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Interview Results


Weight/No. of Children

What did you eat two

days ago/yesterday for
breakfast, lunch and

(Ibu Sarroh)

Age: 21 years
Gender: Female
Height: Unknown
Weight: 41 kg
No. of Children: 1

Student 1

Age: 12 years
Gender: Male
Height + Weight: Unknown

Student 2

Age: 11 years
Gender: Female
Height + Weight: Unknown

Household 1

[Husband] No Information
[Wife] Age: 35
Gender: Female
Height + Weight: 165 cm 50 kg
No. of Children: 8 (21 years - 10 months old)

Household 2

[Husband] Age: 40
Gender: Male
Height + Weight: 160 cm 45 kg
No. of Children: 4 (27 -16 years old)
[Wife] No Information.

(Ibu Sarroh)

Rice and vegetables

Student 1

Instant Noodles + Tempe/Tahu

Student 2

Rice and vegetables (water spinach, mushrooms,

and carrots)

Household 1


Household 2

Breakfast: Rice
Lunch: Rice + Fish + any other Vegetables
Dinner: Rice + Singkong

What do you do for a

living?/How many hours
do you (your parents)
work?/What do you use
as transportation to go to

(Ibu Sarroh)

Husband: Surgeon
Wife: Housewife

Student 1

Parent(s): Businessman

Student 2

Parent(s): Businessman

Household 1

Husband: Construction worker

Working Hours: 7 AM-4 PM
Transport: Ride w/ Friends for 10 thou a day
Wife: Housewife

Household 2

Husband: Stone Smasher?

Working Hours: 7 AM-4 PM
Transport: Walk
Wife: Housewife

Where do you live? How

many rooms do you have (Ibu Sarroh)
in your house? How many
people live in your house?
Student 1

Location: Babakan Jengkol

Rooms: 3
No. of people: 7

Do you use electricity at

home? Do you have
access to clean water?
Where do you clean your

Location: Kampung Curung

Rooms: 3
No. of people: 5

Student 2

Location: Kampung Curung

Rooms: 3
No. of people: 5

Household 1

Rooms: 2
No. of people: 13

Household 2

Rooms: 3
No. of people: 4 families

(Ibu Sarroh)

Electricity: Yes
Clean water: Yes (from well)
Laundry: At home

Student 1

Electricity: Yes
Clean water: Yes
Laundry: At home

Where do you shop for

food/get your food? Do
you just eat whatever or
do you understand
nutritional values?

Student 2

Electricity: Yes
Clean water: Yes
Laundry: At home

Household 1

Electricity: Yes
Clean water: Yes (from well)
Laundry: At home

Household 2

Electricity: Yes (from Government)

Clean Water: Yes (from well)
Laundry: River

(Ibu Sarroh)


Student 1

Instant noodles (probably) from the sellers

nearby, tempe/tahu unknown.

Student 2


Household 1

Rice and Fish unkown, farmers nearby grow

vegetables, other things from Pasar Babakan
Madang or the waroeng nearby
Yes, they eat vegetables for the nutritional value
and avoid instant noodles.

Household 2

Rice and Fish unkown, farmers nearby grow

vegetables, other things from Pasar Babakan
Madang but its too far/expensive to go to.
No, they just eat whatever they have/can.

Narrative Script
Include PHE and Civics results
Guiding Questions
1. How does ignoring central government policy affect the nutritional health of those in poverty?
2. What future trend might be predicted by analyzing the data?
3. How the illegal gold mining affects the nutritional health of those working in the mines?
4. In what ways might central government policy being ignored by local government be an ethical concern
in relation to nutritional health

Title: Poverty
Introduction: What is Poverty?
How does ignoring central government policy affect the nutritional health of those in
Nutrition of the people in poverty

The government policy

Why the government doesn't provide enough
What future trend might be predicted by analyzing the data?
How the illegal gold mining affects the nutritional health of those working in the mines?
In what ways might central government policy being ignored by local government be an
ethical concern in relation to nutritional health
Central government policy was not ignored
Response as a Christ believer

Narrative Script
highlighted: greg
Non-highlighted: tan
Introduction: Throughout Indonesia, there are many islands, provinces, cities and
villages that are populated by people who are in poverty. These people lack sufficient
money to live a standard and comfortable life, and generally need the government to
provide them with life necessities. From our observations and interviews with locals, it
appears that the government is able to provide health care, electricity, and basic
education at public schools for the children, however they still lack nutrition and space
to live. This still leaves the question, is the government providing enough for these
people? Are they able to survive off what the government gives them, and what may
happen to these people in the future.

How does ignoring central government policy affect the nutritional health of those in
What first needs to be investigated is the nutrition of the people who live in poverty, are
they living up to the amount of calories, fats and proteins that a human needs to
healthily live.
Generally and for this investigation, a male needs around 18,000-23,000 calories, 60-70
grams of fat, and 52 grams of protein a day. A female needs 16,000-18,000 calories, 5060 grams of fat, and 46 grams of protein. A person who does not consume the amount
said in those requirements may be terribly underweight and unhealthy.
For our investigation, we asked multiple locals on what they ate 2 days ago and the day
before. Although most forgot exactly what they ate, we were able to collect information
and find out the amount calories, fat and protein they ate based on those meals.
*Play multiple scenes of the students mentioning what they eat*
The students at the school we visited were eating on average 1,149.5 calories, 36.135
grams of fat, and 31.02 grams of protein a day. These numbers, especially the calories,
are very far from the recommended amount. On average, the children are only
consuming 6.3889% of the amount of calories they need, 60% of the fat they need, and

62% of the protein they need.

This proves that the students at the school clearly do not have a healthy diet, as they
consume a mere 6% of the amount of calories that they truly need. The government
needs to address these issues, and attempt to provide food for those in poverty. When
asking one of the locals, he says that we only eat whats there because they truly do
not have a choice on what they will eat, they must eat what they are able to find.
*Play Part of Interview with Local (The stone-smasher one)
This means that sometimes all they eat is just rice if the farmers werent able to find any
fish or farm their vegetable crops.
To solve this issue, the government needs to emphasise on providing more for those in

What future trend might be predicted by analyzing the data?

The data clearly shows that the people do not have enough nutrition, especially
calories. This is important because having a lack of nutrition may lead to fatigue, heart
problems, loss of muscle mass, and generally someone who has a low-calorie diet is
more vulnerable to illnesses and diseases ( This means the people in the villages who live in poverty may live unhealthy
lives and get sick easily.
The government may not provide food, but what they do provide is healthcare,
according to the local Puskesmas, and electricity
*Play Parts of Interview at the Puskesmas*
The government has a program where families are able to receive free healthcare for
the government no matter who you are. The healthcare is not of superb quality, but for
for the poor it can be all they have and the thing they value most in their life.
The government also provides electricity to nearly every household.
*Play part where we ask the locals about their source of electricity*
Although the government is able to provide electricity and especially healthcare to the
poor, it does not mean that they will remain healthy. The free healthcare would help but
the lack of nutrition that these locals have will lead to more and more illnesses and
diseases. This could lead to a trend where people keep getting sick due to their lack of
nutrition, where the government then provides healthcare to more people, more often.
However, this is a massive waste as instead of providing healthcare, the government
would be able to keep the people healthy before they need healthcare by simply
providing more food to the locals so they dont get sick as often.

How the illegal gold mining affects the nutritional health of those working in the mines?
In Indonesia, children can earn a small amount of money in a day from mining artisanal
gold under dangerous conditions. Workers are also exposed to poisonous mercury
when they process the precious metal. These children spend their days crushing rocks
that miners chisel from from the Earth. Liquid mercury, one of the most dangerous

heavy metals on the planet, is used throughout the processing of gold ore. Mining often
results in environmental degradation, which can have adverse effects on human health.

In what ways might central government policy being ignored by local government be an
ethical concern in relation to nutritional health
The government policy mainly focuses around providing healthcare and schooling for
people in poverty. However, what it seems to ignore is how the people are lacking
nutrition which leads them to getting ill more often. Then since theres free healthcare,
they take advantage of that and use it constantly since they get sick easily due to their
poor nutrition. It is an efficient system where the people in poverty get sick more often
but they get treatment from the puskesmas for free. If the healthcare was not free but
the government provided more food for the people, it could theoretically reduce the
amount of illnesses that the people will have since more nutrition would mean a
healthier diet. And considering they cant just freely go to the puskesmas without paying,
they would be more concerned about staying healthy instead of thinking Just go to the
puskesmas again, its free anyways.

Response as a Christ Believer

By sharing this documentation, we hope to raise awareness on the issue of poverty. We
hope that the government will continue to provide programs to address the issue of
poverty. We also hope for the active participation of the people of the community to help
solve the problem of poverty.
Gods Command Concerning the Poor
Proverbs 31 : 8-9
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themslves, for the rights of all
who are desititute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor
and needy.
The poor are often overlooked, but this verse clearly states that we must indeed help
those who are poor. Those who are struggling to provide for themselves are still no less
of people than you and I. They have their rights to a good life as well, but they just need
a little extra help from us to achieve that better life. We must help speak up for those
who cannot speak for themselves. We must not overlook them and think of them as any
less we think of ourselves. They are people, people who need help.

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