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NURS1020 Clinical Course Evaluation

Final Evaluation
Student: Carrie Minns
Clinical Instructor: Rachel Bick
Missed Clinical Hours: 0

Missed Lab Hours: 0

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Course Objective

Evidence/Indicators: (The


Did not meet


student has ...)

Established therapeutic
-Demonstrated respect for
nurse-resident relationships
residents autonomy and
in residential long-term care dignity by getting their
approval before performing a
task and allowing them to
make their own decisions.
-Assessing residents needs,
behavior, and situation each
time I enter their rooms to
ensure they are comfortable.
-Developed a relationship
based on support and trust
with my assigned resident by
critically inquiring about their
experiences in long term care.
Performed skills relevant to
-Improved with treating
situating an individual within residents rooms as though
his/her personal, familial and they are their homes. This
community context
included knocking, and getting
their permission before
touching objects in their room.
-Developed an idea of how
each resident lived prior to
entering long term care and
incorporated certain old habits
into their experience in LTC.
Developed and demonstrated -Successfully took multiple
skills in basic assessment
residents vital signs as well as
techniques relevant to the
performed cardiac, lung,
long-term care population
mental, and abdomen
Demonstrated skills in
-Ensured resident privacy prior
providing (resident) clientto assisting with personal
centered support for
activities of daily living.
activities of daily living
-Asked each resident their
routine, understanding that
each person has a different
way of living and routine.
-Attempted to allow residents
to be as independent as
possible (such as choosing
their own clothing or
performing any task they could
by themselves).
Developed knowledge about -Every week I would try to ask



Yes at a 1st
year level



the experience of residents

living in a long-term care

each resident how they are

feeling about their living
situation in LTC or a question
similar to that.
-Gained significant knowledge
about my assigned resident
and her situation in LTC.
Demonstrated safe and
-Performed and became
ethical clinical practice at the comfortable with multiple 1
level appropriate for a year
and 2 lifts and transfers.
one nursing student
-Performed at least 3
mechanical (hoyer) lifts.
-Performed at least 3 sit-tostand (sara) lifts.
-Worked individually with
multiple residents to help with
morning and evening care.
-Performed full body baths.
-Performed multiple bed baths.
Participated in professional
-Looked at RNAOs BPGs
development based on
about ways to improve
reflective practice and
communicating with older
clinical inquiry
adults with cognitive
-Developed a learning plan
and reviewed it almost every
week to ensure I was meeting
my goals.
-Reflected on situations where
I felt I could improve through
weekly reflections.
Examined personal attitudes -Assessed my attitude with
regarding the elderly and
each situation in LTC and
other residents of long-term
addressed any issues I had.
care homes
-Reflected on situations in
which situations brought out
negative emotions and looked
at RNAOs BPGs to determine
different personal approaches.
Developed a basic
-Completed multiple care
knowledge of the clinical
cards pertaining to conditions
manifestations and relevant
within the LTC setting. I
nursing interventions of
developed knowledge about
chronic diseases
the condition, signs and
symptoms, and nursing





-Have a knowledge base about

at least 6 conditions that are
common among the elderly
Identify 3 personal strengths developed in this placement.
1. Significantly improved my communication skills with older adults, other nursing
students, and staff in the long term care setting. I developed confidence in communicating
with older adults experiencing cognitive impairments such as dementia.
2. Developed skills to perform multiple assessments on residents of LTC and use these
assessments to develop a nursing diagnosis.
3. Developed confidence in my ability to help older adults with activities of daily living,
specifically feeding older adults and bathing.
Identify 3 areas requiring further development.
1. Develop a deeper understanding for multiple chronic conditions affecting older adults.
2. Improve my efficiency when assisting older adults with activities of daily living.
3. Develop a higher quality of my basic assessments by improving how I ask each resident
questions, as every resident is different and may need more explanation than others. As
well as be able to evaluate the results of these assessments.

Clinical Instructor Comments

Carrie, it was a pleasure working with you this semester and seeing you become more confident
in your skills over the weeks. Keep up the good work with relating to your patients and
connecting their ongoing health issues with how you care for them. Keep working on your
assessments and keep seeking out new experiences to challenge yourself with in your future

Week 1


Week 2


Week 3

Week 4


Week 5


Week 6


Week 7


Week 8


Week 9


Week 10


Week 11

Week 12

Total number of clinical hours completed:

Signature of Instructor____________________


Signature of Student______________________


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