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The Fog Rolls In

Christian Torres

Sid- Male, 16-18, Suicidal teenager about to jump off the Golden
Gate bridge and has no hope for the future.
Hope- Female,8-12, Bystander that tries to convince Sid that
life-isnt over just because things look bleak.

Scene 1
About to jump off the bridge, Sid looks
you can hear the rushing of cars. It's 4
roll in. Sid peers over the side
terrified. He's is having second

melancholic. Around him

PM. The fog is about to
of the bridge and looks
thoughts about suicide.

Just... jump.
He fakes a jump
Just... dont think about the fall. Dont think about the pain.
Just do it. Itll all be over soon.
He looks over the edge of the stage this time, it's evident that
what he is about to do is commit suicide over a bridge. His feet
are dangling over the edge of the stage, he is about to jump when
he is interrupted.
Excuse me?!
Sid's concentration is starting to waver

(Slightly onstage)
Hey you there, mister!
Sid is growing agitated
Hey there, what are you doing?
It's none of your business, just leave me alone and let me be.
I'll be fine.

What's it to you anyway?

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