Table of Contents (Toc) No. Title 1. MARTANKER 5 Loading Operation 1

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Loading Operation

(For Vessel)

Revision: 2
Date: 2005/07/01



MARTANKER 5 Loading Operation


Loading Operation
(For Vessel)

Revision: 2
Date: 2005/07/01
Page No.: 1

Click here to view video 121.mp4

1. Prohibition of unsymmetrical loading
Unsymmetrical loading must be prohibited excluding slop tank (P&S). Commingled loading must be considered
and planned.
2. Handling of ventriser master valve during loading operations
(1) Ventriser master valve must be kept in fully open position from commencement to completion of loading
(2) If cargo tank pressure is going down after completion of loading operation, topping up must be done by IGS.
3. Guidelines for loading condensate cargo (For NYK owned vessels only)
(1) For loading of condensate cargo, following must be observed.
a) Condensate cargo must not be loaded into same tank on two straight voyages.
b) Condensate cargo must not be loaded on undocking voyage.
c) Condensate cargo must not be loaded on maiden voyage.
(2) For COW of tanks that have discharged condensate cargo, coating of bulkheads with another cargo oil must be
done. COW with condensate must be prohibited because of unexpected rise in tank pressure.
4. Procedures for prevention of un-expected move of the Slop water during cargo operation
(1) To prevent transferring Slop water, the loading operation should be kept enough difference (about 3 meters)
between loading Slop water tank and the other loading tanks. Chief officer should indicate clearly this
procedure in writing.
(2) When opening the tank valve of loading slop water tank, the duty officer should pay attention to changing
ullage by the tank gauges.

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