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by Nick Jakos
"something is going on in tbe Underbiue. You can see it on tbe faces doun here. Gangs are
splitting up; fighters are going out on tbeir oun, heading for the breecbesin tbe Hiue utalL
Th"y'rn beading out into tbe Asb Wastesto find glory and ricbes. They'refools if you ask me
The only tbing tbey'It find. out there is deatb in tbe winds. But now it's quiet, and tbe
tlnderbiue is a great place to be. Soget those dreams of tbe desert outta your bead and listen
up. Tbere's fttoney tuaiting to befound bere."
In Necromunda's Underhive there are
criminals around every corner. In the
settlements, unlicensed doctors, trigger
happy mercenaries and drug dealers stir up
the local populations. Rogues in the trading
posts buy and sell illegal equipment,
swindling the unlucky customer for just a
few creds. In the shadows, mutants and
Chaos cults hide and wait for their

opportunity to strike. And everywhere,

vermin of all kinds plague the population. It
is the perfect wodd for a gang that wants
money and fame. To help discourage the
constant crime of the Underhive, the
Guilders post bounties on the scum they
want to get rid of. There are bounties for
anlthing you can imagine. They range from
as small an offence as a citizen who walks
out on his bar tab, to hideous creaturesseen
lurking in the depths below the domes'
Every criminal is made a contract by the
guild, and each contract is given a value.
Gangs on the look out for moneY are
permitted by law to work as bounty hunters
in the Underhive. lf. a gang is willing to
change their way of life a little and take up
life as bounty hunters, there is only one
promise: there is money waiting for them in
the shadows.
Bounty hunting provides ^ very different
and fun playing style for fans of
^re looking
Necromunda who
gangs, players instead use only three or four
fighters from a House. It is also a good way
of bringing out the character of individual
fighters. lf a fighter doesn't have ^
reputation before bounty hunting, he will
certainly have one after. This mini-campaign
also works well with generally few players.
V/hen players grow few and far between,
Bounty hunting is a great way to advance
the story of the campaign without having to
rely on every player being around.
And so what follows is the mini-campaign
system - Bounty Huntefs, and some
accompanying scenarios. In this minicampaign, the players hire and play with

only small groups of fighters from their

House. These 'mini-gangs' then select
targets to go after, an)'thing from a pack of
mutant rats rummaging around a neatby
food plant to a massive mutated rampaging
beast swallowing entire settlements, to
renegade mercenaries holding tradeposts
hostage. These gangs then move against
each target in turn and clean up the streets.
Bounty hunting allows Necromunda players
a chance to work in very different ways and
use a wider variety of fighters than they are
usually accustomed to. Instead of using
gang tactics, the players must get used to
individuals fighting individuals. It also
allows you to break away from the same old
gangs for a while because players may band
together. As the targets to hunt down are all
run by an arbitrator, players who would
otherwise never play the role of arbitrator
now have their chance. I encourage players
who want to try this mini-campaign to allow
each other to use fighters that are already
part of the campaign from their gangs. I

have found this also helps to separate

players from their gangs, and keeps them
from playing it safe for fear they may lose
their star fighter.
Along with the rules for the Bounty Hunting
mini-campaign a few scenarios are included,
ideal for a bounty hunt. These scenariosare
all designed as Arbitrator scenarios
although they can be customised as two
player scenarios.
Finally, thank you to all you die-hard
Necromunda fans for reading and, hopefully,
giving this mini-campaign a try Enjoy!

The Bounty Hunters mini-campaign takes place
during a lull in gang fighting in the Underhive.
As gangs divide and head for the Ash Wastes,
the Guilds are having a slight difficulty
maintaining control in the setdements and a
large number of bounties have been offered to
anyone willing to keep the peace.Nonl gangers
have the chance to form into bands ofbountv

hunters on the lookout for the wanted. When

they are finished, they will be stronger, smarter
and much richer!
The campaign works best with between two
and six players. Each player will form ^ gang
of bounty hunters and each player will have
to assume the role of the arbitrator at one
point or another. Generally, the arbitrator
will control the targets each gang is hunting.

Once the players have decided to begin the
all action in the regular
campaign stops. Each player must now
create his Bounty Hunter warband. The
gang is assembled just like a regular gang,
using 1,000 creds to create the force. Bands
may be made up of no more than two
Heavies, and no more than half the group
may be Juves (or their equivalent).
in the
are not permitted
campaign. Players wishing to play with
Bounty Hunters will play as arbitrators.
Spyrers are not present in the campaign at all.
In addition to creating a gang from scratch, as
^ garrg is created, the players also have the
option of picking to use fighters who are
akeady a part of the campaign. These fighters
are hired in the same way as regular fighters,
worth their cost plus experience in creds.
Leaders that exist in the campaign may not be
used in a bounty hunting warband.

For the Bounty Hunting campaign, each
gang is permitted to hire up to two Hired
Guns at the beginning of the campaign.
These guns will stay with the gang for the
entire campaign, or until the player
dismisses them. To hire a gun, the
players must pay twice the standard hire
fee and three times the cost for a Bounfy
Hunter. This is only paid once at the start
of the campaign. Hired Guns count as a
of the gang for purposes
the rewards (described in
detail later). Once a gang has been
initially created, it cannot be changed.
Players cannot hire any other fighters
until the campaign is over.
Once the gang has been formed, the
player must nominate a leader. This does
not have to be a leader purchased brand
new. In fact, the leader can be any
member of the gang the player wants.
Maybe a very experienced Ganger, maybe
a Hired Gun. Juves are the only fighters
who may not be the leader. The elected
leader ofthe gang inherits the Leadership
skill for the duration of the campaign,
and will be the one to go to the trading
posts and make deals.
The gang is given only a single piece of
territory a settlement, from which they may
collect the usual 30 creds. They may not,
however, roll to acquire more Juves as in a
regular campaign.

Once the gang have been assembled, its
time to find out who they will be hunting.
The number of targets to hunt can be
decided ^ny way. Usually, a roll of a D6 or
2D6 will do fine, though for larger
campaigns, more bounties will be needed.
Generally speaking, the more bounties
there are, the smaller your battles will be usually only involving two gangs. The fewer
targets, the larger the battle, with as many as
three or four gangs hunting the same
bounty in the same game.
The bounties can be neady anything,
though normally hunters only look for the
biggest bounties to catch. Once the number
of bounties has been determined, each
bounty must roll on the Bounty Thble to
determine what exactly it is. This roll is
made on a2D6.

Once the bounties have been selected,

they must each be given a value. The
easiest way to do this is by using the
Bestiary in the Outlanders book and
using the rating of each creature as a
is completely
base. This
however. Make sure the
rewards are big enough to be worth the
effort, but not so big as to tip the scales to
one, very rich side.

There are a number of ways to go about
bounty hunting. I will cover two of them
here. Each method bears its own fruit, and
in my experience they have both been
tremendously fun. Of course, feel free to
play in as many different ways as you can
think of and be sure to let me know what
works best.

The first and easiest method to play the
bounty hunt is with a single gang. In this
method, a player's entire gang goes on a
search for the targets together. Each player
plays against the arbitrator individually and
competes with every other gang.


To play this method, each gang may choose

up to D3 of the listed targets theywould like
to go after. This means that bounties that
are not worth much money will have no
huntefs, whilst the most expensive tafgets
will likely have quite a few hunters.
playing using this method, the gang goes up
against a target and collects the reward
together, splitting the reward only after the
campaign is over.

This method is a lot more fun. Ifith this
method, each player's gang is broken down
and every fighter must hunt up to D3 targets
on his own. This means that when multiple
gangs send fighters after one target, those
fighters can then band together. In terms of
the battle it means that two or three players
can team up against the arbitrator. This also
means that more targets can be hunted
though there is probably a better chance of
them getting away.
If playing the team method, a reward for a
bounty is dMded amongst all of the fighters
who took part. They then take their share
back to the gang.
Irhen bounty hunting, it is best to keep a
chart or list of the players, the targets and
the status of battles so far. Each target will
be hunted in order until it has been
eliminated or has escaped. Once all the
targets have been eliminated
or has
escaped, the players can either choose to
roll up new targets or end the campaign.

Once a target has been chosen and the
hunters decided it's time to get playing they
need to decide on a scenario. Almost all
scenarios will work for a Bounty Hunt, as
well as those included later. Before each
game one selected player must roll 2D6 on
the Bounty Hunter Scenario table opposite.
For some of the stranger bounties, such as
vermin, Zombies and monsters, the games

will be a bit different. Rather than only one

target to eliminate, there may sometimes be
hordes of creatures. The players should
choose the best way to fight such creatures.

A DAY11{
Once a game in the Bounty
campaign has ended, the post game
sequence changes only slightly from that of
the normal campaign. Experience, skills and
injuries are all handled in the same way as
V/hilst ^ garrg is hunting a target it has little
time to stop offat the tradepost or make any
extra money. Whilst hunting a target, the
gang may do nothing after the battle but
forage for food in the same way Outlanders
do. They may not purchase newweapons or
equipment, go to the trading post or any
other activitf
Once a target has been captured, the gang
may make their way back to a settlement
and trade as normal. At this time, they
receive their reward, may buy equipment,
trade and send one of their men to get extra
money at the settlement.

Once all of the targets have been taken out
or have escaped. the mini-campaign is over.
All rewards are given out and then divided
evenly between the members of the gang.

With their reward, the fighters return to their

gangs to fight in the campaign once again.
Hunters who have not played in the
campaign have a few options once the game
is over. First, the player may decide to make
these fighters either mercenaries or Bounty
Hunters and they will keep their stats and
equipment and become a Hired Gun for the
usual fee.
The player may also hire the fighter into his
own gang. He will join a regular gang for
75% ofhis cost plus Experience. From then
on, he joins the gang permanently.

Here is a list of scenarios that will work
perfectly for Bounty Hunting. These
will be coverednext issue.

Gang Fight
Storming the Barricades
The Heist
Hit and Run
It Came from the Sump
I Survived the Zombie Lair

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