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The Philippine Educational System

The Legal / Constitutional bases

EDUCATIONAL DECREE OF 1863: The decree provided for the establishment of primary school for boys and
girls in each town of the country.
ACT NO. 74 OF 1901: Enacted into law by the Philippine Commission, the Act created the Department of Public
Instruction, laid the foundations of the public school system in the Philippines, provided for the establishment of
the Philippine Normal School in Manila and made English as the medium of instruction. (In 1949, the Philippine
Normal School was made a teachers' college by virtue of RA 416 and, in 1991, it became a full-pledge university
by virtue of RA 7168.)
ACT NO. 1870 OF 1908: The law served as the legal basis for the creation of the University of the Philippines.
VOCATIONAL ACT OF1927: Also known as Act No. 3377, the Vocational Act as amended by other acts laid the
foundations of vocational education in public schools and made provisions for its support.
EDUCATION ACT OF 1940: Also known as Commonwealth Act No. 586, the Education Act laid the foundations
for the present six-year elementary course and made provisions for its support.
REORGANIZATION ACT OF 1947: The Act placed public and private schools under the supervision and control
of the Bureau of Public and Private Schools.
REPUBLIC ACT 5250 OF 1966: The Act provided the legal basis for the implementation of a ten-year teacher
education program in special education.
as the Bilingual Education Program of 1974, the Order required the use of English as medium of instruction for
science and mathematics subjects and the use of Filipino as medium of instruction for all other subjects in the
elementary and high school levels.
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NO. 1006 OF 1976: The Decree was a legal and formal recognition of teachers as
professionals and teaching as a profession.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 5698: The Act created the Legal Education Board whose task was to regulate and improve
the quality of law schools in the Philippines in order to stop the increasing number of examinees who fail to pass
the bar examinations given every year.
Republic Act No. 232 otherwise known as the Education Act of 1982 is a an act which calls for the establishment
of national schools and the conversion of schools from elementary to national secondary schools or from
secondary to national secondary or tertiary schools.
REPUBLIC ACT 6655 OF 1988: Popularly known as the Free Public Secondary Education Act of 1988, the Act
created a system of free education in public high schools.
serves as the guideline for the selection of honor students in all public and private high schools. All these schools
were required to choose one (1) "valedictorian" and one (1) "salutatorian," and to set the limit of the number of
"honorable mention" to one percent of the graduating students. The "eligibility requirements" for becoming an
honor student are the following: 1) No grade below 80 in any subject and no failing grade in any subject in the first
two curriculum years; 2) Completed third and fourth year studies in the same secondary school; 3) Completed
the high school curriculum within the prescribed year; 4) Active membership in two clubs during the third and
fourth years in high school; and 5) Conformed to school rules and policies.
increased the number of school days to 200 days (42 calendar weeks) inclusive of examination days for public
and private schools. (This department order is similar to RA 7791 which increased the number of school days
from 185 to 200 days.

required all grade VI elementary students to take the National Elementary Assessment Test (NEAT) that is given
on the 13th Tuesday following the opening of the school year. The assessment test consists of a battery of tests of
the multiple choice type. There are four subject areas: English, mathematics, science and
heograpiya/kasaysayan/sibika (geography/history/civics).
required all senior high school students to take the National Secondary Assessment Test (NSAT) that is given on
the 13th Friday following the opening of the school year, or three days after the NEAT has been given. The
assessment test consists of a battery of tests and there are four subject areas: English and Filipino proficiencies,
mathematics, vocational aptitude and science & technology. (The test is not a requirement for college admission.)
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7731: The Act abolished the National College Entrance Examinations or NCEE to give the
marginalized students a greater chance to gain access to college education.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7722: Also known as the Higher Education Act of 1994, the Act created the Commission on
Higher Education (CHED) whose main task is to regulate and develop tertiary education in the Philippines.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7796: Also known as the Technical Education and Skills Development Act (TESDA) of 1994,
the Act's objective was to provide relevant and quality technical education that is accessible to all and to create
the agency that will manage technical education and skills development in the Philippines.
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7836 OF 1994: Known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994, the Act
made it mandatory for people pursuing a career in teaching to take the licensure examinations that are
administered and regulated by the Professional Regulatory Commission.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (DEPED) ORDER NO. 34 OF 2001: The Order required all public elementary
and high school students to read at least one book in the vernacular and one book in English per year before they
can be promoted to the next higher level.

Organization and structure (CHED, DEPEd,


Commission on Higher Education

The Commission on Higher Education (Filipino: Komisyon sa Mas Mataas na Edukasyon) of thePhilippines, more
popularly known as CHED, is one of the three agencies of the Philippine government governing the education sector. It is
primarily responsible for the oversight and supervision of both public and private higher education institutions as well as
degree-granting programs in all tertiary educational institutions in the Philippines.
Under R.A. 7722, CHED is mandated to promote quality education; take appropriate steps to ensure that education shall
be accessible to all; and ensure and protect academic freedom for the continuing intellectual growth, the advancement of
learning and research, the development of responsible and effective leadership, the education of high level professionals,
and the enrichment of historical and cultural heritage.
Office of the Chairman and Commissioners (OCC) - The Commission en banc acts as a collegial body in

formulating plans, policies and strategies relating to higher education and in deciding important matters and problems
regarding the operation of the CHED. It is composed of five full-time members, the chairman and four commissioners,
each having a term of office of four years. The commissioners meet at least once a year with the CHED Board of
Advisers which assists them in aligning CHED policies and plans with the cultural, political and socio-economic
development needs of the nation and with the demands of world-class scholarship.

CHED Board of Advisers

Chairman: DepEd Secretary

Co-Chairman: NEDA Director-General


DTI Secretary

DOLE Secretary

FAAP President

FAPE President

Additional 2 members

Executive Office (EO) - Heads the CHED secretariat that implements the plans and policies of the Commission;
oversees the over-all implementation of policies, programs, projects and activities of the different offices, namely:
Office of Programs and Standards (OSS); Office of Policy, Planning, Research and Information (OPPRI); Office of
Student Services (OSS); International Affairs Service (IAS); Legal Affairs Service (LAS); Administrative Service (AS);
Finance Service (FS); and Regional Offices; . It coordinates with the HEDF Secretariat in the utilization of HEDF funds
for the efficient implementation of CHED programs and projects.

Program Committee - Serves as a forum for consensus building and review of policy formulations proposed by
the different offices prior to endorsement to the Commission en banc; also serves as a coordinating advisory body to
the Office of Programs and Standards; Office of Policy, Planning, Research and Information; Office of Student
Services; and International Affairs Service on overlapping/crosscutting concerns including those with other CHED
offices in relation to policy formulation.

Office of Programs and Standards (OPS) - Tasked to assist in formulating academic development plans,
policies, standards and guidelines for higher education programs, including alternative learning systems such as open
learning and distance education; develop criteria and instruments in monitoring and evaluating the enforcement of
Policies, Standards and Guidelines (PSGs) by the CHED Regional Offices; assist in formulating the criteria for
selecting Centers of Excellence (COEs) and Centers of Development (CODs) in various academic programs and in
developing the tools for evaluating the impact of COEs and CODs vis-a-vis students, community and country. The
OPS has four divisions under the Office of the Director: Monitoring and Evaluation Division (Cluster "A"); Program
Development Division (Cluster "B"); Standards Development Division (Cluster "C" ); and Expanded Tertiary Education
Equivalency and Accreditation Program (ETEEAP) (Cluster "D").

Office of Policy, Planning, Research and Information (OPPRI) - Tasked to assist in the development of sectorwide policies, plans, and programs and formulate/implement projects to improve the sub-sector; gather, process and
analyze higher education data/information; conduct activities needed for policy/decision making, planning, project
development and implementation; and package and disseminate higher education data/information and research
outputs. The OPPRI has three divisions: Policy Development and Planning Division (PDPD); Research Division (RD);
and Management and Information System Division (MISD).

Office of Student Services (OSS) - Tasked to develop, recommend, monitor and evaluate the implementation of
policies, systems, procedures and programs on matters pertaining to the various student services in higher education
institutions. The OSS has two divisions: the Study Grant Division (SGD) and the Student Auxiliary Services Division

International Affairs Service (IAS) - Tasked to help promote Philippine higher education abroad for international
recognition. It works in concert with all offices of CHED as they pursue their fundamental functions and objectives to
enhance the international orientation and dimension of higher education.

Admistrative Committee - Serves as a forum for consensus building and review of action plans, programs and
services proposed by the Legal Affairs Service, Administrative Service and Finance Service prior to endorsement to
the Commission en banc. It serves as coordinating/advisory body to the three offices in relation to policy formulation.

Legal Affairs Service (LAS) - Renders efficient and competent legal services to the CHED and its constituents
upon being provided sufficient staff, facilities and resources, by rendering rulings, opinions and other legal actions on
matters concerning the implementation of R.A. 8272, R.A. 7279 and other relevant education laws, CHED
memoranda, orders and guidelines, and the preparation, examination and implementation of its programs, systems
and procedures, as well as issues and concerns affecting the rights and obligations of the various sectors of the
educational community.

Administrative Service (AS) - Tasked to develop and maintain the personnel program that includes recruitment,
selection and appointment, performance evaluation, employee relations and welfare services, leave administration
and other personnel benefits; plan and develop training programs for CHED that are geared to the needs of the
individual as measured by the requirements of his present and probable future job; and provide property and supply
services, records management services, cash management, reproduction, messengerial and other related services.

Finance Service (FS) - Tasked to prepare the budget proposal of the CHED and coordinate with the Department
of Budget and Management and both Houses of Congress in the preparation of the said budget; evaluate budgetary
proposals of CHED Supervised Institutions (CSIs) and integrate proposed budget of State Universities and Colleges
(SUCs); keeps record of all financial transactions of the CHED, perform pre-audit functions on all disbursements
funded by regular appropriation and render required financial reports; and review and consolidates financial
statements of CSIs and render quarterly consolidated financial reports.

Higher Education Development Fund Secretariat (HEDF) - Tasked to mobilize funds for the strengthening of
higher education in the entire country and monitor the implementation of programs and projects to ensure
achievement of objectives within the allocated budgets.

Regional Offices (ROs) - Serve as the frontline offices or the implementing units of the CHED in the different
regions of the country. They carry out the CHED's thrusts, programs, and policies at the regional level and serve as
centers or focal points where all concerns, issues, programs and projects of higher education institutions are

Technical Panels (TPs) - Serve as advisory and consultative bodies to the Commission. These are composed of
academicians, practitioners, representatives of professional organizations and appropriate government
agencies.Technical Panels have been created for the following disciplines: Science and Mathematics; Humanities,
Social Sciences and Communication; Information Technology; Health Profession Education; Engineering, Technology
and Architecture; Maritime Education; Business and Management; Agricultural Education; Teacher Education; and
Legal Education and Criminology.

Department of Education
The Department of Education (Filipino: Kagawaran ng Edukasyon), more popularly known as DepEd, formerly the
Department of Education, Culture and Sports (Filipino: Kagawaran ng Edukasyon, Kultura at Palakasan) or DECS, is
the executive department of the Philippine government which is primarily charged with the management and upkeep of

the Philippine educational system. One of three government bodies overseeing and supervising education in the
Philippines, the DepEd is the chief formulator of Philippine educational policy and is responsible for the Philippine primary
and secondary school system, while CHED is responsible for tertiary and graduate education and TESDA is responsible
for technical-vocational and middle level education.

Office of the Secretary

Administrative Services - Responsible for providing the Department with economical, efficient, and effective
services relating to legal assistance, information records, supplies, equipment, security and custodial work.

Office of the Director

Legal Division

General Services Division

Dental Clinic

Medical Clinic

Radio Communication Network Unit

Security Service Unit

Records Division

Property Division

Teachers Camp
Financial and Management Service

Budget Division

Accounting Division

Management Division

Payroll Services Division

Systems Division

Cash Division.
Human Resource Development Service - Develops and administers personnel programs which include

selection and placement, classification and pay, career and employment development performance appraisal,
employee relations and welfare services.
Personnel Division


Monitoring and evaluation of Personnel Records and Current Personnel Actions in the
different Regional and Division Offices.

Establishment of the DECS Personnel Information System (PIS)

National Search Committee

Revision of the DECS Performance Appraisal System (PAS)

DECS-PLM Off-Campus Masteral and Doctoral Programs

Review of Position Description to update position titles in DECS

Personnel Audit of Schools and Personnel of the Central Office

Employees Welfare and Benefits Division

DECS Provident Fund

DECS Expanded Shelter Program

DECS Cooperative Program

DECS Employees Suggestion and Incentive Awards System (ESIAS)

Pre-Retirement Innovation and Option for Results (PRIOR)

DECS-PVB Financial Assistance

DECS Hospitalization Fund Program

Staff Development Division

Special Programs

Values Orientation Workshop

Human Rights Education

Peace Educations

Gender and Development

Graft and Corruption Prevention Education


Local and Foreign Scholarships

Skills Enhancement Programs of DECS Non-Teaching Personnel

Computer Literacy Programs

Career Planning and Development

Automatic Progression Scheme

Alternative Training Delivery Systems

The Distance Training Program (DTP)

Expanded Shelter Program

DECS Provident Fund

DECS Hospitalization Guarantee Fund Program

DECS Grievance machinery

DECS Employees Suggestions and Incentives Awards System

DECS Teachers and Employees Cooperatives

Pre-Retirement Innovations and Options for Results

Planning Service - Responsible for providing the department with effective and efficient services like generating

and processing of education- related data, developing educational programs/projects, program monitoring,
assessment and evaluation, planning and programming of educational facilities and providing technical assistance to
requesting offices from the national to the sub-national levels related to the planning and related activities.

Planning and Programming Division

Project Development and Evaluation Division

Research and Statistics Division

Physical Facilities Division

Technical Service

Materials Production and Publication Division

Educational Information Division

Audio-Visual Division

Educational Technology Unit


Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) is the government agency primarily tasked to
manage and supervise technical education and skills development in the Philippines, and is in charge of supervising and
overseeing technical and vocational schools.
On August 25, 1994, former president Fidel V. Ramos signed into law Republic Act No. 7796, also known as the
"Technical Education and Skills Development Act of 1994", which aims to encourage the full participation of and mobilize
the industry, labor, local government units and technical-vocational institutions in the skills development of the country's
human resources.
TESDA was formed from a fusion of the National Manpower and Youth Council (NMYC), the Bureau of Technical and
Vocational Education (BTVE) of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports(DECS), and the Apprenticeship
Program of the Bureau of Local Employment of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), as a result of one of
the key recommendations of the 1991 Report of the Congressional Commission on Education, which undertook a national
review of the state of Philippine education and manpower development.

Magna Carta for Teachers
R.A. 7836
Amendment of R.A. 7836, RA 9293
Professional Code of Ethics for Teachers
Manual of Regulations for Private Schools,%20s.%202010.pdf

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