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Algebraic and Geometric

Multiplicities of Eigenvalues
Let: T : V V be a linear operator on a finitedimensional K-vector space V.
Definition: The algebraic multiplicity of (as an
eigenvalue of T ) is its multiplicity as a root of chT ;
we denote it by
m(T ) = mult(chT )
= max{m : chT (x) = (x)mh(x),
for some h(x) K[x]}.
The geometric multiplicity of (as an eigenvalue
of T ) is
g(T ) := dim E(T ) = dim(V ) rank(T IV ).
The algebraic and geometric multiplicities of
with respect to A Mn(K) are defined by
m(A) = m(TA) and g(A) = g(TA).
Theorem 17: If B is any basis of V , then
m([T ]B ) = m(T ) and g([T ]B ) = g(T ).

Corollary: If A B are two similar matrices, i.e. if

A = P BP 1 for some invertible matrix P , then
m(A) = m(B) and g(A) = g(B).
Remark: By the Corollary of Theorem 16 we have
g(T ) dim(V ).
spec(T )
Analogously we have the inequality
m(T ) dim(V ).
spec(T )

Indeed, write chT (x) = spec(T )(x )m(T ).

Then we have that
chT (x) = chT (x)h(x),
where h(x) K[x] is a (monic) polynomial with no
roots in K. From (3) the inequality (2) follows by
taking degrees. Moreover, we thus see that

Equality holds in (2) chT (x) = chT (x)

chT (x) splits completely
over K.

Theorem 18: We have that


g(T ) m(T ), for all spec(T ).

Theorem 19 (Diagonalization Theorem): The

following conditions are equivalent:
(a) T is diagonable;
(b) equality holds in (1);
(c) m(T ) = g(T ), for all spec(T ) and chT (x)
splits completely over K.
Remark: The splitting condition is missing from the
statement of Theorem 4.27 of the text. It seems
that the book assumes here that K = C (so all
diagonalization takes place over C), but this is not
stated explicitly.
Example: Let A = 01 10 .
Since chA() = 2 + 1 has no real roots, A has no
real eigenvalues and A is not diagonable over R.
However, chA() = ( i)( + i) in C[], so A can
be diagonalized over C. Explicitly:
i h
A = 01 10 = i1 1i i0 i0 i1 1i

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