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Do Now:
Work independently to list any reasons you can think of
that usually result in a clash between cultures; why do
different societies go to war with each other?

The Prophet Muhammad

#Born ~570C.E. in Mecca
#~610 C.E. Mount Hira and the
message from Gabriel
#Growth in popularity & clash
with ruling elite
#622 Hijra to Medina & the codes
of life
#Concept of the Ummah
#Died 632C.E.

Islam as a Faith


The Qur'an
Sharia Law based in Hadith
Jihad as a Concept Defense of the Faith
Sects: Differences in interpretations, practices, and
! Sunii-

# Largest branch of Islam

# More Orthodox
# More open interpretation
of Hadith

! Shia

# Faith in Gods choice to

safeguard Islam
# Family of the Prophet
should succeed
# Hidden Mahdi


5 Pillars of Islam
#Faith or belief in the Oneness of God and
that Muhammad is the final prophet
#Establishment of the daily prayers
#Concern for and almsgiving to the needy
through fasting
#The pilgrimage to Mecca
for those who are able

Meanwhile in Europe

Rising population
Emergence of powerful regional principalities
Increased productivity
Growth of cities
Expansion of trade
End of external raids

Birth of Islamic Empire

# Muhammad as Prophet v. Muhammad as Politician
# Issues of Succession
# Rightly Guided Caliphs
# Umayyad Dynasty
# Abbasid Caliphates
# Conquests

Persian Byzantium War

Fall of the Persian Empire

Pope Urban II
!Born c.1042
!Career churchman
!Problems with the German Empire; Investitures
!Problems with the Byzantine Empire; E-W
Schism, 1054
!Problems in Rome


The Call to Crusade


Mapping it Out

#Deus lo vult. God wills it.

#The Council of Clermont:
November 18-28, 1095
! Urban IIs Speech
! Militant Papacy
! Claims spiritual and political
leadership of Christian Europe
! Assumes responsibility for
Christian Holy Places in the East

Analyzing the
#Note the
! Author
! Location & Time (if applicable)
! Intended Audience
! 3 Main Points
! 1 Key Quote (something you feel best sums up or is
most important in the documents)

#Let the holy burial place of our Lord and Savior, which
is held by the unclean Islamic Empire, arouse a fight in
you . . . This royal city [Jerusalem], situated at the center
of the earth, is now held captive by the enemies of Christ
and is subjected, by those who do not know God, to the
worship of the heathen. Accordingly, undertake this
journey eagerly for the assurance of the reward or
imperishable glory in the kingdom of heaven.
# Pope Urban II, The Council of Clermont: Nov.1095


The Pilgrims &

# Growth of tourism
# Hard journey
# For knights, this was a chance to use their
fighting skills, something they enjoyed and
did well. They were delighted to have such
a worthy battle to fight.
# For peasants, this was a chance to escape
from their dreary life in the feudal system.
The pope promised that if they died while
fighting a holy crusade, they would
automatically be welcomed into heaven.
# For others, it was a chance to have an
adventure, and perhaps even to get rich.

Salah al-Din ibn Ayyub

aka Saladin
Reigned 1174-1193
Rose through military
Begins reclaiming cities as part of
the counter-crusade.
! Saladin declares Jihad against
Crusader states

! The Battle of Hattin, 1187

! June 26: Saladin invades

kingdom of Jerusalem
! Turning Point in Crusades

The Knights of Templar

#Wealthy western Christian military order
#Controlled money flow in crusader
#Built Fortifications
#After the first crusade
controlled Jerusalem

Richard I
Richard the Lionheart
#King of England, 1189-1199
#Experienced Warrior, Took over
with his fathers plan.
#Leader in the 3rd Crusades
#Made crusades a priority as
a monarch
#Turning points.


Richard v. Saladin
! Both hailed as heroes by their respective sides
! Negotiations at Acre
! Richard orders massacre of Muslim prisoners
! Marches south along coast
! Defeats Saladin at Battle of Arsuf (7 Sept. 1191)
! Crusaders advance towards Jerusalem
! Further negotiations
! 3 year Truce
! Crusaders retain coast (Acre to Jaffa)
# Richard and Saladin after the Crusade
! Richard leaves Holy Land, Oct. 1192
! Captured and imprisoned on return journey (Durnstein, Austria)
! Ransomed and returns England, Feb 1194
! Killed 1199
! Saladin dies, March, 1193

# Group1A: Pilgrims & Crusaders
! Dynorra, Tuesday, Lakyia

# Group 2A: The Knights of Templar

! Shailene, Javier, Reasha, Jeffery

Analyzing Primary
#Note the
! Author
! Location & Time (if applicable)
! 3 Main Points
! 1 Key Quote (something you feel best sums up or is
most important in the documents)

#Who were the key players?
#Why do you think they happened?
#What do you think the legacy was?

# Group 3A: Saladin

! Chris, Carlos, Eddy

# Group1B: Pilgrims & Crusaders

! Josefina, Monica, Brandon

# Group 2B: The Knights of Templar

! Carmen, Christian, Daniel

# Group 3B: Saladin

! Vijay, Kamen, Jesus


Exit Slip
#What did we learn?
#Why is this important?
#Where should we go next?

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