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Bruce Lee

Do you know the best actor, martial, artist,

and hero is? You know who he is thats right

Chapter 1
Bruce Lee was born 1940 in San
Francisco in china town during the hour of the
dragon of 6:00 8:00 and the year of the
dragon. How awesome is that! Bruce Lee was
the fourth child out of Lee family. He had
three siblings. Two older sisters, one older
brother, and a younger brother. As a kid Bruce
was in many movies because his father was in
the movie business. Isnt that amazing! When
Bruce was a kid he got into many Fights. So in
1954 a teacher suggested he enter a boxing
compaction. Guess what he won by defeating
seven opponents in the first round.

Chapter 2
In 1959 April Bruce at 18 went on a ship
to san Frisco and enrolled in university of
Washington. A counselor at his collage
suggested he should study philosophy.
Impacted by philosophy Bruce started to ask
himself lots of questions, like what comes
after victory, why do people value victory so
much? Bruce started to study philosophy
more and it changed his attitude about
fighting. Bruce began teaching his friends he
made in collage kung Fu. At first he did it for
free. Then some people suggested he open
his own martial arts business. Still in collage
at 22 years old Bruce opened his own martial
art studio the Jun fan gung Fu institution in
1963. Bruce wasnt just teaching to defend
yourself he was also teaching you that can
express yourself through martial arts. One of
his students was in Seattle was Linda emery

they fell in love in started to date in they soon

made plans to get married. Lindas parents
didnt think it was a good idea for them to get
married because Lindas thought they would
move to Hong Kong and live far away. But in
1964 Linda and Bruce got married.


Bruce lee
The martial arts
master by Xander Hogan
Chapter 3
Year 1966 they had their first child
Brandon lee. Bruce and is family move to
Oakland. Bruce opened a new martial arts
studio there he taught kung Fu. Soon he was
trying to develop his own martial arts. In the
year 1965 Bruce competed in a martial arts
tournament. In long beach California. In the
crowd was Sebring a friend of a Hollywood
producer. William doisier. Thats how doisier
came to know Bruce. Doisier asked Bruce if he
wanted to star in a show they wanted to make
the green hornet. It was based on a book like
the other popular show in the 60s batman.

Bruce wasnt sure to be in the show. But he

took the offer. Bruce was Kato the green
hornet`s sidekick he got to choreograph the
show and once other producers and other
actors saw his choreographing the wanted
him to choreograph for there shows and one episode there was a cross over
with batman and the green hornet robin was
supposed to defeat Kato but Bruce didnt
agree so they made it so it was a tie. Back in
china the Chinese liked so much they called it
the Kato show because they thought Kato
aka: Bruce was better than the green hornet.

To learn more about Bruce lee go to

sharkman20000 this site will be
up in a month. Also go to sharkman20000 to look at cool art, learn about
other amazing people things and stuff, and
more awesome cool stuff.

Chapter 4
Once Brandon lee Bruces son was 5 he
started teaching him Gung Fu soon Brandon
lee got into it and became really good at it.
Bruce wanted to make his own martial arts
system. But he kept thinking and really didnt
want to make it be a system. He called it Jeet
Kun do a martial arts that helped invent mma
or mix martial arts. He created this martial art
in 1968 he taught his son this also. He started
to teaching to his students in his martial art
studio. Many people liked it and started to tell
other people about it and he got many
students at his studio because they wanted to
learn both martial arts he taught.

Note: I also do biographs about periods in

time. Like the Vietnam War, the great
depression, world wars, and many other

Chapter 5

Bruce started to want to get back into

acting in 1969 a producer Raymond chow
saw his acting and wanted to put him in
some of his movies. They started in Hong
Kong then they started to do some of them
in la or las angles. He was in many movies
remember what I said in one of the chapters
he was in many movies as a kid those
movies were some of many movies he was
in. but the ones I have list of are some he
did with Raymond chow. Many of these
movies people loved. One day he was with
his son in Hong Kong with they were going
out to eat and everybody was asking him
questions and for his autograph. He was
really famous. So this chapter is over and its
time to read the list.
The movies Bruce acted in
*the big boss
*the way of the dragon
*the game of death

*fist of fury
*the Chinese connection
*return of the dragon
*enter the dragon

Chapter 6
This end of the book but before it ends I
forgot one of the facts Bruce had Shannon
lee in 1968. Also that Bruce is remembered
for many things and was the best at martial
arts. I will also write more about Bruce lee.

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