1 Gretina Parent Letter Keyboarding 2015-16 Spring1

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Dodson Middle School

28014 Montereina Drive

Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
(310) 241-1900
January 2016
Dear Parent or Guardian,
I would like to welcome you and your child to a new semester year. I will be teaching your
student their elective 10-week course: Electronic Keyboarding. I am looking forward to providing
a rewarding learning experience for your student in the time ahead. This letter is to inform you
and your student of my program, my grading scale, and what your student needs to do to be

**Gretina Curriculum Letter 2015-2016

Dodson Middle School

28014 Montereina Drive
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
(310) 241-1900
Your student needs no supplies or textbooks for this elective course. We will be working on
school computers through an internet-based platform. They will need to be present during class
periods to complete the assigned tasks. Regular attendance is essential if your child is to
experience all the educational opportunities and to fulfill his/her requirements for graduation.
When students are absent it is required that they follow up with me during their nutrition or
lunch upon return to school.
Academic grades are based
on bi-weekly tests and
classwork. All grades will be
available for viewing on
JupiterGrades. Final
cumulative grades are
weighed as follows Tests
(55%) and Classwork (45%)
and are based on the following

90% 100% = A
80% 89% = B
70% 79% = C
60% 69% = D
0% 59%

Work habits grades are
based on effort, responsibility,
and attendance. Proper work
habits are absolutely
necessary to be successful in
our classes. Among good
habits are getting to class on
time, bringing required
materials to class everyday,
turning in quality work on
time, and effort. Refer to the
LAUSD Criteria for Marks
and the following scale:

Cooperation grades are

based on the students
conduct, his/ her respect for
the teacher and classmates,
and positive
involvement in activities.
Refer to the LAUSD Criteria
for Marks:

100% 90% in HW/ CW = E

89% 70% in HW/ CW
69% or less in HW/ CW = U

Excellence = E
Satisfactory = S
Unsatisfactory = U

*Refer to Ms. Gretinas Academic Grade Guidelines for more information.


If you would like to speak to me, you may call the Counseling Office at (310)241-1955 to
request either a phone or in-person conference. I am looking forward to working with you and
your student this year.
Ms. S. Gretina

I have read and discussed the class requirements with my child and will encourage him/her to follow them.
Student Signature
Print Student Name & Homeroom Number
Parent Signature
**Gretina Curriculum Letter 2015-2016

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