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9th Grade Algebra I & II

Mrs. Turcios

IV Quarter Project

Part A Graphing y−k=a (x−h)

Cost: 7.5 Gold Points

Date due: May 7, 2010

(No late projects will be received.)

In this project you will explore graphing parabolas whose equations have the form

y−k=a (x−h) , find the vertices and axes of symmetry, using GRAPES. You will graph each
equation and identify the vertex, the axis of symmetry, describe the amplitude and find all intercepts.
For your work consider the following:
4 This is the graph of y−1=2 ( x +1 )

A. The amplitude of the graph is a on the graph a = 2, if a>0,
then the amplitude of the graph is positive and the

parabola opens up.

−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 O 1 2 3 4 x

B. The axis of symmetry is found using x=h , the axis is a




line which divides the parabola in half. The axis of the graph is x=−1 , (notice the sign

C. The vertex of the parabola is the point ( h, k ) , the vertex of the graph is (−1, 1 ) (Again the
signs for h and k change.)
D. The y-intercept is found when x=0 , the y-intercept of the parabola is y-intercept = 3. The x-
intercept is found when y=0, the x-intercept of the parabola does not exist; it is evident
because the graph does not intercept the x-axis.

−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 O 1 2 3 4 x




This is the graph of y−1=−3 ( x−2 )
A. The amplitude of the graph is a=−3 , if a<0 , the parabola opens down.
B. The axis of symmetry is x=2 .
C. The vertex is (2, 1)
D. The y-intercept is y = -11
There are two x-intercepts, x=2 .3 and x=1. 7

You are given 5 equations, for each one you will find the amplitude, the axis of symmetry, the vertex,
and the intercepts, then graph using GRAPES.

1. y +2=( x−1 )
2. y−5=−( x+2 )
3. y−8=−2 ( x−3 )
y +8= ( x +1 )2
4. 2
y +3= ( x−6 )2
5. 3

Identify the amplitude 1 point
Identify the axis of symmetry 1 point
Identify the vertex 1 point
Find the intercepts 1 point
Graph 1 point
Show your procedure and graph (1 page per equation) 2.5 points

Your project is to be e-mailed to May 7th, 2010 before or at 11:59 pm.

If you need help!!! Look for me!!!

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