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Adali Perez

RWS 1301
Annotated Bibliography based on the different uses, types and
purposes of Physical Therapy

American Physical Therapy Association. (2015, December 17). Video: You Can Be Me:
A Career in Physical Therapy. Retrieved March 17, 2016, from
The American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) is a physical therapy
company for physical therapist to set their main goal for patients. It supports
therapists and tries to improve health care and quality in treatments. The video
posted in this page talks about the career of a physical therapy, how therapists
work change entirely the lives of many people by helping and motivating them.
Besides talking about the career, is also a motivational video for students
interested in becoming a physical therapist one day. The video says that anyone
can become one, but that the student must love the human body and also they
must be very patient and love to be with people. This video can explain or give

further information about what a physical therapist do and the impacts he/she can
make in anothers life.
Andrade, S. M., Santos, N. A., Fernndez-Calvo, B., Boggio, P. S., Oliveira, E. A.,
Ferreira, J. J., & ... Nbrega, S. R. (2016). Stroke Treatment Associated with
Rehabilitation Therapy and Transcranial DC Stimulation (START-tDCS): a study
protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 171-12. doi:10.1186/s13063016-1186-7
The authors of this article are under and graduate students from Brazil from the
Federal University of Paraiba and the Mackenzei Prebysterian University. They
are in different med-programs involving neuroscience, physiology, human
movement, and neuromuscular adaptations. The article covers basically the
consequences of an individual suffering from a stroke, a brain damage that
affects your neurons and causing other disorders in the brain. Also this can bring
other problems to the human body such as headache, the need of motor
recovery, etc. There is a physical therapy treatment related to it called
Constraint-induced Movement Therapy Program know as CIMT. Even though
CIMT is a therapy that cannot fix a stroke by itself, it improves certain stages of a
stroke. This article will help me to show how physical therapy sometimes may not

be the just involved in movement, it can also be in any other muscle that does not
necessarily moves, but it is essential to all the other functions of the body.
Bentley, M. H. (1926). Physical Therapy the Relation of Physical Therapy to
Medicine. The American Journal of Nursing, 26(6), 469471.
Marion H. Bentley is a writer of the journal called The American Journal of
Nursing that is based on health and nursing global information. Bentleys article
defines physical therapy as the treatment of disease by natural forces meaning
that is a method to heal or improve something in a persons body that has a
disability since birth or that it appeared as the pass of the years. He talks about
the education needed to become a therapist, and that is very complicate and
hard to enter to physical therapy school/program. In this career a therapist is
acting as a doctor and as a pharmacist, one must have their essential principal
ethics in mind all the time. Even though the job opportunities are extremely high
once the program is completed, barely quantity of students reach their goal to
actually enter to the Physical Therapy Program and become therapists. This
article will support my topic because it says how difficult students path to become
therapists pass through all their educational lives. With that being said, one can

infer that not anyone can become one, students need to be extremely determined
and responsible enough to reach their goal.
Fowler, M. E. (1978). Physical Therapy for Animals [Review of Physical Therapy for
Animals]. The Journal of Zoo Animal Medicine, 9(2), 8080.
Fowler is reviewing this article called Physical Therapy for Animals that covers a
different kind of therapy. By different I mean really different, the patients arent
humans, they are animals. Yes, the article talks about the not so common therapy
for animals. It is based on the same purpose, rehabilitation of muscle
movements. Animal therapy has the same treatment as humans such as
ultraviolet treatment, hot and cold applications, ultrasound and massage. This is
an important contribution to animals that are injure or born with a disability. This
article also helps me in the view of other types of therapies. Animal therapy is a
totally different type of medicine, but the help this gives is the same. There are
animals that are born without one leg, or two, or either the four. Animal therapy
helps in does kind of situations and even more.
Kovacs, Richard. (1942). the Scientific Monthly, Physical Therapy. New York: American
Association for the Advancement of Science.

The author of this article is a well-known physician that practiced his therapies
with diathermy process. Diathermy is a physical therapy method that uses
electromagnetic currents in order to produce muscle relaxation by the heat this
method produces. In this article he talked about how physical therapy went from
his time when he first started till his best years as a physical therapy specialist
and the different methods of this. He mentioned that physicians were not
considered as important as other medical processes; they used to have no space
for therapies and their departments. After World War, this totally changed when
thousands of soldiers were highly injury and needed healing with the help of
medicine but also of therapy. With that event, his specialty, diathermy, and
artificial ultraviolet radiation came to be recognized. This article gives me
background information about how physical therapy advance by the time and the
different therapy methods that at that time were useful and if they are useful
Mansbach, A., Bachner, Y. G., & Melzer, I. (2010). Physical therapy students' willingness
to report misconduct to protect the patient's interests. Journal of Medical
Ethics, 36(12), 802805. Retrieved from

The authors of this article are professors of physiotherapy reporting in their article
a concern of whistleblowing among physical therapists. The article specifically
reports that there are a lot of cases where physical therapist do not report an
abuse/mistreated of a colleague/manager to protect patients. They did a study to
show the severity of the issue. The study effectively demonstrate that there are
many cases where therapists do not report any kind of abuse in order for them to
not get into trouble in his/her job. The authors are trying to make a call to action
to this situation for the adequate treatment to patients. They are sure if
implementing the ethics on therapists or as a practical training can help therapist
to report any incidents whether it is a colleague or the manager. This article helps
my topic to demonstrate the problems physical therapist faced in their career.
This shows how they can have difficult times even with their own coworkers and
bosses, remarking the importance of their ethics and determination to help the
patient first instead of anyone else.
Mary B., & MaryAnn. (n.d.). "The treatment and physical therapy did miracles!" - Knee
Arthritis Specialists. Retrieved March 18, 2016, from

Mary B. is a 92 years old woman that suffered a lot of years of neck and knee
pain. This website provided a letter from her telling her story involving with
physical therapy. She said she tried a lot of methods to stop her pain but none of
that seemed to work for her. She tried several different medicines and injections
that failed or the pain will stop temporarily but as soon as possible went back.
She mentioned a doctor called Dr. Rick that gave her attention and other types of
medicine for the pain. He and Dr. Anne, a physical therapist, help her to
permanently fix her back and knees. She said the therapy was hard at the
beginning but later on after several weeks of exercise, she was able to move
again freely without any support. Now she is very grateful of the treatments she
took because she is now healthier than she thought she was going to be. This
testimony gives support to my topic of physical therapy because it shows that the
therapies are not just for athletes or young people, patients can be from baby to
senior. There are different types of therapies that adapts to the type of patient the
therapists is assigned.
Nichols, M., & Rudin, S. (Producers), & Abrams, J. J. (Writer). (1991). Regarding Henry
[Motion picture]. United States: Paramount Pictures.
This film produced by Mike Nichols and Scott Rudin, is about a successful lawyer
named Henry Turner, starring by Harrison Ford, which suffered from a shot while

a robbery was occurring. Fortunately he survived, but he suffered from brain

damage, and lost his memory. He was not able to move and talk, and had
amnesia. He attended physical therapies at a hospital, which gave him the ability
to move, and talk again. He was really grateful about being able to do all those
things that he almost acted like a child again. This film will answer doubt about
physical therapies being able to help people from terrible accidents such as a
bullet. The therapies were actually able to make them move but even talk. This
film will support the point that physical therapy does goes further than just

Porter, S. (1988). Use of Physical Therapy. AAV Today, 2(2), 101102.
Stuart Porter a physiotherapy doctor who wrote the article Use of Physical
Therapy to explain the avian fracture repair. He said that being with fracture is to
be totally immobilized, one muscle that is not functioning correctly would affect
the others. He mentioned a treatment called post-immobilization treatment to
increase the patients physical activity for recovery. Even though he is talking
about a birds treatment, he connects the treatments that are also applied to

humans for the viewer to see the advancements because of the therapies. This
article has secondary information because is giving extra information that
physical therapy is applied in humans as well as in animals with the same
purpose. The animals also need their attention for their bones and muscles. Post
immobilization therapy for animals its a classification of therapy that is involved in
medicine. Physical therapy has different uses that only human muscles.
Stockings, G. T., Fordham, M., & Kimber, W. J. T. (1947). Physical Therapy of Mental
Disorder. The British Medical Journal, 2(4514), 7273. Retrieved from
Fordham was an English psychiatrist and a principal founder of a movement
analysis, G. Tayleur Stockings was a specialist in psychological medicine, and W.
J. T Kimber was a medical director of a psychiatric and child guidance and
superintendent of a mental hospital. All three together wrote an article debating
either physical therapy is important and valuable for mental disorder patient or is
it useless at all. The physical therapy applied to this type of patients is called
psychotherapy with according to Stockings, is unnecessary and should not be
considered a treatment to combat mental disorder. In the other hand Fordham
and Kimber agree that psychiatrists treatment as well as physical therapy are
important for mental disorder patients. Even Fordham declares that he does not

consider himself a qualifier to practice psychotherapy, and that physical therapy

should be recognized as good as well as psychiatry. This article gives support to
my topic because is a real debate of how important is physical therapy to some
doctor but other doctors can consider it useless. As shown in the article, the
doctor are recognizing that even though they have a lot of knowledge, physical
therapist have not more, but different knowledge that doctor may not be capable
of cover by themselves
Vincent-Onabajo, G. O., Nweze, E., Kachalla Gujba, F., Ali Masta, M., Usman Ali, M.,
Alhaji Modu, A., & Umeonwuka, C. (2016). Prevalence of Low Back Pain among
Undergraduate Physiotherapy Students in Nigeria. Pain Research & Treatment,
1-4. doi:10.1155/2016/1230384
This article has various authors that are actual physiotherapist students of
Nigeria of the University of Maiduguri. The article is based in a study of low back
pain, (LBP), a very common problem in all kind of individuals. As mentioned in
the article, even the physiotherapist students suffer of LBP. The studies results
were relevant because the amount of students suffering of this problem were
almost equal in all countries; the only students that were less affected by this
were the students located in Nigeria, Africa. The students of the University of
Maiduguri made a worldwide study of LBP in physiotherapist students and the

reasons why they were less affected by this. The reasons that they focused in
were the hours of study, the hours of lecture, and the postures students have
when they are making therapies or just studying. Their analysis gave as a result
that males suffer LBP more than females, both at age of 25 by the 4th year of
their studies. By providing this article, it gives me information about low back
problems and that any individual, even the ones studying it, can suffer of it and
have consequences in short term or even long term time. .
Wang, X., Pi, Y., Chen, B., Wang, R., Li, X., & Chen, P. (2016). Cognitive motor
intervention for gait and balance in Parkinsons disease: systematic review and
meta-analysis. Clinical Rehabilitation, 30(2), 134-144.
The articles authors are students/workers prevenient from Sports and Medicine
Rehabilitation Center, Shanghai University of Sport, the Department of
Rehabilitation Medicine, and the Shanghai Punan Hospital. They are writing
about the interventions that should be applied in order to lower Parkinson
Disease among affected patients. The article introduces a process in specific
called Cognitive Motor Intervention that consists brain and physical exercises to
improve the movements, thoughts and ability to concentrate in task successfully.

Parkinson Disease enables people to move freely and make tasks with their own
hands and their own will.
Webster, H. (2016, January 19). 6 Things to Know About Recreational Therapists.
Retrieved from
Hannah Webster is a journalist at the US News & World Report whose articles
are mostly about health issues. On this article she writes about recreational
therapy, a type of physical therapy that helps patients to recovery to do play
sports or any other advanced physical therapy after he/she suffered from an
accident. Even they can help people not only physically, but also emotionally.
Therapists help patients in therapies by making them enjoying their time there
and also at the same time making their mobility to improve. Their therapies
consist from sports like soccer, swimming, to music and dancing. The article also
brings information about where therapists work, such as clinics, hospitals, mental
health care centers, and also school systems. This article give more information
for my point by splitting the field of physical therapy in another area or being more
specific about other points of view of therapies. This is another form to
demonstrate that traditional physical therapy can be change to a recreational and
more enjoying therapy, considering the patients problem.

Westby, M. D., Klemm, A., Li, L. C., & Jones, C. A. (2016). Emerging Role of Quality
Indicators in Physical Therapist Practice and Health Service Delivery. Physical
Therapy, 96(1), 90-100. doi:10.2522/ptj.20150106
The authors of this article are one of the most reliable resources one can
consider. They are from the Department of Physical Therapy of the University of
Columbia and one is from the School of Public Health of the University of Alberta,
all two universities from Canada. They are talking about the process and care
therapist do every time they have a patient. They mentioned the Quality
Indicators (QIs) seen as tools that help a therapist know how much practice did
they need and gives outcomes of the care of the patients. Therapists use QIs for
a better way to manage the treatment effectiveness, routines, and clinical
decision-making. Also physical therapists need to be motivated and persistent at
all time, for the patient to feel motivated as well and most important to not give
up. IQs in many centers of medicine can be described different, but it is
described with the same purpose. Purpose that is to be well informed in health
care services, motivation, quality, accountability, etc. This article supports my
topic of physical therapist by providing the principles of physical therapist that
they must follow thru all their career work.

Zhu, L., Wei, X., & Wang, S. (2016). Does cervical spine manipulation reduce pain in
people with degenerative cervical radiculopathy? A systematic review of the
evidence, and a meta-analysis. Clinical Rehabilitation, 30(2), 145-155.
The three authors of this article are from the Wangjing Hospital in Beijing. The
article explains what is the Degenerative Cervical Radiculopathy problem, and its
best therapy to apply for it. Degenerative Cervical Radiculopathy is a neck pain
that comes from a nerve root. Some healing methods mentioned in the article
are: conservative therapies that include medication and oral steroids, manual
therapies, the use of a cervical collar, and also the practice of exercise. Studies
have been made to analyze the side effects of conservative therapies with the
drugs given and the therapy combined. The slow process of this drugs cause to
the patient several discomforts such as problems of hypertension. That is why
cervical manipulation has been considered the best way to heal the neck pain
because it is based only in the use of hands of the therapist from the neck thru all
the cervical joints. This therapy is very common in China and is considered the
best way to heal rather than using non-steroidal or steroidal drugs. This article
provides me strong information of how much physical therapy is necessary for
people because is even better than drugs or other kind of medication. It shows

how physical therapy is a way to heal bones, muscles, in a healthier and safer
way to any kind of kinesthetic problem on the body.

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