Isca Learning Policy Extracts - Crit 8

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Extracts from IslandCA Learning Policy

Criterion 8: Implementation of Themes through independent yet interdependent subjects

Page 4: (within Biblical Worldview Policy)

.. Biblical Worldview Integration (BWI) approach to teaching and learning because it reflects our
view that sacred and secular are not separate. It role models for students our belief that God and
faith are intertwined with all aspects of life.
BWI helps promotes students ability to see and learn the subject matter from multiple perspectives
by looking at Gods perspective. Questions teachers consider planning for BWI in the subjects include:

Page 6 (within Curriculum Policy)

International Primary Curriculum (IPC )

IPC is used as IslandCAs core programme, around which we build a strong integrated offering. IPC is a
comprehensive theme-based, creative curriculum. based on the latest brain research, which has a
clear process of learning and specific learning goals for science, history, society, geography, art,
technology and ICT subject areas, as well as for personal learning and international mindedness.
Students develop and retain understanding when they can connect new ideas and concepts to those
they have already developed, and the IPC units facilitate these connections. The IPC prepares our
students to move seamlessly from IPC into IB programmes or other international frameworks.
At IslandCA, IPC units (usually 5-6) are carefully chosen for each year level, to provide a
comprehensive curriculum for integrated teaching and learning in a particular year as well as to ensure
progression and development of skills, knowledge and understanding across the primary years.
Independent yet Interdependent Subjects within IPC
Within an IPC theme, academic subjects are integrated, and yet separate. Throughout units, teachers
ensure that students are aware of the subject area they are working in. Having these subjects
clustered around the main theme will encourage holistic learning and help students see and learn
things from multiple perspectives and make broader connections in the world around them. Likewise,
to further enhance student learning, the classroom and specialist teachers (Chinese, Music, PE)
collaborate to integrate learning across subjects (including English and maths) wherever possible.

Page 9 (within Curriculum Policy)

Teacher Planning/ Coordination

Teachers have scheduled time to work together as teams to build and develop plans for each subject
area and for integrated learning across subject areas. Teachers should prepare short term and longterm plans (e.g. lesson and unit and medium-term plans) that provide a timeline for delivery of the
curriculum content. Plans must include learning intentions, drawn from the Schools curriculum
documents (Teacher Companions), and assessment opportunities for subject, personal and
international mindedness goals to ensure breadth of coverage, purposeful learning and authentic
assessment. Detailed expectations are outlined in the Staff Handbook.
Page 41 ( within Field Trips & Excursions Policy)
Enrichment through out-of-school activities is a key dimension of the IslandCA experience and
excursions are used to enhance the children's learning. .. >>>>>
Teachers ensure that students and parents are aware of the purpose(s) of a field trip (e.g. subject area
learning, personal goals development, serving as Christs hands and feet) in advance so that learning
will be enhanced from participation in the excursion.

Page 46 (within the Home-learning Policy)

Parental/ Caregiver Role
Parents play a vital role in their child(ren)s overall learning experience. We encourage parents to
engage and support their child(ren)s learning out of school in creative ways, including,>>>>>>

Visits to museums linked to themes

Topic-based field trips
Discussing the theme and goals of an IPC unit through the lens of current events

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