Mario Suárez - ELT Conference Proposal

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Daniel Willingham and other authors in the cognitive science field have highlighted
the importance of finding patterns out of the learning practices with the objective of
establishing the necessary action plan to overcome the difficulties acknowledged. It
is critical in any language learning process to create the necessity among students
to keep an eye on the practices they carry out in order to succeed in an
independent process out of a formal instruction. Lifelong Learning requires them to
develop the skills to acknowledge the nature of their performance and better yet,
the nature of the activities and strategies implemented to work on their own.

The workshop is aimed at giving teachers the chance to explore self assessment
dynamics that can be used in class in order to give students the chance to reflect
on their own role as learners. It will also present the tools they can use to make
sure they keep track of their progress as independent learners. By means of
checklists, students have the chance to contemplate what the class is about, their
performance in the practices suggested and the implementation of online voice
recording tools come handy in terms of collecting their insights. The objective is
having them arrange a description of their performance after a stage of the course
is completed as they reflect on the importance of having online activities to
enhance their learning experience.

The design of the presentation contemplates a socialization of the work carried out
with different groups, the documents designed, and the tools used for that purpose.
It will also account for the way this self-assessment set of practices is connected to
the program undertaken with the students.

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