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Alyssa Mihalik!

P.S. DuPont Middle School
Rehearsal Lesson!
1. Summary of Lesson: In this lesson, we will be rehearsing I Have a Dream (We!
Shall Overcome). There will be a concentration of learning the melody and harmony!
as well as correct rhythms and dynamics within the piece.!

2. Student Characteristics and Prior Knowledge: Students are in 6th-8th grade,!

students are of varying levels of experience. All students are capable of holding their!
own part, and singing in unison, 2, 3 and 4 part divisions. They are working on using!
proper vocal technique and following markings within the score. They are able to sightsing and read rhythmic dictation.!

3. Learning Goals/Objectives/Standards!
Learning Goals: Students will work towards performing the piece in its entirety.!
Objectives: Learning correct pitches and rhythms for the piece as well as dynamics!
and harmony. Remembering not to sing where breaths are dictated. Working towards!
using the repeats and coda correctly.!
National Standards:!
Anchor Standard 1: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work!
Anchor Standard 2: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work. !
Anchor Standard 3: Refine and complete artistic work. !
Anchor Standard 4: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.!
Anchor Standard 5: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for
Anchor Standard 6: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.!

4. Assessment Strategies: Students will be informally assessed by listening done by!

the instructor. When the choir needs more work on a passage, the instructor will state!
this and work with them to correct their mistakes. !

5. Instructional Materials: Piano, projector, sheet music!

6. Teaching Methods/Instructional Procedures/Learning Activities:!

- Instructor will review passages learned last class with students (m.5-m.20 boys, m.!
5-39 girls).!
- Instructor will concentrate on accuracy in: melody, rhythm, harmony, repeats, and!
- In the unison passage, there will be a concentration on singing in the correct octave!
for an individual and creating a unified sound.!
- In the two part section, there will be a concentration on using breath evenly!
throughout the entirety of a phase, rather than running out too soon.!
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- There will also be a concentration on balance between sections, and dynamic!

contrast. !

7. Possible Pitfalls and Teachable Moments: Students may need help finding unison!
vowels. Male students with registration issues may have trouble bridging their!
passaggio. Students may need several repetitions of the melody before singing correct!

8. Extensions: Students can apply these lessons on articulation, phrasing, harmony,!

and breathing to other pieces that are being worked on.

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