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Alyssa Mihalik!


Verbal Association Skill Level!

Lesson Plan!
Part 1!
1. Summary of Lesson Plan: We are culminating a number of learning goals into a
cohesive lesson plan that can be beneficial to students. Within this lesson, students
will be exposed to RT, MB,mb, tonal and rhythmic patterns and anchors, as well as
CFM. Students will also learn a song by rote, differentiate tonal patterns and
improvise their own patterns. Lastly, Students will use instruments to play the
ostinato the accompanies a melody.!

2. Student Characteristics and Prior Knowledge: Students are in third grade. In

previous grades, students achieved the Aural/ Oral skill level. They are able to move
to CFM, tap MB/mb, sing RT, familiar order patterns for tonal and rhythmic, and
differentiate given patterns. All of these learning goals will be combined to help
solidify the Verbal Association Skill Level. !

3. Learning Goals/ Objectives/ Standards:!

1. Students are able to move to the MB and mb.!
a. Students move to the MB.!
b. Students move to the mb.!
2. Students move with CFM.!
3. Students are able to imitate tonal and rhythmic patterns.!
4. Students are able to recognize major and minor tonal patterns.!
a. Students are able to imitate tonal patterns.!
b. Students are able to recognize duple and triple rhythmic patterns.!
c. Students are able to imitate rhythmic patterns.!
5. Students can separate improvise and differentiate patterns.!
a. Students are able to differentiate tonal and rhythmic patterns.!
b. Students are able to improvise tonal and rhythmic patterns.!
6. Students are able to learn a song by rote.!
7. Students can sing and play ostinati on instruments.!
8. Students can sing/ play ostinati with instruments.!
9. Students are able to play on pitched and un-pitched instruments.!

National Standards!
1.1 Imitate melodic patterns.!
1.2 Sing on pitch and within appropriate singing range.!
1.3 Sing on pitch in rhythm while applying a steady beat.!
1.7 Sing call and response!
1.8 Singing ostinati within songs!
2.1 Imitate rhythmic and melodic patterns on pitched and un-pitched instruments.!
2.2 Perform on pitched and un-pitched instruments in rhythm while applying a
steady beat.!



2.3 Perform rhythm accompaniments by ear.!

2.4 Perform tonal accompaniments by ear.!
2.5 Perform melodies by ear using a melodic instrument.!
2.7 Perform with proper instrument technique.!
3.1 Improvise rhythmically with voice or on instrument.!

4. Instructional Materials!
Come Sing and Play; p.214 JRI Book 1!
Dinosaur Diet; p.28 JRI Book 1!
The Little Chimney Sweep; p.98 JRI Book 1!
Canoe Song; p.80 JRI Book 1!
Come and Follow Me; p.100 JRI Book 1!

Part 2!

1. Come Sing and Play, p.214, JRI Book 1-CFM, MB/mb!

1. Students will move with CFM.!
2. Students will tap the MB accurately.!
3. Students will tap the mb accurately.!

Teaching Methods/ Instructional Procedures/ Learning Activities!

1. T instructs S to get into a circle while T sings a welcome song.!
2. T has S move with CFM while T sings the song.!
3. T shows the S to tap the MB while T sings song again.!
4. T shows the S to tap the mb while T sings song again.!
5. T has S verbalize the mb (du-de/du-da-di) while T sings the song one more
time. !
Assessment Strategies!
Students will be assessed as a group on their ability to tap the MB/mb, move with
CFM, and chant the mb.!

2. Come Sing and Play, p.214, JRI Book 1- movement!

1. Students will move with CFM!
2. Students will start and stop movement corresponding with the music.!
3. Students will explore different areas of space around the body (levels, distance
4. Students will lead the movements with different parts of the body.!

Teaching Methods/Instructional Procedures/Learning Activities!

1. T will sing song while modeling for students to move with scarves.!
2. T will have students move with different parts of the body. !
3. T will have students move with specific instructions (use the space in front,
behind, below, above you).!
4. T will have S move with music is playing and freeze when the music stops.!


5. T will have S move when the music is stopped and freeze when the music is

Assessment Strategies!
Students will be assessed on their ability to move with CFM, stop and start
corresponding to music, explore space around the body, and use their bodies to lead
the movements.!

3. Chant with Rhythmic Patterns; Dinosaur Diet; p.28 JRI Book 1.!
1.Move to rhythm anchors (MB and mb) in duple and triple meters.!
a. Students will feel and move to the MB in duple meter.!
b. Students will feel and move to the mb in duple meter.!
2.Chant rhythm anchor (MB and mb) patterns in duple and triple meters.!
a. Students will chant MB and mb patterns in duple meter.!

Teaching Methods/ Instructional Procedures/ Learning Activities!

1.T gestures for S to stand and move with the beat while T performs the song on
neutral syllables.!
2.T points to feet for S to watch. T gestures to S to say tch on and move to the
MB of the song. The class moves in place to several repetitions of the chant.!
3.T points to feet again for S to watch. T gestures for S to say tch-tch on and
move to the mb of the song. The class moves to several repetitions of the chant.!
4. T has S move to the mb again while chanting the duple meter syllables (du de)
on the mb.!
5.T chants several 4-MB long rhythmic patterns using syllables of the MB and mb
for the class to dialogue in imitation, then begins to step on the MB (gesturing for
students to join in).!
5.T chants rhythm patterns to individual S. The S sits down in place after
repeating the pattern.!
6.In between individual pattern dialogue, the T chants phrases of the song to
maintain duple meter context.!
7.Not all S may have a turn with the pattern dialogue. If not, T will continue the
activity next class.!
8.The T then gestures to S to stand up and tells students that they must take the
entire time of the chant to return to the places on the carpet. T chants the song as S

Assessment Strategies!
Using an observational checklist, I will record the degree to which the students
move and chant the MB and mb in duple meter, as well as use correct syllables while
imitating patterns.!

4. Macro, Micro, RT, Tonal Patterns, Imitation; Come Sing and Play; p.214 JRI
Book 1!


1. Students will imitate familiar order patterns that the teacher sings to students.!
a. Students will first audiate, then take an preparatory breath and gesture
back to the teacher.!
b. Students will sing melodic tonal patterns to a song in Major tonality,
within a tessitura no lower than B3 to C5.!
2. Students will sing RT and tonal familiar order patterns.!
a. Students will sing RT for major tonality.!
b. Students will sing tonal familiar order patterns in major tonality.!

Teaching Methods/ Instructional Procedures/ Learning Activities!

1. T will sing preparatory sequence for Major Tonality.!
2. T will sing RT and gesture for S to sing it back to her.!
3. T (in a singing voice) will tell the class that they are going to first listen and audiate
her song, then sing it themselves.!
4. T sings song to S, having them listen and audiate.!
5. T gestures for S to tap the MB of the song while she sings the song again.!
6. T gestures for S to tap the mb of the song while she sings the song again.!
7. T sings familiar order using solfege in Major Tonality to S, having them listen and
8. T sings tonal familiar order patterns and has students audiate and sing them back on
9. T sings the song a final time while S move to MB and mb.!

Assessment Strategies!
I will assess the group as a whole to determine their ability to sing the RT and patterns
accurately and using solfege.!

5. Differentiation and Improvisation; The Little Chimney Sweep; p.98 JRI Book 1.!
1. S will be able to differentiate between same and different tonal patterns.!
a. S will identify a same pattern by using hand signals.!
b. S will identify a different pattern by using hand signals.!
2. S will be able to improvise their own tonal patterns.!
a. S will create a tonal pattern to either match or differ from the original

Teaching Methods/ Instructional Procedures/ Learning Activities!

1. T will sing a given song while S tap feet to the MB.!

2. T will sing song again while S add spider fingers tapping the mb to their feet.!

1. T motions for S to listen as T sings two identical tonal patterns on solfege. T holds
both hands up, palm open, showing that the patterns were identical.!


2. T motions for S to listen again as T sings two different tonal patterns on solfege. T
holds one hand up, palm open, while the other hand makes a fist, showing that the
patterns were different. !
3. T has S model same and different hand movements, assessing that S understand
how same and different works.!
4. T instructs S to listen while T sings two tonal patters, asking S to hold up their hands
to tell T whether the patterns were the same and different. This activity goes on for a
few rounds of patterns until the T feels that S can differentiate. !
5. T then goes around the circle, giving individuals two same or different tonal patterns. !
6. Once all S have had a chance to differentiate, T moves on to improvisation.!

1. T tells the S that they will each receive one tonal pattern and the instruction to make it
the same or different, usually keeping within the tonic chord. T gives options for the
improvisations that they can do (dms, msd, dsm, etc).!
2. T sings one tonal pattern, S sing the corresponding same or different pattern.!
3. T asks the class to assess whether the S was given a same or different instruction
using the hand signals for same and different.!
4. This activity continues until S all have a turn at improvising a pattern according to T

1. T sings original song again and asks S to hold up hands during same and different
phrases in the song.!

Assessment Strategies!
S will be assessed on their ability to determine whether two given tonal patterns are the
same, or different. S will then be assessed on their ability to create a tonal pattern after
being instructed whether given pattern should be the same or different as the one the T
gives the S while using the correct solfege. Students will be assessed in a group on
their ability to tell whether the students pattern matches or differs from the teachers
given pattern. S will be assessed individually on their ability to differentiate between
same and different patterns by listening and creating a pattern of their own.!

6. Rote Song; Canoe Song; p.80 JRI Book 1.!

1. Students will be able to sing the RT and tonal phrases.!
a. Students will be able to establish tonality through the RT.!
2. Students will be able to sing the song back to the teacher.!
a. Students will be able to sing the song back to the teacher individually.!

Teaching Methods/ Instructional Procedures/ Learning Activities!

T sings tonal sequence for S. S listens.!
T sings song to the class without words. S listen.!
T sings whole song, literally demonstrating the MB by tapping on legs with
hands. S imitate with hands and listen.!


T sings whole song demonstrating the mb with tapping hands on legs. S
imitate the mb movement and listen.!
T sings whole song, tapping MB with feet and mb with hands. S imitate
movement and listen.!
6. !
T sings song while having S chant the mb (du de, du da di) while T sings.!
T sings the tonal sequence in the major tonality of the song and then sings
the RT. T instructs S to listen and sing the RT when she stops singing. S listen to T and
sing RT when T stops singing.!
T asks S to audiate the song and raise their hands when they are done.!
T demonstrates the preparatory sequence (ready-sing) and tells S that the
sequence tells them when to being singing the song. T and S practice the preparatory
sequence several times together.!
10.! T sings the preparatory sequence and S sing the song using a neutral
syllable. T does not sing with S. Instead, T listens and evaluates to make decisions on
the teaching/learning process.!
11.! After S successfully perform the song, words may be added. When
teaching rhythm or words with rhythm isolate it/them from the melody. When teaching
melodic content isolate it from rhythm.!

Assessment Strategies!
Using an observational checklist, I will record the degree to which students sing the RT,
preparatory sequence, and song.!

7. Ostinato and Instruments; Canoe Song; p.80 JRI Book 1.!

1. Students will play on pitched instruments.!
a. Students will learn how to hold instruments and play them correctly.!
b. Students will learn about the differences between instruments and how
to identify them.!
2. Students will take turns between singing the melody and playing the ostinato.!
a. Students will learn a song by rote.!
b.Students will learn the ostinato.!
c. Students will split in half and perform on instruments and vocally.!

Teaching Methods/ Instructional Procedures/ Learning Activities!

1.T will sing song for S as S move to the mb.!
2.T will break the song into phrases and have S imitate.!
3.S sing the song while T implements the ostinato.!
4.T switches with S, having S sing ostinato on solfege while T sings the song.!
5.T introduces instruments, shows S how to hold mallets and transfers ostinato to the
instruments. !
6.S imitate through air playing while T sings the song.!
7.S play the ostinato on their pitched instruments while T sings the song.!
8.T splits the class in half so that half the S are singing the song and half are playing the
ostinato. T switches parts halfway through.!
9. T shows the S how to play alternating mallets and has S play while other S sing.!


Assessment Strategies!
Using an observational checklist, I will record the students ability to learn a song by rote,
play the instruments correctly, and perform the ostinato and song independently.!

8. Goodbye Song; Come and Follow Me; p.100 JRI Book 1.!
1. Students will be assessed on their ability to move with CFM.!

Teaching Methods/ Instructional Procedures/ Learning Activities!

1. T sings song and moves with CFM instructing S to do so. !
2. T has students move in the circle and ultimately in a line to leave class.!

Assessment Strategies!
1. Students will be assessed on their ability to move with CFM. !

Part 3!

Possible Pitfalls and Teachable Moments!

1.Students do not sing the RT or melodic patterns accurately.!
a. T will engage in Teaching Mode, singing with the students, re-modeling
the RT or pattern, and if the student appears comfortable, invite S to
sing again.!
2.Students will act confused because the teacher models and does not give
many verbal instructions. !
a.T may have to instruct students to follow her lead and allow the class
time to catch on to non-verbal or primarily musical cues.!
3. Students will not feel the beat.!
a.T will have S move with CFM because they are not yet ready to
coordinate their bodies to the beat.!
4. Students will struggle with singing the entire song back to the teacher.!
a. T will break the song into parts, singing them separately to the S, having
them repeat it back until the students are able to put it all together.!
5. Students will sing/ audiate incorrect familiar order patterns.!
a. T may have to sing the familiar order patterns again.!
6. Students may not pick up on the song phrases.!
a. T may have to repeat the phrases or break the phrases down into
smaller ones in which to sing to the students.!
7. Students will chant/ audiate incorrect familiar order patterns.!
a. T may have to chant the familiar order patterns again.!
8. S will not understand the hand symbols for same and different/ S will not
differentiate between same and different patterns correctly.!
a. T will use the hand symbols with students until S are comfortable
enough to use them on their own/ T will scaffold S to the right answer and continue to
give patterns until S feel comfortable with differentiation.!
9.S will act confused with making up their own pattern.!


a. T will give S examples of same and different patterns until S feel

comfortable with creating them on their own.!
10. S will have trouble applying the same and different activity to the original
song heard at the beginning of the lesson.!
a. T will use hand gestures with S if necessary to help them differentiate
between the same and different phrases within the song.!
11. Students do not move using CFM.!
a. T will scaffold, demonstrating for students and invite S to move again.!
12. S may have trouble learning how to play the instruments.!
a. T will show S how to play instruments and will repeat instructions and
show examples if needed.!
13. S may have trouble playing the ostinato independent of the melody.!
a. T will have all S play the ostinato until they feel comfortable moving to
splitting the parts in half.!



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