1 April 2016 Newsletter

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1 April 2016


A very special welcome to Oscar Bell, Hugh Crampton, Jakob Brits,

Julia Hodgson and their families to Kaikorai Primary School!

Dear Parents,
It was fantastic to see all children in the school take part in
important learning outside of their usual classroom experiences
(EOTC). This included swimming for the Juniors, beach trips for the Middles
and camp and adventure week for the Seniors. The benefits in terms of the
students physical, social and emotional development is immeasurable.
The new Health and Safety legislation comes into effect on Monday. You may
have noticed in the media recently many Principals and schools expressing
their concerns and making comments around stopping EOTC trips due to the
risks that they present.
At this stage the school has no intentions of stopping EOTC trips and believe
that we have well planed processes in place to keep its staff and students safe.
We have made two changes, the only tree we want children climbing is the one
near Room 12 and only to the height of the spray painted branches. We once
again ask parents not to drive their cars through the school at any time, as this
is an easily managed risk. The health and safety of our students is all of our
responsibility so please let the office know if you see any part of our school
requiring maintenance.
Kind regards,
Simon Clarke

Wright St, Roslyn


Important Dates
April 5 and 6 Juniors at Aquarium
April 6 - Kaikorai
April 6 - Math
Information Evening
April 15 - Next
April 15 - Last Day
of Term


Junior News
We hope you had a restful and happy Easter break.
Thank you to all the parents who helped with swimming, it makes such a difference to our organisation. It was
exciting to see how much progress the children made during the 8 days we went to the pool.
We are eagerly looking forward to our trip to the aquarium next week and we thank in advance all the parents
who have offered to help. Our Inquiry on What Lies Beneath is going well and the children are excited to be
discovering and learning about creatures and habitats under the ocean.
Our focus for next term will start with the Keeping Ourselves Safe Programme for 2 weeks. This will involve
Constable Ross Greer coming in the 2nd week to help present this. Each night there will be homework so please
look in the childrens bags for their tasks. It was good to see parents at our parent meeting to hear what this
programme entails.

Middle News
Last year the middle syndicate trialled using Literacy Pro which was subsidised by the parent group. We will be
using Literacy Pro again starting next term and this year your children will have access to 900 online books, these
books all have a quiz that can be completed after reading. Literacy Pro also enables children to access book lists
that they can use to find books in our school library that are at their level and of interest to them. Thank you to the
parent group for subsidising some of the cost this year. You will receive more information on this next week.
Children have been reading and learning about different creatures of the rocky shore and their special features.
Using their knowledge and some imagination, they have then created their own new creature. It has been great to
see them apply their knowledge of the habitats, diets, protection, and other interesting facts of real animals to their
own made up creatures.
There has been a massive improvement in childrens knowledge of their addresses, home phone, and cell phone
numbers during our work on Keeping Ourselves Safe. Children have had great discussions about meeting places
and other ways they can keep themselves safe at home and when out and about with friends or family. The most
important message they learned was that if you need help it is best to speak to someone you TRUST!

Senior News
In the week of the 15th March until the 18th of March all the senior classes were enjoying outdoor activities.
While the Year 6s went to camp at Camp Iona for these 4 days, the other senior children (including Room 4s
Year 4 children) pursued other activities. It has been pleasing to hear many children talking about their pride
in themselves with meeting the challenges, and their own understandings of how much more their leadership
skills have been further developed.
The Year 6 children gained new physical, social and leadership skills while doing a range of activities including
hiking, abseiling, zip lining, a search and rescue simulation, team building activities, a technology challenge,
yachting and kayaking. It was a very busy and challenging week for the Year 6s. At the end of the week many
children said that they wished we could have stayed at Camp Iona longer, but all were quite tired and ready to
see their families again.
During this week the other senior children went on a long hike through Ross Creek to Woodhaugh Gardens,
returning up the Bullock Track and along Highgate to school. This is quite a walk, but the children were rested
with a barbeque and play at the gardens before they walked back up the hill. Another day was spent with the
children either horse riding or yachting. We have all enjoyed hearing about the different challenges and
achievements they have had during this week.

2016 is Board of Trustees elections, this year 2-3 current BOT members will not be seeking
What do trustees do? First and foremost a board is accountable for student progress and
achievement to its parents and community. The board has the overall responsibility for the
school. This includes legal obligations covering curriculum, property, personnel, finance
and health and safety. Here are some specific things the board does:
Sets the strategic direction and long-term plans for the school and monitors the

boards progress against them.

Monitors and evaluates student progress and achievement.
Oversees the management of staff, property, finances, curriculum and administration.
Ensures that the educational needs and aspirations of Mori learners, Pasifika learners

and learners with special education needs are identified, planned for and met.
Fulfills the intent of the Treaty of Waitangi by valuing and reflecting New Zealands

dual cultural heritage.

Appoints and supports the principal and assesses their performance.

What skills do trustees need? Trustees are active leaders in their schools and need to
work well in a team, ask challenging questions and have good communication skills. Boards
need a balance of skills and experiences to ensure effective processes for planning,
monitoring, reporting and reviewing the schools performance are in place.
If you have an interest in becoming a board member then you are most welcome to attend
and observe a Board meeting. Meetings commence at 5.45pm and are held in the staff
room. The next two meeting dates are; 4 April and 23 May. You may also wish to contact
a current board member to talk about what being a board member at Kaikorai Primary
School entails.
The call for nominations occurs by 6 May and closes 20 May. Voting closes 3 June with the
new Board taking office on 10 June. Nomination forms will be available at the
school office.
Simon Hornal (021776337)
Dougal McGowen (0274 352446)
Gene Olerenshaw (0272287469)
Barb Long (0274793113)
Mel Black (0274046106)

Winter Sports at Kaikorai

Your child may have come home with a notice about playing a sport this winter season. If you
have filled this out and returned it that is all you need to do. If however you havent seen a notice
and you would like your child to play a sport this winter season please click on the web link.







Year 2-6



April 8


Year 3-6



April 8


Year 3-6



April 4

Parent Group
The Kaikorai Primary School Parent
Group are thrilled to let you know
that the Fair is happening in 2016!
Thank you to those who attended the
meeting last week or have already
offered to help. We managed to get
stall co-ordinators for the following
stalls: pony rides, toys, white
elephant, clothing, caf, face
painting, temporary tattoos, wacky
hair and nails, gingerbread men,
drinks/spiders, pizza, sausage sizzle,
dunk tank, bouncy castle, books,
baking, jolly jars/mystery bottles,
raffle/silent auction, candyfloss,
popcorn, ice creams, sushi, pikelets,
spring rolls, tombola, Little Flick,
chocolate wheel, massage chairs,
curly fries. What a great list!

Math Information Evening

On Wednesday 6th April we will be holding a Parent
Mathematics Information Evening at 6pm in the hall.
The purpose of the evening is to explain how
mathematics is taught within the classroom, what
understandings the children are working towards, and
some small tips on how you can help at home to
support your childs learning.
The presentation will also be available via email if you
are unable to attend, by contacting Kirsty Paehua.

New Accounts System

We have recently changed our accounts system in an

effort to make it more easier for you to read and
understand. As with any new system their are always a
few teething problems.
If you have received an email from musac
regarding your email being associated with another
We welcome more stalls let us know
school please accept this by clicking the link. This
if you wish to run a stall!
will not effect the other schools details.
Accounts can now be emailed and therefore it is
In 2014 we raised just over $22,600
essential that we have a correct email addresses.
and the money was spent on
Accounts can only be sent to one email address so
resources your children use now
it will be important that you forward any accounts
including iPads, outdoor tables, and
in shared custody arrangements.
the Chatbus. Get involved and lets
make the 2016 fair great!


Ph: (03) 467 7204
Mob: 021 277 5554

Shona Cumming
Business & Property Lawyer



Steampunk Group of Dunedin
The Steampunk group of Dunedin, the
Gasworkers Guild of Gadgeteers, invites all
children (big and little) to a fun dayat the
Dunedin Gas Works Museum on Sunday 17
April 2016 from 10 am. There will be a variety of
activities including making ray guns, top hats and
jet packs.The making activities will commence
with sessions at 10.30 and 1 pm with 2 -3 making
stations depending on numbers. Numbers will be
limited, but we hope to be able to includeas
many as possible.
Therewill be a chance for kids to have a go at
splendid teapot racing, a photo and steampunk
dress up area. The steam will be running in the
engine room, so it is a great chance to check out
this fantastic facility if you have not done so
before. It is one of only two working gas works in
the world.
All children must be accompanied by an adult -,
especially at the making tables. Entry is $5.00 per
person, proceeds going to the Gas works.
Handy links:

! Kaikorai School
MusiqHub Guitar / Ukulele /
Singing is looking forward to
welcoming new students in 2016.
The lessons feature:
! small group learning [max
of 4 per group]
! conveniently located at the
! exclusive access to
MusiqHub lessons online
! quality sequential teaching
! end of year concert
backed by a live band
! tuition from MusiqHub
registered tutors
For more information please
visit our website at
www.musiqhub.co.nz or call / text
Tim Davis on 027 4895957

Holiday Programme
26th -29th of April at the Kaikorai Church Community
Centre. If parents are interested they are welcome to ring
me on 4762967 or admin@kaikoraichurch.co.nz or look at
our Facebook page Kaikorai Kids Music and Movement
page or Kaikorai Presbyterian Church and Community
Events page.

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