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Kevin Clyde

Rules and Procedures

Respect people, places, and things

o This rule is so vague, but it covers so many situations:
personal property, school property, field trips, civil
discourse, etc. I want to make an effort to have meaningful
discussions in my classroom, and this allows them to feel
like they have a voice. This is the rule that I would probably
cite the most if disruptions were to occur.

Come prepared everyday

o I purposefully dont tardiness here. Firstly, I can always
point to being respectful of others time when student are
tardy. Secondly, I also feel that being on time will be a
thing students will pick up on eventually (assuming they
havent already learned some time management skills up
to this point), Thirdly, I can always point out the school
tardiness policy (and show grace when they have
demonstrated consistent punctuality). But I think its
important to stress preparedness, its a good life skill

Think before you speak

o This rule overlaps with respect. I want to encourage two
things. The first is to encourage the students to be mindful
of things they may say about others or to others that may
not be appropriate. I also want to encourage them to ask

questions about things. This would allow them to articulate

their questions a bit better. (Though discussing
misconceptions can be very productive)

Dont use devices unless directed

o I am really drawn to this rule. We discussed in class how
much technology is apart of the lives of students. While I
feel no need to deprive them of such useful and
meaningful technology, I also insist that there are
appropriate times and places for it. This is another life skill.
Not every employer will look kindly on cell phones, for
example, as I can be.

Nobody speaks twice until everyone speaks once

o I will frame this rule more heavily for group activities. It
certainly allows everyone to have a voice. But it also forces
the more timid students out of their comfort zones, if only
for a little bit.

Be curious.
o When I am introducing new ideas, I dont a students fear
of looking stupid forcing them to stay quiet. This is also a
skill that is transferable to the adult world

Listen, Listen, Listen

o Next to rule #5, this is my favorite. This encourages
students not only engage each other in discussion, but also
to understand what their classmates are saying. This is
another skill that is very useful in life.

These rules and procedures I have listed best align with a combination
of Love and Logic, Ginott, with a very implicit layer of Character
Education. With rules about listening and respect, it sort of neutralizes
student arguing before it begins. Those practices help develop
empathy. They help develop positive teacher/student relationships as
well as positive student/student relationship. These all refer to Love
and Logic. With rules about being prepared, nobody speaking twice,
and using devices only when directed, I am addressing potential
problems without mentioning a students character. The listening,
thinking before speaking, and let everyone speak once rules do two
things: 1) I am inviting cooperation and 2) I am discouraging labeling.
When I tell students to come prepared and to think first, I am
encouraging a disciplined life. These examples refer to the Ginott
model. When I give rules about appropriate use of devices, when I tell
them to respect each other, when I tell them to come prepared every
day, its a very implicit reference to Character Education, as I want
them to be civilized and upstanding citizens.

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