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Bilim Kurulu

Abdurrahman Atl
Abdlhamit Krmz
Ahmet Hakk Turabi
Ahmet Kavas
Ahmet Tabakolu
Ahmet Yaar Ocak
Ali Akyldz
Atilla Arkan
Ayten Altnta
Azmi zcan
Bnyamin Bezci
Cengiz Tomar
Cornell Fleischer
Cokun Ylmaz
Ebubekir Sofuolu
Erol zvar
Fatih And
Feridun M. Emecen
Gabor J. Agoston
Gltekin Yldz
Gnay Kut
Grbz Deniz
Hacer Topakta
Hac Mehmet Gnay
Hakan Karateke
Hseyin nar
brahim irin
dris Bostan
lhan Kutluer
rfan nce
skender Pala
smail Gle

smail Gndodu
smail Hira
smail Kara
Jean-Pierre Arrigon
Kate Fleet
Kadir Pekta
Macit Kenanolu
Mahmut Hdai entrk
Mehmet Akif Aydn
Mehmet Ali nal
Mehmet Bayraktar
Mehmet Gen
Mehmet pirli
Michael Ursinus
Muhammed Harp
Mustafa Da
Mustafa Kaar
Mustafa Ko
Nejdet Ertu
Nil Sar
Nuran Yldrm
zge Samanc
Semih Ceyhan
Seyfi Kenan
Sezai Kk
Suraiya Faroqhi
Tuncay Zorlu
Turgut Suba
mit Ekin
Victor Ostapchuk
Zekeriya Kurun
Zeynep Tarm

Kongre Bakanlar

Fuat Aydn
Arif Bilgin

Dzenleme Kurulu

Mkerrem Bedizel Zlfikar Aydn
Mehmet Yaar Erta
Ylmaz Daolu
Sleyman Kaya
Haim ahin
Fatih Bozkurt
Muammer skenderolu
Bayram Ali Kaya


Burhan alar
Hcer Klaslan
Mahmut Cihat zgi

Orhan Gzyi Saraynda Ziyaret Etmi Bir Seyyah/Sf: Seyyid Ksim El-Badd ve
Seyhat-Nmesinin Kurulu Devri Osmanl Tarihi Asndan nemi
Edeb, corf ve sosyo-kltrel aratrmalarn balca kaynaklarndan biri olan Seyahat-nmeler, birer grg tan olan seyyahlar tarafndan telif edildii ve onlarn orijinal tespit ve izlenimlerini ierdii iin, tarih gereklerin doru
olarak belirlenmesi noktasnda da birincil kaynaklar arasnda nemli bir yere sahiptir. Osmanl Devletinin kurulu dnemi
ve bu dnem ierisinde, zellikle devletleme ynnde ilk ve en nemli admlarn atld Orhan Gz devri ile ilgili snrl
saydaki ada kaynaklar arasnda da seyahat-nmeler, kukusuz bu dnemi aydnlatacak en nemli tarih materyallerin
banda gelmektedir.
Bu bildiride; ada Arap corafyac bn Fazlullh el-mernin (. 749/1349) tasvir ettii sreten alt yl, nl
Tancal seyyah bn Battutann (. 770/1368) seyahatinden sekiz yl nce Orhan Gzyi Bursadaki saraynda ziyret etmi
olan sf gezgin Seyyid Ksm el-Baddnin (. 750/1350) 1324 yl Haziran-Aralk aylar arasna ilikin gzlemleri ve bu
gzlemlerin kurulu devri Osmanl tarihinin tartmal meselelerini aydnlatmadaki nemi zerinde durulacaktr. Tarih
adan nemini ilk kez bu bildirimizle bilim dnyasna duyuracamz, XIII-XIV. yzyl tasavvuf tarihi ve Osmanl Devletinin kurulu tarihine k tutacak nitelikteki en eski seyhat-nme rneini tekil eden Badd Seyat-nmesi; Osman
Gznin lm tarihi ve olu Orhana devretmi olduu siys oluumun mhiyeti, Osmanl brokrasisinin ve din-siys
statlerinin hangi tarihlerde teekkl ettii, Bursann gerek fetih tarihi, gzliin Orhan Gz, Seyyid Ksm el-Badd
ve slm ulemsnn gzndeki deeri ve Sultan Orhann Bursada in ettirdii Beg-saraynn ayrntl tasvirleri gibi
bilinmeyen pek ok noktaya, bir grg hidinin orijinal izlenimleri dorultusunda k tutmaktadr.

A Sufic Traveler Who Visited Orhan Ghazi at his Palace: Sayyid Kasim al-Baghdadi and the
Importance of His Travel Book of Terms the History of Establishment of the Ottoman Empire
Travel books which are one of the main sources of literary, geographical and socio-cultural researches have an
important place among the primary sources for determining the historical facts accurately since they are written by the
itinerants who are the eyewitnesses of what is written and also they include the original findings and impressions of them.
Travel books are the most important historical materials among the limited contemporary sources that are related to establishment period of the Ottoman Empire and within this period, particularly the Orhan Ghazi period in which the most
important steps for becoming a state was taken.
This notice dwells on the observations of the sufic traveler Sayyid Kasim al-Baghdadi (d. 750/1350) in 1324 between June-December who visited Orhan Ghazi at his palace in Bursa after six years from the period that the contemporaneous Arab geographer Ibn Fadl Allah al-Omari (d. 749/1349) described and before eight years from the travel of famous
itinerant Ibn Battuta (d. 770/1368) from Tanca and the importance of this observations on illuminating the controversial
issues of the establishment period of the Ottoman Empire. The travel book of Baghdadi of which we will announce its historical importance to the science world by this notice for the first time represents the oldest sample of travel books and will
throw light on the sufism history of XIII-XIVth centuries and the history of establishment of the Ottoman Empire. It will
also illuminate many unknown points through the original impressions of an eyewitness such as the death date of Othman
Ghazi and the character of the political entity that he transferred to his son Orhan, dates of formation of the Ottoman bureaucracy and the religious-political statutes, actual conquest date of Bursa, value of the ghazis in the eyes of Orhan Ghazi,
Seyyid Kasim al-Baghdadi and Islamic scholar (ulema) and detailed descriptions of the Beg Palace that Sultan Orhan have
it built in Bursa.


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