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Hernndez 1

Works Cited
Primary Sources:
"About the Museum." The International Museum of Art. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar. 2016.
The article by the International Museum of Art staff reminded me about the
difficulties of being involved in the creation of a city and the joy of people being able
to create something. One of the interesting facts I found out about the International
Museum of Art was that it was originally a center for womens contributions to war.
I also couldnt believe that Samuel Kress donated over 50 European collections to
the museum. Although I learned a lot, I still wonder where Iva Turney lived after
she donated the mansion to the city of El Paso. I question this because she
contributed a lot to the museum and she is known as the woman who donated her
home. Overall, I found this article very uplifting it explains how a museum that has
influenced El Paso in many ways came to be.
"Faces + Places: Santa at the Museum." El Paso Times. N.p., 22 Dec. 2015. Web. 02 Mar. 2016.
The article by the El Paso Times staff reminded me about holiday joy and the
importance of getting together with your family during Christmas time, Hanukah
time, Kwanzaa time, etc. One of the interesting facts I found out about the
International Museum of Art was that St. Nick paid a visit to the museum and the
children who visited the museum were able to make gingerbread houses along with
him. I also couldnt believe that the Christmas ornaments on the Christmas tree
were from all around the world. Although I learned a lot, I still wonder why the
museum did not include artifacts from other religious holidays and not only the
Christian holidays. I question this because there is a lot of diversity in the United
States which means that artifacts from other religions should be included in events
more often. Overall, I found this article very festive because it is always a good was
to spread holiday cheer by recreating religious or non-religious holiday events.
Garcia, Louie. "Interview with Louie Garcia." Personal interview. 25 Mar. 2016.
The interview with Louie Garcia reminded me about the importance of childrens
education and the honor it must be to have your work put up in a museum. One of
the interesting facts I found out about the International Museum of Art was that it is
a non-profit organization and that new collections are put up in exhibits every
month. I also couldnt believe that some of the different monthly artwork was
created by students in the El Paso Independent School District! Although I learned a
lot, I still wonder why many of the exhibits are changed so often. I question this
because some of the artwork in those exhibits may be worth staying in the museum.

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Overall, I found this interview very entertaining because I got to speak with the tour
guide of the International Museum of Art.
"Long Time Benefactor of International Museum of Art in El Paso Honored."Ruidoso News
[Ruidoso] 30 Nov. 2015: n. pag. Ruidoso News. N.p., 30 Nov. 2015. Web. 2 Mar. 2016.
The article by the Ruidoso News reminded me about how devastating it is to lose
someone and how all people must move on from a sorrowful event. One of the
interesting facts I found out about the International Museum of Art was that Ms.
Miller donated many of her personal collections to the museum to display and that
she also contributed in the making of the African American and Mexican exhibits. I
also couldnt believe that Ms. Miller was the woman who asked local artists if they
wanted their artwork displayed in the museum. Although I learned a lot, I still
wonder why it was that Ms. Miller passed away. I question this because I know how
devastating it is to lose someone but not knowing the cause of a loss is even worse.
Overall, I found this article very eye-opening because everyone should be grateful
for the people they have in their life before its too late.
Secondary Sources:
Gonzlez, Mara. "International Museum of Art Marks 75th Anniversary." El Paso Times. N.p., 6
Aug. 2015. Web. 2 Mar. 2016.
The article by Mara Gonzlez reminded me about the joy of experiencing an
anniversary and being a part of something for a long time. One of the interesting
facts I found out about the International Museum of Art was that it has been a
museum for seventy five years and that the yearly cooling bill is $250,000 which is
very beneficial to the museum because of its low cost. I also couldnt believe that
Mitzi Quirarte is the new executive director of the museum and that she is planning
to create more public events in 2016. Although I learned a lot, I still wonder who it
was that donated $100,000 dollars to the cooling unit of the museum. I question this
because the writer should have acknowledged the donor of the $100,000 in the
article instead of leaving them as an anonymous donor. Overall, I found this article
quite interesting because of the new facts I learned about the International Museum
of Art throughout the whole newspaper article.
Clark, Jesse, and George D. Torok, Dr. "Historical Markers Project ." Home. Springshare, Spring
2003. Web. 02 Mar. 2016. <

Hernndez 3
The article by Dr. George D. Torok and Jesse Clark reminded me about the time it
takes to complete a mission and how the time spent on projects is always worth
spending. One of the interesting facts I found out about the International Museum
of Art was that Henry Trost designed the Turney home as a conservative classical
revival style home and that he designed another 200 buildings in El Paso during his
career. I also couldnt believe that the Turney home has been compared to the White
House multiple times. Although I learned a lot, I still wonder what celebrations
where held in the 1920s and 1930s near the museum. I question this because
knowing about past traditions can help you learn more about your citys culture.
Overall, I found this article very detailed because it gave the exact years when
something related to the International Museum of Art happened.
Curlee, Kendall. "EL PASO MUSEUM OF ART." Texas State Historical Association. Texas State
Historical Association, 12 June 2010. Web. 02 Mar. 2016.
The article by Kendall Curlee reminded me about the impact someone can cause by
giving away something of theirs to someone else and the amount of time it takes to
create something. One of the interesting facts I found out about the International
Museum of Art was that Samuel Kress had donated thousands of collections to
thirty-nine museums and universities in the United States other than the
International Museum of Art. I also couldnt believe that the city of El Paso used
$750,000 to add two new wings and remodel the museum in 1960. Although I
learned a lot, I still wonder which Italian painters work was donated to the
International Museum of Art. I question this because it is always good to know here
something comes from or who that thing was created by. Overall, I found this article
very self-explanatory because it thoroughly explains all of the events that happened
in the building of the International Museum of Art.
Eaves, Megan. Insiders' Guide to El Paso. Guilford, CT: Insiders' Guide, 2010. Print.
The article by Megan Eaves reminded me about how rich the Mexican culture is
and how it has impacted other countries over time. One of the interesting facts I
found out about the International Museum of Art was that there is a replica of
Pancho Villas face in the Mexican exhibit and a casita (little house) during the time
of the Mexican revolution. I also couldnt believe that the museum is known as the
best place to find African and Asian art. Although I learned a lot, I still wonder what
art-related programs are offered in the museum annually. I question this because
in case a child, friend, cousin, etc. would like to be involved in one of the museum
programs, they would know what was being offered. Overall, I found this article
quite cultural because of the Mexican, African, and Asian work taken note of in the

Hernndez 4
Esparza, Dominique A. "Borderlands Tags: Border, Border History, Borderlands, El Paso, Juarez,
Mexico, New Mexico, Texas, U.s. Mexico Border ." Turney Mansion Becomes Work of
Art 14 (1996). Springshare, 1996. Web. 02 Mar. 2016.
The article by Dominique A. Esparza reminded me about treasuring your
belongings and always helping out the community. One of the interesting facts I
found out about the International Museum of Art was that the Turney home was
one of the largest private homes built by Henry Trost and that W.W. Turney was
elected to the lower house of Texas legislature. I also couldnt believe the home was
purchased for $11,860 at a tax auction by the city and county of El Paso. Although I
learned a lot, I sill wonder how many years W.W. and Iva Turney lived in their
mansion. I question this because this could determine how valuable the artifacts
from the mansion are. Overall, I found this article informational because it
introduced me to new things about the museum that I did not know about.
Jones, Harriot Howze, and Carl Hertzog. El Paso / a Centennial Portrait. El Paso, TX: Superior
Printing, 1972. Print.
The article by the Harriot Jones and Carl Hertzog reminded me about the beauty of
the past and how valuable museums really are. One of the interesting facts I found
out about the International Museum of Art was that the west wing of the museum
contains European art while the east wing of the museum contains ethnic and
decorative exhibits. I also couldnt believe that the museum offers art classes to
young painters. Although I learned a lot, I still wonder where all of the artifacts that
are used in the east wing exhibits were acquired from. I question this because those
artifacts could be very valuable which can cause more visitors to come to the
museum. Overall, I found this article quite vigorous because the text had a lot of
motion throughout the whole book.

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