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Universal Tutorials gS Guided effort leads to a bright future ey Sis) X ICSE (Volume 01) Reference notes Name: UT Roll No. Batch: ns UC hie kee XI, XIl Science (CBSE/ ISC/ MH-State) XI, Xll Commerce (CBSE), Entrance (Engg. + Med) Chapter 04: Refraction at Plane Surface Covering thelength, | chapter 01 : Force breadth and Chapter 02 : Work, Energy and Power depth of | Chapter 03: Machines the syllabus | Chapter 05 : Refraction through a Lens layer Chapter 06 : Spectrum by layer "For pve culation oaly (Any fem ol reproduction el ported) See on) Page 1 Pages Table of Contents: Table of Contents CHAPTER 01: FORCE. Momentum (p): ae Newton's 2" Law of Motion: Newton's 3° Law of motion: Mass and Weight Force Kinds of Forces: Contact force: Non-contact force Characteristic of non-contact forces: Etiects of Force Moment of a force and equilibrium, Translational motion. Rotational motion Torque (moment of force or Turning effect) Factors affecting turning effect (Torque) Clockwise and anticlockwise moments Couple Equilibrium of Bodies: Conditions for equilibrium: Kinds of equilbrium Static equilibrium Dynamic Equilibrium: Principle of moments: Centre of Grawity (CG) Centre of gravity of some regular bodies: Uniform Circular Motion (UCM). 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 1 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 12 13 16 Differences: Review Questions: Numericals: Application type: Miscellaneous: 7 Previous Board Questions: 19 Answers 20 CHAPTER 02: WORK, ENERGY AND POWER. Work 2 Expression for work done (W= FS cos 0) 23 Work done under different conditions: 23 Energy: < 24 Definition: 24 Units: - - 24 Forms of Energy and their sources: 25 Types of Energy 25 Solar Energy: 25 Heat Energy 25 Light Energy 25 Voume 1 of? Universal Tutorials ~ x ICSE — Physics ay Electrical Energy: Nuclear Energy: Geothermal Energy Wind Energy, Mechanical Energy. x ‘Types of Mechanical Energy’... Potential Energy Derivation: Derivation Relation between kinetic energy and momentum: Work Energy Theorem: Law of Conservation of Energy Energy Transformations: Power:.... oo efinition Unit: Conversions: Expression of Power: Energy sources and production of Eleotrcity: Judicious use of energy Production of Electricity: Solar Cell - Solar power plant. Wind energy Hydro Electricity Nuclear Energy: ‘Typical Solved Exercises Review Questions: Numericals: Application type: Miscellaneous: Previous Board Questions:..... Answers: . CHAPTER 03: MACHINES: Definition: a Uses of Simple Machines: Important Definitions: ‘Types of Machines: Levers ‘Types of levers: ‘Mechanical Advantage of Levers... Examples of each ciass of levers as found in the human body: Inolined Plane: ‘Mechanical Advantage of Inclined Plane Pulleys: Single fixed pulley Single Movable Pulley Combination of pulleys: Block and Tackle System of Pulleys: Gears: Universal Tutorials — X ICSE ~ Physics ‘Volume 1 of 2 Paget Pages Table of Contents Review Questions: 53 Numericals: 54 Application type 57 Miscellaneous: 60 Previous Board Questions: 63 Answers 66 CHAPTER 04: REFRACTION AT PLANE SURFACE... Retraction’ 69 Laws of Retraction: 70 Refractive Index (1) 70 Refraction through a Glass Slab: 71 Ciitical Angle: nR Factors Affecting Critical Angle: 2 Total Internal Reflection ¢ rR Relation between refractive index and critical angle 72 Applications of Total Reflection 2 Refraction through Prism: 73 Total Reflecting Prism... 74 Total internal reflection and different prisms: 75 Differences between total internal reflection and ordinary reflection 75 Review Questions: 75 Numericals: 7 ‘Application type: 78 Miscellaneous: 81 Previous Board Questions: 83 Answers: 86 CHAPTER 05: REFRACTION THROUGH A LENS. ‘CHAPTER Map: REFRACTION THROUGH A LEN: ‘Action of Lens as a Prism ‘9 Important Definitions 91 Ray Diagrams: 92 Principal Rays in constructing Ray iagrem S 92 Power of lens Limitations of the Eye: ‘SimpLe MicRoscoPE (MAGNIFYING GLASs) Determination of focal length of convex lens. 96 Uses of lenses: 97 Typical Solved problems 97 Review Questions: 98 Application type’ 99 Miscellaneous: 401 Previous Board Questions: 103 Answers: 104 CHAPTER 06: SPECTRUM .. Factors on Which Angle of Deviation (3)Depends: Volume 1 of2 Universal Tutorials ~ x ICSE — Physics [DISPERSION OF LIGHT! wnnnnennen Recombination of White Light: Prism itself produces no colour... Electromagnetic Spectrum Properties and uses of Different Gamma rays... Xerays:... Ultraviolet rays: Visible light’. Infrared Radiations: Microwaves: Radio waves ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM: wn Common propetes of eectromagnetic waves, ‘Scattering Of LIME eae Effects of Scattering: oe a Blue colour of sky. hen White colour of sky at noon: Previous Board Questions: Answers: Universal Tutorials - X ICSE ~ Physics ‘Volume 1 of 2 rayeo r PaseT Chaptor 01: Force 1 Chapter 01: Force bs Force [> Introduction [> Definition }> Units > Absolute units » Gravitational units > Effects of force Likinds of force E Contact Non Contact Ls Momentum » Definition > Units » Relation between Force and Momentum [> Newton's 2 Law » Derivation F = ma » Graphical Representation » Newton's 3 law of motion lass and Weight LL comparison between Mass and Weight » Moment of force and Equilibrium Translational Motion »Rotational Motion }>Torque »Explanation L,, Factors affecting torque }+Couple >i of bodies > Kinds of equilibrium }> Centre of Gravity ot regutar bodies ‘sucm Vouume 1 of2 Universal Tutorials — x ICSE — Physics 7 2 Introduction: © Everybody has a property by virtue of which it resists change. This is called inertia. depends on mass of the body. More the mass more is the inertia % According to Newton's 1" law, “Everybody continues to remain in its state of rest or uniform motion along a straight line unless an extemal unbalanced force is appiied.” Momentum (p): > If two bodies with different masses are moving with the same velocity, then more force is needed to stop the heavier body. Similarly if two bodies with same mass are moving with different velocities, more force is needed tostop the body moving with greater speed. » Thus the force required depends on both mass and velocity. Definition: © The product of mass and velocity is called Linear momentum. © Formula: p = mv © Iisa vector quantity. © Itis in the same direction as appiied force. © Units: kg ms" org cms > If the same force is applied for the same interval of time on two bodies of different masses, lighter body moves faster but both have same momentum > Hence force is related to the change in linear momentum. {| Note: The product of force and time is caled impulse. Re ion between Rate of Change of Mo! tum and Force @ Change in momentum Ap = A(my); If mass (m) is constant, Ap = mav, Rate of change in momentum is obtained by dividing change in momentum Ap by time interval At. 28 SY at ar © But + is acceleration i.e rate of change in velocity. Hence 2. ma ere 2 or F = ma (When mass is constant) Newton's 2" Law of Motion: + The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the force applied on it and this change takes place in the direction of force From Newton's 2" law, 2 «F or Fa Hence, F=ma [Since, mass is constant] {in vector form F=m.a) @ Change in momentum ap = (mv) = m av + In case of atomic partides moving with velocities comparable to the velocity of light (3 10'ms *), the mass does not remain constant. 2 Universal Tutorials - X IOSE - Physics Volume 1 of 2 Page Chaptor 01: Force 2. @ ‘Itincreases with velocity (m where mo is rest mass) @ In such a case ap = A(mv) @ The relation, Ap = mAv is true only for small velocities ie. of the order of 10° or less because at such small velocities, the change in mass is not perceptible. 4 However the relation, Ap = (my) is always true, Derivation of F = ma © Let F be the applied force on a body of mass m for a time t © Let the velocity of the body change from u to v. © Then, Initial momentum p; = mu; Final momentum p2™ mv. . ‘Change in momentum of the body, P= py = mv— mu; Ap = m (vu) Ap mv-u) @ Rate of change of momentum, 4t = ‘© From Newton's 2% law Fa Me Fa MY or Fema, F=Kmabutk=1inSisystem — :.F =ma (derived) Graphical rej entation of Newton's second law of motio! © when force is constant, a x + im © When mass is constant, ax F ‘© When acceleration is constant, F om a I ip) Va ii) WA a) VY. vm > ro n ° ® ic ° ote Velocity + Velocity -» Graph showing variation Graph snowng variation of mass with=velocty cof momentum with velocity Newton’s 3 Law of motion: > For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Voume 1 of2 Universal Tutorials - x ICSE — Physics 3 > Mass is the amount of matter present in a body or measure of inertia of the body It is @ scalar quantity, > The force with which a body is attracted towards the surface of the earth is called its weight on earth. Its a vector quantity (Directed towards the centre of earth > Weight of a body depends on acceleration due to gravity (9) at a given place and the mass of the booy. When a force is applied on @ body, such that it moves with certain acceleration. then the ratio between force applied and acceleration produced is called inertial mass. If the same force is applied to two bodies of masses m; and m2 and the acceleration produced is a, and a y respectively, then 22 :(F = mia, =mza:) ma Thus the ratio of masses is independent of the applied force. For the same applied force, bodies of different masses will have diferent acceleration. Hence mass of the body gives @ measure of its inertia, Thus mass is am intrinsic property of the body. Note: A freely faling body has zero weight during its fight. Weight is zero at the centre of earth, since g = at the centre of the earth. Acceleration due to gravity (a): © Its the acceleration of a body under free fall due to earth's gravity. It is different at different places on earth. It is minimum at the equator and maximum at the poles. It deceases with altitude and depth g does not depend on the mass of the body. Comparison of Mass and Weight: v y Mass Weight Tris the quantity of matter presentin a body | it the force with whch the earih attracts the body. tis a scalar quantity itis a vector quantity TiS measured by a physical balance itis measured by a spring balance {tis a constant quantity for a given body. | It is a variable quantity and depends on the value of acceleration due to gravity, at a place. THis measured in 9 or kg Ttis measured in newton, dyne, Kgf, of Equations of Motion: veutat i) S=ut+ %at® ii) v¥—-u?= 208 © For uniformly accelerated motion, a graph plotted for speed against time is a straight line ‘The slope gives acceleration. The area enclosed by the graph with time axis gives distance travelled by the body in that time interval Foret Definition: © It is that physical cause which changes or tends to change the state of rest or the state of Uniform motion of a body. 7 Universal Tutorials ~ x ICSE — Physics Volume t of 2 Page 10 = Page 11 Chapter 01: Force 5. Absolute uni © SI: newton (N) :¢.g:s. unit : dyne (dyn) Definition: © The force is said to be 1 newton, if it produces an acceleration of 1 m 4k. Le, 1N=1 koms? © The force Is said to be 1dyne, itt produces an acceleration of 1 ems in a body of mass 1g © Newton and dyne are called absolute units of force i.e. 1 dyne = 1g cms, Gravitational Unit of force: Definition: © If the acceleration produced by a force acting on a unit mass is equal to the acceleration ‘due to gravity 'g' of the earth, the force is called gravitational force © Kilogram ~ force (kgf) and gram force (gf) are the gravitational units of force. Definition: ina body of mass © 1 Kgfis the force with which the earth attracts amass of 1 kg © 1 gfis the force with which the earth attracts a mass of 1 g © 1 9f= 19 980ems" © 1Kof=1kg»98ms*=98N ion between SI and C.G.S unit of force: @ IN=1kgx 1ms*= 10009 100m « $= 10° gems” = 10° dyne, Kinds of Forces: Contact force: Definition © The forces which act on bodies when they are in physical contact are called contact forces. Examples: Frictional force: * isa force whic aca a body n a tection opposte ote decton of moton ofthe att oo parallel to the surfaces in contact. itis aresistve force. Normal reaction force Ln = A force exerted by a surface on a body, normal to the surface is called normal reaction = Normal reaction is equal and opposite to the weight of the Surface body. = An object placed ona horizontal surface, does not fall vw because the normal reaction balances the weight of the body. Voume 1 of2 Universal Tutorials - x ICSE ~ Physics 5 Page 12 Tension force applied through strings: = The force exerted by the string on a body tied to it is called tension force T ‘= Tension force acts upwards and balances the weight of the body Under equilibrium condition Ww Force by a spring: = The force exerted by an elongated spring or compressed spring is called fore by a spring 1= This force is directly proportional to the displacement produced in the spring '= It acts opposite to the direction of displacement and tries to bring the spring back to its ‘original position. Hence itis called restoring force. = A spring balance works on the principle that restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement Force due to collision: = When two bodies collide; an equal and opposite force acts on each body. This force is called force due to colision. '= This force makes the two bodies to move apart or move together or come to rest under different conditions. Non-contact force: Definition: © The force experienced by bodies without being in contact are called non-contact forces, Examples Gravitational force: = Every particle in the universe attracts every other particle This force of attraction is called gravitational force. '= This force depends on their masses and the distance between them '= The force on a body due to earth's attraction is called force of gravity. = Even though we exert 2 force on earth, the earth is not moving towards us due to its large mass (inertia). Electrostatic force: = The force between two electric charges separated by a distance is called electrostatic force. = Like charges repel and unlike charges attract. Magnetic force: 1= The force between two magnetic poles separated by a distance is called magnetic force. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract f ni nt yr © They may be attractive or both attractive and repulsive in nature They depend directly on the product of mass or charges or pole strength. They are inversely proportional to the square of the distance of separation between them Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics ‘Volume 1 of 2 Page 13 Chapter 01: Force z Effects of Force: Itcan change the speed of a moving body. Ican change the direction of motion. Itcan change the shape of a body, It.can move or stop a body. ‘A force applied on a rigid body does not change the inter-spacing between the molecules, Hence it produces motion in it (ie. the body moves) When a body moves, acceleration is produced in it. Hence its velocity changes As force has both magnitude and direction, itis a vector quantity. ‘A force applied on a non-rigid body changes its dimensions (changes shape) because the interspacing between the molecules changes and can also produce motion in it teers oe Moment of a force and equilibrium Translational motion When a force is applied on a stationary object which is free to move, it gets displaced along a linear path. Such a motion is called linear or translational metion, Rotational motion # When a body moves about an axis, the motion is called rotational motion Torque (moment of force or Turning effect) > The turning effect of force acting on @ body about an axis is called the moment of force or torque. > Torque isa vector quantty, a NE Explanation: (FP ~Ine of acton ct fr) © Consider a rigid body (A) t @ As the body A is fixed at O, it does not move in a siaight ne but it can rotate about O on the appteation of force «The ine/directon along which the force acs is called the line of action of force Due to this force, the body fotates in anticlockwise rection © The moment of force is equal to the product of magnitude of force and the perpendicular distance of the line of action of force from the axis of rotation, Torque (T) =F « distance OP © Slunitis newton metre (Nm) © itis a vector quantity, Factors affecting turning effect (Torque) ‘© Magnitude of applied force (greater the force, greater is the torque) Perpendicular distance of line of action of force from the axis of rotation (greater the distance, greater is the torque) Vouume tof2 Universal Tutorials — x [OSE — Physics 7 Page 14 Clockwise and anticlockwise moments: © The direction of turning depends on (') point of application of force and (jl) direction of force If the turning effect produced is in anticlockwise direction, itis called anti clockwise moment Anticlockwise moment is taken as positive. © If the tuining effect produced is in clock wise direction, it is called clockwise moment. Clockwise moments are taken as negative. FFaielockwise Clockwise Examples i) Steering wheel ii) Bicycle wheel Definition: a © Two equal, opposite and parallel forces not acting along the & <———-« ——> same line on a body free to turn about a point form a couple. > “s) Note: The two forces do not cancel each other because their line of ¢ X__> action is not same. © Moment of a couple is equal to the product of either of the forces and the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of the forces. ‘© Moment of couple = F « d (ret. diagram) Equilibrium of Bodies: > If several forces acting on @ body do not change its state of rest or of motion, the body is said to be in equilibrium, Conditions for equilibrium: % The resultant of all forces acting on the body should be equal to zero, ® The resultant moment of all forces acting on the body about the point of rotation should be zero a Universal Tutorials — x |OSE~ Physics Volume 102 Chapter 01: Force Kinds of equilibrium: Static equilibrium: 4 When a body remains in the state of rest under the influence of the applied forces, the body is in static equilbrium. Dynamic Equilibrium: © When a body remains in the state of motion under the influence of the applied forces, the body isin dynamic equiliorium, Principle of moments: > In equilibrium, the sum of clockwise moments is equal to the sum of anti clockwise moments J oe: Praca oaanco wos on pn of moments Where, Wi; 8 Ws are the weights and L; & Lo are their distances from Wily = Wal Centre of Gravity (C.G.): > Ibis the point through which the entire weight of the body acts and the algebraic sum of moments of weights of particles constituting the body is zero eu seis Ww, the fulerum, > Position of C.G. of a body depends on its shape i.e. on the distribution of mass in it. > CG. may lie within the material of the body or outside the material of the body. 1] Note: C.G. of aring or hollow sphere lies at its centre. F (force arms) Centre of gravity of some regular bodies: Object Position of C.G Rod (uniform) > mid point Circular dise Geometric centre Sphere GC) Geometric centre oylinder [ mid point on the axis Volume tof2 Universal Tutorials —X [OSE - Physics Page 16 Page 16 10 Object Position of C.G at. 1/4 height from the Solid cone base, on the axis at 1/3 height from the base, on the axis: centre of the ring oroar Sing (outside the rina) OPP Intersection of Triangular lamina medians (centroid) Intersection of Parallelogram diagonals a Note: When a body is suspended freely it rests in such a way that C.G. lies below the point of suspension. Uniform Circular Motion (UCM): > When a body moves with constant speed in a circular path, It Is said to v perform uniform circular motion. v » In UCM, speed is constant but velocity (ie. direction) changes. Hence itis an accelerated motion > In uniform linear motion speed and direction are constant. Hence v acceleration is zero. > In UCM, the change in direction is due to the force called centripetal force, v > Centripetal force is the force acting towards the centre of the circular path of body. > Centripetal force is a real force because it has a cause/ source. > The apparent force acting away from the centre of a circular path is called centrfugal force. » Iisa virtual or fictitious force. Note: If while moving in a circular path, the string is cut off the particle will move along the tangent to the path and not along a line containing the centre. Difference: 1) (a) uniform circular and uniform linear motion, (b) Centripetal force and centrifugal force. Ans: a) Uniform circular moti Uniform linear motion Velocity changes, Velocity is constant. Tris an accelerated motion Tis acceleration is zero. 0 Universal Tutorials — x [OSE — Physics Valume 12 Chapter 01: Force 4 b) Ceniripetal force Cenirifugal force The force directed towards the centre of | itis the force which acts away from a circular path is called centripetal force. | the centre of a circular path 2) Observe the given diagram and answer the questions given belo a) When the merry go round starts rotating what is the observation of the person standing at M. ‘Ans: The person finds the ball is moving in a circular path because the tension in the string provides the necessary centripetal force b) What is the observation of the person standing at Aon the merry go round? ‘Ans: The person at A funds that the ball is stationary at P because when the merry go round rotates, two forces are acting on the ball. One is tension in the string towards the centre and centrifugal force away from the centre. Since both these forces one equal and —_ opposite the net force is zero. Hence the ball is stationary. ©) What would their observations be if the string is cut off? ‘Ans: For the person at M, tension has ceased. Hence there is no centripetal force. The ball moves tangential along the path P’. P'', P'”’ etc. For the person on the merry go round, the ball is always in front of him ie, at P when he is at A, at P' when he is at A etc. So it appears that the ball is moving because of centrifugal force acting away from the centre. ‘ypical Solved Problem: 1) Calculate the change in momentum of a car weighing 1400 kg, when its speed (a) increases from 36 kmh” to 72 kmh” uniformly, (b) decreases from 20 ms” to Sms”, Sota) Given m= 1400 kg U= 36 km = 36 OPP me t= 10me (1km n= Sms") . = 279, 1000 4 v= Takm ie! = 72 2000 ms = 20 ms ‘Change in veloctty = (20-10) ms-' = 10 ms" change in momentum = mass x change in velocity = 1400 « 10 = 14, 000 kg ms"* b) Change in momentum = mass x change in velocity = 1400 kg x (5 — 20) ms" = 1400 » (~15) kg ms = ~ 21,000 kg ms 2) A toy car of mass 500 g travels with a uniform velocity of 25 ms” for 5s. The brakes are then applied and the caris uniformly retarded and comes to rest in further 10s. Calculate a) the retardation b) the distance which the car travels after the brakes are applied ¢c) the force exerted by brakes Sola) m = 500 9=0.5 kg 25ms"" 10s b) Distance covered S=utr hat S = (26) (10) + % (-2.5) (10)* = 250 - 125. ¢) Force F= ma=0.5»25N=1.25N 25 ms. v=0 t= 10sec =-25me* Volume tof2 Universal Tutori 1 Page 17 2 Page 18 3) The weight of a standard mass of 1 kg Is found to be 1.7 N when it is measured on the moon's surface using a spring balance. Another object of unknown mass M suspended from the same spring is found to weigh 6.8 N on the moon. What is the mass of the unknown object? Sok m= 1 kg, w= 1.7 Nand W=68N,M=? Since weight is proportional to the mass new MW 147 x oak 2 M=4kg 4) The moment of a force of 10 N about a fixed point is 5 Nm. Calculate the distance of the fixed point from the line of action of the force. Sol moment of force (T) = 5 Nm. Force (F) = 10N, Distance (a) = ? TsFxd 5Nm=10Nxd 5 0 05m. 5) A.unitorm metre rule is pivoted at its mid point. A weight of 50 gf is suspended at one end of it. Whore should a weight of 100 gf be suspended to keop the rule horizontal?” Sol: Since the rule sa metre ule, ts lengtn is 100em. 50cm +. midpoint is 50 cm (tulerum) 500m —>A <—> ‘When SOpf is suspended on one side. the rule will tilt F on that side. Hence, the 100 gf should be suspended ‘on the other side of fulcrum, ‘SO af 100 gf By principle of moments, sum of anticlockwise moments = sum of clockwise moments. 50x50 Wil: = Wal 50 gf « 50.¢m = 100 of » x SD om: x= 25 om from 50 om mark ie. at 75 om mark of the rule. REVIEW QUESTIONS: irect questions: 1) What are contact forces? Give two examples 2), What are non-contact forces? Give two examples. 3) Classify the following as contact and non-contact forces. a) frictional force ') normal reaction force ©) force of tension in a string d) gravitational force ) electric force f) magnetic foree. 4) State one factor on which the magnitude of a non-contact force depends. How does it depend on the factor stated by you? 5) Define the term ‘force’. 6) State the effects that a force can produce. Give one example of each etfact. 7). Name two effects of a force applied to a non-rigid body, 8) A force is applied on (i) a non-nigid, and (i) rigid body. How does the effect of the force differ in the two cases? 9) Give one example in each of the folowing cases a) A force stops @ moving body. )A force causes mation of body. c) A force produces change in size of the body. d) A force produces change in shape of the body. a Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics Volume 102 Page 19 Chapter 01: Force: 13 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) Define the term linear momentum. State its S.|, unit Define newton (the S.|. unt of force) \Wiite down the gravitational unit of force. How is it related to newton? State the condition when a force produces a) translational motion in a body ») rotational motion in a body, Define moment of force and state its S|. unit Is moment of a force a scalar ora vector? State two factors on which moment of force about a point depends, Why is it easier to open a door by applying the force at the free end of i? The stone of hand flour grinder is provided with a handle near its rim. Give reason It is easier to tum the steering wheel of a large diameter than that of a small diameter. Give reason, Draw a neat labelled diagram to show the: direction of two forces acting on a body to produce Totation in it. Also mark the point about which rotation takes place, by the letter O. 21) Define moment of couple. Write its $.. unit. 22) State the condition when a body {sin |) state equilibrium and (ji) dynamic equilibrium. Give one ‘example for each 23) State the principle of moments. Give one device as application of it 24) Can the centre of gravity be situated outside the material of the body? Give an example. 25) Define the term ‘centre of gravity of a body. 26) Which of the following quantity remains constant in a unifoim circular motion? a) velocity ) acceleration ©) speed d) force. 27), Name the force required for circular motion. State its direction 28) What is centripetal force? 29) Figure shows three pieces of card board of uniform thickness cut into different shapes. On each diagram draw two lines to locate the position Ec] AO of centre of gravity, G 30) sit possible to have an accelerated motion with a constant speed’ Name such type of motion. 31) Differentiate between a uniform linear motion and a uniform circular motion, 32) Is centrifugal force the force of reaction of centripetal force? 33) Is centrifugal force a real force? NUMERICALS: Class Work: 1) Two balls of masses in ratio 1:2 are dropped from the same height. Find: a) the ratio between their velocities when they strike the ground, and ») the ratio of the forces acting on them during motion fa) 1:1 (0) 12) 2) A body X of mass 5 kg is moving with velocity 20 ms~' while another body Y of mass 20 kg is moving with velocity 5 ms’, Compare the momentum of the two bodies, 4] 3) A toy car of mass 500 g travels with a uniform velocity of 25 ms"' in 5 s. The brakes are then applied and the car is uniformly retarded and comes to rest in further 10 8. Calculate i) the retardation i) the distance which the car travels after the brakes are applied ii) the force exerted by the brakes. [G25 ms? (i) 125 m Gil) 1.25 N] 4) Annutis opened by a wrench of fenath 10 om. Ifthe least force required is 50 N. find the moment of force needed to turn the nut. [5Nm] Voume tof2 Universal Tutorials ~ x ICSE ~ Physics 3 4 1 Page20 5) A wheel of diameter 2 m is shown in with axle at 0. A force F = 2N is applied at B in the direction shown in figure. Calculate the moment of force about (i) centre 0, and (ji) point A 7 {() 2Nm (crockwise) (i) 4 Nm (clockwise) 6) Two forces each of magnitude 10 N act vertically upwards and downwards respectively on the two ends of a uniform fod of length 4 m which is pivoted at its mid point as shown in fig Determine the magnitude of resultant moment of forces about the pivot. [40 Nm (clock wise)} 7) A uniform metre rule is pivoted at its mid-point A weight of 50 gf is suspended at one end of it Where should a weight of 100 gf be suspended to keep the rule horizontal? [25 cm from other end] 8) The diagram below shows @ uniform bar supported at the mid point ©. A weight of 40 of es is placed at a distance 40 cm to the left of tne EE ba point O. How can you balance the bar with a I onan cea eran ‘weight of 80 of? [Place 80 gf at 20.em to the right of O] 9) A uniform meter rule of weight 10 of is pivoted at its 0 mark (i) What moment of force depresses the rule? (ii) How can it be made horizontal by applying a least force? {() 500 of cm (i) by force ofS gf upwards at 100 cm mark) 10) A uniform metre rule of mass 100 9 is balanced on a fulcrum at mark 40 cm by suspending an unknown mass m at the mark 20 cm. Find the value of m. To which side the rule will tit if the mass m is moved to the mark 10 cm? What is the resultant moment now? How can it be balanced by another mass 50 0? [m= 50 g at 50 om mark} Home Work: 1) of mass 600 kg is moving with a speed of 10 ms“ while a scooter of mass 80 kg is moving with a speed of 50 ms”. Compare their momentum. Which vehicle will require more force to stop itin the same interval of time? (32, car) 2) A body of mass 50 g is moving with a velocity of 10 ms”. It is brought to rest by a resistive force of 10.N. Find - |) the retardation and ii) the distance that the body will travel after the resistive force is applied, {() 200 ms" (ji) 25 om) 3) The moment of a force of 10 N about a fixed point 0 is 5 N m. Calculate the distance of the point O from the line of action of the force. (0.5 m] 4) The diagram in Fig. shows two forces F; = 5 N and F; = 31N acting at points A and B of a rod pivoted at a point 0, such that OA =2:m and OB = 4 m. Calculate i) Moment of force F; about O. em il) Moment of force F about O et esas il) Total moment of the two forces about O. {i) 10.Nm (anticlockwise) (i) 12 Nm (clock wise) (ii) 2 Nm (clockwise)] 5) Fig Shows two forces each of magnitude 10 N acting at the ~ . points A and B at a separation of 50 cm, in opposite directions,“ ~ "? | ‘Calculate the resultant moment of the two forces about the point 2 (i) A, (i) B and (ii) O, situated exactly at the middle of the two 2 forces. A soon F=10NN {[() 5'Nm clockwise (i) 5 Nm clockwise (i) 5 Nm clockwise) 14 Universal Tutorials ~ x ICSE ~ Physics Volume 1 02 Chapter 01: Force 5 6) A steering wheel of diameter 0.5 m is rotated anticlockwise by applying two forces each of magnitude 5 N. Draw a diagram to show the application of forces and calculate the moment of ‘couple applied. 2.5Nm) 7) A uniform metre rule balances horizontally on a knife edge placed at the 58 cm mark when a ‘weight of 20 gf is suspended from one end i) Draw a diagram of the arrangement. ii) What is the weight of the rule? (105 09 '8) Shows a uniform metre rule placed on a fulcrum at o¢ na its mid-point © and having a weight 40 gf at the 10 Ss ‘om mark and a weight of 20 gf atthe 90cm mark. 8 8 ww A ww wen i) isthe metre rule in equilibrium? If not, how wil the rule turn il) How can the rule be brought in equilibrium by using an additional weight of 40 gf? {() No, anticlock wise (i) add 40 of at 70 cm mark) 9) When a boy weighing 20 kf sits at one end of a 4 m long see-saw, it gets pushed down at this ‘end, How can it be brought to the horizontal position by a man weighing 40 kof [1 m from the centre on opposite side] 10) A physical balance has its arms of length 60 om and 40 om, What weight kept in the pans of longer arm will balance an object of weight 100 gf kept on other pan? (66.679 of 11) The diagram in Fig. shows @ uniform metre rule weighing 100 of. pivoted at its centre 0. Two weights 150 gf and 250 ‘gf hang from the metre rule as shown. Calculate: (i) the total 3 anticlockwise moment about 0, (ii) the total clockwise ™¥ moment about 0, (ii) the difference of anticlockwise and clockwise moment, and (wv) the distance from 0 where a 100 gf weight should be placed to balance the metre rule, (9 6000 gf em (i 5000 gf cm (it) 1000 gf om yw) 10 om to the right of O.] "APPLICATION TYPE: Class Work: 1) A, B and C are three forces each of magnitude 4 N acting in the plane of paper as shown The Point O lies in the same plane. ee i) Which force has the least moment about 07 Give a reason. a c 0 il) Which force has the greatest moment about 07 Give a reason 2) "A body is acted upon by two forces each of magnitude F, but in opposite directions, State the effect of the forces if a) both forces act at the same point of the body, b) the two forces act at two different points of the body at @ separation ¢. 3) Two objects have masses in the ratio 2 : 1 and velocities in the ratio 1: 3. @) What is the ratio of their momenta? b) What is the ratio of their kinetic energy? 4) State the effect of force on: {i) Stationary rigid object free to move. (i) Object pivoted about an axis. 5) (i) Inthe given diagram what is the resultant torque? (i) Wi the object rotate in clockwise or anticlockwise direction? TON 7 Volume tof2 Universal Tutorials - x ICSE ~ Physics 6 Page21 16 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) Pagez2 State one factor on which the magnitude of non contact force depends. How does it depend on the factor stated by you? In the given diagram, tek | m vn mark the direction of Tension. panied Fresionioss surface ‘What is the effect of force on a non rigid body not free to move? ‘Sting ‘On what a factor does the direction of turning produce on a body depends. Give reason: The upper circular stone of a hand flour grinder is provided with a handle near its rim ‘A spanner has a large handle. Why? ‘What are the congitions for equilibrium? The following diagram shows two parallel and oppostte forces F. and Fa each of magnitude 5N, with their lines of action separated by a distance of 2m. A point X lies midway between F; and F; while a point Y lies on 2m F, a) Calculate the total moment of the two forces about (i) X and (i) ¥ 4 —— ») State the effect produced by the two forces about the points X andy... P= 5 Home Work: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) The adjacent diagram shows a heavy roller, with its axle at O, which is to be raised on a pavement XY by applying minimum 7 Possible force. Show by an arrow in the diagram the point of application and the direction in which the force should be applied ‘A small pebble is placed near the periphery of a circular disc which is rotating about an axis passing through its centre. a) What will be your observation when you are standing outside the disc? Explain it b) Whet will be your observation when you are standing at the centre of the disc? Explain it. ‘A force is applied on (i) an iron ball (i) on clay ball (both of same size.) What is the effect on each of them? How does the turning effect change wnen i) the distance between the point of application of force and the axis of rotation is doubled. i) the force is reduced to halt (other parameters remaining same) In the given diagram, O is the centre of a circular wheel of radius 6 om Q'is2 point on OA such that OO 'is {O is the axis] When forces F; and F2 are applied, the wheel is in equilibrium Compare the two forces F; and Fy: Justify. Two blocks of masses m, and m; ona f , nofzontal frictionless table are connected by a IF light spring as shown. Mark the direction of restoring force. (Fis the applied force) A-cylinder hangs from a chord as shown mark the direction of tension ‘What is the effect of force applied on a moving body when applied? i) perpendicular to the direction of motion, il in any direction AN ‘What is the sign convention for i) clockwise moment |i) anticlockwise moment 6 Universal Tutorials — x [OSE — Physics Volume 12 Chapter 01: Force a7, 10) 11) 12) 2) v} 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 42) 13) 14) Volume 1 of2 Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics 7 For turning a steering wheel, a force is applied tangentially on the rim of the wheel. Why? Classify as static and dynamic equilibrium i) book lying on a table, ii) Arain drop reaching the earth wth constant velocity, i) A beam balance held horizontally, The wheel shown in the diagram has a fixed axle passing through O. The wheel is kept stationary under the action of Fi i) a horizontal force F; at A and a i) a vertical force F at B. a) Show the direction of force Fin the diagram. [7 D) Which of the force F; of Fis greater? ©) Find the ratio between the forces F; and F:, Given : AO = 25 om, BO'= 1.5 om and 00 =200m Draw a neat labeled diagram for a particle moving in a circular path with a constant speed. In your diagram show the direction of velocity at any instant. MISCELLANEOU: Give one example in each case where 2) the force is of contact, and b) force is at a distance. ‘Which of the following is not the force at a distance ‘) electrostatic force) gravitational force) frictional force d) magnetic force. Give one example, in each case, of a force that a) its b) pushes. ©) pulls d) stretches 8) compresses, #) resists. State Newton's first law of motion, Why is it called the law of inertia? \Wiite an expression for the change in momentum of a body of mass m moving with velocity ‘’ if lv <) x c) kg ms d)Nm 21) What do you understand by clockwise moment and anticlockwise moment of forces? Ciassity them as positive and negative. 22) A spanner (or wrench) has a long handle. Why? 23) In order to rotate a bar pivoted at its mid point, we need to apply 2) large force at any point on the bar ) a small force exactly at the mid point where itis pivoted 0) Wo unequal forces at the two ends, but in the same direction 4) two equal forces at the two ends, but in opposite directions 24) A body is acted upon by two unequal forces in opposite directions, but not in one line. The effect is that 2) the body will have only the rotational motion b) the body wil have only the translational motion ©) the body wil have neither the rotational motion nor the translational motion 4) the body will have rotational 2s well as translational motion 25) What do you understand by the term couple? State its effect. Give two examples of couple action in our daily lite 26) Prove that, Moment of couple = Foroe « Couple arm. 27) What do you mean by equilibrium of a body? 28) State two conditions for a body acted upon by several forces to be in equilibrium. 29) The appliance which works on the principle of moments, is a) spring balance b) beam balance —c) pendulum clock —_d) balance wheel. 30) On what factor does the postion of centre of gravy of body depend? Explain your enewer wih an exampl 31) What is the position of centre of gravity of a rectangular lamina? 32) At which point is the centre of gravity of a triangular lamina situated? 33) Whereis the centre of gravity ofa uniform ring situated? 34) A square card board is suspended by passing a pin through a narrow hole at its one comer. Draw a diagram to show its rest position. In the diagram mark the point of suspension by the letter S and centre of gravity by the letter G. co Universal Tutorials -X OSE — Physics VaumeT #2 Chapter 01: Force 19 35) Explain how you will determine the position of centre of gravity experimentally for a triangular lamina (or a triangular piece of card board), 36) State whether the following statement is true or false. ‘The position of centre of gravity of a body remains unchanged even when the body is deformed. 37) Explain the meaning of uniform circular motion. Give one example of such mation. 38) Give an example of motion in which speed remains uniform, but the velocity changes. 39) A uniform circular motion is an accelerated motion, Explain 40) A piece of stone tied at the end of a thread is whirled in a horizontal circle. Name the force which Provides the centripetal force. 41) Explain the motion of a planet around the sun in a circular path. 42), State whether the following statements are true or false by writing T/F against them. 2) The earth moves around the sun with @ uniform velocity. ) The motion of the moon around the earth in circular path is an accelerated mation, ©) uniform linear motion is not accelerated, while a uniform circular motion is an accelerated 4) In a uniform circular motion, the speed continuously changes because the direction of the motion changes. PREVIOUS BOARD QUESTIONS: 4) i) Define 1 kot il) How is it related to the S.. unit of force? [2012] 2) |) What are non-contact forces? il) How does the distance of separation between two bodies affect the magnitude of the non- ‘contact force between them? [2012] 3) A boy of mass 30 kg Is sitting at a distance of 2 m from the middle of a see-saw. Where should a boy of mass 40 ig sit 60 as to balance the sea-saw? 2012] 4) |) What 's meant by the term ‘moment of force’? il) f the moment of force s assigned a negative sign then will the turning tendency of the force be clockwise or anticlockwise? (2012) 5) |) Which of the following remains constant in uniform circular motion : speed or velocity or both? ii) Name the force required for uniform circular motion. State its directon. (2012) 6) ) Define one newton i) Write the relation between S|, unitand C.G S. unit of force. (2011) 7) Where does the position of centre of gravity lie for i) acireular lamina i) a triangular lamina? 011] 8) A uniform metre scale can be balanced at the 70.0 cm mark when a mass of 0.05 kg is hung from the 94.0 cm mark. i) Draw a diagram of the arrangement li) Find the mass of the metre scale. (2011) 9) If im’ is the mass of the body, 'v its velocity and ‘p’ the momentum then wiite a relationship between change in momentum, mass and veloctty of the body when a) vis almost equal toc, the velocity of light b) vis very, very less as compared to ¢, the velocity of light. (2008) 10) 6.4 kJ of energy causes a displacement of 64 m in a body in the direction of force in 2.5 seconds. Calculate (2008) a) the force applied —_b) power in horse power (hp) (Take 1 hp = 746 W) 11) Name the SI unit of: (2008) i) linear momentum li) rate of change of momentum, Votume tof2 ‘Universal Tutorials — x ICSE — Physics 9 Page25 20 12) Draw a graph showing the relationship between acceleration and mass for a constant force. ¥ (2006) 13) The speed-time graph of a moving car is as shown in zoms}- the figure given alongside. Calculate: i) The distance covered by the car in 5 seconds. Speedin ms ii) The acceleration of the car. 5 soconds 14) Mention any two differences between the mass and weight of a body. (Te insecones) (2096) 15) Define newton, the SI unit of force. State its relationship with the C:G.S unit of force. (2006) 16) State Newton's Second law of motion (2008) 17) Two balls of mass ratio 1 2 are dropped from the same height. State }) the ratio between their velocities when they strike the ground, ii) ratio of the force acting on them during their motion, (2004) 18) State Newton's 2” law of motion both in words and in equation form. Under what condition does this equation be F = ma (2004) 19) The weights of tyo bodies ere 2.0N and 2.0 kof respectively, What is the mass of each body? (take g = 10 ms“) (2003) 20) State the SI unit of momentum of a body (2002) 21) What is the weight of a body of mass 12 kg? What is the force acting on if? (g = 10ms") (2001) 22) A body of mass 1kg is thrown vertically up with an inal speed of 5 ms", What is the magnitude {and direction of force due to gravity on the body at its highest point? (9 = 9 8ms™) (ass7) 23) Define SI unit of force. Obtain a relation between SI and cgs unit of force. (1986) 24). A body P has a mass of 20 kg and is moving with a velocity of 5 mis. Another body Q has a mass of 5 kg and is moving with a velocity of 20 m/s, Calculate: (i) The ratio of the momentum of P and Q (i) the kinetic energy of P in S | units. (2000) ‘ANSWERS: Previous Board Question: 1) |) 1 kefis the force due to gravity on a mass of 1 kg. ii) 1 kgf = 9.8N 2) i) The forces which are experienced by a body even when it is not physically touched by the other body are callled the non-contact forces. ii). The magnitude of the non-contact force decreases as the distance of separation between two bodies increases. 3) Let the boy of mass 40 kg sits at a distance of x in from the middle of sea-saw on other side of the boy of mass 30 kg to balance the sea-saw. Then by principle of moments, 30x fe 2m= x= 0x2 30 kgf «2m =40kgt.x or a 15m Thus the boy of mass 40 kg should sit at a distance 1.5 m from the middle on other side. 4) 1) Moment of force means the tuming effect of force about an axis. It is equal to the product of magnitude of force and the perpendicular distance of the line of action of force from the axis of rotation ii) Clockwise. 5) |) Speed. i) Centripetal force. itis directed towards the centre of circle. 10) a) Ap = a(my) b) Ap= mav 64mt=258 a) Energy = work done = F x 5 => 6400= F x 64> F = 100N 20 Universal Tutorials —X ICSE — Physics Volume 102 Page 26 Page27 Chapter 01: Force 2 13) om 20) Weight of body = 2.N Weight of body = 2.0 kgt Wes mg (2hof=210N) 2x10") x10 «m= 20 a 2g 22) 120N 23) When the body is at the highest point ofits motion, its velocty is zero but itis acted upon by a downward acceleration due to gravity. Thus, it will be acted upon by @ force due to gravity in the downward direction. Force= 1 9.8=98N 24) S|. unt of force is newton. One newton force is said to be acting on a body of mass 1 kg, if it produces in it an acceleration of 4. ms™. Thus, 1 newton = 1 kg x 1 ms" = 1,000g x 100m 28) ratiois 1: 1;KE. = 250d 10° gx om s= 10° dyne. Volume 1 of2 Universal Tutorials —X ICSE ~ Physics a 2 Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power Work [> Definition > Units > Expression for work done » Work done under different conditions Energy » Definition > Units >Foims of energy » Types of Energy [> Law of Conservation of Energy > Examples > Simple Penctulum » Freely falling body under gravitational force » Energy Transformation Power {> Definition > Units » Conversions > Expression for power Energy source and production of electricity »Solar Power plant >Wind energy » Hydro energy »Nuclear energy Definition; ‘© Work is said to be done when a force acting on a body moves it through some distance (i. produces displacement). © Work done is @ scalar quantity 2 Universal Tutorials — x [OSE — Physics Volume 12 Page 28 Page29 Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power 23 ‘The amount of work done depends on: © ‘Magnitude of force applied © The distance moved by the object. © ‘Magnitude of work done is given by the product of force anplied and distance moved in the direction of force (i.e. displacement). W=F x S Units: © system, unit of work is erg Jerg= t dyn x fom © The work done is said to be 1 erg when a force of 1 dyne moves a body by 1 om in the direction of force © SI unit of work is joule (J) @1J=1Nctm Definition: © The work done is said to be 1 Joule when a force of 1 newton moves a body by 1 m in the direction of force 1021 Notm 10° dyn x 10° cm = 10’ erg ie, 10.5 10' ergs ravitational units of work = cos 1 gf om = 980 erg ‘1 kgt m = 9.8 joule Let the object 'm’ be initially at A. c Leta force F displace it to C but act along AB. © Work (W) = Force x AB Oaptacement: In SABC, ~ AB COs O= = il<—Saso le AB= AC cos 0 = S08 0 W=F « S008 6= force x component of displacement in the direction of force. Work ni ifferent itions: + Work done is zero © If no displacement is produced by the force. (s = 0) eg. pushing a wall © If displacement is normal to the direotion of force (0 = 90°) eg. A coolie moving with a load along a horizontal surface, Ifa body is reised to height © Inssuch cases work is done to overcome the gravitational attraction of the earth. © W= moh © tis positive and maximum as = 0 and cos 0 = 1. Vouume tof2 Universal Tutorials — x [OSE — Physics Ey 2 ‘© Work done by gravity is mgh whether a person comes by stairs, elevator or an inclined plane. @ If force and motion are in different directions. © Work done is given by, W= FS ae. a © W=FScos0 a S$ 3 @ When 0 =0°, W=FS_ (maximum) @ Wheno= 90°, W=0. (minimum) Wheno= 180° W=-=FS (force and displacement are in opposite direction work done is negative) Graphical representation of work done for a variable force: @ Area enclosed gives total work done by gravitational force = mgh © Bigger units of work are t = (kilo joule = 10° J F = 1 mega joule = 10° J = 1 giga joule = 10° J n Definition # ‘The capacity or ability to do work is called energy. ® Itis a scalar quantity. When a body does work, energy decreases and when work is done on the body, energy increases. Units: @ CGS. eg # SI: joule % Bigger units: watt hour (Wh), kilo watt hour Relation: © Commercial unit of electrical energy is kilo watt hour (kwh) © Definition: + kwh is the energy spent by a source of power 1 kw in.1 hour © 1 kWh = 1 kilowatt « 1 hour = 1000 Js” x 3600s =3.6x 10° J=36 Mie. 1 KWn=36% 10° © Nuclear energy is measured in election volt (eV)1 eV = 1.6 « 10°" J Definition: 1eV is the energy gained by an electron when itis accelerated through a p.d of 1 volt © Heat energy is measured in calorie or Klocalorie 1) = 0.24 cal tcal=4.18J Definition: 1 cal is the energy requited in raising the temperature of 1 g of water from 14.5 °C to 155°C ma ‘Universal Tutorials —X ICSE ~ Physics Volume 12 Page2u Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power 25 Forms of Energy and their sources: > Chemical energy — Fossil fuels » Electrical energy — Electric charges > Nuclear energy - Nucleus of atoms, » Heatenersy _— Fuels » Soundenergy — — Vibrating bodies > Lightenergy -— Sun, electricity » Solarenergy — — Sun Mechanical energy (energy due to state of rest or motion) Types of Energ Solar Energy: ‘The energy radiated by the sun is called solar energy. The earth receives 1 KJ energy per second per meter square area. This energy is produced in the sun by nuclear fusion reaction. Solar energy cannot be used to do work directly because it is diffused and not available uniformly. Solar cells and solar Panels make use of solar energy. Soir cells convert solar energy to electrical energy Heat Eneray: ® Energy released on burning coal, oil, wood or gas is heat energy. In steam engine, heat energy is converted to mechanical energy. Light Eneray: tis the form of energy in presence of which other objects are seen Chemical energy: @ The energy obtained by burning fossil fuels is called chemical energy. Hydro Eneray: + The energy possessed by movingfflowing water is called hydro energy. Electrical Energy: # When two dry bodies are rubbed together, they get charged due to movement of free electrons from one object to another. This is called electrical energy. Nuclear Energy: The energy released during nuclear fission or fusion reaction is atomia! nuclear energy Mass gets converted to energy as E = me* (Einstein's equation) weer + Voume tof2 Universal Tutorials ~ x ICSE ~ Physics cy Paget Page 22 6 Geothermal Energy: © The energy released in nuclear disintegrations in the interior of earth is called geothermal Energy, Wind Eneray: > The energy possessed by fast moving air is called wind energy. Mechanical Energy: @ Energy possessed by a body due to its state of rest or motion is called mechanical energy. Types of Mechanical Energy: Potential Energy: © The energy possessed by a body due to its position of rest relative to the earth or configuration is called potential energy (PE), ‘Types of PE eneray: © Gravitational P.E.: Energy possessed due to its position relative to earth's centre. Eg water stored in a dam. © Elastic P.E.: Eneray possessed due to change in configuration or shape is called Elastic P.E Eg. A wound up watch spring, Derivatio1 © Leta body of mass m de lifted from the ground to the height (n). The force required is force of gravity mg. $ The work done = FS. = mgh + This work is stored in the body as PE. Work done in lifting @ body toe height h against gravity is called PE Kinetic Eneray: ‘© The energy possessed by a body due to its state of motion is called its kinetic energy, KE= Lm? — Eg:Aroling tone, bullet shots from a gun. Derivatior 4 Abody of mass ‘m’ is moving with a velocty v and brought to rest by a force F + Let.a be the retardation produced by the force and distance travelled by the body is S © KE= Work done by the retarding force to stop it = K=F = S ¢ BuUtF=ma # Let intial velocity be ‘u’ and final velodtty, v= zero V=u+2as -v? = -2as {a is retardation) s=£ iwhenv=0) or + {when u= 0) 2a 2a 26 Universal Tutorials —X ICSE — Physics Volume 102 Page 23 Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power ar va 2a © K=max 1 ke> my Relation between kinetic energy and momentum: eK 4 2 £ m my’ and momentum = my orp = mv eve p= 2km Work Energy Theorem: © The work done by a force is equal to the increase in the kinetic energy of the body Proof: ‘= Work done by the force = force x displacement W=E«S —Ww Now, = uP + 2as _ aw? 2a And F = ma = From equation (i), . view?) 4 2 wena [ = jezaw wv) 0) Now initial kinetic energy k = % mu? Final kinetic energy k= Km ~: Inorease in kinetic energy = ki— k= ¥emv’ ~ 4 mu? 1 = om(v-v4 (i) pm vv) (} From (ii) and (iit) Work done = increase in kinetic energy + my? we tml 2™ 2 Forms of KE: The bodies in the following cases possess kinetic energy. © Translational motion (motion in a line) eg. motion of a car on a straight road © Rotational motion (motion about an axis) eg. motion of earth around tts axis. © Vibration (motion about the mean position) eg. motion of the needle of a sewing machine. mu?= 3m (7—v}) Votume tof2 Universal Tutorials -X [CSE ~ Physics 7 28 Page34 Law of Conservation of Energy: > Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another. > The total energy of the universe remains constant > K+U-= constant fie. KE + PE = constant) Examples: i) Simple Pendulum: © The sum of PE and K Eis constant. © AtA (mean position) pendulum has max. KE but PE is zero because itis at lowest position. (K.E, = mgh) © At B (extreme position) pendulum has max. PE as it has gained hheight but KE is zero because pendulum comes to rest © ALC, KE = 0; PE = mg.h (maximum) li) Freely Falling Body Under Gravitational Fors © At position A. Consider a stone of mass m held at height h from the ground, © PEatA=mgh KEatA= Smv?o5m.0 =0 A © TE=PE+ KE = moh x © Atposition B: Let displacement be x and velocity be v 8 ° (7-u2= 290), (2 -0= 2x) h hx tmx 20x . 2 2 mox c © PE at B= mg (hx) = mah- max © TE=KE+PE=mgx+ mgh-mgx=mgh —_xguft Total energy . (Atposition cy vu" on, v= 29h KE= Sm 2gh=mgh © PEatC=mgh (hn) =0 TE= KE + PE = mgh + 0= mgh A Eneray Transformations: Mechanical to Heat ‘Sound Electrical (Rubbing two (Vibration of (Generation of electricity stones/our hands tuning forkstrings of by a dynamo) together) musical instruments) Heat to Tee ¥ Mechanical Light Electricty Chemical (Heat engine) (electric bulb) (Thermoelectric effect) (Chemical reactions) % Universal Tutorials — x [OSE ~ Physics Volume 12 ‘Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power Light to bi Electrical (Photo cell) ‘Note: Whenever mechanical energy changes to other forms it is first converted to KE and then to other forms. Chemical (Photography) Powel ] Definition: ¢ Itis the rate of doing work Unit: SI: joule / second = watt (W), Conversions: #1 Kilo watt (KYW) = 1000 W + 1.Watt = 10’ ergs © ‘horse power (1HP) = 746 W % 1MW= 10° W; 1GW= 10°W CGS:eg/s # Power is said to be 1 watt if work is done at the rate of 1 joule per second, Power is scalar quantity, Expression of Power: oWeFxs w pee s @ P= =F xVisince 7 =v) Work Power Work done by a force is equal to the product of | Power of a source is the rate of doing force and the displacement in the direction of force _| work by i Work done does not depend on time Power depends on the time in which work is done ‘S.| unit of work is joule (J) ‘ST unit of power is watt (W) + Differences between eneray and power, Eneray Power Energy of a body is its capacity to do work: Power of @ source is the energy spent by & in 4s. Eneray spent does not depend on time, Power spent depends on time which energy is. spent ‘SIL unit of energy is joule (J). ‘SI unit of power is watt (Wi). Volume tof2 Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics 2 Page35 Page20 20 Energy sources and producti ion of Elect y: ] Requirements of a good Source: © A source of energy should be such that it can provide an adequate amount of useful energy at a steady rate over a longer period of time. It should be safe and convenient to use, economical and easy to store and transport ‘Types of sources: @ Renewable sources of energy, and Non-renewable sources of energy. Renewable sources Non-renewable sources These are the sources from which energy can | These are the sources from which energy can be obtained continuously over a very. long | not be continuously obtained over a very long period of time, Period of time. They are the non-conventional sources. They are the conventional sources. These are the natural sources which will never | These are the natural sources which would get exhausted. ‘soon deplete. These sources can be regenerated ‘These sources can not be regenerated Examples: Solar energy, wind energy, hydro- | Examples: Coal, petroleum and natural ges. energy, geo-thermal energy and nuclear energy dudicious use of eneray: + The conventional sources of energy ie. fossil fuels are limited and non-renewable, so the constant use of them will create. an energy crisis in near future. Therefore the folowing measures must be taken for the judicious use of energy. © The fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, natural gas should be used only for the limited purposes when there is no other alternative source of energy. The wastage of energy should be avoided. Efforts must be made to make use of energy for community oF group purposes. The cutting of trees must be banned and more and more new trees must be roped to grow. Such a technique should be developed that in near future, we may make use of renewable Sources such as solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy, geo-thermal energy and nuclear energy as much as possible to meet our requirements, 2 2 3 a e g s g m jolar Cel © Solar cells are usually made trom semiconductors ke silicon and gallium. If sunlight is made incident on an impurity added to a semiconductor, a potential difference is [produced between its surfaces. This forms a solar cell. Due to this potential difference, current flows in the circuit connected between the surfaces of the semiconductor. To increase the efficiency a large number of such cells are arranged over a large area so that they collect large amount of solar eneray to produce sufficient electricity, Such an arrangement of solar cells is called a solar panel Advantages of using solar panels: © The use of solar panels for producing electricity has the following advantages: x Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics Volume 102 Page 37 Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power a = They do not require any maintenance, m= They last over a long period of time ‘= Their running cost is almost zero. = They are most suitable for the remote, inaccessible and isolated places where electric Power lines cannot be laid, ‘= They do not cause any pollution in the environment Disadvantages of using solar panels The disadvantages of using panels are: The initial cost of solar panels is sufficiently high. The efficiency of conversion of solar energy to electricity is low. A solar panel produces direct current which cannot be directly used for household Purposes. © do. cannot be stepped up or down as required, Solar power plant ‘@ Asolar power plant is 2 device in which heat energy of sun is used to generate electricity. @ Asolar power plant consists of a number of concave reflectors, at the focus of which there are black painted water pipes. ‘@ Water inside the pipes starts boiling and produces steam. The steam thus produced is used to rotate a steam turbine which drives a generator producing electricity. Wind eneray: ‘@ Wind energy is used in a wind generator to produce electricity by making use of a windmill (or wind turbine) to drive a wind generator. @ The electric power generated by a single wind generator is very small. So to generate a large amount of electric power, a large number of such wind generators are arranged over a big area called a wind farm, and then the electric power generated by each generator is combined together for supply to the consumers. Advantages and limitations ‘© The use of wind energy for generating electricity has the advantage that it does not cause any kind of pollution and itis @ long fasting (ie renewable) source. © The limitations of use of wind energy for electric power generator are: © The wind farms can be established only at places where wind blows around the year ‘steadily with a minimum speed of 15 km Hh’, © A laige area of land is needed for the establishment of a wind farm and © Establishing a wind farm is expensive, © Wind mills need regular maintenance which is expensive and recurring, Hydro Electricity: # The kinetic energy possessed by flowing water is called the water (or hydro) energy. @ The water flowing in high altitude fivers is collected in a high dam (or reservoir). The water from dam is then allowed to fall on @ water turbine which is located near the bottom of the dam, The shaft of the turbine is connected to the armature of an electric generator (or dynamo) @ Asthe turbine rotates, it runs the generator, to produce electricity. Volume 1 of2 Universal Tutorials — x ICSE — Physics am Advantages and limitations (or disadvantages): @ The advantages of using hydro energy for generation of electricity are = it does not produce any environmental pollution. 1 the dams constructed over riveré help usin gation and they control oods. © The limitations of using hydro energy for producing electricity are = the flowing water is not available every where ‘= due to the construction of dams over the rivers, plants and animals of that place get destroyed or killed and = the ecological balance in the downstream areas cf rivers gets disturbed. '= the rehabilitation of people and animals will be neccessited. Nuclear Energy: 4 When a heavy nucleus is bombarded with slow neutrons, it spits into two nearly equal light Nuclei with release of tremendous amount of energy. in the form of heat. This process is called nuclear fission. © When two or more light nuclei combine at a very high pressure and high temperature to form a heavy nucleus with a release of tremendous amount of energy, as heat the process is called nuclear fusion + Both in nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, the total sum of masses of products is less than the total sum of masses of reactants. (This lost mass gets converted into energy. according to the Einetein’s mase-energy relation, E = me? where ¢ is the epeed of light (= 3 10° m ¢"), mis the loss in mass and E is the energy released]. The energy so released is called the nuclear eneigy. ‘+ Heat energy released due to the controlled chain reaction of nuclear fission of uranium-295 (or plutonium-23) in a nuclear reactor is absorbed by the coolent The water in heat exchanger gets heated and converts into steam. The steam is used to rotate the turbine which in turn rotates the armature of generator in @ magnetic field and thus produces electrcity Advantag id limitations: There are two main advantages of using nuclear energy for the production of electricty © A very small amount of nuclear fuel (such as uranium-235) can produce a tremendous ‘amount of energy, fora long tie. © Once the nuctear {vel is loaded into a nuclear power plant, continues to release energy for several years. = The main limitation 48 that it is not @ clean source of energy because very harmful nuclear radiations are released in the process which is highly energetic and penetrating [They cause ionization and so they are very harmful to the human body, so it needs a high standard of protection for the persons working wth the power plant and also for the environment] '= The nuclear fusion is preferred over the fission as an energy source because the fuel needed for fusion is hydrogen or isotoze of hydrogen which is available in abundance, and the fusion reaction does not produce any harmful products. But fusion is not viable uncer lab conditions, 2 Universal Tutorials —X ICSE — Physics Volume 102 Page 28 Pago 39 Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power 3 TYPICAL SOLVED EXERCISES: 1) A girl of mass 50 kg climbs a flight of 100 stairs each measuring 0.25 m in height in 20 sec. Find 2) force acting on the girl b) work done by the girl ¢) gain in PE d) Power in (i) Watt (li) Horse power (g = 10 ms“) 50 kg: N=0.25 x 100m; 1= 20s. 2) F = mg = 50kg «10 ms*='500N b) W= Fd = SOON « 25 m= 12500J ©) PE = Total work = 12500 J = W__ 12500 _ . _ 625 ap = W250 gosw i) 1HP = 746W $23 -O8S7BHP. 2) An electric pump is 60% efficient and is rated 2 H.P. Calculate the maximum amount of ‘water it can lift through a height of 5m in 40 sec. (g = 10ms™) 60 22.746 = 902746 = 9952 W Ans’ Ans: 2HP=2«746W 60% = h=5m t= 40sec paw 2 8952= t 20 cog 2= MASP eng = 8952840 mg =7161.6K9 _ 71616 m= TELS 16.640 3) A body has a mass of § kg and velocity 5 ms". Find K.E. Find the ratio of initial K.E. and final K.E., if it's a) mass is tripled, b) velocity is made four times ‘Skg<(Sms"')? = 62.5 J Ane: tial KE.= Smv? = 3 8) Final KE= Sev? —c154g3<(Sms-*)? = 187.54 Ratio of intial and final KE, = 62.5 J: 187.5 J= 1:3 &) KE= dmv? =F 8iqx(20ms 17 = 10004 Ratio of intial and final KE. = 62.5 J: 1000 J = 1:16 4) A bullet of mass 10 g strikes a wooden target 10 cm thick with a velocity of 400 ms™' and ‘emerges out with a velocity of 100 ms”. Find 1) Initial KE. ti) Final K.E. ill) Loss of K.E. in overcoming friction iv) Average force of friction of wood. Ans: Mass of bulet = 10 gm =0.01 kg i) Initial netic energy = Snv?=3:.0.01h9(400ms-")?=800J ii) Final kinetic energy = } <0.01kg(100ms"")? SOI lil) Loss of K.E. = (800 ~ 50) J = 750. J Work done in penetrating through wood=750J iv) Also work done in penetrating through wood = F « distance = F am 10 Fx 2S m= 750J.Hence, F=7500N 700 "= 7504 Voume 1 of2 Universal Tutorials — x ICSE — Physics Ec} Page 40 REVIEW QUESTIONS: Direct questions: 4) Define work. Is work scalar or a vector? 2) A body is acted upon by a force. State two conditions when the work done is zero 3) What do you mean by degradation of eneray? Explain it by taking two examples of your daily Ife. 4) The work done by a fielder when he takes a catch in a cricket match is negatve. Explain 5) What are the SL and C.G.S units of work? How are they related? Establish the relationship. 6) State and define the S.| unit of work 7) Express joule in terms of erg, 8) Define the term energy and state its S| unit 9) Define the term power. State its 6.1. unit 10) Diferentiate between work and power. 11), State and define the S.1 unit of power. 42) Wiite the S.1 and C.G.S. units of power. How are they related? 13) Define a kilowatt nour. How is it related to joule? 14) What are the two forms of mechanical eneray? 15) Name the form of energy which a wound up Watch epring possesses, 16) Define the term potential energy of a body. How is it measured? 17) Wiite an expression for the potential eneigy of a body of mass m placed at a height h above the earth’s surface 18) What do you understand by the term kinetic eneray of @ body? 19). Differentiate between potential energy (U) and kinetic energy (K). 20) Energy can exist in several forms and may change from one form to another. For each of the folowing, state the energy changes that occur in: a) the unwinding of a watch spring ) a loaded truck when started and set in motion ©) a car going uphill d) photosynthesis in green leaves e) charging of a battery f) respiration 19) burning of a match stick h) explosion of crackers. 21) What is meant by renewable and non-renewable sources of energy? Distinguish between them, giving two examples of each, 22), State advantages and disadvantages of producing electricity from solar energy. 23) State two advantages and two disadvantages of using wind energy for generating electricity 24) State two advantages and two disadvantages of producing hydroelectricity 25) What percentage of total electrical power generated in India is obtained from nuclear power plants? Name two places in india where electricity is generated from nuclear power plants, 26) State four ways for the judicious use of energy. 27) State the law of conservation of energy. 28) State the condition when the work done by a force is (') positive, (i) negative. Expiain with the help of examples NUMERICAL! Class Work: 1) A body, when acted upon by a force of 10 kaf gets displaced by 0.5m, Calculate the work done by the force, when the displacement is (i) in the direction of force, (i) at'an angle of 60° with the force, and (i) normal to the force (g = 10N kg ') (60 J, 25J, zero] 2) Ittakes 20 s for a person A to climb up the stairs, while another person B does the same in 15 s. ‘Compare the () work done and (i) power developed by the persons A and B. (11,34) u Universal Tutorials —X [OSE ~ Physics Volume 12 Page 41 Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power 35 3) Aman spends 6.4 kJ energy in displacing a body by 64 m in the direction in which he applies fo1ce, in 2.58. Calculate: i) the force applied and (ii) the power spent (in H.P) by the man. TOON, 3.43 H.P] 4) A machine raises a load of 750 N through a height of 16 m in 5 s. Calculate, 100N, 3.43H.P (i) energy spent by machine (i) power at which the machine works {( 120004. i) 24000) 8) A boy of mass 40 kg runs up a fight of 15 steps each 15 cm high in 10 s. Find the work done and the power developed by him. Take g = 10N kg" {900 J, 90 Wy 6) Aman raises a box of 50 kg mass to @ height of 2 m in 2 minutes, while another man raises the same box to the same height in 5 minutes. Compare: (i) the work done and (i) the power ‘developed by them. (1:1, 5:2) 7) An ox can apply a maximum force of 1000 N. itis taking part in a cart race and is able to pull the cart at a constant speed of 30 m s"' while making its best effort. Calculate the power developed by the ox. [30kwh} 8) A box of weight 150 kgf has gravitational potential energy stored in it equal to 14700 J. Taking g 98 N kg", find the height of the box above the ground [10m] 9) Calculate the height through which a body of mass 0.5 kg should be lifted ifthe energy spent in doing s0 is 1.0 J. Take g= 10ms* [0.2m] 40) A vessel containing 50 kg of water is placed at a height 15 m above the ground. Assuming the ‘gravitational potential energy at ground to be zero, what will be the gravitational potential energy of water in the vessel? (9 = 10 ms“) (7500 11) Abblock A, whose weight is 200 N, is pulled up a slope of length 5 m by means of a constant force F (= 150 N) as illustrated in Fig. 2.12 2) What is the work done by the force F in moving the block A, 5m am k along the slope? Sy ) By how much has the potential energy of the block A increased? ‘c) Account for the difference in work done by the force and the increase in potential energy of the block. (@) 750 J (ii) 600 JC i) Used against friction) 12) A cannon ball of mass S00 g is fired with a speed of 15 ms“, Find its kinetic energy and momentum. (56.25), 7 5kgms™] 19) A body of mass 10 kg is moving with a velocity 20 mis, If the mass of the body is doubled and its velocity is halved, find the ratio of the intial kinetic energy to the final kinetic energy. 14) A body of mass 60 kg has the momentum 3000 kg m ¢"". Calculate the kinetic energy and speed of the body. (7.510, 50ms"] 15), How much energy is gained by a box of mass 20 kg when ‘a).a man carrying the box waits for § minutes for a bus? b) he runs carrying the box with a speed of 3 ms” catch the bus? ) he raises it by 0.5 m in order to place it inside the bus? (g= 10m") _ (zero, 90J, 100 J} 16) A stone of mass 500 q is thrown vertically upwards with a velocity of 15 m s"'. Calculate: (a) the potential energy at the greatest height. (b) the kinetic energy on reaching the ground. (c) the total energy at its half way point (56.25 J, 56.25 J, 56.25.) 17) The diagram given below shows a ski jump A skier weighing 60 kot stands at A at the top of skijump. He moves from A to B and takes off for his jump at B a @) Calculate the change in the gravitational potential eneray of the skier between A and 8 te se b) If 75% of the energy in part (a) Becomes kinetic energy at B, calculate the speed at which the skier arrives at B. (Take g = 10m") [3.6 « 10°) 30ms*} 16) The bob of a simple pendulum is imparted a velocity 5 m s" when itis at its mean position. To what maximum vertical height wil it rise on reaching to its extreme position if 60% of its energy is lost in overcoming friction of air? Take g= 10m s“? [0.5 mis} Voume 1 of2 Universal Tutorials ~ x ICSE ~ Physics 35 Home Work: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7 8) 9) 10) 4) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) % A boy of mass 40 kg runs upstairs and reaches the 8 m high first floor in Ss. Calculate i) the force of gravity acting on the boy. ii) the work done by him against gravity. [400 N, 3200J] ‘A boy weighing 350 N runs up a flight of 30 steps, each 20 om high in 1 minute. Calculate the ‘work done and power spent. [2100 J. 35] ‘A weight lifter lfted a load of 200 kgf to a height of 25 m in § 6. Caloulate: (i) the work done, and (i) the power developed by him. Take g = 10N kg” (000 J, 1000) ‘An electric heater of power 3 kW is used for 10 h. How much energy does it consume? [30k] ‘A water pump raises 50 litres of water through a height of 25 m in 5, Calculate the power which the pump supplies (Take g = 10N ka density of water = 1000 ka m™~) [25001 ‘A pump is used to lif 500 kg of water from a depth of 80m in 10s. Calculate: a) the work done by the pump, ) the power at which the pump works, °c) the power rating of the pump fits efficiency is 40% (Take g= 10 ms) [4 10°s,40kw, 100Kw) Ifthe power of a motor is 40 KWV, at what speed can it raise a load of 20, 000 N7 Rms} Find the gravitational potential energy of 1 kg mass kept at a height of 5 m above the ground if 9 1oms? (50) AA body of mass 5 kg falls from a height of 10 m, How much energy does it possess at any instant? (Take g = 10m"). 1500 J} ‘A boy weighing 25 kof climbs up from the first floor at height 3m above the ground to the third floor at height 9 m above the ground. What will be the increase in his gravitational potential energy? (Take g = 10N kg”) [1500 J} Calculate the work done by a man of mass 50 kg when he climbs up a ladder of height 10 m. Also calculate the increase in his potential energy. (g = 96 m s~). [4900 J, 4800) Find the kinetic energy of a body of mass 1 kg moving with a uniform velocity of 10 m s"'. (50 J} AA ball of mass 0.5 kg slows down from a speed of § ms” to that of 3 ms”. Calculate the change in kinetic energy ofthe ball. (4) A bullet of mass 50 g is moving with a velocity of 500 mis. It penetrates 10 cm into a stil target, and comes to rest. Calculate a) the kinetic energy possessed by the bullet, b) the average retarding force offered by the target. [6250 J, 62500 N] ‘A truok weighing 1000 kaf changes its speed from 26 km fh! to 72 km h" in 2 minutes. Calculate (i) the work done by the engine and (ji) its power. (g = 10 ms) (15x 10°, 1.2510°W) How much work is needed to be done on a ball of mass 50 9 to,give it a momentum of 500 g ms"? [2.5 x 10%) ‘A ball of mass 0.20 kg is thrown vertically upwards wth an initial velocity of 20 m s". Calculate the maximum potential energy it gains as it goes up, 00) ‘A hydroelectric power station takes its water from a lake whose water level is 50 m above the turbine. Assuming an overall efficiency of 40%, calculate the mass of water which must flow through the turbine each second to produce power output of 1MW. (g = 10 ms”) (5000 g] ‘A metal ball of mass 2 kg is allowed to fall freely from rest from @ height of 5 m above the around (Take g = 10m s“) 2) Calculate the potential energy possessed by the ball when initially at rest b) What is the kinetic energy of the ball just before it hits the ground? °c) What happens to the mechanical energy after the ball hits the ground and comes to rest? [100J, 100J, converts to heat and sound) ‘Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics Volume 102 Page 42 Page43 Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power 7 ‘APPLICATION TYPE: Class Work: 1) How is the work done by a force measured when (i) force is the direction of displacement {i) force is at an angle to the direction of displacement? 2) A boy of mass m climbs up a staircase of vertical height h. What is the work done by the boy against the force of gravity? What would have been the work done if he uses a lift in climbing the same vertical height? 3) Name the physical quantity which is measured in calorie. How is it related to the S.! unit of that quantity? 4) When an arrow is shot from @ bow. it has kinetic eneray in it. Explain briefly from where does it get its kinetic energy? 5) A body of mass m is moving with a velocity v. Write the expression for its kinetic energy. 6) A body of mass m is moving with a uniform velocity u. A force is applied on the body due to which its velocity changes to v. How much work is being done by the force? 7) sit possible that no transfer of energy may take place even when a force is applied to a body? 8) A body falls freely under gravity from rest. Name the kind of energy it will possess at the point {rom wnere it falls, (b) wnile falling (c) on reaching the ground. 9) Show that the sum of kinetic energy and potential energy (i.e. total mechanical energy) is always ‘conserved in the case of @ freely falling body under a gravity (with air resistance neglected) from a neight n by finding it when (\) the body is at top, (\) the body has fallen a distance x, (il) the body has reached the ground. 10) Two bodies of equal masses are piaced at heights h and 2h. Find the ratio of their gravitational potential energies. 11) Two bodies of equal masses are moving with uniform velocities v and 2v. Find the ratio of their kinetic energies. 12) What fe the work done againet aréviy when a body fe moved horizeraly along e fitionese surface’ 13) Give examples of bodies possessing both PE and KE at the same time 14) A man rowing a boat upstream is at rest with respect to the shore. Is he doing any work? If he ‘stops rowing and moves down with the stream, is any work being done on him? 15) What is the work done in holding @ 5 kg suitcase while waiting for a train for 10 minutes? Give reason for your answer, 16) When a porter carrying @ suitcase in his hand of on his head is walking horizontally, “the work done against gravity is zero. ls the statement te? If "Yes' then explain why the satement is rue, 17) A light mass and a heavy mass have equal momentum, Which will have more KE? Expiain. 18) What is the relation between KE. momentum and mass? Derive it 19) State the energy changes which take place in the following cases: i). A bulb glows when torch light is switched on. i) A toy car is wound and then allowed to move on the floor, ii) A car moves up a hil iv) Water in the dams, rotates the turbines of dynamo. v) Anair gun is loaded and then fired. vi) A piece of magnesium burns in air. vii) Water freezes in the freezing chamber of a friige, vill A stone is dropped from a cliff ix) Food is eaten by human beings. ) Photographic film is exposed to sun light. of2 ‘Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics 7 20) 24) ‘A block of mass 30 kg is pulled up a slope with a constant ‘speed by applying a force of 200 N parallel to the slope. A and le B are intial and final positions of the block 1) Calculate work done by the force in moving the block from AWB, oon ii) PE. ofthe block a AA block B, whose weight is 200.N, ' pulled up a slope at a constant speed by means of a ‘constant force A (150 N), as ilustrated in Fig, a) What is the work done by the force A in moving the block 8, § m along the slope? b) By how much has the potential energy of the block B increased? Force A ©) Account for the difference. 5m : lam Home Work: 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) When a body moves in a circular path, how much work is done by the body? Give reason What physical quantity does the electron volt (eV) measure? How is it felated to the S. unit of that quantity? What is horse power (H.P.)? How is it related to the S.1 unit of power? Name the form of energy which a body may possess even when it is not in motion. Give an ‘example to support your answer. State the work-energy theorem, Alight mass and a heavy mass have equal momentum. Which will have more kinetic energy? In what way does the temperature of water at the bottom of a waterfall differ from the temperature at the top? Explain the reason ‘A body is thrown vertically upwards. Its velocity keeps on decreasing. What happens to its kinetic energy as its velocity becomes zero? Explain the energy changes in an oscillating simple pendulum. How does the mechanical energy remain constant in it? Ifthe speed of a car's halved, by which factor does its kinetic energy change? ‘A car is running at a epeed of 15 km h”' while another similar car is moving at a speed of 30 km h”’. Find the ratio of their kinetic energies. What should be the angle between the direction of force and the direction of motion of a body so that the work done is zero? Ina tug-of-war, team A is slowly giving way to team B. What work is being done, and by whom? Does work done in raising a box onto a platform depend on how fast it is raised? From the ground floor, a man comes up to the fourth floor of a building, using the staircase ‘Another person comes up to the same floor using an elevator. Neglecting friction, compare the work done in the two cases. {A siting, suspended from a fixed point, as @ small mass swinging to and fro at the other end With respect to the string, state whether the following statements are true or false i) The PE is the maximum in the centre position of the swing, i) The KE is the maximum in the centre position of the swing i) The sum of PE and KE is constant throughout the swing iv) The number of swing decreases with time. i) In what case is the PE equal tozero? i) In what case is the KE ascured to the zero? In which of the cases work is done and why? ') Aman pushing a wall % ‘Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics Volume 102 Page 44 Page 4s (Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power 3 40) a4 42) ii) A girl climbing a stair-case. Ai) A boy swimming in a tank |v) Aman standing at a place and holding a suitcase in his hand. ¥) A lady cooking food. ‘v)) A porter carrying a heavy load on his head and walking along a level road Give one example in each case: ) When heat energy changes to kinetic energy. ii) When kinetic energy changes to heat energy il) When sound energy changes to electric energy. 'v) When electric energy changes to sound energy. v) When light energy changes to chemical energy. ‘v)) When chemical energy changes to light energy vi When electric energy changes to magnetic energy. ‘vy When magnetic energy changes to electric energy. x) When potential energy changes to electric energy. x) When electric energy changes to potential energy ‘A truck driver loads some cil drums into a truck by lifting them direcily. Each drum has mass 60 kg and the platform of the truck is 0.8 m above the ground, i). How much force is needed to lft the drum into the truck? ii) How much energy is used up in iting the drum? il) After the truck is loaded. the driver drives off. List the major eneray changes thet take place in moving the truck. \W) The driver stops the truck at the factory gate. What happens to the K.E. of the truck? A girl sits and stands repeatedly for § minutes. Draw a graph to show the variation of PE with time 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) MISCELLANEOU! AA force F acts on a body and displaces it by a distance S in a direction at an angle @ with the direction of force. Wiite the expression for the work done by the force. What should be the angle between the force and displacement to get the () minimum work. (i) maximum work? The work done by a force on a body will be positive if the: a) body does not move b) body moves perpendicular to the direction of the applied force ) body moves along the direction of the applied force 4d) body moves opposite to the direction of the applied force. ‘A satellite revolves around the earth in a circular orbit. What is the work done by the force of gravity? In which of the following cases, is work being done? i) Aman pushing a wall i) A coolie standing with a load of 12 kaf on his head. i) A boy climbing up a staircase. \v)A boy carrying a box on his head and moving on a frictionless horizontal surface ‘Give an example when work done by the force of aravity acting on a body is zero even though the body gets displaced from tts intial position One joule work is said to be done when: a) 2 force of 1 N displaces a body by 1cm —_b) a force of 1 N displaces a body by 1m ©) a force of 1 dyne displaces a body by 1 cm _d) a force of 1 dyne displaces a body by 1 m Complete the following sentence: 1 J =....... calorie, Volume tof2 Universal Tutorials —X ICSE ~ Physics ES 8) 9) 10) 1) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) Page 46 Kilowatt is the unit of: a) work b) momentum 0) force 4) power ‘One horse power is equal to: a) 1000 W ) 500 W o)764W 4) 746 W ‘Complete the following sentences: a) The S11 unit of work is ot energy is ‘and of power is ) kllowatt is the unit of, land KWn isthe unk of ©) joule is the unit of d)1J= 19 e)1HP w piev J 9) 1KWn= J What are the different forms of energy? Name them, Name the type of energy (kinetic energy K of potential energy U) possessed in the following cases: a) A moving cricket ball b) A compressed spring 0) A moving bus 4) The bob of a simple pendulum at its extreme positon 2) The bob ofa simple pendulum at its mean postion. 1)A piece of stone placed at the root Name the two forms of potertial eneray and give one example of each ‘What is meant by the gravitational potential energy? Name the three forms of kinetic energy and give one example of each ‘Complete the following sentences a) The kinetic energy of a body is the energy by virtue of its, ) The potential energy of a body is the energy by vitue of its Name the form of mechanical energy, which is put to use. State the energy changes in the following cases while in use a) loudspeaker b)a steam engine 0) microphone d) washing machine @)anelectric bulb —_f) burning coal @) 2 solar cell h) bio-gas burner i) an electric cell in a circuit |) a petrol engine of a running car kJ anelectrc toaster |). a photovoltaic cell _m) an electromagnet. What should be the characteristic of a source of energy? Name the two groups in which various sources of energy are classified. Select the renewable and non-renewable sources of energy from the following (i) Coal, (i) Wood, (ii) Water, (iv) Diesel, (v) Wind. Why is the use of wood as a fuel not advisable although wood is a renewable source of energy” ‘What is the main source of energy for the earth? What is solar energy? How is the solar energy used to generate electricity in a solar power plant What is a solar cell? How do you use solar cell to obtain electricity from the solar energy? State two uses of solar cells, State whether @ soiar cell produces a.c. or dc. ‘What is wind energy? How is wind energy used to produce electricity? How much electric power 's generated in India using the wind energy? What is hydro energy? Expiain the principle of generating electricity from hydro energy. How much hydro electric power is generated in India? What is nuclear energy? Explain the principle of producing electricity using the nuclear energy. a Universal Tutorials —X [OSE ~ Physics Volume 12 Page 47 Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power at 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 1) 10) State two advantages and two disadvantages of using nucleat energy for producing electricity. State the eneray transformation in the following: i) electricity is obtained trom solar energy. _ i) electricity is obtained from wind energy. il) electricity is obtained from hydro energy. _ iv) electricity is obtained from nuclear eneray. ‘What do you understand by the conservation of mechanical energy? Name two examples in which the mechanical eneray of a system remains constant. ‘A pendulum is oscillating on elther side of its rest position. The correct statement is 4) It has only the kinetic energy. ») It has the maximum kinetic energy at its extreme position ©) It has the maximum potential energy at its rest position 4) The sum of its kinetic and potential energies remains constant throughout the motion. Express giga joule (GJ) and giga-watt in their SI units. What is the measure of the potential energy of a body at a certain height above the surface of the Earth? ‘Aman climbs a slope and another man walks same distance on a level road. Who does more work and why? Show that power is @ product of force and velocity What kind of energy is possessed by a body in the following cases? I). Acocked up spring of an air gun Ii) A shooting arrow li) A stone lying on the top of house iv) Water stored in dams V) Fish moving in water \v)) An electron spinning around a nucleus. vii) A running car along a level road PREVIOUS BOARD QUESTIONS: ‘A ball is placed on a compressed spring, When the spring is (7) Bal released, the ball is observed to fly away. i) What form of energy does the compressed spring possess ? | Comprassad ii) Why does the ball fly away? V sping 2012) i). State the energy conversion taking place in a sotar cel. comatmr ii) Give one disadvantage of using a solar cell. [2012,] A body of mass 0.2 kg falls from @ height of 10 m to a height of 6 m above the ground. Find the loss in potential energy taking place in the body. (g = 10m s*) (2012, 8.) ‘A moving body weighing 400 N possesses 500 J of kinetic energy. Calculate the velocity with which the body is moving (g = 10 ms’) [2012, 5ms™'] A ball of mass 200 g falls from a height of 5 cm. What will be its kneto energy when it just reaches the ground? [g = 9.8 ms~) (2011, 0.098 J) ‘What is meant by Energy degradation? (011) Draw a diagram to show the energy changes in an oscillating simple pendulum. Indicate in your diagram how the total mechanical energy in it remains constant during the oscillation, (2011) What is the S | unit of energy? How is the electron volt (ev) related to it? [2009 A body of mass 5 kg is moving with a velocity of 10 m/s, What will be the ratio of its initial kinetic ‘energy and final kinetic energy, if the mass of the body is doubled and its velocity is caver? on ‘An object of mass 'm’ is allowed to fall freely from point A as shown in figure. Calculate the total mechanical energy of the abject at i) Point A li) Point B ii) Point C |v) State the law which is verified by your calculations in part (i), (i and (ii), (2009) Voume tof2 Universal Tutorials - x [OSE — Physics a 2 11) When an arrow is shot from a bow, it has kinetic energy in ik. Explain briefly from where does it get its kinetic energy? (2008) 12) A stone of mass 640 9 is thrown vertically upward from the ground with an intial speed of 200 mis, the gravitational potential energy at the grounded level is considered to be zero. Apply the principle of conservation of energy and calculate the potential energy at the maximum height attained by the stone. (208, 12.63} 13) Define ‘joule’, the SI unit of work and establish a relationship between the SI and CGS unit of work, (2008) 14) Two bodies, A and B of equal mass are kept at heights 20 m and 30m respectively. Calculate the ratio oftheir potential energies (2007, 2:3] 15) Define a kilowatt nour. How is it related to the joule? [2007] 16) How can the work done be measured when force is applied at an angle to the direction of ‘displacement? (2007) 17) What is the main energy transformation that occurs in: (2007) ') Photosynthesis in green leaves? li) Charging of a battery? 18) Mention any two differences between the mass and weight of a body 2006) 19) State the amount of work done by an object when it moves in a circular path for one complete fotation, Give a reason to justify your answer (2006) 20) Calculate the height through which a body of mass 0.5 kg should be lifted if the eneray spent for doing so is 1.0 joule (g = 10 ms~). (0.2 m) 21) a) Which physical quantity does the electron volt measure? How is it related to the SI unit of this quantity? 'b). What should the angle between force and displacement be to get |) minimum work i) maximum work ©) The work done by the heart is 1 joule per beat. Calculate the power of the heart. fit beats 72 times in one minute (2005, 1.2 Wj 22) i) State the lanv of conservation of eneray. il) Name the chief energy transformation that occurs. Ina Loudspeaker; In an Electrical cell (Primary), (2005) 23) i) State the energy changes in an oscillating pendulum, il) Two balls of mass ratio 1:2 are dropped from the same height. State the ratio between their velocities when hey Ske the ground. The rate ofthe frees ating en hem dung mation 24) A ball of mass 0.20 kg is thrown vertically upwards with an initial velocity of 20m/s. Calculate the maximum potential energy it gains as it goes up. (2004, 40 J] 25) |) The weights of two bodies are 2.0N and 2.0 kof respectively. What is the mass of each body? (= toms") ll) Ifthe power of a motor is 40 KW, at what speed can it raise a load of 20,000 N? (2003, 0.2 kg, 2kg) 26) |) A machine raises a load of 750 N through a height of 16m in 5 seconds. Calculate the power at which the machine works, ii) State the principle of conservation of energy. 2002. 2400 Wy 27)_@) Define: (i) Work (@) Power and (i) Eneray ) How is work done related to the applied force? ©) By what factor does the kinetic energy of a moving body change when its speed is reduced to halt? d) From the ground floor. a. man comes up to the fourth floor of a building using the stair case. ‘Another person comes up to the same ficor using an elevator. Neglecting friction, compare the work done in the two cases. [2002] a ‘Universal Tutorials —X 10S Vaumet 2 Page 48 Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power 43 28) A truck driver starts off with his loaded truck. What are the major energy changes that take place in setting the truck into motion? (2001) 29) A body P has a mass of 20 kg and is moving with a velocity of 5 m/s. Another body Q has a mass of 5 kg and is moving with a velocity of 20 m/s. Calculate the ratio of momentum of body P 10 body Q. Calculate the kinetic energy of P in S.1 units. [2000, 1:1, 2504] 30) State the transformation of energy which takes place in the following when current is drawn from them: (i) An electric cell (Ii) A generator. [1999] 31) A machine is driven by a 100 kg mass that fas 8.0 m in 40s I IS a load of mass 500 kg vertically upwards. [1999] i) What is the force in newton, exerted by the falling mass? (1000) ii) What is the work done by 100 kg mass falling through 6.0m? [8000 J} iil) What is the power input to the machine? (2000) \y) I efficiency of the machine is 75% or 0.75, what is the power output of the machine? [1500] Vv) What is the work done by the machine in 4.0 ? (Take g = 10 m/s’) [600 J) 32) i) What is the S.1. unit of work? ii) A body of mass 1 kg falls from a height of 5 m. How much energy does it possess at any instant, (take g = 9.8 mis‘)? (49 J) lil) When a body moves in a circular path how much work does it do? [1998, 0} 33) A bullet of mass 50 g is moving with a velocity of 500 mis. It penetrates 10cm into stil target and ‘comes to rest. |) Caleulate the kinetic energy possessed by the bull [6,250] li) The average retarding force offered by the target. {1996, 62500N) 34) l) How fast should a man weighing 60kg, run so that his kinetic energy is 750 J? [1997] li) A body of mass 1kg is thrown. vertically up with an initial speed of Sms’. What is the magnitude and direction of force due to gravity acting on the body when it is at its highest point? (mis, 96N) 35) A block of mass 30kg is pulled up a slope (diagram alongside) with a ‘constant speed by applying a force of 200 N parallel to the slope. A and B are initial and final positions of the block i) Calculate the work done by the force in moving the block rom A to B. en (150) ii), Calculate the potential energy of the block. » (1997, 4504) 36) State the energy changes which take place while using the following: ¢ [1996] i) A microphone i) an electric bulb and. il) A steam engine 37) @) A man of mass 60kg runs up a fight of 30 steps in 15 seconds. If each step is of 20 om high, calculate the power developed by the man, Take g= 10 ms* b) ’) Define work and its $1 unit. ii) Write an expression for the work done by constant force acting on a body that gets displaced from its intial position in a direction different fom the direction of the force. il) Give an example when work done by force acting on a body is zero even through the body gets displaced from its intial position by the application of the force. (1996, 2401) ‘ANSWERS: Previous Board Question: 1) |) The compressed spring possesses the elastic potential energy. il) When the spring is released, the potential energy of spring changes into its kinetic energy which does work on the ball piaced on it and makes the ball fly away. Voume tof2 ‘Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics ae Page 49 Pago 50 48 2) i) In. solar cell, the light energy changes to the electrical energy. il) The efficiency of conversion of light energy into the electrical energy is very low 3) Given m =02 kg, g=10 ms”, hy= 10m, h=6m Loss in potential energy =m g(h; hs) =0.2 » 10x (10-6) =8J 4) Given: W= 400N, g= (10 ms"), KE. = 500 J, = 400N 4 Mass, m= oo? 40 kg, KE 2 m 4 =5ms" 5) 0.098) 8) Slunit of energy is joule; 1 ev = 1.6» 10" J. 9) m=5kg.u=10 ms Initial KE = Sm = ; «5x (10/*=250J Final, KE zm wy [Hete, m’ = 10 kg: U' = 5 mis} 1 g IntialKE 250 _2 = 10.6 = Wnt KE, 250 2 So Final, KE = 3 10 (6) # 125.) > EE = SE =F 10) i) Point A, PE= mg (x + y); KE. =0 Total mechanical energy => E = PE+ KE. > E= mg (x+y) i) Point B, PE=mgy KE. poi As, ¥ =u? + 2gx: vs? = 2gx $0, KE.= 5 m2ge KE. =mgx;E=P.E+ KE. > E=mg «+ y) ii) Point, PE=0 KE ; mv Asv=uts2ac ve = 29 (K+) SoKE= 3 m2g(x+y)>KE=mg K+ y) E=PE+KE SE=PE+KE 3 E=0+mg K+ y)>E=mgK+y) iv) Law of conservation of energy: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Only one fiom of energy changes into anether form and total energy is conserved 42) 1280 14) 23 19) Zeto because w= FS cos 0 and cos S0= 0 20) 1= mgh:h= =02 1) T= mami R= OS Gg OFM 21) 2) Eneigy: The electron vot is related to the SI. unt of energy (joule) by the relation: teV = 16 « 10°) ), Work done by the force W= F cos 0 « S, where Os the angle between direction of force and dispacement of body i) 6 is 90", then W = F cos 90° « $= 0, Le., work done is minimum, ii) 16 0, then W=F 00s 0° « S=F » S, ie,, work done is maximum, c) Total work done by the heart in one minute (ie. 60 s) is 72 beats or 72 joules, v. Power of the heart = Wnjoules) _ 72watt = 4.2 watt. time(ins) 60 ma Universal Tutorials — x ICSE — Physics Volume 1 of2 Pago 51 Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power 45, 22) The law of conservation of energy states that ‘the energy can neither be created, nor be destroyed. It can only be transformed from one another form such that the total energy of the system remains constant.” |n2 loudspeaker: Electric energy changes into sound energy. {na primary cell, Chemical energy changes into electric energy, 23) |) In an oscillating pendulum, kinetic energy and potential energy keep changing with position ‘At mean position and extreme position, the K.E. and P.& are maximum respectively. il) 1: 1 a8 veloaity is independent of mass. f_mg & mo Ratio of forces: Ratiois 1:2 24) Maximum kinetic energy = Amv? = 4.0.25-20% 20 404, ‘According to conservation of energy, Max. P.E. = Max. K.E. = 40 J 25) |) Weight of body = 2N W.= mo 2= mi 10, m= 202k Weight of body =2.0kat W, = mzg as 2kgf = 2 10N 210% mx 10 m,# 22 2kg Power = 40 KW = 40,000 W F = 20,000 N Power = Force » Average speed 40,000 = 20,000 « Average speed 26) ii) The principle of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be transformed from one form to another. The total energy of the system remains constant 27) i) Work is said to be done when a force applied on a body displaces it in the same direction. It Js equal to the product of force and displacement. li) Power is defined as rate of doing work. il) Energy is defined as capacity or abilty to do work b) Work is said to be done only when applied force displaces the body in the same direction, Work is directly proportional to force, : oj ta ke = tov? changeaice = Am)" oenspeed ate = mv? . vinta KE. KE becomes pn of the original kinetic energy. {) The man using 2 staircase is doing Work against the pull of gravity The person coming up by elevator is not doing any work. The lit is doing same work against pull of gravity, 28) In automobiles, eg. tuck while in motion, the chemical eneigy of the pettol or diesel changes into the mechanical (kinetie) energy, heat energy due to friction and sound energy, heat energy ddue to friction and sound energy. Voume tof2 Universal Tutorials —X ICSE ~ Physics ro Pagena 29) Momentum of the body P= m x v= 20x 5= 100 kg m/s. Momentum of the body Q = m xv = 5 x 20 = 100 kg m/s. 100 _ a dk 1 2 ratio= 1% =1 ke orp= 4 m= 204g. = 4.20.5? 21012522504 700 2s or3 30) 1) When current is drawn from electric cell, the chemical energy gets converted into electric energy. 2) When current is drawn frem generator, the mechanical eneray iS converted into electric energy. 31) 1) Force exerted by the fang mass = mg = 100 « 10= il) Work done = P.E. of the weight = mgh = 100 » 10 « Workdone _ 8000 iy Power input = WORESTE = 8000 200W = Poweroutput 4, 75 Poweroutput 7 WY Btciency = FS inget °° 460° 2000 Power output W) Efficiency = Workdonebymachine ,, _75_ _ Work done by machine Werkdoneenmachine 7000 "6000 (Or Werk done by machine = -7=..8000 = 60003 32) i). The SL unit of work is joule (). il) Total sum of K.E. and P.E. of a freely falling body is constant. Hence total energy (K.E.+P.E.) at any instant is equal to the potential energy at the top position. ie. Energy at any instant = P.E at top = mgh = 1x 9.85=49J i) No work is done when a body moves in a circular path. WE FS cos 8, where @ s the angle between force and displacement. Here, 6 = 90° and cos 90° = 0 ». W= FS (0) =0 33) Here m = 50.9 = 0.050 kg; V = 500 m/s D.KE ofbullet= Lmv? 20.050 (6007 = 6,250 i) KE of 6.250 J is destroyed within a distance of 10cm = 0.1 m. If Fis the average retarding force, then Fx (01) = 6250 or F = 2250..¢2500n, 34) |) Here mass of man m = 6Okg; and Let the velocity of mass. Then, KE, of running man = “env? Now, Lmv? = 750Jor4:60:v?=750 or V#=25 V= V2 =5mis, li) When the body is at the highest point ofits motion, its velocity is zero but itis acted upon by a downward acceleration due to gravity. Thus, it willbe acted upon by a force due to gravity In the downward direction Force = 1« 98 = 98N % Universal Tutorials —X [OSE ~ Physics Volume 12 Pages ‘Chapter 02: Work, Energy and Power a7 36) |) Resultant upward force acting on the block = F — mg sin @ Force » Distance = $0 x 3 = 150J i) Potential Energy = mgh = 30 10 1.5 = 450) 36) |) Sound energy is converted into electrical energy. i) Electrical energy is converted into light energy and heat energy. ) Heat energy is converted into mechanical and sound energy Work _IncreaseinPE,_mgh _ 60»10:(300.20) 87) 8) Power = Tine ime 15 b).1) Werk is said to be done when the point of application of a force moves through a certain distance in the direction of force, It is measured by the product of the force and the displacement of the point of application ofthe force in the direction of the force. Le Work = Force x Displacement of point of application inthe direction of force W=FS. its SL unitis joule i) When the constant force F acts making an angle @ with the direction in which the body {gets displaced, then work done is given by: W= FS cos @ i) Ifthe angle between the force applied and the displacement is 90°, work done is zero, W=FS 0s 00°= FS x0=0 Example: Centripetal force acting on a body does not do work as force is alvays directed at right angles to the direction of motion of the body. = 240W Votume tof2 TOS #8 Chapter 03: Machines Definition Uses Important Terms Principle of a machine Relation connecting efficiency (n), MA and VR Types of Machines > Levers b Types of levers Mechanical Advantage of levers > Inclined Piane Pulleys Single ttved Pulley » Single Movable Pulley » Combination of Pulleys Block and Tackle System of pulleys Gears Definition: ‘+ Amachine is @ device used to overcome a large resistive force by applying a small force, or to {gain speed or to change the direction and the point of appiication of the force. Any system that changes the relationship between load and effort is called a simple machine. Uses of Simple Machines: ‘@ As force muttipliers (Small force can be used to overcome large force eg. crowbar) + To change the direction of foros. eg. single fixed pulley To increases speed. eg. gear To change the point of application of the force. eg. Wheel arrangement Important Definitions: Load and effort © The resistive force to be overcome by a machine is called load (L). © The force applied on the machine to overcome the load is called effort (E). © Si unitis newton + Mechanical advantage (MA) (© Mechanical Advantage (MA) isthe rato of load to the effort applied. MA= = @ Universal Tutorials — x [OSE — Physics Volume 12 Pagen4 Pages Chapter 03: Machines 4 Velocity ratio (VR) © Velocity Ratio (VR) is the ratio of the velocity at which the effort moves to the velocity at which the load moves. © vR= VE or Iti the rato of ceplacement of efor to the displacement ofthe lead in a given ttme (VR= 22) a Efficiency of a machine (n). © Efficiency (n) is defined as the ratio of output work to input work = Work output work input __ orkoutput ‘workinput Principle of a machi © Work output = work input for ideal machine. There is no dissipation of energy. © Inpractice, no machine is ideal because = The moving parts in t are not perfectly smooth The string is not perfectly elastic. Different parts are not perfectly rigid Moving parts are not weightless, Hence there is loss of energy and work output is not equal to work input ni Mechanical Advantage (MA) and Note: 1) 100 % © Work output = load » displacement of load = L x di © Work input = effort « displacement of effort = E x de workoutput © Efficiency (q)= workinput = Lad _ MA Ed, VR [f Wote: As 7 1, MA < VR. © Diferences between ideal machine and practical machine Ideal machine Practical machine There is no loss of energy There is [oss of energy due to friction Work out put = work input ‘Work output < work input MA=VR MA Inlever of first order — Fulcrum is in between Load and effort Eg, See Saw, Scissors, Crowbar -» Fulcrum is between load and effort > Lever of second order — Load is between fulcrum and effort © Eg, Nutcracker, wheelbarrow -> Load is between fulcrum and effort > Lever of third order — fort is between fulcrum and load © Eg, Knife, tongs — Effort is between load and fulcrum Mechanical Advantage of Levers: % ‘order, M.A = 1 or <1 or > 1 (because Fulcrum may be at the centre, towards effort or towards load) + 2” order, M.A > 1 (because load arm ig smaller than effort arm) # 3"order, M.A < 1 (because load arm is greater than effort arm) Examples of each class of levers as found in the human body: > Class | lever in the action of nodding of the head > Class II lever in raising the weight of the body on toes. > Class Ill lever in raising a load by forearm Inclined Plane: > Itis a smooth, flat rigid surface inclined at an angle to the horizontal. eg. stair case, a flat plank used for rolling barrels, Mechanical Advantage of Inclined Plane Load | _L 4 Effort ~ Using © sind gamez 2 amas® vast Ga 5 n YR { Note: Due to friction, n is less than 1, Pulleys: ] > Pulley is flat circular disc, having a groove along its edge and capable of rotation about an axle. 50 Universal Tutorials —X ICSE ~ Physics Volume 102 Page 56 Page 57 Chapter 03: Machines: 51 Single fixed pulley © A pulley which has a fixed axis of rotation is called a fixed pulley, L e@ Mas telat eT © A single fixed pulley is used to change the direction of the applied force (effort is applied in 2 convenient direction) and one can use his own body EN) weight for the effort Leh jingle Movs uf Apulley whose axis of rotation is not fixed in position is called a movable pulley Lp r ‘# When the load moves a distance d, the effort moves a distance 24. oma force multiplier te vR= 22-2 efficiency (n)= 1 oF 100% Nowabe Pulley Lead (=F Load L is balanced by 27; in pulley A Tis balanced by 2T2 in pulley 8. eLe2x2e4T2 E=T a Mas 24 eT] In general if there one n number of movable pulleys, MA = 2" + Differences between single fixed and single movable pulley. ‘Single fixed pulley Single movable pulley It fixed to a rigid support Itis not fixed to rigid support Its mechanical advantage is 1 Its mechanical advantage is 2 its is velocity ratio is 1. Its velocity ratio is 2. The weight of pulley itself does not affect its | The weight of pulley itself reduces its mechanical advantage mechanical advantage. Itis used to change the direction of effort (with its help, | Itis used asa force muttiplier. effort 's applied downwards while without it, effort needed to It is to be applied upwards.) Votume tof2 Universal Tutorials —X ICSE ~ Physics Ey Page se 82 Block and Tackle System of Pulle’ ‘A block and tackle system consists of two blocks each containing a number of pulleys. ‘The upper block is fixed and the lower one is movable. ‘The fixed block is called block end the movable one is called the tackle, A single light, flexible and inextensible string is passed around all the pulleys. The load (W) acts downwards and tension acts upward, The number of segments of string is equal to the number of pulleys, This system works as a force multiplier. In equilibrium W=nT and T = Wat ee Mas Ea en Where n is the number of pulleys (Idea!) Note: If wv’ is weight of pulleys, then L + w v vyy vuvy VR=n — Efficiency » For greater efficiency, pulleys in the lower block should be as light as possible and friction should be reduced by lubricants, Bow Gears ] > Agear is a wheel with teeth around its rim. Each tooth of a gear acts like @ small lever. > The gear wheel closer to the source of power is called the driver or the driving geat while the gear ‘wheel wich receives motion from the driver is called the driven gear. Ifthe gears make internal contact, both gears rotate in the same direction. Gears can be classified according to the relative positions of the axes of rotation. The velocity ratio of a pair of gears is defined as the ratio of the number of rotations per unit time ‘of the driving (or input) gear to the number of rotations per unit time of the driven (or output) gear Numberof rotations per second of the driving gear Number of rotations per second of the driven gear Speed of rotation nq of driver Speed of rotations ng of driven It fa and fe respectvely be the radi of the driver and driven wheels, then the ratio of speed of rotation of driver to the speed of rotation of driven is equal to the ratio of the radius of driven wheel to the radius of driver wheel, i.€ vy v leV.R = VR. v= h-B Teta B Universal Tutorials —X ICSE ~ Physics Volume 12 Pagese Chapter 03: Machines: 33 But £2 = & if Na and Ne are respectively the number of teeth in the driving gear and driven gear > Vel = Ne Velocity ratio= 7 This is the fundamental principle of gear tooth action. Thus, number of teeth (Ns, Ne), fad (a, fa) 2nd speed of rotation (nq. are related 2s Da Ne fe Tg Nat The ratio of number of teeth in the driving wheel to the number of teeth in the driven wheel is. called the geer rato. Gear ratio = ne ‘A gear system is used both for the gain in speed as well as for the gain in le turing effect or torque. > In vehicles, going uphill we use the gear system to obtain gain in torque but while going downhill ‘we use it to obtain gain in speed. > To produce a desired torque (or speed), a group of two or more gears which work together, is used. Such a system of gears is called a train. A gear system js used to increase the tuming effect when the smaller wheel drives the bigger wheel ie., the driven gear has more number of teeth than the driving gear (ie... when Na > Na (or the gear ratio is less than 1). While ascending a hill an automobile driver changes the gears ‘and puts the dnving gear of less number of teetn with a driven gear of more number of teeth He does so, to obtain gain in torque because more torque is required to go up the hill than to move along @ level road. + A gear system is used to increase the speed when the bigger whee! drives the smaller wheel ie. the driving gear has more number of teeth than the diiven gear Gain in speed = SPeed of rotation of driven wheel ng Number of teethincivingwhee! Nx Speed of rotation of driving wheeln, — Number of teeth in driven wheel Ne > A toy motor car used the gear principle to gain speed. it has a key and spring on the axle fitted witha drving gear having more teeth which engages the driven gear having less teeth. The wheels of the car are fitted on the axle of the driven gear. > When the key is turned clockwise, the spring turns the driving gear anticlockwise which in turn rotates the wheel of the toy car clockwise at 2 greater speed. IFNa= Ne (i.e. gear ratio is 1), there is neither gain in torque nor gain in speed. Application of gear system in watches In a watch, the gear system is used to obtain gain in torque. Ratio of number of rotation of minutes to second hand is 1 : 60 and hour to minute hand is 1 : 12 REVIEW QUESTIONS: Direct questions: 4} State four ways in which machines are useful to us. 2) Give an example for each of the following uses of a machine: a) to obtain gain in orce, b) to change the point of application of force, ©) to change the direction of force, d) to obtain gain in speed Voume tof2 Universal Tutorials — x [OSE — Physics 3 3) Explain the term mechanical advantage, State its unit 4) Define the term velocity ratio. State its units 5) Define the term efficiency of a machine 6) Define the terms mechanical advantage, Velocity ratio and efficiency as applied to a machine. Name the term that will not change for a given design. Derive the relationship between the three terms 7) What is a lever? State its principle 8) Write down a relation expressing the mechanical advantage of a lever 9) Name the three classes of levers and distinguish between them. Give two examples of each class 10) Give one example each of a Class | lever where mechanical advantage is (a) more than one, and (b) less than one. ‘What is the use of the lever if its mechanical advantage is less than 17 11) Which type of lever has a mechanical advantage always more than one? Give one example. What change can be made in ths lever to increase its mechanical advantage? 12) Draw a diagram of a lever which is always used as a force multiplier. 13) State the kind of lever which always has the mechanical advantage less than 1. Draw a labeled diagram of such lever. 14) Explain why the M.A of the Class III type of lever is less than one. Why are they then used? 15) What is an inclined plane? Give two examples where it is used to raise a heavy load with less effort. 16) Write expression for the mechanical advantage of an inclined plane in terms of its length | and vertical height h, 17), What is a gear system? Explain its working 18). Define the following terms in reference to a gear system a) driving gear b) driven gear ©) gear ratio d) gain in speed ) gain in torque 19) What is a single movable pulley? What is its mechanical advantage in the ideal case? 20) Name the type of single pulley that can act as a force muttiplier Draw a labelled diagram of the pulley mentioned by you. 21) Differentiate between a single fixed pulley and a single movable pulley, 22) Name the machine which is used to: a) multiply force, (b) muttiply speed, and (c) change the direction of force applied. NUMERICALS: Class Work: m 1) A 4m long rod of negligible weight is to be balanced about a point 125 em trom one end. A load (of 48 kgf is suspended at a point 60 om from the support on the shorter arm, €) A weight W is placed 250 cm from the support on the longer arm. Find W. b) If W= 5 kgf, where must it be kept to balance the rod? 9)To which class of lever does it belong? [a) 4.32 kof (b) 2.16 m from support on longer arm (c) Ciass |] 2) A force of 5 kgt is required to cut a metal sheet A shears used for cutting the metal sheet has its blades § om long, while its handle is 10 om long. What effort is needed to cut the sheet? [2.5 kaf] 3) A man uses a crowbar of length 1.5 m to raise a load of 75 kgt by putting a sharp edge below the bar at a distance 1 m from his hand. Draw a diagram of the arrangement showing the fulcrum (F), load (L) and effort (E) with their directions, Calculate: Universal Tutorials — x 1CSt Valume 12 Page co Chapter 03: Machinos 58. (i) load arm, (ii) effort arm, (ii) mechanical advantage and (iv) the effort needed, State the kind of lever 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) Voume tof2 Universal Tutorials — x ICSE — Physics oS [ (0.5 m (i) 1.0 m Gi) 2 () 375 kgf. Cass |) if the weight of wheel barrow is 15 kgf and the weight of ‘sand in itis 60 kgf, use the information given in to calculate the minimum effort required to keep the leg just 5 off the ground. (25 kof] 3 Bo om ‘aC The diagram below shows a lever in use. a) To which class of lever does it belong? b) if FA = 800m, AB = 20 om, find its M.A, ©) Calculate the value of & ((a) Class ti (b) 4.25 (0) 4 kf] {A fire tongs has its arms 20 cm long. It's used to lit @ coal of weight 1.5 kgf by applying an effort at distance 15 cm from the fulerum., Find: i) the mechanical advantage of fire tongs and (i) the effort needed. [0.75 ii) 2.0 kgf] ‘A coolie uses a sloping wooden plank of length 2.0 m to push up a drum of mass 100 kg into the truck at a height 1.0 m. 22) What is the mechanical advantage of the sloping plank? b) How much effort is needed to push the drum up into the truck? ‘¢) What assumption have you made in arriving at the answer in part (b) above? [a) 2 (b) 50 kgf] A gear system has the driving wheel of radius 2 om and driven whee! of radius 20 cm. 2) Find the gear ratio ) If the number of rotations made per minute by the driving wheel is 100, find the number of rotations per minute made by the driven wheal c) If the driven wheel has 40 teeth, find the number of teeth in the driving wheel. fa) 4:10 (b) 10 (c) 4) A.woman draws water from a well using a fixed pulley. The mass of bucket and water together is 6 kg. The force applied by the woman is 70 N. Calculate the mechanical advantage (Take g= 10m) (0.875) In a block and tackle system consisting of 3 pulleys, a load of 75 kgf is raised with an effort of 25 kf. Find the mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency. 13,3, 100%) A pulley system has a velocity ratio 3 and an efficiency of 80%. Draw a labelled diagram of this pulley system. Calculate the mechanical advantage of the system and the value of the effort required to raise a load of 300 N 24,125N ‘A block and tackle system has the veloaty ratio 3. Draw a labelled diagram of the system indicating the points of application and the directions of load and effort. A man can exert a pull of 200 kgf. What is the maximum load he can raise with this pulley system ifits efficiency is 60%? [360 kof] Page 61 13) Fig shows a block and tackle system of pulleys used to lift a load, 'a) How many strands of tackle are supporting the load? b) Draw arrows to represent tension in each strand. ‘0) What is the mechanical advantage of the system? 4d) When load is pulled up by a distance 1 m, how far does the effort end move? oo lle) 4(0) 4 (@) 4m] Home Work: 1) A crowbar of length 120 cm has its fulcrum situated at a distance of 20 cm from the load Calculate the mechanical advantage of the crowbar. 8 2) A pair of scissors has its blades 15 cm long, while its handles are 75 cm long. What is its mechanical advantage? - (05) 3) The diagram below shows a lever in use. a) To which class of lever does it belong? H s 1 b) If AB = { m, AF = 04 m, find its mechanical advantage. ke °c) Calculate the value of & {(@) class | (0) 1.5 (¢) 10x91] 4) A pair of scissors is used to cut a piece of a cloth by keeping it at a distance 2 om from its rivet ‘and applying an effort of 10 kat by fingers at a distance 8 cm from the rivet. Find: i) the mechanical advantage of scissors and i) the load offered by the cloth. How does the pair of scissors act : as a force multiplier or as a speed multiplier? Ui) 0.25 (i) 40 kaf speed multiplier] 5) The fig below shows a wheel barrow of mass 15 kg carrying a load of 30 kgf with its centre of gravity at A. The points B and C are the centre of wheel and tip of the handle such that the horizontal distance AB = 20 em and AC= 40.em. a) In the diagram mark fulcrum F, load L and effort E with their directons b) Calculate i) the load arm, i) the effort arm ii) the mechanical advantage and iv) the minimum effort required to keep the leg just off the ground, ©) Name the kind of lever. {(b) i) 20 cm ii) 60 cm, ti) 3 iv)15 kgf (c) Class tN) 6) The diagram shows the use of a lever. a) State the principle of moments as applied to the above a lever. ) Give an example of this class of lever e we ©) If FA = 10 om, AB = 500 cm, calculate the mechanical al advantage and the minimum effort required to lift the load. e) MA= Frotfort = 2550 NI 7) A boy has to lif a load of mass 50 kg to a height of 1m. What effort is required if he lifts i directly 7 Take 9 = 10 N kg” But he can exert a maximum effort of 250 N, so he uses an inclined plane to litt the load up. What should be the minimum length of the piank used by him? (500 N, 2m} 5 Universal Tutorials — x ICSE — Physics Volume 1 02 Page €2 Page Chapter 03: Machines: 57 8) A gear system has one wheel with 10 teeth and the other wheel with 50 teeth. Calculate the gain in speed and the gain in torque that you can obtain using them. What will be the gear ratio in each case? [Gain in speed = 5, gear ratio 5:1, gain in torque = 5, gear ratio = 1:5] 9) The driving wheel of a geer system is of radius 16 cm and it has 32 teeth. For one rotation of the ‘driving wheel, i the driven wheel makes four rotations, fin i) the radius, and i the number of teeth in the driven wheel (0) 4m (i) 8} 10) A fixed pulley is driven by a 100 kg mass falling at a rate of 80 m in 40.6 It lifts a load of 500 kgf. Caloulate the power input to the pulley taking the force of gravity on 1 kg as 10 N. If the efficiency of the pulley is 75%; find the height to which the load is raised in 4.0 s. [2000W, 1.2m] 11) A block and tackle system has 5 pulleys. If an effort of 1000 N is needed to raise a load of 4500 N, caloulate: a) mechanical advantage ) velocity ratio, and ©) efficiency of the system (a) 45 (b) 5 ©) 90%) 12) In fig. draw a tackle to lit a load by applying the force in a convenient direction. Mark the positon of load and effort 4) Ifthe load is raised by 1 m, through what distance will the effort move? b) State how many strands of tackle are supporting the c) What is the mechanical advantage of the system? ——_[a) 5m (b) 5(c) 5] tonne 13) Fig shows a system of four pulleys. The upper two pulleys are ficed and the lower two are movable. a) Draw a string around the pulleys, ‘Also show the place and direction in which the effort is applied b) What is the velocity ratio of the system? ©) How are load and effort of the pulley system related? 4d) What assumption do you make in arriving at your answer in part (c) ? [b) 4 (c) load = 4 « effort) ‘APPLICATION TYPE: Class Work: 1) Why isa machine not 100% efficient? 2) What is the relationship between the mechanical advantage and the velocity ratio for a)an ideal machine) @ practical machine 3) Explain why scissors for cutting cloth may have blades longer than the handles, but shears for ‘cutting metals have short blades and long handles. 4) The diagram shows a type of nut cracker. a) In the diagram, i) Show with the letter F, the position of the fulcrum ii) raw an arrow marked L, to show the direction and line of yar ‘action of the resistance (load) ii) Draw an arrow, marked E to show the direction and likely the point of application of the effort ) What class of lever is the nut cracker shown in the diagram? 5) Draw a labelled ciagram of a Class Il lever. Give one example of such a lever Volume tof2 Universal Tutorials ~ x ICSE ~ Physics 7 Page6d 6) To which class of levers do the following belong? a) Wheel barrow) Nut cracker ©) Crowbar 4) Fishing rod ) Forearm f) Fire tongs 9) Physical balance —_h) Seesaw 1) Rowing oar of @ boat j) Forceps k) Opening a door —_) Opening a box m) Motor car foot-brake 1) Knife 7) Give an example each where a gear system is used to obtain a) gain in torque b) gain in speed 8) Ina single fixed pulley, f the effort moves by a distance x downwards, by what height isthe load raised upwards? 9) In which direction the force need be applied, when a single pulley is used with a mechanical advantage greater then one? How can you change the direction of force applied without altering its mechanical advantage? 10) The diagram below shows a pulley arrangement ‘8) In the diagram, mark the direction of the forces due to tension, acting on the pulley A b) What is the purpose of the pulley B? ©) Ifthe tension is T Newton, deduce the relation between T and E. 4d) What is the velocty ratio of the arrangement? 2) Assuming that the efficiency of the system is 100% ‘What is the mechanical advantage? 11) Draw a diagram of a block and tackle system of pulleys having a velocity ratio of 5. In your diagram indicate clearly the points of application and the directions of the load and effort. Also mark the tension in each strand. 12) To which order the following levers belong and why? ') Railway signal li) aman cutting bread with knife ))a boy writing on a piece of paper |v) nut cracker v) handle of water pump vi) see-saw vii) fore~ceps vill) a man rowing boat ix) look and key x) opener of a soda water bottle xi) closing a door xii) motor car foot brake xii) nail cutter xiv) a fishing rod xv) a lemon squeezer 13) Diagram shows a nut cracker with a fixed base. In the diagram i) Mark the letter 'F' for fulcrum, ii) Mark by an arrow the direction in which resistance acts. il) Mark by an arrow the ditection in which effort acts, 'v) How can you increase efficiency of nut cracker? 'v) By increasing effort arm. Home Work: 1) State the relationship between mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency. 2) A pair of scissors and a pair of pliers both belong to the same ciass of levers, Name the class of lever. Which one has the M.A less than 1? 3) In Fig. a uniform metre scale is kept in equilibrium when 23 aan ‘supported at the 60 cm mark and a mass M is suspended from the 90 cm mark. State with reason whether the weight of the scale is greater than, less than or equal to the weight of mass M. 5 Universal Tutorials - X ICSE Physics Volume 102 (Chapter 03: Machines 4) The diagram below shows a wheel barrow. In the diagram mark the fulcrum. Also draw arrows to show the directions of load and effort. What class of lever is the wheel barrow? Give one more ‘example of the same class of lever 5) Indicate the positions of load, effort and fulcrum in the forearm shown, oe) 6) ‘Steeper the inclined plane more is the effort needed to push a load up the plane’. Expiain it. 7) There is no gain in mechanical advantage in the case of a single fixed pulley. Explain, why the pulley is then used? 8) Give two reasons why the efficiency of a single movable pulley system is not 100%. 9) Show how a single pulley can be used to reduce the effort required to overcome a given load Draw a diagram of the system. Why is it generally more convenient to use two pulleys for this? Name the two pulleys, 10) The diagram below shows an arrangement of three pulleys A, 8 and C. The load is marked as L and the effort as E. a) Name the pulleys A, B and C. b) Mark in the diagram the directions of load (L). effort (E) and tension (1) in each string. T ©), How are the magnitudes of L and E related to the tension 7? 8) Calculate the mechanical advantage and velocty ratio of the arrangement 2) What assumptions have you made in parts (c) and (¢)? 11). Give reasons for the following a) Ina single fixed pulley, the velocity ratio is always more than the mechanical advantage. ) The efficiency of a pulley is always less than 100%. ©) In case of a block and tackle arrangement the mechanical advantage increases with the increase in the number of pulleys. 4) The lower block of a block and tackle pulley system must be of negligible weight. 12) Figure shows a diagram of a system of four pulleys. The upper two pulleys are fixed and the lower two are movable, \ ) Draw a string around the pulleys. Also show the place and direction in which the effort is applied. b) Draw an arrow to represent tension in each strand. ©) What is the mechanical advantage of the system? ) What is the velocity ratio of the system? ) What assumption do you make in arriving at your answer in part (a)? 13) Figure shows a wheel-barrow. a) Mark the fulcrum. ) Mark the direction and point of action of effort. ©) State the class of lever it belongs to. 4d) Give one more example of this type of lever. Volume tof2 Universal Tutorials - X ICSE Physics 2 Page6s Page 00 WISCELLANEOUS: 1) What do you understand by a simple machine? 2) What is the purpose of a jack in lifting @ car by it? 3) What do you understand by an ideal machine? 4) Mechanical advantage (M.A), load (L) and effort (&) are related as: a)MA=LxE b)MAxE=L OE=MAxL d) None of these 5) The correct relationship between the velocity ratio (VR) distance moved by load (4,) and distance moved by effort (dz) is AV.Re=dtde VIR dide OV. = ddd AVR. = de x dh 6) The correct relationship between the mechanical advantage (M.A), the velocity ratio (VR) and the efficiency (n) is a)MA=nxVR v)VR=nxMA — c)n=MAxVR —— d) Noneof these 7) For an ideal machine, the ratio of mechanical advantage (M.A.) to the veloctty ratio (V.R.) is. ‘) oreater than one b) less than one ©) equal to one d) depends on the value of load 8) Which of the following statements not true for a machine a) It always has efficiency less than 100% ) Mechanical advantage can be less than one ©) It can also be used 2s a speed multiplier 4) Itcan have a mechanical advantage greater than the velocity ratio. 9) Class | lever is that in which: 2) fuicrum is between the load and effort ») load is between the fulcrum and effort ©) effortis between the load and fulorum 4) fulcrum, load and effort are at one point 10) Explain why the M.A. ofa Class I! type of lever is always more than one. 11) What type of lever is formed by the human arm while raising a load from a table placed in front? Where is the position of the fulcrum? 12) Draw a labeled sketch of a Class Ill lever. Give one example of this kind of lever. 13) Give example of each class of lever in a human body. 14) The lever for which the mechanical advantage is less than one has: a) fulcrum at mid point between load and effort ) load between effort and fulcrum ©) effort between fulcrum and load 4) load and effort acting at the same point 15), Draw diagrams to illustrate the positions of fulcrum load and effor, in each of the following a) A seesaw b) A common balance ©) A nut cracker 4d) Forceps 16) ‘The force needed to push a load up an inclined plane is less than the force needed to lift it directly. Give a reason 17) State whether the mechanical advantage of an plane is equal to 1, less than 1 or greater than 17 18) Explain how a gear system can be used to gain in speed, and (b) gain in torque. 19) What is a fixed pulley? 20) Give one use ofa single fixed pulley. 21) What is the ideal mechanical advantage of a single fixed pulley? 22) A single fixed pulley s used because it a) has a mechanical advantage greater than 1 b) has a velocity ratio less than 1 ©) gives 100% efficiency 4) helps to apply the effort in a convenient direction. a Universal Tutorials — x [OSE — Physics Volume 12 Chapter 03: Machines: st 23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) 31) 32) 33) 34) 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) 40) In 2 single movable pulley, if the effort moves by a distance x upwards, by what height is the load raised? Draw a labelled diagram of an arrangement of two pulleys. one fixed and other movable. In the diagram, mark the directions of all forces acting on it. What is the ideal mechanical advantage of the system? How can it be achieved? ‘What is a biock and tackle system of pulleys? For greater efficiency of a block and tackle pulley system a) the lower biock should be of negligible b) the upper and lower blocks should be of equal weights ©) the lower block should be heavier than the upper block 4) the weight of rope should be equal to the weight of pulleys. State whether the following statements are true or false. a) The velocity ratio of a single fixed pulley is aNvays more than 1 ») The veloctty rato of a single movable pulley is always 2. 0) The velocity ratio of a block and tackle system is always equel to the number of strands of the tackle supporting the load 8) Name six simple machines, ) Give one practical example of each machine named in (a). Define the following terms with reference to a machine: i) oad i) effort ili) deal machine iv) mechanical advantage v) velocity ratio vi efficiency Give the principle of a machine. Prove that efficiency of a machine is the ratio between mechanical advantage and velocity ratio. ‘Give two reasons why a machine cannot be 100% efficient (a) Define lever (b) What are its three kinds? (c) How will you determine the order of lever? a) Why lever of second order has mechanical advantage more than 1? ) Why lever of third order has mechanical advantage less than 17 Figure shows a diagram consists of 5 pulleys. a) Copy the diagram and complete it by drawing a string around the pulleys. Mark the positon of load and the effort ») Ifthe load is raised by 1 m, through what distance will the effort move? Explain why the cutting edges of scissors are made longer as compared to cutting edge of metal cutter? ‘2) What is a pulley? b) Mechanical advantage of a single fixed pulley is always less than 1. Why is this pulley commonly used? Draw a neat diagram of a pulley system with velocity ratio 6. Draw a diagram of single movable pulley system. Why is this system preferred to single pulley system? ‘A uniform see-saw is 5 m long and is supported at its centre. A boy weighing 40 kg sits one mtr tom the conte of seersow. Where Must 2 gt NeQNND pe —spe———a 25 kg sit from the centre of see-saw so as to balance the f° im \weight of boy? tog 2819 Voume tof2 ‘Universal Tutorials x ICSE ~ Physics a Page 68 41) 42) 43) 4a) 45) 46) 47) 48) 49) 50) ‘A handle of nutcracker is 16 cm long and a nut is placed two centimeter {rom its hinge. If the force of 4 kg is applied at the end of handle to crack it. What weight if simply placed on nut cracker will crack it? ‘An effort of 10 kof is applied at the end of a lever of second order which supports a load of 750 kgf. such that load is at a distance of 10 om from the hinge. Find the length of lever. (Assume lever is weightless) [An effort of 5 kgf is applied on machine through a distance of 80 cm when a load of 8Okg! moves. through a distance of 4 om. Find (i) velootty ratio (i) mechanical advantage (ii) efficiency. ‘A machine is 60% efficient and has @ velocity ratio 4. Find its () mechanical advantage (i) effort required, if load lifted is 1000 kof [An effort of 500 N is applied through a distance of 50 cm. if the efficiency of machine is 90% and Joad moves through a distance of 4 cm find (i veloctty ratio, (i) mechanical advantage, (il) useful load lifted, A crow bar of len hase 00S by pacha uzun araktence 16cm om S<—e— ‘one of its ends. Find effort required at the other end so as to Le" F tom — lft the load ‘A person is carrying a load of 20 kgf, which is projecting 25 om from his shoulder. How far from the shoulder the person should apply 8 kaf forces, s0 as to balance the rod carried by him? The diagram shows a pulley arrangement In the diagram, mark the direction of force due to tension acting on the movable pulley. fi) What is the purpose of the fixed pulley? fi) Ifthe tension is T newton, deduce the relation between T and E 'w) Calculate the effort v) Assuming that the efficiency is 100%, what is the mechanical advantage? vi) State two factors that would reduce the efficiency of the arrangement Calculate the size of the force E which will just lft the total weight of 200 N acting on the wheel barrow as shown in the adjacent diagram, IE is raised 25 cm in 0.5 second, calculate the work done and the average rate of working, A pulley system has four pulleys in all and is 60% efficent Draw the net diagram of pulley system and calculate ) mechanical advantage, i) effort required to lit a load of 1500 N, li) vw" of movable part. @ Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics Volume 12 Page 68 Page 69 Chapter 03: Machines 3 51) A pulley system has five pulleys in all and is 90% efficient. Calculate i) mechanical advantage, i) load lifted by an effort of 1000 N. !) wt of movable parts of machine. 52) A pulley system lifts a load of 1200 N by an effort of 250 N. ifthe load due to movable parts of machine etc is 300 N, find (i) Actual Mechanical Advantage (i) LM.A. (ii) velocity ratio (Wv) total number of pulleys in system (v) efficiency of system, '53) A pulley system can It a load of 1000 NY, by an effort of 240 N. If the load due to movable parts ‘of machine ete is 200 N, find (DAMA. (id LMA. (i) VR. (iv) efficiency (v) number of pulleys in system. 54) The gradient of 2 hill road is 1 : 80, Calculate the weight of the vehicle which is pushed up an incline by an effort of 150 kat PREVIOUS BOARD QUESTIONS: 1) ) State the class of levers and the relative positions of load (L), effort (E) and fulcrum (F) in each of the following case: 1. A bottle opener, 2. Sugar tongs. |i) Why is less effort needed to lift a load over an inclined plane as compared to lifting the load directly? (2012) 2) Under what conden wil eof ear predic a) gaininspend.fH}ecen ntorue? | 1 3) Aman can open a nut by applying a force of 150N by using a lever handle of length 0.4 m. What should be the length of the handle if he is able to open it by applying a force of 60 N? (2011) 4) Name a machine which can be used to (i!) multiply force (\i) change the direction of force applied [2011] 5), The diagram below shows a lever in use: A Ett) i) Towhich class of lever does it belong? 5 il) If FA = 40 om, AB = 60 cm, then find the NY mechanical advantage of the lever. Jeon 011, 2) 6) i) What is meant by an ideal machine? ii) Write a relationship between the mechanical advantage (M.A.) and velocity ratio (V.R.) of an ideal machine. i) A coolie carrying a load on his head and moving on a frictionless horizontal platform does no work. Explain the reason why. 2011] 7) |) With reference to the terms mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency of a machine, name: the term that will not change for a machine of a given design. ii) Define the term stated by you in part (1) [2009] 8) Copy the diagram of the forearm given below, indicate the positions of Load, Effort and Fulcrum 9) Draw a labelled diagram of a block and tackle system of pulleys with two pulleys in each block Indicate the directions of the load, effort and tension in the string, 2008] 10) Write down the relation between the load and the effort of the pulley system, (2008) 11) Which olass of levers has a mechanical advantage always greater than one? What change can be brought about in this lever to increase its mechanical advantage? (2007) 12) Write an expression to show the relationship between mechanical advantage, velocity ratio and efficiency for a simple machine (2007) Voume tof? Universal Tutorials — x ICSE — Physics a 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 24) 22) 23) 24) AA block and tackle pulley system has a velocity rato 3. i) Draw a labeled diagram of this system. In your diagram, indicate clearly the points of application and the directions of the load and effort. ii)’ Why should the lower block of this pulley system be of negligible weight? (2007) ‘A uniform metre scale is kept in equilibrium when supported at the 60 cm mark and a mass M is suspended from the £0 cm mark 2s shown in the figure. State with reasons, whether the weight of the soale is greater than, less than or equal to the M weight of mass M. (2008) Name the type of single pulley that can act as a force multiplier. Draw a labelled diagram of the above named pulley. A pulley system has a velocity ratio of 4 and an efficiency of 90%. Calculate (i) the mechanical advantage of the system. (i) the effort required to raise a load of 300 N by the system. [36,8333 N} oem sognégce em 100m a) |) Define an inciined plane. ii) Draw a labeled sketch of a class Il lever. Give one example of such allever ) The alongside figure shows the combination of a movable pulley P, with a fixed pulley P, used for liting up a load W. 1) State the function of the fixed pulley P. ii) Ifthe free end of the string moves through a distance x. find the distance by which the load Wis raised. ili) Calculate the force to be applied at C to just raise the load W = of, neglecting the weight of the pulley P, and friction, [10 gt] }) Explain why scissors for cutting cloth may have biades much longer than the handles; but shears for cutting metals have short blades and long handles. ji) A woman draws water from a well using a fixed pulley, The mass of the bucket and water together 's 6.0 kg. The force applied by the woman is 70 N Calculate the mechanical advantage. (Take g = 10 m/s") 10.86) What's the relationship between the mechanical advantage and the velocity ratio for: i) An ideal machine) A practical machine? A cook uses a ‘fire tong’ of length 28 lft a piece of burning coal of mass 250 9. If he applies his effort at a distance of 7 cm from the fulcrum, what is the effort in S.1, unit? [Take g= 10 mvs") [10 N) To use machine as a force muttalier, what type (class) of lever should preferably be used? Draw a sketch of such a lever A pair of scissors and a pair of piers belong to the same class of levers i). Which one has mechanical advantage less than one? i) State the usefulness of a machine whose mechanical advantage is less than one. ‘Why is the mechanical advantage of a lever of the third order always less than 1? Give one example of this cizss of lever. In the diagram of a stationary wheel barrow, the centre of gravity is at A. The wheel and the leg are in contact with the ground, The horizontal distance between A and F is 50 cm and that between Band F is 150 om. 1) What is the direction of the force acting at A.? Name the force. ji) What is the direction of the minimum force at B to keep the leg off the ground? What is this force called? a Universal Tutorials —X [OSE ~ Physics Page70 Page71 Chapter 03: Machines: 65, 25) 26) 27) 28) 29) 30) il) The weight of the wheel barrow is 15kgt and it holds sand of weight 60 kgf. Calculate the ‘minimum force required to keep the leg off the ground. [25 kgf] |) Which class of levers has a mechanical advantage always less than ‘one? Explain briefly with a diagram why their mechanical advantage is less than one, il) The crow-bar is a type of lever a8 shown alongside ‘A crow bar of length 150cm_has its fulcrum at a distance of 25cm. from the load. Caiculaie the mechanical advantage of this crow bar. 8) The diagram along with shows the use of a lever. ne ea ). State the principle of moments as applied to the lever. iF x ii) Give an example of this class of lever. iil) If FA = 10 om, AB = 500 cm, Calculate the minimum effort required to lft the load, oad SON (2550 N) Rigid Suoport The diagram alongside shows a system of 5 pulleys. |) Copy the diagram and complete it by drawing a string around the Upper pulleys. Mark the position of load and the effort Beek ji) Ifthe load is raised by 1 m, through what distance will the effort move? (5M) Lower Bose Diagram 1 alongside shows a weightless lever in equilibrium. Neglect friction at the fulcrum F. 1) State the principle of moments as applied to the alongside Fr lever, ji) Define mechanical advantage and calculate its value for the given lever. E 1il) Name the type of lever which has mechanical advantage greater than 1 Diagram alongside gives an arrangement of single moving pulleys. Copy the diagram. If the effort applied at the free end of the string is E. ol 1) Show the direction and magnitude of the forces exerted by the four strings marked (1) to (4). li) What is the Toad which can be lifted by the effort? i) Calculate the mechanical advantage of the system of pulleys, (4 Diagram given alongside shows an arrangement of four pulleys, A load L i attached to the movable lower block and effort E is ‘applied end of at free the string. Copy the diagram and |) Draw arrows to indicate tension in each apart of the string; and |i) Calculate the mechanical advantage of the system. [Maz 4] Voume 1 of2 Universal Tutorials — x [OSE ~ Physics cy ANSWERS: Previous Board Question: 1) )1.A bottle opener: Class |! Load |s in between the fulcrum and effort 2. Sugar tongs: Class til Effort is in between the fulcrum and load. lengthof inciinedplane() 5 ince > hy ii) For an inclined plane, mechanical advantage Teight{h). © Effort E < load L 2) a) When bigger wheel dtives the smaller wheel (Ning > Nanos) b) When smaller wheel drives the bigger whee! (Neneng < Nswes) aim 1) () Class 1 (i) 2 14) M30 = E.60; M=2E; .. scale weightis ess 16) MA = 3.6; E= 83,33N 17) a)i) An inclined plane is usually a smooth, flat rigid surface inclined at an angle (0) to the horizontal. It is used to raise heavy loads with relatively small force. The longer the slope. the smaller is the effort needed. ii) A labelled diagram of a class II lever is given below. Its example is @ nutcracker. E(€tt08 F (Facum) 6. Sie > roca © am Leas hort arm —> Second Class Lever Examploof a cia itlover (Ourcracher) b)i) It is quite difficult to apply effort in the upward direction, if no fixed pulley P2 is used. The fixed pulley changes the direction of effort from upwards to downwards, making the effort more convenient and easier. ii) As the movable pulley doubles the effort, ». Force, L = 2T ie, W=2T 22. _ Distance travelledby effort _ 2x Mechanical advantage M.A. = ST=2 and VR» The distance travelled by load is half the distance moved by effort = x/2 W Sine W= 20204 = 21; Tat: Eno epped= 22.01 18) i) In case of scissors, blades may be much longer than the handles, because in this case we don't need much mechanical advantage. (M.A. = Effort Arm/Load Atm) But in case of shears for cutting metals, much higher value of mechanical advantage is needed to cut the metals easily, so the handles need to be long and blades shot Load _ 6.10 60 6 Be ee 088 19) 1) Mechanical advantage is equal to velocity ratio. 2) Mechanical Advantage is less than velocity ratio as efficiency is less than one. 20) Effort « Effort arm = Load Load arm E «0.07 = (0,250 x 10) «028 91250-10028 a 007 on ca Universal Tutorials — x [OSE — Physics Volume 12 Page72 Chapter 03: Machines: or 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) Lever of second type (or class) is used as force multiplier Effort Arm —— Mechanical adv: fal anki lechanical advantage of a lever = > 1) A pair of scissors and a pair of pliers belong to first class of levers. In levers of this ciass, the mechanical advantage may be equal to, less than or greater than one. In the case of the ‘given two levers, the mechanical advantage is more than one. None of the two levers, in ‘general has mechanical advantage less than one. ii) An example of a machine, having mechanical advantage less than 1s single fixed pulley. It is Useful because it is always easy and comfortable to apply efforts in the downward direction rather than upward direction. One can use own body weight while applying effort in the downward direction In the levers of the third order, the effort Eis in between the fulcrum F and the load L and hence the effort-arm is always smaller than the load-arm, so the mechanical advantage that is the ratio, between the effort-arm and the load-arm is always less than 1. Example: Sugar tongs. i) The direction of force acting at A is vertically downwards. This force is named as Load ii) The direction of the minimum force at B is vertically upwards and is denoted by E (etfort) il) Total load = (15 + 60) kgf =75 kgf, Load arm = 50 om = 0.5m. Effort arm = 150.¢m = 1.5m. To calculate the minimum force required to keep the leg off the ground, Applying the principle of lever. Load x Load arm = Effort. Effort arm or 75«05=Ex15 & i) In case of levers of third kind, the mechanical advantage is always less than one. This is because effort arm is always less than load arm. Coal tong is an example of lever of third kind, In the figure shown, effort arm is haif of load arm. Hence effort to be applied must be double than load, ii) Here load arm = 25cm Effort arm = (150 = 25) = 125 om The Mechanical Advantage = FEOMND oy ya = 125 26) i) Principle of moment states that when the body is in equilibrium under the action of number of forces, the sum of clockwise moments is equal to the ‘sum of anti-clockwise moments. ruedl Efiort_p Here, Load . Load arm = Effort Effort arm * (Clockwise) —_(Anti-clockwise) ie. Load (BF) = Effort (AF) Load SON ii) This is a lever of third kind. An example of this type of lever is jaw or a pair of tongs, il) Now, Effort (AF) = Load (BF) = Load (FA + AB) Or Effort (10) = 50 (10+ 500) or Effort = 5(510) = 2,550N. 27) |). The complete diagram showing the string around the pulleys is shown " below. Effort is applied in downward direction and the load moves in upward. — 7 hdhk direction, ii) When the load is raised by 1m, the effort has to be applied by 5m since there are five segments of the rope ‘eat Voume tora I Tutorials —X ICSE — Physics a Page73 28) i) For equilibrium, the moment of the effort about the fulcrum must be equal and oppose to the moment of the weight (Load) about it Therefore, Effort Etfort arm = Weight » Weight arm. This is known as the principle of lever and mathematically represented as, L x BF = E AF ii) Mechanical Advantage: The mechanical advantage of a machine is defined as the ratio of toad to effort: Load AF Efot BF i) Ina lever of the second order, we always have effort-arm > load-arm and hence the mechanical advantage in this case must always be greater than 1 M.A. of the given lever = 29) |) The directions of tension T are as marked in the diagram and are equal in magnitude. The tension is equal to T for the first block and 2T for the second block. ii) The effort E can Ift a load of 4 time its own magnitude as Load = 2 + 2T = 4T and T= E. ii) Here W= 4T or W= 4 w MAs Baa (Or MA = 4 Le, twice the number of pulleys in the movable block In general it there are n pulleys in the movable block, MA = 2x 30) i) In completed diagram alongside the arrow heads are marked to indicate the tension in each part ofthe string passing over the pulleys. ii) Let n be the number of segments of the string which supports the lower block. then n= No. ofthe pulleys in two blocks = 4 As there is only one string passing round all the pulleys, the tension in 4 each of the segment is the same, i.e. T = E. Bion Therefore, the total upward force on the block is 4E and this must balance the weight L supported by it if the weight of lower block is neglected. Thus, L=4E or E=4 Now, E is called the mechanical advantage of the eystem. Hence, M.A = 4, Mechanical advantage of the system, co ‘Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics Vouume 702 Page 74 Chapter 04: Refraction at Plane Surtace 69, Chapter 04: Refraction at Plane Surface Refraction Laws » Refractive Index » Principle of Reversibility of Light Factors affecting refractive index Refraction through Glass Slab Lateral Displacement » Multiple images. Critical Angle Total Internal Reflection » Relation between y and Ls Applications Refraction through Prism Factors affecting angle of deviation Total Reflecting Prisms » Difference between ordinary reflection and total intemal reflection > The change in the direction of the path of light, when it passes from one transparent medium to another transparent medium ‘oblique to the surface of separation is called refraction. ') When a ray travels from rarer to denser medium i> Zr and 8=i-r, Sis angle of deviation. li) When the ray travels from denser to rarer medium di The perpendicular distance between the emergent ray and the path of the incident ray is called lateral displacement. > Lateral displacement depends on Thickness of glass slab (x « t) Refractive index of glass (x « 1) Angle of incidence (x xi) © Wavelength of light (co 4 From the principle of reversibility Critical angle is the angle of incidence in the denser medium corresponding to which the angle of refraction in the rarer medium is 90°. Factors Affecting Critical Angle: ‘© Wavelength (colour of ight): As 2. increases, cntcal angle decreases. ‘The temperature: as temperature increases, y. decreases hence critical angle increases. [| Note: for votet colour is more in a medium hence cial angle is less for violet colour Total Internal Reflection: > When a ray of light travelling in a denser medium is incident at the surface of a rarer medium such that the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle for the pair of media, the ray is Feflected back into the denser medium. This phenomenon is known as total internal reflection, Condition for Total Internal Reflection: ‘= Light should travel from denser to a rarer medium Air = The angle of incidence must be greater than the PP critical angle for the pair of media Water Relation between refractive index and critical angle: are as = # ge Sop Dae sini (sin $0 = 1) and 1 No © abe = wo" Sing, sees i Alc 7 Total R ions # On ahot sunny day, the driver of a vehicle may see a “pond of water’ on the road before him. It isthe phenomenon of mirage which is often observed in deserts. Anempty test tube placed inside water shines like a mirror. Apiece of diamond sparkles when viewed from certain directions. © An optical fibre is used to transmit a light signal over a long distance with negligible loss in energy. 7) Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics Volume 1 of2 Chapter 04: Refraction at Plane Surface 73 Refraction through Prism > A prism is a transparent refracting medium bounded by two plane surfaces inclined at some angie. > The plane surfaces through which the light passes are called the refracting surfaces or faces of the prism. es > The angle between the two tefracting surfaces is called the "wwe angle of the prism » The line of intersection of the two surfaces is called the refracting edge of the prism > The section of the prism perpendicular to the refracting edge is called the principal section of prism, » The angle between the path of incident ray in its direction and a path emergently opposite direction is called the angle of deviation, 8. Inthe given figure, ZAQN’ = ZARN’ = 90° IRGAQNR, ZAQN'+ ZARN' =180° At N= 180° =") IRAQNR, 1, ¢h* N= 180° —(2) Angle of deviation (8) te . . Sapte of nedente (0 figure 1 figue2 Factors affecting anale of deviation: © Material of prism: For a glven angle of incidence, the prism with higher refractive index produces more deviation © Angle of prism: As angle of prism increases angle of deviation increases. © Colour of light: Refractive index depends on wavelength. If wavelength is increased refractive index decreases Hence deviation decreases. eg. Violet light has smaller wavelength than red light. © Hence sy > jue. Therefore, violet light deviates more than red light. © Angle of incidence: As angle of incidence Increases, angle of deviation decreases, reaches a minimum value and increases. The minimum value of angle of deviation is called angle of minimum deviation (5 min) (see figure 2) © In minimum deviation position, angle of incidence (i) = angle of emergence (e) and Fr = fo ‘The refracted ray travels parallel to the base of the equilateral prism. (see figure 1) I Note: In all cases the emergent ray bends towards the base of the prism. Voume tof2 ‘Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics 73 Page79 74 Total Reflecting Prism: 1) Deviate a ray of light through 90°: © A prism having an angle 90° between its two refracting surfaces and the other two angles each equal to 45° is called a total reflecting prism. It is used to: = deviate a ray of light through 90° = deviate a ray of light through 180° p> ‘= erect the inverted image without deviation, pot f= Inthe figure, ABC is a total reflecting prism. A beam of light is gt incident normally at the face AB. '= It passes undeviated into the prism and strikes at the face AC at an angle of incidence equal to 45° '= For glass-air interface, the critical angle is about 42°, therefore the beam of light suffers total intemal reflection as the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle. = The beam then strikes the face BC, where itis incident normally and therefore passes undeviated, As a result the incient beam gets deviated through $0° while passing through the prism: '= This action of prism is used in a periscope where a total reflecting prism is used in piace of a plane mirror. 1) Deviate a ray of light through 180": = In figure the beam of light from the object PQ falls normally on the base AC of the prism, so it passes ndeviated inside the prism and strikes the face AB of the prism travelling from glass to air at an angle of incidence ‘equal to 45° which is greater than the ertical angle (42° for glass-air) = Therefore, the beam of light suffers total internal reflection and strikes the face BC of the prism. At the face BC, the light rays travelling from glass to air at an angle of incidence equal to 45°, again suffer total internal Object Image reflection ‘= The beam of light now falls normally on the face AC of the prism, and passes undeviated out of the prism forming the image P'Q’ of the object PQ, The beam thus gets deviated by 180°, '= This action of prism is used in prism binoculars. lil) Erect the inverted image without deviation: '= In figure the beam of light from the object PQ is incident parallel to the base of the prism and strikes the face AB of the prism. 1= It suffers refraction from air to glass and strikes the face AC of the prism traveling from Qlass to air at an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle (= 42°), therefore it Suffers total internal reflection, = The beam now strikes the face BC of the prism at an angle. of incidence less than the ortical angle hence it suffers refraction from glass to air and bends away from the normal, 74 ‘Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics Volume 102 Page 20 Pagest (Chapter 04: Rotraction at Plane Surtaco 3 = The beam emerges parallel to the base. As a result of refraction, on emergence the rays are inverted. Such a prism is called the erecting prism. ‘= This action of prism is used in a slide projector. Total internal reflection and different Equilateral Prism Noto tral ceecton tough sedate 30,00" 40,0 a pon Di ni n nal reflection an inary reflection Total internal reflection Ordinary retlection Takes place when ray travels from | Takes piace in any medium denser to rarer medium Takes place when i> Critical angle _ | Takes place at any incidence angle 100% energy is transmitted There is a loss of energy REVIEW QUESTIONS: Direct questions: 1) What do you understand by refraction of light? 2) A ray of light is incident normally on a plane glass slab. What will be the angle of refraction and the angle of deviation for the ray? 3) What is the cause of refraction of light when it passes from one medium to another? 4). ray of light passes from medium 1 10 medium 2. Which of the following quantties of the Tefracted ray will differ from that of the incident ray: speed, intensity, frequency, wavelength? 5) State the Snel's laws of retraction, 6) Define absolute refractive index of a medium. 7) Define the term refractive index of a medium. What do you understand by the statement ‘the refractive index of glass i 1.5 for white light"? Voume tof2 Universal Tutorials —X ICSE ~ Physics 7 76. 8) A light ray in passing from water to a medium (a) speeds up (b) slows down. In each case, give ‘one example of the medium. 8) A monochromatic ray of light passes from air to glass. The wavelength of light in air is 2, the ‘speed of light in air is ¢ and in glass is v If the absolute refractive index of glass is 1.5. write ‘down (a) the relationship between c and v, (b) the wavelength of light in glass. 10) For which colour of white light, is the refractve index of a transparent medium the least? 11) Name two factors on which the refractive index of a mecium depends? State how does it depend on those factors. 12) What is the principle of reversibilty of the path of a light ray? 13) The refractive index of water wth respect to air is aw and of glass with respect to air is as Express the retractive index of glass with water. 14) Explain the meaning of the term refraction. A ray of monochromatic light is incident from air on a glass slab. Draw a ray diagram indicating the change in its path fill emerges out of the slab, 15) In a robbery, a glass window has been broken into tiny particles of glass. Some of these are found at the scene of the crime and some in the thief s clothing. If police can prove that particles ound from both the places are identical, they have a strong case. 16) A method of doing so is to suspend the particles of glass in a special liquid. Light of a single colour is passed through the liquid and the particles are viewed through a microscope. The temperature of liquid is then slowly altered. This alters the speed of light through liquid (ie. it alters the refractive index). At 2 particular temperature, the particles of glass disappear. If this. happens at the same temperature for both sets of glass particles, they probably came from the same broken pane of glass. i) Why is the light used in the above method, of single colour? fi) When do the particles of glass disappear? 17), Explain the following: ‘When a lighted candle is held in front of a thick plane glags mirror, several images can be seen, but the second image is the brightest. 18) What is a prism? With the help of diagram of a prism, indicate its refracting surfaces, refracting ‘edge and base. 19) Draw a diagram to show the refraction of a light ray of single colour through a prism placed in the Position of minimum deviation. State how is the angle of emergence related angle of incidence. 20) What do you understand by the deviation produced by a prism? State the factors on which the angle of deviation depends. 21), Draw @ curve showing the variation in the angle of deviation with the angle of incidence at a prism surface 22) Name the colour of white light which is deviated (i) the most, (i) the least, on passing through a prism. ‘colour PQ is incident at the face of the prism A. Complete the diagram to show the path of the ray til it emerges out of the 23) The diagram below shows two identical prisms A and B placed 4 A with thet faces parallel to each other. A ray of ight of single. + \ / \ . / oA prism B. 24) A student puts his pencil into an empty trough. What change will be observed in the serearance of the pencil when water is poured into the trough? The student ‘observes the pencil thtough water ftom the position indicated in the diagram. Name the phenomenon which accounts for the above stated ‘observation. Complete the diagram showing how the student's eye sees the penal through water. 76 Universal Tutorials ~ x ICSE ~ Physics Volume 1 2 Page Pages Chapter 04: Refraction at Plane Surta: 7 25) An object placed in one medium when seen from other medium, appears shifted, Name the factors on which the magnitude of shift depends and state how does it depend on them, 26) Explain the term critical angle 27) Name two factors which affect the critical angle for a given pair of media. Stare how do the factors affect it 28) Define the terms ortical angle and total internal reflection. State two conditions necessary for total internal reflection to ocour. Write down the relation for the critical angle in terms of refractive index. Craw diagrams to illustrate critical angle and total internal reflection 29) What is a total reflecting prism 7. Draw a diagram to show one action of the total reflecting prism. 30) Show with the help of a diagram how a total reflecting prism can be used to tun @ ray of light through £0°. Name one instrument in which such a prism is used. 31) What device other than a plane mirror, can be used to turn a ray of light through 180°7 Draw a diagram in support of your answer. Name an instrument in which this device 1s used. 32) The diagram shows two right angled glass prisms (a) and (b) * ® 'A ray of light is incident on each prism as shown in the diagram. Complete the path of each ray to show how it +—) \ + enters and emerges out of the prism. (Critical angle for glass = 42") a NUMERICALS: Class Work: 1) The speed of light in air is 3 x 10° ms, Calculate the speed of light in glass. The refractive index of glass is 1.5 (2x 10'ms"] 2) A monochromatic ray of light strikes the surface of a transparent medium at an angle of incidence 60° and gets refracted into the medium at an angle of refraction 45°. What is the refractive index of the medium? (sin 60° = 0866, sin 45° = 0.707) 1.22) 3) A coin is placed at the bottom of a beaker containing water (refractive index = 4/3) to a depth of ‘12 om. By what height the coin appears to be raised when seen from vertically above? [3 cm] 4) A ray of light incident at an angle 72° on an equilateral prism gets deviated through an angle 45° ‘on passing through the prism. Calculate the angle of emergence of the ray. fe= 33) 5) What should be the angle of incidence for a ray of ight which suffer @ minimum deviation of 36° through an equilateral prism? (48°) 6) The refractive index of water with respect to air is 4/3. What is the refractve index of air with respect to water? (075) Home Work: 1) The speed of light in diamond is 125,000 km ¢-', What isis refractive index? (Speed of ight in air3 x 10°ms") [2.4] 2) A light ray enters a liquid at an angle of incidence 45° and it gets refracted in iquid at angle of retraction 30°. Calculate the refractive index ofthe liquid (14) (Given: sin 45° = 0.7, sin 30° = 0.5) 3) A ray of light of wavelength 5400 A suffers refraction from air to glass, Takingaw ~3/2, find the wavelenath of light in glass. [3600 A 4) A ray of light incident at an angle 43° on a prism of reftacting angle 60° suffers minimum deviation. Caloulate the angle of minimum deviation, (96'] 5) A postage stamp kept below a rectangular glass block of refractive index 4.5 when viewed from vertically above it, appears to be raised by 7.0 mm. Calculate the thickness of the glass block. [2.1 cm) 6) A water pond appears to be 2.7 m deep. If the refractive index of water is 4/3, find the actual depth of the pond. (3.6 m) Votume tof2 Universal Tutorials - X ICSE - Physics 7 ‘APPLICATION TYPE: Class Work: 1) Draw diagrams to show the refraction of light () ait to glass, (i) glass to air. In each diagram label the incident ray, refracted ray, the angle of incidence (i) and the angle of refraction (r). 2) A light ray passes from water to i) air i) glass. In each case state, how does the speed of light will change. an 3) Inthe given diagram, name the ray which represents the correct path of . light while passing through a glass block fous: \ ws A ray of monochromatic green light enters a liquid from air, as shown in fig. The angle 1 is 45° and angle 2 is 30° Show in the diagram the path of the ray after it strikes the misror and re-enters air. 5) How is the angle of emergence related to the angle of incidence when prism is in the position of minimum deviation? Wlustrete your answer with the help of a labelled diagram using an ‘equilateral prism, 6) A ray of light passes through an equilateral glass prism such that the refracted ray inside the prism is parallel to its base. How is the angle of emergence |; related to the angle of incidence |, 7) An object is viewed through 2 glass prism with its vertex pointing upwards. It appears to be displaced upward. Explain the reason. 8) A person standing on the edge of a swimming pool looks vertically down at the tiles on the - bottom. He notices that the swimming pool looks shallower than it really is. Draw a diagram using at least two rays to explain the observation 9) A fish is ooking at 2 1.0 m high plant et the edge of the pond. Will the plant appear shorter or taller than its actual height, to the fish, Draw a ray diagram to support your answer. 10) Info PO and PR are the two Sgn rays emerging fom an cect. The ray PC we retracted as a) State the special name given to the angle of incidence 2 PON of the ray r PQ. D) What is the angle of refraction forthe refracted ray GS? ‘o) Name the phenomenon that occurs ifthe angle of incidence < PQN is increased. 4) Draw in the diagram the refracted ray for the incident ray PR and hence ‘show the position of image of the object P by the letter P’ when seen verti 11) A ray of light enters a glass sieb ABDC as shown in fig. and strikes at the centre O of the circular part AC of the slab. The critical angle of glass is 42°, Complete the path of the ray til it emerges out from the slab. Mark the angles in the diagram wherever necessary. ‘A ray of light passes through a right angled prism as shown in the adjacent diagram, State the angles of incidence at the faces AC and BC. Name the phenomenon which the ray suffers atthe face AC. Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics Velume 102 Page 84 Chapter 04: Refraction at Plane Surface 13) The diagram in Fig. shows a monochromatic ray of light OP, striking the face AB of an isosceles right-angled prism made of glass of critical angle 42°, en 2) Compiete the diagram to show the path of the ray into and out of ° the prism, indicating the angles of incidence at each face of the prism. Hence write the angle of deviation of the ray OP. A Fr c b) Draw a diagram to show the path if the incident ray OP is altered s0 that the angle OPB is 70°. ©) Account for the difference in your answers to parts (a) and (b). 14) Fig. (I) and fig. (i) show two glass prisms A and B Fe (0 Faw Incident rays are shown in the diagram. Trace the path of rays through the prism and as they emerge out z 15) The fig. (V) along side shows a email object O at the bottom of a J. ° tank filled with a liquid whose critical angle is 45°. Three rays are drawn from O to the surface AB making angles of Foo incidence to AB of 25°, 45° and 60°. Draw on the diagram the ‘approximate path of each of these rays. 16) A narrow parallel beam of light from a ray box at Dis directed to ° the centre O of a circle, of which the semi-circular giass biock is a part fig. (vil) Narrow beam FD Whyis the beam not refracted wnen enters the glass at E. fom raya yet is noticeably deviated when it leaves the block at O? Fa.) By making suitable measurements, find i) The angle of incidence when the beam strikes O. ) The angle of refraction when the light reenters the air 17) @) Write down an expression for ,j, in terms of the angle i and r. ) if angle r = 90° whats the corresponding angle i called? ‘c) What is the physical significance of the angle iin part (b)? 18) A monochromatic point source of light ‘O' is seen through a rectangular glass block PRS. Paths of two rays, in and outside the block, are shown Oy in the figure below. a i) Does the source ‘0’ appear to be nearer or farther with respect to the surface PQ. L ii) How does the shift depend on the thickness PS or QR of the block? R i) Justify your answer in (i) with the help of an appropriate ray diagram, 'v) For the same rectangular glass block, which colour from the visible spectra will produce the maximum shift? 19) ray of monochromatic green light enters a liquid from air, as shown in > figure. The angle 1 is 45° and angle 2 is 20°. Show in the diagram the path of the ray after it strikes the mirror and re-enters air. Calculate the refractive index of the liquid. (Given: sin 45° = 0.7, sin'30° = 0.5) Voume tof2 ‘Universal Tutorials — x ICSE ~ Physics Plane mitror 7 Page 8s Page 96 Home Work: 1) Howis the refractive index of a medium related to the speed of light in it? 2) A ray of light passes from air to water: In Fig. which of the ray A. B,C and D is the correct refracted ray? 3) A ray of light strikes the Surface of a rectangular glass block such that the angle of incidence is (i) 0° (i) 42°. In each case, draw diagram to show the path taken by the ray as it passes through the olass block and emerges from it. 4) How does the angle of deviation produced by a prism change with increase in (i) the angle of incidence, (i) the wavelength of incident ight and ii) the refracting angle of prism 2 5) A ray of light of single colour is incident on an equilateral glass prism placed in the position of minimum deviation. Draw a ray diagram to show the path of the light ray til it emerges out of the prism, 66) A light ray of yellow colour is incident on an equilateral glass prism at an angle of incidence ‘equal to 48° and suffers minimum deviation by an angle of 36°. ()) What will be the angle of emergence? (i) Ifthe angle of incidence is changed to (a) 30°, (b) 60". state whether the angle ‘of deviation will be equal to, less than or more than 36° 7 7) Water in @ pond appears to be only three quarters of its actual depth. What property of light is responsible for this cbservation? Illustrate your answer with the help of a ray diagram. '8) Draw a ray diagram to show the appearanice a stick partially immersed in water. Explain your answer. '9) The diagram in fig shows a point source P inside a water container. Three rays A, B and C starting from P are shown up to the water surface. Show in the diagram the path of these rays after striking the water surface. The critical angle for water-air surtace is 40° 10) The retractive index of glass is 1.5. From a point P inside a glass block, draw rays PA, PB and PC incident on the glass-air surface at an angle of incidence 30°, 42° and 60° respectively. in the diagram show the approximate direction of these rays as they emerge out of the block. What is the angle of refraction for the ray PB? [Take sin 42° = 2/3) 11) -In fig a ray of light PQ is incident normally on the face AB of an equilateral ‘lass prism. Complete the ray diagram showing its emergence into air Sag after passing through the prism. Write the angles of incidence at the faces” ‘AB and AC of the prism. Name the phenomenon which the ray of light = / = \ suffers at the face AB, AC and BC of the prism. wde__ehe 12) Copy fig. (ji) and fig. (iv) and complete it to show the rays emerging out of the prism B. State the principles used for completing the diagram. Fo (i Fo.) 8 13) A ray of light enters a glass slab ABCD as shown in fig. (vi. the critical angle of glass is 42°. Copy the figure and Faw) complete the path till it emerges from the slab. lc 14) Draw diagrams showing the transmission of light from a denser medium to a rarer medium at different angles of incidence such as (i) i 98) \ AES. See the diagram alongside in which rays of incidence, refracted "\ emcnmipeaumat ? fay and emergent rays for rectangular glass slab are drawn pe Incident ray and emergent ray are parallel and so the angle of incidence i and angle of emergence are equal. I ene Volume tof2 Universal Tutorials ~ x ICSE ~ Physics cE} Pages Chapter 05: Refraction through a Lens Retraction through a Lens » Types of Lens » Convex Lens Concave Lens Action of lens as a set of Prisms » Imp. Detintons Ray Diagrams » Convex lens Concave lens » Power of len Eye ~ limitations Simple Microscope Determination of focal length b Distant object method » Auxillary plane Mirror method Uses of lenses Refraction through a len ‘© Allens is a transparent refracting medium bound by two surfaces of which at least one surface is ‘spherical ‘Types of Lenses: Convex Lenses (converging lens): © A lens which is thick in the middle and thinner at its edges is called convex lens. © Types: i) biconvex ii) Plano convex iil) Concavo convex 0 | ¢ ve Lens (diverging lens): © A lens which is thicker at the edges and thinner in the middle is called a concave lens. 50 Universal Tutorials — x [OSE — Physics Volume 12

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