°000 "IAV —“WeYS aBueyD ze0D Toy qouy "279 ¥90°S9T“IdO “yurT Buyj2auueD qoy pniS “19 210 SOI S29 curd Apearg u2/171 Xu9t/s *09 ZO" S "TL "MATOS PLOH X9H u2/T "TX us/E “6S 200 °S1¥ "IO sayppes yo doy x03 22405 ‘8S oNTed ONT A eeeeey | We William Asquith Ltd. LIST OF ALTERNATIVE AND Page No. Halifax, UNNUMBERED PARTS. England A. Feed Trip and Feed Wo¥mwheel— 21 Std, 4-Feed (0083 to , 027 ins/rev 120 to 38 C.P.1. Ref No. 46 Feed Worm Wheel Centre ) OD1. 121, 007 47 Feed Worm Wheel ) 4-Feed Range _, 0055 to ,0175 ins/rey 200 to 60 CP. Ref No. 46 Feed Worm Wheel Centre OD1, 160. 00: 47 Feed Worm Wheel OD1. 160, 036 5 screws SCI, 262, 096 RECOMMENDED MECHANICAL SPARES William Asquith Led. Page No. ee omen usc : BALL JOURNAL BEARINGS AND BALL THRUST WASHERS ON ALL SPINDLE SLIDES, laty Size, Outside | Width | Hoff No.] R. & M, | Asquith Dia. No. Code No. 1 | 44" Ex, LT. BIB 6" yp" |Easy O |Two Dot | AAA, 000.136 "XL AME 1 [40 mm, LT.3B, | 80mm | 18 mm| 43d" /EPTHMP | aaa. 006. 040 1 (35mm, LT.BIB, | 72mm | i7mm| 135 |LI.35 AAA, 006, 035 L | 14" Ex, LT, BIB, 3" opie" XLS 1k |XLIVA | AAA, 000, 056 4 | ne" LT. BIB, 2ye" ge [issu | Loup AAA, 001. 036 6 |" LT, BIB, 2a se | L810 | La. AAA, 001, 032 1 [34 Ex, LT, BTW 47h" aut |XW. 3% | XLT.3% | AAA, 090,120 1 [3¢" LT, BTW 1.17/32" yw | wim | LM AAA, 091. 024 | 1 |50 mm. Single 90mm. | 20 mm] 150 LJ.50 | AAA, 006, 050 Row BIB, 1 35 mm, Double 80 mm. He" - MDJT.35 | AAA, 297, 035 M, JTB. 1 | 2" LT. BIB 5" Isle" | Ls.17 LJ. 24 AAA, 001. 080 1 | oA" LT. BIB 24a" ple | Ls.12 | LJ. 14 AAA, 001, 040 1 |17 mm, Double 40mm, | iyo" | - LD. JT.17 | AAA, 296, 017 Row BJB 2 | Lr. BTW 1, 25/32" yr] Wel LT.1 AAA, 091.032 | 2 |ue"'s. A, BIB, ayer yt |SkefcoR,L. 9 AAA, 211,036 | Doubie Row { PLAIN SPINDLE 1 JINA Needle Bearing| 68 mm || 35 mm |NKI 50/35] - AAA, 720, 660 | (2, 67716") | (1. 3779" 1 ja" Lr. BTW. 2, 15/16 yet) Wi2 [LT AAA, 091. 064 | 1 |i" LT. BTW, 2.13/16" ye | Wete | LT." | AAA, 091, 060 1 [INA Needle Bearing | 68 mm 25 mm NKI 50/25] »- AAA, 720, 650 | (2, 67716") 98425") OR AUX, SPINDLE AS ALTERNATIVE, | 1 |s" MT. BIB, L136" ge! | Ms.7 | Ms.98 |.AAA, 002,020 1 )2w" LT, BIB, aye" w | | 13.2% |Aaaa,ooi.o7z | 1 [25 mm DoubleRow |52mm_ [18 mm | - LDJ.25 | AAA, 016, 025 LT. BIB. 1 |35 mm, Double Row] 72mm, | L1/i6"| - LDIT.35 | AAA, 296, 035 LD, JTB, Page No. | pECOMMENDED MECHANICAL. spared 2 OD) AND OD2 TYPE RADIALS BALL JOURNAL BEARINGS AND BALL THRUST WASHERS ON ALL SPINDLE SLIDES. William Asquith Led. Halifax, England | i Qty Size Outside | width [Hoff. No.| R & M Asquith Dia. No. Code No. 1 [1%" LT. BTW. 2e13/e" |e |W. 1% LT. 1% | AAA. 091. 060 1 lav" LT. BTW. 3.23/32" | 1M Witte LT. 24% | AAA. 091.080, 4 FEED BOX 1 |e" LT. BIB. 2" spies | Ls. 9 LJ.% | AAA.001, 028 . 6 FEED BOX AS ALTERNATIVE 1 [" MT. BIB. 1, 13/16" se" | -MS.7 MJ.98 | AAA. 002,020 SENSITIVE FEED FITTED AS AN EXTRA 1 |2ye" Ex, LT, BIB. 31" 11/16"| XLS. 2¥ | XLI. 2% | AAA, 000, 080 1 1" LT. BIB. ay se" Ls, 10 LJ.1, | AAA, 001.032 William Asquith Led, Halifax, England U.G.D, VERTICAL Qty Description Part No, Heer eN Bblance Springs. Spring Balance Cam, Length Balance Chain 2 x 3 x $f" pitch 52 links 24!" Gitseal Light Contact 3} 0.D, Ye" W. Bush Chain Stud on Spindle, OD1, 165, 084 OD1, 165, 121 ABY, 367, 052 AAB, 008, 009 OD1. 149, 040 OD1. 415,051 WILLIAM ASQUITH LTD. For Spares & Service Contact: AB Marwin Ltd Tel: +44 (0)1422 885116 Fax: +44 (0)1422 881123 Sales and Service for the British Isles DRUMMOND-ASQUITH (SALES) LTD., BIRMINGHAM, 2 The type of machine described in these pages has been designed for a wide range of general utility. Its versatility is enhanced by the fact that it can be adapted to receive various forms of worktable and multiple drilling heads, and whilst retaining its standard character can be successfully applied to special work. Ranges of Sizes. Three sizes are available, namely, 30-ins., 36-ins., 42-ins.; this dimension being the dia- meter of work admitted of which the spindle can reach the centre, or twice the clearance dimen- sion from centre of spindle to face of column. Columns. Two forms of column are supplied, one of box section, the other of circular type which is used when a simpler form of circular table Is required, with the added advantage that the table can be completely swung aside to allow large workpieces to be accommodated on the baseplate. Drilling Head. The head is made as a unit which carries all operating controls with the exception of the adjustments of the worktable where the latter is of adjustable type (but where elevating table ‘on box type column, this motion is by power and operated by lever on the drilling head) The drilling spindle is of special quality steel with drive by means of solid six-splined portion, the nose end being treated to a high degree of hardness. The spindle is carried in a strong steel sleeve or barrel, in which it revolves in bronze bearings with ball thrust bearings, The rack for spindle feed is cut from the solid in the steel barrel, and the latter is amply supported in the drilling head even when out at maximum traverse. The spindle is balanced through adjustable coil spring which permits of variable balance, easily altered where having to deal with different weights of ool equipment in the spindle. Speed and feed changes are obtained by levers on the head. Driving gears are of case- hardened alloy steel with the teeth profile ground after hardening. Driving shafts are short and stiff and six-splined, no loose keys being used, Ball bearings are used instead of plain bearings, and the speed gear assembly runs in oil bath. Feed Motion Power feed, variable by lever on head, is supplied, whilst a fine hand feed is available by hand wheel below feed change gear box. Quick hand adjustment of the spindle to its work provided by balanced hand wheel on the front of the saddle; a slight further movement of this hand wheel after the drill point has made contact with the work engages the power feed, whilst reverse motion of the wheel disengages the power feed, and when continued withdraws the spindle in one movement. The self-acting feed can be applied before the tool touches the work as required for spot facing and the like. Slipping device is provided in the feed train to prevent damage due to excessive feed pressure of blunt drill, etc.; quick hand traverse by positive star handle is provided for tapping. Automatic Trip Motion with indexed dial, is provided for drilling to pre-determined depth Drive and Electrical Equipment. The type has been standardised for electrical motor drive, the motor being mounted in a convenient position on the drilling head itself, thus ensuring high efficiency by eliminating a large amount of shafting and gearing. The motor stopped, started and reversed (where revers- 1g motion is req d) through master-switch mounted at front of head. This switch also controls the elevating motor when elevating motion to the table is provided. In the standard form wiring to one starter and motor is supplied with provision for clients coupling up to junction box at column foot. Ejector Device is fitted to the spindle nose to eject drills, etc., automatically from the Morse taper bore of the spindle; this operation may be carried out with spindle running or stationary, and in addition to saving time it prevents damage to the spindle nose from the use of hammer and drift. The table on this type is of circular shape having easy rotary motion on ball bearings, in addition to which the knee on which it supported from the column can be moved circumferentially around the column, both these motions being freely performed by hand, giving very quick setting for drilling position from one hole to the next. Hand elevating gear or, alternatively, power elevation by motor oper- ated by the Gate Change Master Switch can Pump and Piping for supply of cutting lubricant to the drill can be supplied as an extra; the pump is an electrically-driven self-contained unit mounted on a sump at the side of the baseplate in a position easily accessible for cleaning. The pump is fitted with relief valve and strainer, and the motor is started and stopped by push button at the left-hand side of drilling head. Sensitive Feed Lever can be supplied as an extra for operating the spindle feed; it is placed conveniently to the operator's right hand, and operates throughout the full range of the barrel traverse. Capacity. Tables on page 6 show the effect of selected speed on the maximum and minimum sizes of holes that can be drilled at the correct cutting speeds in various metals. It should be specially noted that the “U.G.D.” Type has power and stability for the following duties:— Drill 3-ins. (76 mm.) from solid in cast iron or medium carbon steel. Light boring to 7-ins. (178 mm.) diameter Tapping 2-ins. (51 mm.) Whitworth in mild steel. Tapping 5-ins. (127 mm.) gas thread in cast iron. CIRCULAR COLUMN MACHINES be supplied, and a secure lock of knee on column and of rotary table on the knee is obtained simultaneously by one movement of a combined locking lever; safety device at the safe limit of travel of table bracket on column prevents damage when power elevating is supplied. The table can be moved around the column to leave the T-slotted baseplate completely accessible for drilling on work- pieces of large helght. CAPACITY AND SPEED RANGES When supplied in complete form, i.e., with 12 changes of speed and 4 of feed, the following alternative speed ranges are available : Speed age See Seale Sur il fers ee eer | Cenctesce Sean ne Oa rose hearer | eal ete, (aarnols) eannoeare Pa ern or cel ae aeeteae aereye al ei ra aceai is Ee EO) 9 280519 ee Loe oe es so se fe rege ee ere ec wo. a fs om fo mle ot) ee) aw 830 I 6 152 2 1% i 6 a wot g n 580 2 7 78 3 7% | a oS w vo a 35 wo. « |? om fo «| aon aon) an Alternat jely the machine may be arranged with six spindle speeds controlled from one lever with direct reading speed plate instead of twelve as above, when the range of holes within the capacity of the machine becomes :— Speed range Largest hole in | Largest hole In Smallest Size Drill (6 speeds) Gastron drilled ‘steel drilled from jj ——____ ‘rom solid a slid at Bronze x 9010 | Aluminiom a Revolutions per minute. | s5ier (i? metres | Tose (21 metres | Case iron at $$4t.] 100K (0.50 | IIe eS ects) ax. Min.” | approx) per minute. | approx) per minste |i? metres) per min mete’) per min. | bet inches. mm. | inches. mm | inches. mem. | inches. mm, | inches. men. 1550 388 * wy i yoy es | aS 1130 260 2 » oom OS e 8 fae a0 ry) 1 6 ne 6 aos | Gon $00 6 lage 2 st a 9s] Ge ys 20 100 2 st uw FOo8 po” ao RECTANGULAR COLUMN MACHINES DIMENSIONS 36.ins. ain. Size Rsob, eh, 1 | RIO, fj, m Dimension A 18.0 2-in. 333 mm, Dimension © 5 ‘OF 2783 me Spindle, diameter in driving part Thins 4455 mm. feed traverse, hand ané sel ‘cting tins 356 mm. speeds, number of ere Norn Spend range, Fe, per minute 12 Speeds . 800, 615, 442, 353, 262, 190, 134, 100, 72, 57, 4,31 6 speeds cat 830, 615, 443, 353, 262, 190 NOTE—For particdlars of aleernaive “speed ranges, see page 6 Spindle feeds, number of 4 4 4 tom range tn inches per rev. | co, 2.017.027 | oes. 012-017 e27 | wom 01,17, ex7 range in mm. per cer. =| 2h, 31, 4-67 | 21, 3, 4h 67 | Bly Sl, 67 Spindle end bored Morse Taper No. s 5 5 The foregoing dimensions are common to all machines, Varying dimensions according to form of table are indicated MACHINE WITH ELEVATING COMPOUND TABLE. Roa Rob Rs0 Dimension B, with spinle in top position, maximum px 26 i P 686 men 72 mem D 7 + inimum iy ry 381 fom 38) mm. Table, lengeh 2 37 838 men 1082 mm. width ie fr 457 mm 308 mm. longitudinal movement a 2 O" 508 ram, 6a mm. transverse movement ee $2 rn 356 rom 82mm, Approximate weight, nett ewts PF ie 2590, kgs. 3100 kes. fos owes Ey 2950, 3560 bes Shipping mensurement, cubic feet ne B54 ico mers, | 425 cu. mers Code Ne. . . i867 (ee ‘ee MACHINE WITH COMPOUND ELEVATING TABLE naa oy ar Dimension C, with spindle in top position wee 210 ae 46 ° ° 1168 rm. 1372 mm. 17mm. ‘Other dimensions as . . . soa sob. Resbe Code Now : : : ees teas tas RECTANGULAR COLUMN MACHINES DIMENSIONS MACHINE WITH NON-ELEVATING COMPOUND TABLE. soy son 0) Dimension 8, with spindle in top posiion 32 a a Other dimensions as R.50a R.50b- Rise eck Ne ina ies vane MACHINE WITH PLAIN ELEVATING TABLE sok sou Rom Dimension 8, with spindle in top position, maximum a ae ae rnin 1 aE ee Py 28 ab 3h ers 3b Table, length ae ee fa 28 mom 6ho a 722 oe width v8 xo e 568, ho, 72, Other dimensions 4s nso nsoo iste Rppronlnaee weight, eee Sut 33 3 $I 1689 ts. 2100 gs 2590 kgs. teeters so 31 30 1989 tg. 2598 kgs. 3000" igs. Shipping mensucement, cubic fet Ti ts Tas aa ditmir, | rasan mics. | 41 comes Code No tee? ies .OUMND COLUMN NACHIVIES DIMENSIONS ROUND COLUMN MACHINES eins. ‘ins. sire nabs Rsop aor Dimension A Isis tains ats, 3 Sinn stm imenion wtspinde mop postion]! _~ _ a an ho am 2a sm Minimum a es ey 205 am 381 am 38 aa DBingsion within intp postion" oe " ho mm 1400 tn 180 om. Dimension © 9 0 20° 2s Bin ws te Spindle, diameter in driving part hin a feed raver hand and selfactng ‘isin “isi vs end bored Morse Taper No. moa mal 3 ‘fee feeds fs for Recangular Colamn Machines Colimn, ‘diameter Tan eee Shine In. 308 2 Sn a Table, dlamecer ee 23 rad 563, em she tm Appronioate wright att cots sE

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