The Headteacher's Final Thoughts: Kinnaird Primary School Newsletter 1 April 2016

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Kinnaird Primary School

1stApril 2016

Learn to Live. Live to Learn.

The headteachers final thoughts

Today feels very strange as I will be signing out of Kinnaird for the
final time as headteacher. Over the past few weeks, as Ive been
preparing for the handover to a new headteacher, I have had cause
to look through all my files and documents relating to Kinnaird since
it first opened in August 2007. It reminded me of just how much
the school has achieved in that time!
Kinnaird has now served its first generation of pupils ; the current
Primary 7s having been the 3 year-olds in the nursery in 2007. Over the years the school has
developed a strong and proud reputation within the local community, helping to entice people
to move to the area. Its warm, welcoming and inclusive culture has been maintained, despite
the schools rapid growth. The many visitors to the school always make particular comment
about this.
I have been fortunate to have worked with a highly dedicated and professional staff team.
The team has grown from strength to strength over the years and the children have
benefitted from having such a wide range of specialist talents, interests and skill sets
available to them. Its not just the teaching and support staff that have demonstrated such
commitment to the school, the kitchen and cleaning staff, crossing patrol and a wide range of
partner agencies have all done so too. I extend my personal thanks to each one of them, it
has been a privilege working with them. I have no doubt that they will afford my replacement
the same level of dedication.
Its the children who make a school and we have wonderful children at Kinnaird who are a
credit to their parents! They display an eagerness to learn and have such a wide range of
skills and talents. It has been an absolute pleasure watching them grow and develop over the
years and I wish them all every success for the future. I will certainly be continuing to enjoy
sharing their learning and successes through the schools Twitter page when Im gone!
I was hugely grateful of the tremendous support I have received from parents over the
years. The whole school community has played a large part in making the school what it is
today. In particular I would like to thank the huge team of parents who give of their time on
a regular basis to support the work of the school. School cafs, the school library, the dining
room and even the tooth-brushing programme just wouldnt run so efficiently without these

volunteers! The school has always been ably support by an active Parent Council and PTA.
Their contributions to the school have been significant and it has been a pleasure working
alongside them.
I am extremely proud of the fact that I as the first headteacher here, it has been a honour
to serve such a wonderful community! I have no doubt that Kinnaird will continue to develop
and flourish in the future. I wish the whole school community all the very best and thank you
all for making the past nine years some of the most rewarding in my career.
Best wishes

Pamela Adamson

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