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1-27 Constitutional Amendments

1- 5 Basic Freedoms
No white people are allowed in this store.
2- Bear arms
My friends keep a gun in their house.
3- restrict the quartering of troops
I do not have to let the army stay at my house.
4- unreasonable searches and seizures
You cannot search me for walking down the sidewalk.
5-life, liberty, property. Due process of law, double jeopardy, self incrimination, and government seizure of
I was found innocent so the new video of me killing someone has no effect in court
6-Speedy, public, and jury trial- Criminal cases
I will not wait in this court forever
7-jury trial in Civil Cases
I have a right to a jury.
8- cruel and unusual punishment
My punishment for murder is cruel but not unusual
9- all rights not spelled out are retained by the people - your basic or natural rights
If its not a law its legal
10- powers not given to the nation or the states, belong to the people
What isn't the countries or states is mine.
11th- Individual States have Sovereign Immunity
This means lawsuits cannot be brought against any state without its consent
12th-Electoral college casts votes for President and Vice President Separately
The Electoral college voted for the pres and vice together
13th- Abolished Slavery
I can't own another human
14th- Citizenship to all people born in the united states.
States cannot take people's rights away
15th- The right to vote shall not be denied to any citizen on the basis of race, color, or previous condition
of servitude.

16th- Established Federal Income Tax

17th- Popular election of senatorsthe states dont chose the senators, the people choose.
18th- Prohibition of liquor
No boose.
19th- Womens Suffrageright to vote
20th- Changed the dates from when a new president and congress takes office from March to January
21st- Repeal of Prohibition (18th amendment)
Nvm you can have boose
22nd- President can only serve two terms or 10 years in office
Dont become a king
23rd- Gives Washington D.C. three electoral votes during Presidential Elections.
They had no say until the 1964 election
24th- The right to vote cannot be denied due to being poor
25th- Clarifies Presidential succession
26th- Suffrage 18, 19, and 20 year olds can vote
27th- Senators and Representatives cannot increase their pay during the current term.
They can only increase pay for the people elected to the next term.

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