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Evert-Krause 1

Lauren Evert and Ann Krause

Mrs. Denomme
AP English Lang. & Comp.
22 May 2015
Out of the Stone Age
We live in an ever changing and evolving world. The change of the century indicated the
starting of a new age. The technology age. Technology has been a major influence on youth.
Some research says that it improves development, others say that it is a distraction. So the
question is whether or not this technology should be implemented in schools. This debate has
been occurring for the past few years especially. Classrooms now house smart boards, laptops,
even touch screen technology perfect for student interaction. The only thing that has seemed to
escape the upgrade is the textbooks. How can textbooks be updated? Many textbooks are
currently available online. The next step would be to use tablets as textbooks. Each student
would receive a tablet when they got to middle school. Each tablet would contain books for all of
their classes as well as assignments allowing for easy submission. Schools are meant to teach
students. Tablets could be a great addition to schools across the nation and though they can be
costly, they would greatly improve the learning process.
Tablets can hold hundreds of textbooks on one device, in addition to homework, quizzes,
and other files, eliminating the need for physical storage of books and classroom materials. In a
survey, 77% of teachers found technology to "increase student motivation to learn ("Tablets vs.
Textbooks."). Motivation to learn is severely lacking in our society, and tablets may be the spark
students need. Tablets also allow students to actively interact with their E-textbooks through
extra features including highlighting and editing text and writing notes without ruining a

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textbook for the next user. Tablets have a built-in dictionary so students no longer have to skip
words they dont know. They can simply know the definition with the touch of a button. One site
stated that Interactive diagrams and videos increase student creativity, motivation, attentiveness,
and engagement with classroom materials ("Tablets vs. Textbooks"). Although these tablets can
be on the expensive side, E-textbooks on tablets cost on average 50-60% less than print
textbooks. The tablets would store every classs books, and would not have to be replaced like a
textbook would after several years. That means that eventually, if the school recycles the tablets,
the cost in the end would be minimally greater, and the benefits listed above would more than
cover the deficit.
Another cost of using tablets is maintenance. Tablets, like any other piece of technology,
are going to break. It will happen. The cost per year to have insurance is an additional 50 dollars
per tablet per year which is much less than the cost to replace a tablet. However, schools would
need to pay for the insurance for the tablets every year even if the tablet is not broken whereas
that school would only need to pay for a damaged textbook after it has been damaged.
The school could save money if it required parents to buy or rent a tablet for their
children. However, a significant problem with this plan is that not all of the families can afford to
pay an additional $200 to $400. If a student is not able to obtain a tablet because of financial
problems and is forced to use textbooks, this student may feel isolated from his or her
classmates. If tablets were implemented, the schools need to be the ones to purchase the tablets
so that everyone can have the same opportunity.
These tablets can not only house textbooks, but be used as homework submission tools.
There are currently many websites that allow students to turn things in to their teachers. Because
not all students have computers at home, school tablets could be the solution to this problem. An

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issue that could still potentially occur with this method of turning in homework is that not all
students have internet access at home. A solution that was given for one school was a program
called KUNO. When the students are at school, the KUNO syncs with the school and loads the
tablet with all of the materials the student will need for the day and that evening at home, so they
don't need the Internet at home to access their learning materials and do their
homework.(Adelman, Howard) Programs such as KUNO will equal out the playing field,
allowing every student to utilize the same resources and have the same advantages.
In a survey conducted, 9/10 students would prefer to have tablets due to various reasons
including weight, additional tools, convenience. The 10% of students surveyed that preferred
textbooks were more attached to the idea of having the physical book in their hands. One student
stated I like the tangible object. I like to flip the pages and follow along with my finger if I need
it. Books are my favorite thing in the world. I would never use a tablet rather than a book.
Several other students shared the same opinion speaking about the tangible aspects of the
textbook. There is no denying the satisfying feeling of flipping the pages of a book to
completion. However, if the only reason that textbooks are being kept around is sentimentality,
then those students who still want textbooks should be able to use them, but tablets should be
added to those students resources.
It is widely accepted that people retain more information when reading off of a page
rather than a screen (Jabr, Ferris). This seems to pose a problem. However, what reading off a
screen lacks in memory, it gains in stimulation. Students who use the tablet are actively engaging
in their learning rather than just memorizing something off of a page. Tablets can aid visual
learners by showing pictures and diagrams in textbooks. Tablets can aid verbal learners by
reading to them. This can be especially useful for students whose first language isnt English.

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Finally, tablets can aid hands-on learners by having the students complete activities. For
example, in a physics classroom many things are explained by demonstration. The tablet can
simulate these demonstrations and have the student participate in it. Normal textbooks can only
apply to visual learners, and not on the scale that tablets can.
Tablets, though costly, would be a great addition to the learning process. Tablets can
appeal to every type of learner making them well worth the cost. Though the cost of buying and
maintaining the tablets may seem to cost a fortune, after many years, the cost would break even
with that of textbooks. These tablets could aid struggling students or students who just dont
want to pick up an old beat-up textbook. These tablets will spark motivation in students across
the nation and take schools out of the stone age.

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Works Cited
Adelman, Howard. Examples of Using Interactive Technology to Assist in Addressing
Barriers to Learning. Los Angeles: n.p., 2014. UCLA, 1 Feb. 2014. Web. 19 May 2015.
Helm, Toby. "Schools Ask Parents to Stump up 200 for IPads." The Guardian. Guardian
News and Media Limited, 27 July 2013. Web. 19 May 2015. <http%3A%2F>.
"IPad Repair Services For Schools." IPad Repair Services For Schools. RESQ
SYSTEMS, n.d. Web. 20 May 2015. <>.
Jabr, Ferris. "The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus
Screens." Scientific American Global RSS. N.p., 11 Apr. 2013. Web. 21 May 2015.
"Tablets vs. Textbooks." ProConorg Headlines. N.p., 4 Sept. 2014. Web. 18 May 2015.
"Textbook Rebinding." Textbook Rebinding. Denver Bookbinding Company, n.d. Web. 20
May 2015.
Wilson, Lee. "Apples IPad Textbooks Cost 5x More Than Print." The Education
Business Blog. Headway Strategues, 23 Feb. 2012. Web. 21 May 2015.

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