Prof. Makau Mutua Lecture Poster - Final

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Professor Makau wa Mutua

Africa and the

Criminal Court:
Some Disturbing Questions
Thursday | April 7th | 6:00 p.m.
Frazier Jelke B
Professor Makau wa Mutua is
State University of New York Distinguished
Professor and Floyd H. and Hilda L. Hurst
Faculty Scholar at the University at Buffalo
Law School, where he is the immediate former
Dean of the Law School (2008-2014). He is a
member of the Council on Foreign Relations
and, on the recommendation of the Obama
administration, he was, in 2012, appointed to
a four-year term to the Board of Advisors of
the International Development Law
Organization based in Rome, Italy. Currently
on sabbatical from the University at Buffalo
Law School, Prof. Mutua is now based at the World Bank as a consultant on
Governance and Human Rights. Among his publications include Human Rights: A
Political and Cultural Critique (2008); Human Rights NGOs in East Africa: Political
and Normative Tensions (2008); and Kenyas Quest for Democracy: Taming the
Leviathan (2008).

Sponsored by the International Studies Department

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