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Session 1 Outline





Wheel of Life Satisfaction handout

Health Coaching Pre-Survey

a. Welcome group members for participating in the pilot group health
coaching sessions.
b. Say: Participants that those who complete the program will earn their
Weight Smart Badge, worth $50, in the Healthy Rewards payout on
September 22, 2016.
c. Brief introductions of coaches.
Laying the Coaching Foundation
a. Explain to participants briefly what health coaching is
b. Say/paraphrase all of the following: Health coaching is
i. Client-centered: Participants self-identify their own goals and
explore ways that they can build up to achieving those goals.
1. The participant is in charge of making the decision to
ii. Partner: Coaches help guide and facilitate the clients process of
change in achieving those goals providing accountability and
support along the way. The group members also will aid in this
process. The group and coaches are here to help the participants
gain the knowledge, skills, tools, and confidence to engage in
behavior change.
1. Coaches and group members are not here to decide for the
participant what he/she should do.
iii. Authentic presence: The coaches and group members should be
actively listening to whoever has the floor.
iv. Mindset shift: A health coach is a mindset shift from the expert
or educator role to a partner. Coaches:
1. Accept problems as challenges
2. Are not fixers but facilitators
3. Advocate for the participants to take control of the process
4. Promote independence and exploration
5. Focus on motivation, not information
Guidelines of the Sessions
a. Explain to participants the ground rules of the sessions.
b. Say/paraphrase the following: There are a few basic ground rules we
would like you all to follow during the health coaching sessions.
i. Confidentiality: We ask that participants not repeat sensitive
group information to others outside of the group. We want to create
a comfortable environment, where everyone can feel safe sharing.



ii. Time management: We have a short amount of time together

each week and we want to be able to take advantage of the time
we do have together. We ask that you show up on time for the
sessions and let us know if you are going to be running late.
iii. Share the floor: Every group member is important and we want to
make sure those who want to share, are able to. Due to the short
duration of the sessions, we may not be able to have everyone
1. Those who are not sharing at the time, should be taking
notes about the participant who is sharings successes and
obstacles to see if there are commonalities that we can
address as a group. This way we will be able to help coach
more than one participant at a time.
iv. Accepting and non-judgmental: We ask that participants refrain
from criticism and respect that everyone is at a different level with
their weight loss journey.
1. Participants should feel comfortable sharing with the group.
We expect everyone to be understanding that each
participant may have different values, beliefs, supports,
habits, and behaviors.
Wheel of Life Satisfaction Handout & Pre-Survey
a. Have participants complete the WOL Satisfaction handout.
b. Say/paraphrase the following:
i. Please fill out the Wheel of Life Satisfaction handout by rating
yourself in each area on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest
and 10 being the highest.
c. Provide participants with Health Coaching Pre-Survey to fill out during
session (if time allows).
i. If time runs out, let group members take the pre-survey home but
remind them that they will need to bring it back to next weeks
End Session
a. Close the session by thanking group members for participating in the pilot
group health coaching program.
b. Let the participants know that next week will begin the true coaching

Session 2 Outline





Action Planning Handout

Wheel of Readiness for Change Handout

Welcome and engagement

a. Check-in with group members and see how the past week has been for
b. Collect the Health Coaching Pre-Surveys (if participants took these home).
Review of the Wheel of Life Satisfaction Handout
a. Ask for a volunteer to share their results from the WOL Satisfaction.
b. Say/paraphrase the following:
i. What did you learn about yourself by completing the WOL?
ii. Which areas on the WOL did you notice are the highest?
iii. In the areas you ranked lowest, what would it take to get to your
ideal number for that area? Ex: Ranked Health & Well-Being as a
4 and ideal satisfaction level is a 7. What would it take to move you
from a 4 to a 7?
iv. How do you think these different areas of life satisfaction might
influence each other to have an effect on your weight
management/weight loss?
a. Ask other group members if they shared similar highs and lows with their
WOL handouts.
b. Collect the WOL Satisfaction handouts.
Action Planning (Explaining Parts)
a. Provide all group members with the action planning sheet.
b. Explain action planning and goal setting (SMART goals).
c. Say/paraphrase the following: When creating your action plan, you
should follow these simple steps.
i. Make the goal something YOU want or decide to do.
1. Your goal should not be what someone else thinks you
should do (e.g. spouse, friend, co-worker, family member,
etc.) or what you think we (coaches) want you to do. If you
follow a goal that someone else chooses for you, then you
may lack the intrinsic motivation required to achieve it.
ii. Make the goal achievable.
1. Your goal should be something you can expect to be able to
do this week. For example, you wouldnt make a goal to run
5 miles a day if you currently do not run.
iii. Make the goal action specific.
1. Your goal should not be to lose weight. Losing weight is
NOT an action or behavior. Replacing snacks with fruits or



vegetables between meals is an action/behavior. Losing

weight is the RESULT of the action.
iv. Make the goal as specific as possible by answering these
questions (refer participants to the action planning worksheet):
1. What?specific action (Walk)
2. How much?time, distance, amount (30 min.)
3. When?time of day or days of the week (in the morning)
4. How often?number of days of the week (3x)
a. *Can combine when & how
b. From this example, this persons goal would be to
walk 30 minutes in the morning 3 times a week. This
person could make the goal more specific by taking a
step further and saying he/she will walk 30 minutes in
the morning on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
v. The goal should have a confidence level.
1. Your confidence level for your goal should be at a 7 or
a. This ensures they are committed to the goal and
ready to make changes.
b. If participants indicate a number that is lower, ask
them what will it take/how can they modify their goal
to reach at least a 7.
vi. Setting goals will be a weekly occurrence during sessions.
1. You will be creating a weekly goal to share with the group
that follows this format.
Action Planning (Fill Out Sheet)
a. Have participants fill out the action planning sheet.
b. Ask the group for a volunteer to share their goal they came up with.
i. If no one volunteers, one of the coaches should share their goal for
the following week as an example.
End Session/Assignment
a. Thank participants for attending and give them the Wheel of Readiness for
Change handout as their assignment for the upcoming week.
b. Explain to participants that we will be reviewing our action plans next week
and they should complete the Wheel of Readiness for Change before next
weeks session.

Session 3 Outline




Welcome and engagement

a. Check-in with group members and see how the past week has been for
Review of Wheel of Readiness For Change
a. Ask for a volunteer to share their results from the handout.
i. Were there any of the 8 areas that you were surprised to see how
you ranked yourself?
ii. Did you find that your score indicated you were ready for change?
iii. Did you see any relation between the goal you made and the
Wheel of Readiness for Change?
1. Possibility of ranking lower in certain areas not matching up
with goal not ready to make that particular change yet
iv. Score Interpretation
1. 32-40 pts.= High level of readiness
a. You are ready to make the changes you have
2. 23-31 pts.= Moderate level of readiness
a. What would help you be more ready to make the
changes you have selected?
3. 14-22 pts.= Low level of readiness
a. Explore your answers with your coachwhat is
holding you back?
4. Below 14 pts.= Very low level of readiness
a. Explore your answers with your coachconsider
choosing another focus area.
Review of Action Plans/Goals
a. Ask a new volunteer to share their successes, barriers, etc. with the goal
they created from the previous week.
i. Have other group members take notes and provide suggestions for
overcoming obstacles/to see if they shared common struggles
b. Discussion.
i. What went well?
ii. How were you successful? (if goal is met)
iii. How will you continue to be successful? (if goal is met)
iv. What challenges did you encounter?
v. How have you been successful in the past? or Whats something
from a past success you can use in this situation?
vi. What are possible solutions?
vii. Will you continue with the same goal/overcoming those barriers, or
would you like to focus on a new goal?
viii. Ask the group if others shared similar experiences with meeting
their goals.
End Session/Agreement

a. Thank the participants for coming and have participants share their goal
for the upcoming week in 30 sec. or less.
b. Remind the participants we will be going over goals and the
successes/barriers next week as well.

Session 4 Outline



Bubble Tool Sheet

Welcome and engagement

a. Check-in with group members and see how the past week has been for
Bubble Tool
a. Introduce the Bubble Tool and provide a copy for all group members.
b. Have the same volunteer (or a new volunteer) map out steps to achieve
the goal and possible barriers, through the Bubble Tool.
*Not all bubbles have to be used.
c. *Note: You do not need to provide all these examples. Only use them as a
guide if group members get stuck.
i. You do not need to go through the whole example either. Let the
volunteer/group members guide the way through overcoming the
barriers and presenting possible solutions.
d. Say/paraphrase the following for an example:
i. My goal is to try to eat healthier this week (Put this in the largest
ii. Im going to achieve this by bringing my lunch 3 times this week
(Put this in one of the middle sized bubble).
1. What steps go into bringing my lunch?
a. I will need to prepare the food for my lunches ahead
of time. (Put this in another middle sized bubble).
2. What steps go into preparing my food for my lunches?
a. I will need to buy Tupperware, going grocery
shopping, find the time to be able to meal prep, etc.
3. Now that Ive addressed the steps for making sure my
lunch will be prepped and ready to go, what barriers might
come up that could prevent me from eating my lunch?
a. A co-worker could ask me to go eat with them at the
cafeteria/go off-site and get food (Put this in a small
sized bubble).
b. I might forget to grab my packed lunch and leave it
at home (Put this in a small sized bubble).



c. I might forget to eat my lunch (Put this in a small

sized bubble).
i. How can I overcome these barriers?
Review of Action Plans/Goals
a. Ask a new volunteer to share their successes, barriers, etc. with the goal
they created from the previous week.
i. Have other group members take notes and provide suggestions for
overcoming obstacles/to see if they shared common struggles.
b. Discussion.
i. What went well?
ii. How were you successful? (if goal is met)
iii. How will you continue to be successful? (if goal is met)
iv. What challenges did you encounter?
v. How have you been successful in the past? or Whats something
from a past success you can use in this situation?
vi. What are possible solutions?
vii. Will you continue with the same goal/overcoming those barriers, or
would you like to focus on a new goal?
c. Ask the group if others shared similar experiences with meeting their
End Session/Agreement
a. Thank the participants for coming and have participants share their goal
for the upcoming week in 30 sec. or less.
b. Remind the participants we will be going over goals and the
successes/barriers next week as well.

Session 5 Outline





Connectedness Scale Tool Sheet

Welcome and engagement
a. Check-in with group members and see how the past week has been for
Connectedness Scale Tool
a. Provide group members with the Connectedness Scale Tool.
b. Allow participants a few minutes to rank themselves in each of the four
c. Discussion (ask for a volunteer).
i. What were your results of this activity (Connectedness Score)?
ii. Were you surprised to see certain areas that you ranked higher or
iii. Share at least one thought about this activity.
iv. What is one thing you learned about yourself and/or a certain area
of your life through this activity?
Review of Action Plans/Goals
a. Ask a new volunteer to share their successes, barriers, etc. with the goal
they created from the previous week.
i. Have other group members take notes and provide suggestions for
overcoming obstacles/to see if they shared common struggles.
b. Discussion.
i. What went well?
ii. How were you successful? (if goal is met)
iii. How will you continue to be successful? (if goal is met)
iv. What challenges did you encounter?
v. How have you been successful in the past? or Whats something
from a past success you can use in this situation?
vi. What are possible solutions?
vii. Will you continue with the same goal/overcoming those barriers, or
would you like to focus on a new goal?
c. Ask the group if others shared similar experiences with meeting their
End Session/Agreement
a. Thank the participants for coming and have participants share their goal
for the upcoming week in 30 sec. or less.
b. Remind the participants we will be going over goals and the
successes/barriers next week as well.

Session 6 Outline





Wheel of Life Satisfaction handout

Health Coaching Post-Survey
Program Satisfaction Survey

Welcome and engagement

a. Check-in with group members and see how the past week has been for
Review of Action Plans/Goals
a. Ask a new volunteer to share their successes, barriers, etc. with the goal
they created from the previous week.
i. Have other group members take notes and provide suggestions for
overcoming obstacles/to see if they shared common struggles.
b. Discussion.
i. What went well?
ii. How were you successful? (if goal is met)
iii. How will you continue to be successful? (if goal is met)
iv. What challenges did you encounter?
v. How have you been successful in the past? or Whats something
from a past success you can use in this situation?
vi. What are possible solutions?
c. Ask the group if others shared similar experiences with meeting their
WOL Satisfaction Handout, Post-Survey, & Program Satisfaction Survey
a. Provide participants with WOL Satisfaction to complete during the session.
b. Provide participants with Health Coaching Post-Survey to complete during
the session.
c. Provide participants with Program Satisfaction Survey to complete during
the session.
End Session
a. Close the session by thanking group members for participating in the pilot
group health coaching program.
b. Congratulate participants on their success and skill building over the past
six weeks.
c. Collect the WOL Satisfaction Handouts, Post-Surveys, and Program
Satisfaction Surveys.

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