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By: Eric Burleson, Michael Rodriguez, and Isabella Poli

When was Buddhism founded, who founded it,

and where was it founded?
Founded in the 4 or 5 century BC in northern India.
Founder was Siddhartha (he who has reached the goal)
Gautama, otherwise known as Buddha. They believe he lived
from 563-483 BC.

The story of Buddhisms origins

Siddhartha was a prince in Lumbini. He saw suffering in
others and left. He started to form ideas, theories, and
teachings. He began teaching others his ideas and ways. He
became known as Buddha and his teachings have became a

What is the holy book for Buddhists?

Buddhist holy book is called the Tripitaka

Where are Buddhisms holy cities located?

Varanasi: Northern India

Gaya: North East India
Lumbini: Northern (slightly east-ish) India

3 of Buddhisms holy days

Vesak: Buddhas birthday; one of the most important; first full moon in May. Hold festivals to

Asalha Puja or Dhamma day: (usually in July) Full moon of the 8th lunar month; celebrating Buddha
s first sermon, often called setting into motion the wheel of dharma; Hold festivals to celebrate.

The Ploughing Festival: In May, when the moon is half-full, two white oxen pull a gold painted
plough, followed by four girls dressed in white who scatter rice seeds from gold and silver baskets.
This is to celebrate the Buddha's first moment of enlightenment, which is said to have happened
when the Buddha was seven years old, when he had gone with his father to watched the ploughing.

Buddhisms beliefs and teachings

They believe It is a philosophy because philosophy means love of wisdom and

they teach everything in the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path.

Buddhists Leadership structure

Buddhist Monasteries

Buddhisms religion is practiced in...

The Indian Subcontinent

How Many Estimated Followers does Buddhism

have Today?

Buddhism has an estimated 376 million

followers today.

Is Buddhism a monotheistic or polytheistic Religion?

Most people believe that its polytheistic because they worship

different gods for different things. Some think its monotheistic
because they only worship Buddha. And finally some think its
neither because Buddha was just a very wise man.

Who does Buddhism worship?

Buddhist do not believe in a creator god or gods,

but they do believe in a higher power.

What does Buddhism believe about the afterlife?

Believe in a type of rebirth where the spirit seeks and finds a new body
before being born.

Why did Buddha break away from Hinduism?

After he left his family to find his own peace he discovered and founded buddhism,
since he founded buddhism he had to break away from his old beliefs to teach his
new ones.

What are the major sections of Buddhism?

The three sections of Buddhism are Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana.

How is reincarnation in Buddhism different

than in Hinduism?
Both Buddhism and Hinduism believe in Samsara, which means
wandering on or continuing on In Hinduism it is believed to be a
permanent soul which goes from body to body. The soul occupies a
body then at death leaves and finds a new body. In Buddhism one is
continually rebirthed until Nirvana is reached.

Thank You

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