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Childhood Cancer Survey Graph & Conclusion Essay

Survey Questions (Strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree)

1. Enough money is provided for childhood cancer research
2. Cancer is more likely to occur in adults rather than children
3. Cancer is something that children should never have to go through
4. Scientists already know everything they can about childhood cancer
5. Cancer only affects the patient, but nobody else
6. Recovering from cancer is a very quick and easy process

Childhood Cancer Survey


Strongly Agree



Strongly Disagree

Throughout my life, I have watched many children, including my little
brother, battle the terrible disease known as cancer, and also the affects that
are left lingering on the body. A lot of times when people think about cancer,
they think about cancer in adults, and not necessarily children. I conducted
my survey on childhood cancer to determine if people had an understanding
of childhood cancer as well as they do adult cancer.
The first statement that I gave on my survey was Enough money is
provided for childhood cancer research. When I analyzed the responses that
I obtained, these were the results: one person strongly agreed with this
statement, 9 people agreed, 38 people disagreed, and 7 people strongly
disagreed. One reason why I am conducting this survey is to try to get the
general population to understand that childhood cancer research is
underfunded. Out of all of the money spent on cancer research, only 4% of it
actually goes to childrens cancers. It is my hope to make the 10 people who
agreed with this statement to understand that childhood cancer research
needs a lot more than just 4% of the overall funds. I am very glad to see that
there were 38 people who disagreed with this statement and 7 people who
strongly disagreed.

The next statement that I gave was Cancer is more likely to occur in
adults rather than children. When I collected the answers for this question, I
had two people strongly agree with this statement. I also had 14 people
agree with this statement and 40 people who either disagreed or strongly
disagreed. It is my goal to inform people that cancer is just as common in
children as it is in adults. Many people are not as educated as they should be
about childhood cancer, and that is what I am trying to change.
The third statement that I gave on my survey was Cancer is
something that children should never have to go through. The responses
that I got to this statement are as follows: 48 people strongly agree, 7 people
agree, and 1 person disagrees. I am hoping that the person that disagreed
just misread the question, because cancer is without a doubt something that
children should never have to go through. Cancer takes away so many things
from a Childs life, and it changes them forever. It is hard to watch a child
struggle through cancer treatment, because no child deserves that.
The fourth statement that I gave on my survey was Scientists already
know everything they can about childhood cancer. The responses that I got
for this statement are as follows: I had two people agree, 23 people disagree,
and 31 people strongly disagree. This statement is very inaccurate, because
scientists still have a lot to discover about childhood cancer. One goal I have
in mind is to try to get people to understand that childhood cancer is very
underfunded and if there was more money, scientists could do more thorough
research on childhood cancer.
Next, I gave the statement Cancer only affects the patients, but
nobody else. The responses that I got for this statement were as follows:
One person strongly agreed, 10 people disagreed, and 45 people strongly
disagreed. Cancer is something that not only affects the patient, but also
really affects the family and friends of the patient. When someone you know
and love gets diagnosed with cancer, it hits you harder than anything else
could. A lot of times, you just wish you could trade places with the patient.
The final statement that I gave was Recovering from cancer is a very
quick and easy process. The responses that I received from this question
were as follows: 7 people disagreed and 49 people strongly disagreed. I am
glad that people know that it is not a quick and easy process. I have watched
my brother continue to struggle with recovering from cancer almost two
years after he was officially clear of cancer. There are many side effects of
cancer treatment, and sometimes these ailments can last a lifetime. The
entire process of treating and recovering from childhood cancer are very
difficult for not only the patient, but also for the family and friends of the

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