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FEDERAL BOREAU OF INVESTIGATION JOHN WHITESIDE PARSONS PART 1 OF 1 BUFILE NUMBER: 65-59589 FILE. DESCRIPTION BUREAU FILE SU Bu ECT. JOHN Wi ttesipe (Tack) PARSONS FILE NO._¢5-s95g9 : + + | msl} me IN VTHTTSS1 be. FARSOUS, aka, ek Parsons Subject, on Septender 15, 1950 -Temoved certain documents‘ pertain- ing to Jet propulsion motors and rocket propellants without authority fron Hughes Aircraft Company, Cul ; “«~ city, California, his place of employ Rents On Septembor 16, 1950. he left A gic same at the residence of, ee ¥e er Tornia, Who was to make EXCE typewritten copies of them. Above see documents procurred from i on September 25, 1950 dy = ye SD oe, officer, Hughes i Wircraft Company and writer, and - Placed in custody MAJOR.Z.. Je KRENZ, | Ue Se dir Force, jughes Aircraft. Sonpany, Pending deternination sccurity ” Slass:fications .Subject voluntarily Same to the Los Angeles office Septenber 27, 195 and in signed stateaent adniticd infersation fron them as aic in compit= _ *4n3 cost proposal on Jet propulsion motors. He planned to subuit this : Mith eaploynent application through A®erican Technion Society fcr enploy= Been ment in the country of Tsracl. oo ‘on September 28, 1950 identi fied st pbotographic copies of seventeen” dociments and same retained in this “i, office as evidence, Records Morth buerican Aviation Corps, Inglewood, California, reflected suoject denied - + Slearance on classified ‘contracts 1948, but cleared by Industrial . . ‘Enploynent Review Board 19,9. Records clearance investigation at Dayton, ae Ohio, Background information set out, = oe _ DEMETIS: 7 n September 25, 1950, MR. JOHN T. BRRDNER, Air Frovost Marchsl, Los ‘AChayr. kmgeles Air Force Field Procurenent Office, 155 West Tashington Bouleverd, Los “Yfyt 4 Angelos, contacted this office and advised that he had received informstion that a one JACK PARSONS, an employee of Hughes Aircraft Company, Culver City, California,. ~~ sad renoved certain classified information fron the Hughes Aircraft ‘Company and jp Plamed to use this material in the proparation of an application for exploy~ : | Lant which he was attem on was of a confideptial nature; that had displayed it he visited their hae én Septeaber 2h, and requested, rtain the authcrized owner of the material arrange for its return, : Shortly thervafter, @MMMMBnd the writer proceoded to the residence whers they wore given the documents and popers in the posse Miner whioh had bean given to her by PARSONS and which, until this time, ‘she had retained at her residencs Certain of the wore ignificant documents wore initialed by her at that tim for = iin = — | pe Pane Re Ai — Om the afternom of the sam ‘date, Soptanber 25>"1950, A” 4 BA the writor precosded to the Hughes Aircraft Company where the al@Pecocunents ‘papers wore examined and photographic copies made of tnam by the Hushos + Busha fi Company. At the same time an inventory was nade of the material by id the writer and the documents were found to consist of the following: ey One handvritten draft and four typewritten drafts of tentative pointe for a two year minimm contract of enploynent, way 2. (ne handwritten outline of personal qualifications and list of a activities in which subject believes hinself proficient. 3e One handwritten outline of the manufacturing process of non- S 7 nitroglycerine blacting explosivas, including 8 list of in- iis gredients and equipment required for their manufactures L. One handwritten discussion on the manufacture of rocket pro- Pellmts, including a dotailed discussion of the applicstion of said propellants in specific weapons axl sitmtions. Se Four typewritten copics of items 2, 3, end k cbove combined and partially completed. : . | 6. Item #4 above completed in typewritten form (1 copy). Typewritten instructions for the manufacture af ROCKET FROPELIANTS (1 eopy)e La Be ‘Typewritten program for and materials to be used Sn a laboratory for the developsent find inproveasat of explosives, rocket pro- pellants, and allied substances {2 copy). . : ee Be ke ao Ove handvritten and one typewritten copy af the plant manufactur ing process of explosives, oe S sy : Qne handwritten and one types froa John J. Parsons to Ks. Que typewritten copy of proposed propellant Yoading Flantfon\ > * T12 otors ant cost estimates therefor, tates I, TI, IIT, IV and Vj and throo typewritten copies of tatle I of the sane only. he handwritten material was in the handwriting of the subject. I a 1 te am’ date this material was brought to the Los Angeles office Hiwtere photographic copes wore wade af Ate aa 0m September 25, 1950, Sh jand the weiter displayed th> doc. its and papers to JOHN T. BERDNER, Air Provost ¥archal, 0. S. Amy, sho Advised that 1t vould be neceasury for him to forward. copies of them to ine cliief of the Security and Policy Division, Intelligens Department, Headquarters, Air | Latoriel Command, Wright Field, Peyton, Ohio, where the doc-ments would ve exanined for the purpose of deteraining whether or not they contain classified or non-classified information, Fursuant to instructions from BERDNER. the documents and papers on September 26, 1950, were placed in the custody af MAJOR B. J. FREN, Air Force Cificer in Charge, Hughes Aircraft Company fer transnittal to Wright Fi-lds ©; MD, om sentearer 26, i ages Oi Aircraft Compeny, advised the writer tiat elements: fist scvemteen cf the asove papers cnd’docunents portatning to spoct fications for rocket propellant = and jet propulsion motors fall within the provisions of Contract 1 3303°-1hz; -, ar4 should bear the classificatica *confidsntial.¥ He stated that as per arr |, Seport CD 356, dated July 1, 1950, Fropuleion details, such as thut of vhich “ths above ds concerned, are to be classified taufideaiial,* : 3a) eres ae ‘ pains 5 wee na : ce y Se OA Septeaber 26, 1950, JOM V. PARSOIS ‘elathoalésTly contectad thks asl stated that he" dostrod' Lo done to the Los #ngelas office for the Purpose of speaking with an agent oonesrning the docimante end papers wich Biz bed lett at the QM residence. ; Mee 3 rigid at the Tos angeles * nave boon nade to induce we to make this statononts FY Advieed that this statement my be used in court. #1 preseiitly reside at 1200 Espleaade, Redoodo Beach, 3 wes bom on October Z, 191k in Los Angeles County, California. eRe "I wes omployed by Hughes Aircraft Caupany on ify 6, 1919 "nd my present capacity ie thet of group leader in charge of pro~ pellants, propulsion and launching group of the Research and Devolop- ” ment Laboratories. Se “In approximately October of 1918 I negotiated with Worth Hollywood, California, for « (sracle Shortly after this I sutnitted to suggested plans for the construction of an explosive Mose negotiations continued for some time and in apprax- Amately June of 1950 T was requested to subuit a breakdown of detailed cost of the equipment in explosive processes which I had Proposed. In July and August 1950 I prepared a revised proposals .- Im Septomber 1950 1 worked for ifuhes Aircraft on # proposed rocket “propellant loading plant which was to be built ly Hughes iircraft. ty work concerned gathering data on processes to be used and cost, of equipment. The proposed rocket propellant lesd:ng plant, plans Ab icluted dotatted cost breakdows of which T required in ++ fe" wy proposal 1 vas to subnit to * “On September 15, 1950 I took # portion of the Eug Adrcreft proposal for the rocket propellant, loading plant froa ths . Hughes Aircraft Plant vhere'Z vas emplgyed. I carried this material “out of tha plant in a brief case or envelope and I showed a package and property pass to the guard at Gate 1%, J took this material home and on the followin, 16, 1: T tock this material ‘to the residence Polos Verdes, California, and of the water isl ‘which I had collected {a order ‘that I could organize the wnturfal tn tho fore ef a cost ppopcasls 1 exp:oinod to am P of propart Ps 1 Se ae 1 frac and after further Snvestigation 7 Boutanted ith an inguiry as to possible work that J eculd oy, - : = ST tow thot ‘the above mentioned material wis of a classified nature but it wee ay intention to select only the cost of equipment and process from the Hughes aircraft material to in Clude in my proposal to be subnitted to, v, SI now realize that I was wrong in taking this material WAY tron the Hughes aircraft Plant and presenting it te OY ee act ‘ty intent to ham the United states or to low thas saterial to fall into the hands of an unauthorized person. 1 kniex ‘tha Land had boon clesred after & security ad tw on, ae: not axare that the material was classified, "I received no remmeration or promise of remmeration for removing this material nor ms I ordered or requested to do so by any persone i “I have read this statement consisting of six pages \ Anitisled by me and it is the truth to the best of my knowledge. ao 8/e/ Joon We Parsons ne September 27, 1950 Spactal Agent, YBI, Septamber 27, 1950. Special Agent, Federal Burpau of ava: * PARSGHS, at thts time, furnished the Following backgro gcencorning himself; In the year 1929 he accoupanted Wis parents to Europe Ztiare he visited for a short period of time, He Ime not travaled citsice the = United States since that tims. Re graduated froa Ualversity Bigh School, ABS pasadena, California in 1933 and since thet ‘tine has taken’ gai extension courses’ froa the Yniversity fornia an ‘ graduating a 19LE to Soupany, Pasadena, + 39LG to 1948 - North American aviation Corporetion, 2 Galiforatag fh aa. es : VWs to 1950 = Hughes Atroraft Compaiy, Culver Clty, Californ’s and Caiversity of Southern California, Depertnent sy of Pharmacology, Tos Angeles. < : He advised that in 1948, while employed with the North american Aviation Corporation, Inglewood, California, ha was suspended from ts employ- sont in that he was alleged to have associated with Communists but that in Ayu he was cleared and rehired, : <5" By etated that during approximately 1518, wile euployed at tie “Pughes Areraft Company, he road certain articles in soas technical ma garines, the exact nanos of vhich he could not recall, which pertained to technical _ development and scientific research in the comtry of Israel. He stated he became interested in this rork which on in Israel snd that afver making a nunber of inquiries,
  • lita Hughes Airorert. I 0 oe 159 owed and aivisod that ho presently resides ai iii. oe Se 3 tp arouch draft report completed at Bughes Aircraft in September, 1950 by i PARSONS and himself. torial for this rough draft report cane from gersonal notes made by! wile at the Thicke! BEedstone arsenal, Huntevil! abama, According we “OSI EMER ST «CON ent ati Pegle with the ocmpilation of this lteriel, but.that Ut wig, ertholese,a Be gpint project. J Beige, f the Missile Project Section, Hughes wr 2y, 1: and ‘the oF" ‘doounen: Items 11,12, J. The originals are now stamped ‘ut QE xplained that the classification stamp was not @ocumente until after PARSONS was found to have, the mterial from Hughes out of the plant. = oe ‘ lndvised that all the doounents except Itex 13 had on recovered at ths residence by himself and special icon a of this office on September 25. Item 13 had been returned to Bughe ie Septenber 25, 1950 and givon to Colonel JOHN K- re ‘by, BROW, of Soourity and Protection, Hughes Airoraft, who, 42 turn, seve ie Comm” SS Petsson: Beene abn tt wae 7 La 65-5131 ye ie : ye see ‘ $3 oc Be “ae } fi beings - cilia + thencelvos to me as special egents of the Federa} Bureau of: ‘This etatenont istmde dvived of xy right to on ands to induce me deen advised that this statenent Investigation, U. 8. Dept. of Juétioes “freely and voluntarily and I have been a “Bounsel. Ko threats or promises havo’ be: make this statenent and I have fay be used: in court, “I wish to oorroct xy statement of Sept. 27, 1950 inasnich fe Tne reoell that I di¢ not take the Hughes material myself to the posidence.* I did discuss and mike the arrangeronte with for her to type copies of ‘thi: actually took the material he 23rd of Septonber. “i have rend the above atatenent Ap_Ate entirety. :
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