The Analysis of Categorical Data

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| THE ANALYSIS OF CATEGORICAL DATA NO nan! GRIPFIN’S STATISTL MONOGRAPHS & CO. susie pau esanstexe ate m5 mn PUBLISHERS’ NOTE ‘As its tile implies, the Seis in which this volume appears has two Durposts. One is fo encourage the pubestion of monographs on ‘vanced or specaised pis in, or elated to, the theory and fppeations of probability and statics uch works may sometimes {more suited fo te prsea arn of publication berate the epic ily and states, which re fometines based on unpublished lectures, “The Seis was edited fiom is inception in 1987 by Profesor ‘Maurice G: Kendall under whose editorship he fst 21 volomes in the Series appeared. He was Succeeded as editor in 195 by Proessor Alan Suse “The publsers wil be interested in approaches fom any authors who have work of portance ita fo the Serie CHARLES ORIFFIN.& CO. LTD. L ‘ORIPEINYS STATISTICAL MONOGRAPHS AND COURSES ‘he ana of ai tine series A come mate oa ‘Tefen of stitial esol Tse te of tte seine ‘stun ‘nae ott may vars ea bean Mathenatal mtd the thery of seung a. ec ‘cours the gency of dnc hove ‘enon wane ant eben en Sassoon Geom rey Seana. an te so ‘ebm oe meas ‘ot Stata amet of he i hacer neon bigot re em. msoxeane Application of charter factions, each oho ta ‘net oor rons eas nates equate on ditto frtions ican Se fi ha pray hoy mao tah of rnc: ie nase Pere ‘The fwar ypthere» goer hers oarsmen Econometrics ent reo een) Socially dipenent quran halry test “fr econo rence Paren anconfertns a fe pees ame ‘Theratiemas of experinenta den: alt ‘ek den al ar gure : Cuma tt: tered proctoe 5 Stata mnt ad et xprinetlepenon.oFtsea0 5 Slalntea flernce eto leno enon". gor Fale fart dea ton | inca ese ces with epost ‘The generation of rom verses “rrr newman and oom Fanti of rene drone veo ‘fiat couse shee, rena NOL hele remain th pel eo ‘ter Noy sw. past No. 33: Represonetinaion fom prompd rvtion —Y.unan No: Stcarepla process an th apc No.5, formerly Chaacteite Paton by B. Lace, it sow published tndependeny ofthe Serie ora sof ther statis ap mathemati books se bck cove. THE ANALYSIS OF CATEGORICAL DATA R. L. PLACKETT, ma, se. Professor of Stats Unive a Newest upon Type PELGL Monograph No.35 Series Er ALAN STUART ‘CHARLES GHPFHN & COMPANY UnAITED ‘2 DRURY LANE, LONDON WCan sex opt @ RL PLACKET, 198 Alsi wv Nop i ook aye ocd or {i inaing oop ark sa ses Eipgesgetion ten ihn sion ss Fou pubiied 1974 $8.7 2 W.C ities 1g London N12 OL ‘sina et ny Mei Se Mtr Lad contants Preface Aeknoeigemens 1 ‘THE POISSON DistrAMUTION LI Tatodveton 12. Propertiss of Poison variates 13. Inforencer about SINGLE CLASSIFICATIONS 24 Repone 22 Homogenaty 23 Lagessmple txts 24 Cycles 25 Goodnes of "TWO.WAY CLASSIFICATIONS. BAL Contingency tables 32 Vaviation of respons 2x 2 TABLES A Hypoqeomotieaebation 42 Extended hypegromett di 43 Sample cosprodet ratio 44° atimiton of 45 45 Xs TABLES Si Distiution theory 52 Bstintion of 2 53 Mypothees aot X 54 Patton of disque 55. Symmetie table 516 Incomplete tables age wt wi SSSE2RR SASSLEE BRESS azneue wee | | ' t 6 MODELS AND METHODS 62 63 4 ‘Staite mode Logit regeson near model opines dle 7 THREEWAY CLASSIEICATIONS a 2 2 14 13 16 “Thvcedimesional contingency tables Amotton of thee sepontes Ditton theory [Experiments fvoving factors Estimation and test procedres, [Nomi examples i. 8 waTeHING a1 22 83 Dasges and hypotheses Matched te iicency of matched pis for binary date 9 MULTIVARIATE DATA, 9.1 Muludlimensoul contingency abies 9.2, Panis of analysis 913 Multrate blary data 914 Allocation rte 9.5. Numail example Brerces References Autor Index Subject Index Experiment Indes 110 un 13 us 40 1st 1s 159, PREFACE Cater data ase whenever counts ate mae insted of mesiemea ‘They foun an inprtant pont of statin inforation, especially fa meine an the social scenes. Tel analy bas bees develope ove ong pei, beggin i leary marked by Katt Pesan’ fs pope | 1900, Many significant contibutons were made by RA, Fisher, Notwit standing thes ery avant, the methodology for cunts hs been gen Js attention and tas grown more slowly than the methodslgy for mene ments However, progress las continued steady, and the subject now ba dete structure which an for the bs of ture developmen, An taser naive phase, preoccupied et withthe invention of coffins te ttt wit the formoltion of hypotheses, as bee repled by 2 pote phase in which modal ar exploed. Present conditions therfore jetiy ‘mother adion tothe modest number of books which ae solely concened ‘ath the analy of exept daa ‘The objects of this book ae to desrbe the principal concept, ex how they ae combined to fre sates) ethos, stat how the methods af apple in patie, inate the mir branches of the wb, ‘nd sues intresting questions which remain to be studied, Rexders shold fave thorough grasp of th bse prncpe of east Inference The book intended for students aking vanced cour in slatitie,eahert Ht Insions of higher education, and research workers in methodology ot eis of appleaton. ‘Sultes i concersed with the collection, analy, and interpretation of sia, Consequently the materials preseted inthe erm ofa bance beleen tho problems posed by practical examples and the hnurtel struct i hich they are eae, Lengthy setions of mathemati argument re voided by ging poof in outline or omg them altogether, A esd ‘who wishes to have father detail wil usally Hid that vefrenessuient for fis purpose te piced at suitable pointe though the text and exerci, ‘Shak sigoponts can be fgnored by thore who ae spy intrested in the ‘sie echalgue. The main ext dels with road lines of development, and Isextended by te exercises, where many sisi reste ae presen ' problems, Much these trestint i accorded to the aplietions, which Text les interpretation, and the exer ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘am patel fo Rank Anscombe, Vie Bstnt, Dennis Hrs, Davd Newel tnd An Stuart fr thelr comments and coatsbution; a Shela Boyd for {he conttlon of comps programs mh ceubton, and dawiag the lags; to Joyce ge or preparing the typescript at delag with cone- ‘spondence; sd to James R. Giffin fr help advice. 1 acknowledge the seneroity of authors wo hae alowel me to quote dats fom thelr Books ‘rps, and whose names ae gen he txt. also wi to thank: Mr 418. Greenwood; the Tastes of Bometrit, the Brome Sock, the Royal Sttstal Society, the Masachusstts Meal oct, bests Methven Lid, and Stanfd University Pre the eitor of taal of Apple Boog, es Medi! Sonal, Chemie Engineering Pogrest, Japanese Joural of Geology and Geography, Jour of Horteulural Since, ad Operational ‘Resch Quarter the pubsher of Anas of Haman Genter, Joie (of Experimental Eauntion, aud owen of Hyiee; athe er and Ps of Bris Jour of Preventive and Soll Meine Tam solely export for any defect that may he found inthe Book would be gla to have notfestion of thee oecurene, wi 4 THE POISSON pIsTRIBUTION 1A tatrodetion [Ars 0 has a Psion dstibtion with paameter# when (P=) = whem G = 0,1,25...50>O) We ay tha Vis 9 (The distbuion ose cent plse fa te alysis of categorical ata. Tee ae serene, Follows Hi, 1960. (The dstibuion often roids stsatory desertion of experiment 0;0>0,8> 0), “Then K bas the negate bina datsbtion inn = (2) aro (1 weno (5) Shi Gh) According on hypothe of wldnt poten, ndutilworkers ean ‘be died into groups sch tat the punber a acento Alston tht rope, an he Poison preter has anne St Seton oe th gen, Tae 13 ake om remwood a Yle 1920), and pes» tequeney dtubuten a he munber of ents to 434 macht te month oper wh he expel een, covesjoning to «Pason dition sd a negate bionil on, “he pant of the negte Bm dstton were etal by, aig te sbiened mean an ct to the ewe! ae a inpcton of he ale sget hat the weave Co distin is the cere fequnces beter than the Poison dtitation HUB STADLE 1.3__Accfons to 414 machi in tee months No esdont ot 2 3 4 s+ Tot Frequeney ovewed 2966S Bypected (Posen) 25612230 Sta Bopected (neuine 299 HSL ‘bison Suppose that YY, whic ace Metcaly di 8). A genrtizd Poison vant Zs dfiaed by Bm WAN bh Yye ere ie 4). The probity pneaing Funetion of Z bs BEA) = exp (al — cample 14 bs a Poivon dsbuton wih parameter X Then Z hat ¢ Ney type A distabulon. Bxonple 13 Y bas ogni wis dstlbtion defined by £6) = lou(l —aailog(1—a) O, ence, for ie o a POI) By ‘obtained by refering 1 ks dtbtion conditional on +My =n ‘supplemented by randomization a order to atin a specie significance Jere (Lakann, 1959, p, 14017), However, rdomiation fe sldom If raed in pace aay fr (vo ean Fist, we ae nersted mie ‘in the level of spine than wheter or not wpa vale is exceeded ad secondly, inferences shook pot depen on @ dice which teas ro ‘elation tothe problem stiled. The condition! ditbution of MI bi ‘om with nde and probably flu, 1). When = the gee sy i nd the variate (24, aa! converges 1. (0, Hat => have different dstibutons or ‘Bumple 2.6 Table 21, the Frequency of seule mphai leukaemia 25 forthe Mt sc montis and 261 foe te second se onthe. Ase that the frequencies ae observations on Pt) and # (i) respectively ad ‘omar the hypothesis ny =p. The observed wae of QM, na 0-71, which gies no evidnse fa the testion 9 py Wien r> 2,90 tof homogeneity canbe wifermly most poweal inst a gener aornatve, The choie of test extson wl wal ie between the inex of dipeson ad the ikethoodtto ait, Moet of ha follows i cowcened withthe iat extsan, not Boose i Is prefered but because Hs Been ven mow attention. Bes tes of homoge ne discussed by Good (1967, The Poison dex of aiperson X7 i defined by 2? = ani, 23° ie spec eae of Katt Pesos tise 2 (Obsewed ~ bepecte)xpected for testing the eement of bere and expos frequencies, On ths ‘ul was proposed ws a teat of Yi by Per, Thorton and Mackenzie (41922), The pred of testing with ls now 3 the pert ot arance tes, beau Nf ~ 1) thera the ample wane tothe 0 sample mean, Ths 2A ~ 1) approximately | for «sample from Pobson dibutin bu wil tend to exceed FM, Myers By hae di ferent Poison distbutons or te sie mixed Polson daiation "These Inti eas hae bean fonmalzed hy Potthot? ad Whiting (1966), ‘ho prove the flowing elt, Among all untied test fly aia yy the diperson ts is most powerful for o sir luo to tre, espe Ave of the vale of Selby (1955) shows that Xe a tsi setae wid ested maximum ino esination procedures, We shall prove a {he following seton that X? can be deed Ioan the le-sample theory ‘oF texting spl hypotess against compost altenatine, Wen yi tue, fet be the someon value of jy vss Ap Since ‘s suit frp, the ditrbuton of 4° conditional on = I indepen: ent of an depends oly 09 ar. Th detibutionconeres to 92 61°» (Cram, 1945, sect 30.1). The adequacy ofthe seympote di tnbotion when is nite as been examen deal Cover fis te ‘moments of 1° colton on A =m, which ae evaluated by Haldane (1937, Hoet (1943), and Tso and Cais (1956), ing varlous methods, For example, BOM =m) = 1) and 1 compared with BOB) = 0-1) and verde) = 26-0, “Te rapity with which the thin and fourth canons ted to those of ‘da, depends rani on , and partly om 7 Por sal acs of mas the exact dsiotion can be enumerated. Tabs ae pve by Reo end (Cakravarti (1956, and Chakrvarl and Rao (1959) Hower, the ite a hich de numberof partitions of » iene with eventual sets the {tsk of enumeration beyond the power of any compas. Recourse mst thn be modo to Moate Carlo expres, The ress obtained by Cache (4936), Lancaster and Brown (1965), Sake (1966), and Good, Gover and Mitchel (1970) show that the apreemest boyeen te contol bution! (f X? and a2. canbe ssactory down 10 gules values of “Tae observed valu of ¥? computed feo the Fx var PL m) = 26-1014, re ajn—n, fom the defnition of 1, depending espectinly on whether or not & Akektop eaeulstor i wed, ‘Bxample 2.7 Foe the dats in Table 2.1, Pe m= $06, and En = 22236 ‘he obi ye of X76 213. Sine Xu. es = 19°, tow 6 lgalesn ‘avalon i he numberof ese fom month To month Bumple 28° Forte dala Tale 1, r= 850, Wen ri le, the slgieance af Xie etl by reetng the deviation 2x7 = Graph oa table of K(,1). Te observed value of X? is 589, which gs vation of 1-217 and imps thal Pion dit baton fis the dts stati. We now dicus the power ofthe denon tet First suppor tat X7 is we to tet that the istbuton of (4) condtonl on N= fs 8 ‘symmetric ulonia, guint the alternative ypu spied by Coa er +4, fted ad sch that Be, = 0, We where cise, ™ mar Since mm 1 as n> =, we fa that X? converge. noncentral 2, wil non centrality parameter ymin = ref “This argument is akon fom Cochin (1952) and farther dla are given by Patna (1949). An examination ofthe adoqucy of he reall when 6 Mt tas been made by numeri companions ofthe etset power ofthe Aipersion test with he nominal power obtaned from noncental 32 Exanples gen by Bennett (1959), Haynamn and Laon (1965), and Slakler (1968) sogest thatthe exact power tends to be les tan the nominal power ‘in small samples. This explained east n part by the fac that the excl testi necessary coasradve inthe sn that the actual gence level {es than the nominal vale, Second, suppom that Xe wed tote fr homogsnsty when the lective hypothesis tat, My... have the sume non-Posson ltsbtion ws mea p, vases Fond, and emalats (x) which re ‘Ou for j > 2. Darwin (1957) proves that Tye comers In dstelbation to xy at >, The spoil cam of th ell for Neyinan ype A ssibiion was st hea by Bates ‘We conclude th seton by describing the lot of gaa bated on he likelihood ratio, whi sdtized by (Mexia of Hklood wader Haan of ood under H- m= my = mdm ond + On mi dtbatlon 0 4 2 ‘he numerator a¢e“/T At andthe denominator is Ne "YN. Consequently the rato 1). In prt, we wean equiva test ilerion which consis of mins wie the logarithm ofthe Hild ato, dnd Is dnoted by Y* Hence ¥? = DE Alo Onin. According tothe groerltheory of lkehood-ao tes (Kendal and Stat, ‘vol: 2, the 26), 7 conserges in dtbuton fo 192 when ste, The, ‘symptotieditibtion om i als the same 2 for Tet, Xan 2 ‘uo siympotially equtalea, a esl which en be verified by expanding ‘i loe(iA0 in power of (,~ A). Good, Gover und Michell (1970) show tat the dstibuion of? by no means a well sproxiated by 32-0 that of X7 when m boll Sy = Tha, an 55 © ERGY No single one ofthese esta uaformly Set (Ress, 1971). However, Sa Ins the practi advantage tha the cleltion of 8 not rqule, ‘We now sow how thee ideas are relevant to testing the hypothesis of| Imogeneity, ond that then Became the Poison Index of diapers, Define > loge and 8 = lil) (= 1.2, ‘The Ms equslent (0 the snp hypateas M28 0 foralla “The dstibution of {4} gen by 1 xp fog oy~sadth = exp (eK +2) + a8 +B nt ‘Thus 2 and (4) ae mini sulicen For 8a inary in {0 and en eluate B by dec he nition on N=, ae 1g = My for ala Mya) = fot exp Cm DQIVCL EEE"! Hy! “Ths is anther version ofthe lino dtibetion abaine in seston a. We proceed fo evaluate thes y od. ton of (a) Ine 5, The elements of wy ae typed @ op 11206 = Ny Sil, type element of ay is EG? tog 1)2,30,) ~ ean “he expression YER does not inl Mad # nore set sin cine fs wy helene arian tbe tie mare wih ment coe A) Tels ‘Sot eee ore rs het 163625 = Jo ‘consequence ofthe deory of peered ners (ape and Rayer, 171) that he Wray ‘This sult ean be proved by the method outlined in xtc 7, pase 116 ‘We theefore hae the alternate expreson Ss =D hich vate alee rswences (M). Fora symmetie multiomaldstaton, Ju = alla et unt a wi ca The cnton 68 = ‘is satstied by Mon oi Men Sy = B= mI ‘his completes the proof that $5 i the Paton index of diparsion. The mount of deat hte may appear out of proportion Yo the esas deed, 4 fac, mach ofthe egunent eed pani etion 53 24 Optes Suppose that we havea ste of frequencies MN... M,which rte {0 svete equal intra of tine, eg, hour ln day, ar month In yen. “The context dhe imps w parts fox of depart frm homogeosty, ‘ch a repr ovellation or an elated peak This information canbe wed to constvet tet of fy which hare greater power than the nord ets gana unrest aerate. Ror example, the das in Tble 21 ‘neta summer peak, and the question aes how to incopotate this tlleratve in the procedure for tetng homogeneity. ‘A mode proposed by Fx, Hodge and Leann (1959) bs ahah bp, sand consequently ‘whore 1 = 2am Gur sn I~ Dw, By ~2 sin nrc (24— Ia ‘The tet stati ie 1 = VC Msn (Q1— Daf? [24 cos (2I~ aH?) ee W denotes). When the model ld, and pyr = fra fT overs in dstiution to nonceatel x with noncetrally parameter 2ur% 6°) sa?G/). Other hamone tems could be nbd appropriate, Suppose that = 22, and write ‘Te eitcon Te = WF ope 1A wa snggesed by Dail and Newel (195), and they derived am approx ‘main for the peeentage points. When thi test ape co the dat a “Table 21 the observed tale of 7, does aot site vesch thet pereent sigitcane level. The power of his test unknown, "When ri tly, the problem becomes tht of texting that ast of pots onthe pesimeer of acces unerly distbuted ‘Many cateria hae ben propose The ess obtained ca be approached though Aj (1968, who dacues the eleron corresponding to Ts. Hie wok ness tht 7 i opti gaint aernatves wee ay = € fore ‘ces ves of fan y= mfr the senainder (E 2). To vations ‘etweon the problems for fe aed lata vals of 7 sgt there, ce = 0 Su Fortes deta ate pen by Steen (196) and Matta (1972, “Te mains ine series analy wh ce Seto cul ss be opi to a yc of equ 2S Goodnes of ft Consider a popuition esi ator eaters and ty be the prob: sity For eatepory / Y= 0, t,.».r 1). Asample of sie fs taken and the flequeney of units placed in eatogory 6 #. We asune that the selection ‘of wntsconeaponds to's souence of mutually independent events, Under those conto, he int ditibtion of P,P». Hy mllaonal ‘with index f aad probable: 4, uy, ear texpetvly, Seppe that these probsblies we speed Tetons of an unknown parameter 8, For ‘exatpe, the diatbuion ofthe number of boy a thet 4 children of| fails of sue 4 or mae can be dae (om the lowing wo asimptions Fst, the probability f » boy i oral biths;and secondly, sczesive ‘bt foun a sxence of matully independent events. The probability hat 1 Fay contains J boys i then 100) (eam ort G2 0,t..00 ‘We equ o test wheter the agement of the observed ‘he sata model atisacory Thi she problem of godess of “Theft sage ofthe analyse consists athe estimation of, Gen served fequeneies ff, the lkelteod fuscion 1 fis shor) = AM HOON. fon = coms. + or (0). We say tht the scond term onthe ht eth ert the log keto IC the ptt which depen on 8. Dante hy @ the maxi eliiond| ‘stimator of 0. Then 0 sts the equation EF loea, (00) =. “The maxinunikethood etinator ofa) 8) for inthe second tage ofthe aay tet he hypothe pit alternative hypothesis K, whee nd Kate defied follows the hypoth he eens Fa Fyn. Fry be 4 mom it on with index an pobabicsg),a@)e<- (0) reopen (ors wie od Motels he Feces ee eee soa sition wi ade J but wont ay weston othe pres Abit. Astor, theese two tet ler in commen we, Te Tat Pease tats 27 = BU mF) Aleoatvely, we can uss minus twice the logit ofthe Uetod lo, ven by Y= 22 45h (nay) {a the fit asf», both X° and? converge in dition 10 32-» hen Hs re. A tet of His theretore made by eefeting the obsed vai of etter X or Y* to table of xy and wecling Hi the tae Signin ag. When 46) 3 fnction of & uknown pacameters (> 1), the forgoing ‘ocedue is fllwed with appropriate changes, the ele of which I it, tho tet staat are now asymptotiely 2-4; when Hi te A rigorous roof of this re forthe tse 1 vn by Cram (1946, sec. 30.) "is methods at extended by Misa (1958) to sow het X" fe abmptotialy nonce x fr gen of aemae hypothe whh comers sample 2.11 Let ffi. fu be the observed fequenls of O, 1,4 ‘boys tespesivey in te fs chin of faaies with 4 or ore chien, wnt rape 103, {ops = cons. 1op 02 f+ og (1-9) 24-4 whence “Thus the maximo etintor of 8 6 = 2ymyan “This the aio ofthe total mer of boys to the Cota numberof een, or the data a Table 22, we ad 6 = osisass, x7 © 0m, Y* = 097 “The test cre ate dnbuted asymptoally a x the statist model Is couect. We conclude that thre good agreement betwen te obered frequeney dbtibtion and» binomial dsbution wih Inéex 4 an prob shilty 0515854, Beample 212 Let fo fifa» be the observed frequencies of 0 12, respectively in sample of soe / fom (The maxim kl Iod fstinate of the sap ea m= Ea. For th daa fn Table Lo, oy = 062. The expected frequonces ae small for 4,5, and 6+ wists, ey could invallate they? aproximaloas 1X7 snd 7. We threo easly the numberof ws no categories, rae 1,1, 2 and 34, This alter the max ikelhood estimate of, wih rine eis the squation 256-4 5,1) ~ ssn, whee =enn “The solution i 06073, and the comesponding expected frequencies ae piven below, with the ales of and ¥, Naber oF wits o 7 7 Freqency obeaned | 298 19083 Frequency expected | 29963 181985526 1341 Reference 1 table of xf inet that agreements good. When the eslepovies of» population ae determined by the fequencles ‘a speci event, sty me hee examples, we sy tha the statis 3? and Y7 sp baie on the frequent of the frequents a ich 2s, ‘ve muy be able Lo davis let moe powerful aut some aleeativer ner thet sai Is function ofthe etal vaste insted ofthe Trogencis with which the diferent values our, That the Poison index 18 of dizeion acy mor povertol psnt nti oni eesti than ae sss bed one events wih th Oe? ose Thee Sind tosh Sn rari eatin. The dts sen by Pte and Whig ‘ill (1966s) and Wisniewski (1968, 1972). ” * 3 TWOMAY CLASSIFICATIONS SA Contingeney tables Popaltlne whieh gv eo to tho sume csifction can themselves be lated by qualiative or qvantaive difference, Por example, comer fan exponent desged to soy the robones of a partial make of cup. ‘The experiment cons In droping cups om «spied ght and obser fog the depo of fretre. A clifton ofthe posible factuesdefaes, the response. Conazable populations ae those covespening to diferent snakes of eu a the same pie diferent quai of ep manactred by {he sme fem, and diferent heights fr cups ofthe sane sake. They exe iy vespectvely the the methadsofexpesingdifeences which ae ested in setion 2.1, A clsiiaion of poputons define fcr, say 5. By anulgy with experiments in agriculture, the th population i 2 ‘laid group i no a he fh Keel of ‘Sppote that chsiation wih extpories cap be made in populations ‘Aan select at tandom From the J population Is poe a eatery F ih probably py for == 12,0. 7 and) = 1,2, 0.oy The eesponge at {ho jh toe of $s vate ® dened by oe ny GU Dace PLDs vend Wo requ to fad what difeeaces there ae, any, between the dtbaton ‘OF Rat diferent levels of J, A sample i taken fom exch population and the units are esi, Denote by ny the fequene forthe Mh category in the fh 3m, The Feguencs ean bo presented aa rectangular aay ‘thr rows ands columns, in which my cccupes the cel formed bythe Mth ‘ow and ts clann. ‘Thay know ba contagncy table of exer {PX ser convenience, the abe also sides the tas of exch row and of, known as the mara! ft, cogether wih the ftal ofall suet, Example 3.1 The data in Table 3.1 ave quoted fom tans ea (1969). ‘Tay tle to an exprinent designed totes tho poss earlnogenl effect ofa fang, Avades. Male mice were fel with Avadx a S60 pm for 4S weak. Another group of sale ms, known a the conte Was onder standrd conditions The eequeney of pulmonary up ws observed, Hee the response i etemined by the presence or Shsonor of tumour, andthe popuatens consist of Weated me ard contol. Ey ‘TABLE 3.1 Numbers of mle bearing tamours a treated and contol groupe Condition ofmke [Tested Contol | Tord “Tumovte 4 5 9 No tumoue 2 wm | 6 Toul 6 x | 9s ‘Thos, both ietor and response redefined by quale diferencs. The roportion of Conours higher for the Weaed group and we need to es ‘he pifieanc ofthis observation, ‘Bxample 12 ‘The dita in Table 3.2 ae quoted frots Hewett and Packet (4980). They ate conened with the tone to the beetle Dolon atancum of Ses formed by the sete benzene hexahlride. THe Populations ate defined by the depot of 0-1 wie BH measured in, ‘TABLE3.2 Toxkity 10 Mion cancun of fits formed by (O17 viv enzenehexncloride Pedod ot epost of -BHIE Gal 10 on) rom suivat (@9t) | 1208 1449 162118413 204422296 At mest 6 is m6 mM [wr Bawen7ma9] 547 ga | 90 Moths | 30 2170) | at Toul © 0 050 ‘| 08 ‘ng)10 ct. Response Is else accor to the period of suv follow ing the application ofthe inset, The eatgoie ae: death within si ay, death between seven ad nine days, and sia forme than nine ‘ys. Ths both fictor and respons ae defined by quate diforenes. We wish to deteomine the reationship between se options in the varus ‘aepries and the dove of BHC ‘Suppve ext that the unl of population canbe vied ito categories by etch of two maths of eset, which conta raps eatepres ‘esgectvel. A unt selsted at random fom the population Is plan wth ‘rosin eatery # ofthe Mat eleiton an eatery ff the second. Define variates Rand by the probability dstbation RSI = Oy CAN PIA Nerd + | ! | | a ‘Thus the double clastiestin define vate teponse (R 5). We ow concerned with the problem of desciblag the tiation of ‘A sompl stake fom the population and the wie ae clad with respec to each response, Denote by nth Beane Tor the ith category ‘ofthe Hat clasifenon aod the th category ofthe second, The Gequencs fu) sprint presned as 9 contingecy table of onder 2, ‘Ssample 22 ‘The dita in Table 3.3 ae quoted by Amite (1958) from olmes and Wiis (1984) wih further Stal, Thy show the relaonship TARLE3 _Retuionsip between nat carr rate for Steprococes pyogenes and size of tonal among 1398 cite aged 15 yeas Pron, but 4 lage toasts | Tou not enlarged a Cares 0 » ou | nm Noteatier o7 so 269 | i6 Ta S16 3a Comieente Ose 0049200819 between nul eae ate for Syptacccu pyogenes and le of ons mong 1398 ehidren aged 0-18 yen, Cdn ae eased quaiately ‘nets and nowcariers, whereas there i natal nding forte ie ‘of fon, The cries rate increases wth tonal sie and gg pater Form for the joint ditlbuton of responses ‘Bxaple 24 ‘Th daa in Tabb 3.4 se quoted by Yates (1948). They wee binned in the oure ofa pl enguiy Int the conditions in which TABLE 34 Clarseation of 1019 ciiren according to conditions unter whic homework was cried cut and the fear ting ofthe quay of ‘hat homework. (Each sales ade, A betng the Nigh aig) omework eosin Teachers Wi “oul sstng A 8 ¢ pe 4 Maa 9) ao a BL 6 ass | ae c Mees |e Tout 308 9s 90] 019 | \ | n ‘ehoolhiren do thee homework. Chien at csied acon to the ‘ondtons under which homewevk was cried on, and according tothe Acar rating ofthe quay of tat homework Although the eect a the Somewonk conditions on the quality of the preparation apes to he smal (ho question ates whether the sgh end atered us sty sgsifence, ‘Bxample 25 The detain Teblo 35 ae quoted by Stu (1952). They se based on eateecords ofthe eyeesting of women employees tn Royal TABLE 33 _Unided distance von of 171 women ged 30-39 Grae of Grae oft ee vos fot ove | ight Second Third Lowest | 7M Wigiet [1530-266 eS as | oT Second mm sn ane | ase ‘Tied 73a mas | as Lowest 36 2m an | a9 Toul 107m 2807 swat | ‘Ordnance fatois dung 1943-6, Ther ate two responses, defined by vision inthe eg and et eyes The eatyorie ae tho sme for each e- ‘sone, and ordered, A hypothesis of possible interest i that the mains ‘ofthe able ate homogeneous, in the sens tat each espns has the sme ‘obabiltydstalbuton, Bample 26 The dat in Table 26 ate quoted by Wale (1 5). ings ‘ns ofthe ght hand ate lsd by the numbers of whos and sal TTABLE3.6 Ringerprns ofthe rhs hand els by the mune of whore ad sgt bre ‘Sia Whore oa ‘Tous o 1 2 3 4s o [me aoa as [aa 1 | 10 153 a6 mo “7 2 |i 92 sss 22 3 fs 7 170 4 |i a6 130 s_| 0 30 Tout [593453392306 ann 4s_| 000, loops ach Rngeapat seer who, ch, compote, or one of for ‘ares of loop. Consequeaty the ttl of whet nal oop french Tanda most 5, andthe tbe is ang, The question aes of com ‘sntting an apieplte mode forthe voveipondng robles, ‘Although the concepts of tesgonse ad fst ave gia pea and uo wiely wed, they ae often dfclt to ditingih in pact." ae few exparinents whete tbe sample sen ae previously determined. Thos the ‘sl total In Table 3.1 although tested st Hxed hve evey appearance of bong fortitows. The desptions of experinentlprocedre pen Ia tapers manly concerned with staal methodology may pert various allocations ofthe labels “tesponse” ot "lactr”, A posible tlution ofthe iit to Meniy factors and responses with emer and effet epee {ively ba an inspection of sts of tn suggest hat sich Hentfeaton ean sk te ambiguous, We tall conta forthe preset to syppote thal reponse fn Fates canbe cll seperated, benuse this serves to ntodce sad esr other leant concpts.In's sense, the dno is important “The base tsa! mel i one wher the Grequences are sled ndepem ‘ent Poison dsiibutions. Under this model, eotns on the fequencles ‘a equivalent to the definition of factor, We al find that the anys of at sae independent of such consraits Conzequentiy, fale to sings Flly between response and factors serves ly A modi the [wesetation of the vel 82 Variation of rexpome ‘A resgonse Is observed at cach love of factor J, where is defined bya elation with» eateries, and by a at of + populations. The Aaibtin of a the th eel of is expres by PREF = py 1,2, where HPD 59 Putra tect py = 1 forall We asume that py > 0 for If ad . Define = Nona) a0 Yas = 10 a Paltarsd ete © 1,25... 7= Land b 18> 1. Consider the hypo ese WP = P= Py PETA ‘This specie that the dstbuton of Rl he same teach eel of. Then 1 equiaent to the hypotse hw 0 forall «and 1% ‘The rel is pond by showing that euch hypothe imple the ot 4 tse, then is fy, Convey, spose that fy ols and con P= (i. Shoe Poke = PaPre (0 alle and b, we deduce that P es an 1. Thus vectors w adv exs seh that P= wv? weve, 17P = 17, where 1 Hen vector of unit, whee = 1/1 an B= uf" This Shows tha J ods, and empltes The prot tha Hy nd Hy ar eguialent When Hy hall, we can wile. Fala my ‘Te hypothe © fora the ena tha Pa = HP fora ‘ample 3.7 When r= += 2 he probabilis (py) ste sul thal Pu tpn =1 and patpn = 1 Westy that puppy the od ati beats of the alternative ox: presion {olmak Pad ‘his quantity I also known asthe rela ik a erm moe aceuaely snplied (opr. haces ust one parietr I the clas My) which we denote by A This 2 toa (raf —Pud}—tor Pall ~ Pa hich shows tat pu — pr and ate native, zero and poste ope. Consequently, lypothests about the sg of Pu — Pia te equa to Inypotieses aboot the sg oF A. More gene, nfernci about ye Pa se covericnll replaced by inerencer bout}. This oresponds to ‘measuring probable ona lol sae, where lg (pp) is known as ‘he foi ofthe probability. ‘sample is taken fom each population, and my the roweney observed In the ah eatepory fot ty = By my. P= aps Bin aad m= 2ymy he 3 ants smaton othe pnt vale of nd 3 andy es ied. Lt beth vie srerpontng omy. Te vies ‘andy dete by alo wih dy repestvy.Sce he sya ot My fed at ny fr he otsy te kei Tons in be 3.7 2s ‘TABLE 3.7 Contieney table for one response and one factor espons opilatons a categories | 12 | Tt 1M Ma me [Me 2 | meme Me | Man ro | Ma Bae | Me Toul [ese im | ® We ase tat nts then indepndenty gd at andom, whence two consogens alin (0) The etry = (iy My Ae hat 2 muon Aston whiner ny and proba (hy, gene (©) Such wet mately dependent for =e Baton ot} estore ca by 10) = my for 08) = hy nef hr ly i edet oer the psble alues ofan. This incuton ‘an be died as fellows om rot independent vate 4 ach tht yas Pokemon with peer ye Denote By yy. ‘Went clasneaton with expres made ns populations, he conto {= na) at poced Th tation of (8) condos on (ena) ants fs muta Independon lion Sst, te ho ‘which hs lndex ny and pute og). where y= pyr In ems ofthe psanetrs (0) and (hy) the dation of (Ny) siren by y= my for ad 9 = exp Ca tooe* aa asd Hy (ty ping. ‘The equience of this expresion tothe one len previ svt by cing tht the ows Of P,P Pe. Py gfe. For example, the ‘oeficent of lg ys he exponent tenn Pa 4 The da ‘The statics ‘re prima intrested in {hg} and theefore consider the dstribution of {Wa} ondional on (yy My). The fat that the cok totale ae Pied rovies the further condion {My = my) Thu the dtsbution of (a 26 Pye nae for ala) = Bay pM y for aj and, where the summation Is akon overall (whi sty both the condor, Hence the condiiona dstbuton sequel fr Ply Malo = Moo for alla and 6) ~ Leap Es may Hy 20 Bas maha yn) We denote the expesion om the ight By May Mn May Ral Thi so ‘he disubutlon ot {¥%)eontona on {Mg = haf and (Noy = nh whe the (Mp) ate mutually independent Posson waits with paneer (jy) sespectly, and Das = Fon radtatsh ‘Beample 18 When == 2, the onions om (py that hy = Mem, May teas nd ing = my Ce Hay. ence the posible ves of my sy vem Se, where ¥ = max 0, + no — 1) and w = min ‘The contol dsibation of My Is Mainnorard) = tarvoatan [| S, oxrenastvma) ‘Ths aetbtion wos fet deed by Fie (1935), ‘When holds, the distribution of Is the same for etch evel of, a ‘y=, for alan. The disibution of (Mg the convolution of §| ‘nomial tutions wih ines, us.» ty And these prob abies py} Hence (Me) bas x mltnomia dition with dex nan ‘babies (p Inferenes abou the pcb are made slong the et Alacused in Chapter 2. “The mala pat of the analy therfore cascered wih inferences aboot aa} fom the dstution with pabsbiliies Ming ey, us We tc {ort ope the following two chapter. 33 Asocition between respons ‘A popliton i chs by each of two methods, whch contin 7 and | catego espetivly. The corespondig bitte response is (RS), whee PRG S=) = my = 2D ona Bum =) 2 ‘Wo assume as before that py > 0 for ll an. Thi aunpton is nt Fulled for Bxampe 3.6. The leant ewe reduced in scton 5.6, wow. ‘Conl the hypothesis My: * PyPey forall and, wae 2p = py 0d poy 2 py. Ths specs thatthe csponses ate Independent, that po 15" ) the ne forall asl wi the responses interchanged. When the respon ate odependent there san asoeaion between them, and the qustion ties of How the ssoclation canbe measured, Condes #22 table In which R = 1 and '5=1 ac the eategonies of ply Sleret fr the two nay respons ‘Then these categorie ate poiely asad if ether of the flowing ‘uilent conaltions hol Orn > Pore and (= 11S = 1)> (R= 115 = 2) ‘When the inoue sre revered he cepts epee Example 39° Table 23, shoe, shows the lationship between nal citer ‘ae for Siapocoecus pyogenes abd sz a tna. By combining the cae tories of eng Const, we ablin the 2X 2 table gen below. and $= 1 ase ‘Tout [Gres Won Enlarged 3 829 Not enlarged 9 a7 ‘The proportion with enlarged Case ameng caer I ister thas among rome. Tet appese to be» potiv action between the eneges of caer sad ele ton Many coetcens of asselaton for 2X 2 bls have been propased, a they ate reviewed by Kendall and Stuart (tk 2, ch, 23). Soch cuties luke the vale zero when the response ate independent and ace pose or negative depending onthe type of association They se purely deseigtve ‘nd have no ral Interpretation, Considertlons af symmetry (Simpson, 19ST; wads, 1963) indice tat th mestue of aeoatlon for w 22 table should e some funtion ot = maPelraPa ‘which is known a the crossproduer ati of the tale A convenent function ts X= lor Papal: ‘Thos R and Soe independent when 2 = 0, whe th two type of seo stlon correspond respectively to > O and’) <0. ‘We now tin 10732 tbls, The aban of miei i aly coe ‘eka fd Goodman and Kral (1984, 1959, 1963, 1972) olntroduce ‘oufclents fr rs tables wih pobablste Inerpsttions, They hav bo ‘ev the cts appropriate for vate sampling procedres. On the her Ind the symmetyarment for 2X2 bles en be exon tables (Alem, 1970), and shows tht anon owt to by some function ofthe (— 1) ~ 1) ere produet ation Yan = Petra adn = 1 2pe00y PH; B12, Equivalently, the messue of asacation is fnstlo ofthe parantes Des = lo an uuthr reson forthe importance of (} wil appeae the following ‘Analy ofthe soon between an i basi on transform: stion ofthe pchabiites [p,) to now parameters, which const of (ha) a = Lorre = WoeCPalPed end $= toe Ha "Te hypothesis of independence Hi viele to Te lb. “The prot follows the same ines 8 kth 3.2 1 is rg then 0 I Hy, Conners, Hh lps that P = w. The conn that "PL 1 ensures that P= (PE, wh eH. ‘Suppose that 21 tue Th the hypothe Hgts = 0 for ad Inpis that the column of P ae Lente When 1 and both hol, the Iiypothests for Tite sures that each clement of Pie. The same conhsonfillows fm 1M when 2 208 Hy both hold. “Tete sa sila rocedue of considering «sequence of hypathess in {he anys of vance ofa two-way layout, The comparison sgt tal ‘he patameters (2), (4) and Re] eam be dseed athe min efecto A, the man effect of, andthe fstardr or rovers intrton © foratte » ‘RX sexptvly, In such tems, Hh the hypaths of zero fast avder lnercton, ‘sample of tas taken fom the popeltion, ad ny the iequncy ‘bse in the th category of the fist ssision andthe th eaegory ‘ofthe second The resin contingency table taker the form shown fe “Table 2.8, where gun Is the vara conespandng tomy. We same TABLE 38 Continoy abe fortwo response Guepes of | Gages of econdesoae | ya Aatrepone | or 2 2 7 Ma Ma me | Me 2 Ny Mn Me | hn , Na Ma Be | te Teal fy Ne Me | uns ae tke indepen and at random, which ese the vtster {Wave 2 multinomial dstibation with iadex and prbabiies(,) "The stbtion of (i he HANiy= ny foe aa f) = 0 fy We can driv the sume res from rs sual independent vats} sich that, has a Poison dation with mean py Denote yh Up When »popiation is clasied by each of two mths anda soaps of size taken, the condition Zy My = imposed. The dsibution of (My) conditional on 24 My = is lino with Index and peobabities Wu) wher py wal In terms ofthe new parameters, the disteibtion of (Ny) gen by PONy = ny foe als anf) = exp +B, m+ Tmo} Ban aod Thus (Mos (Ma a (Nu) a6 eininalslient fr (0) (and (a We ace pinoy intrested n {Xe} and avefore de the dibution ot {Ws} conditional on (Nye ya) ad Woy = ns). By the seme aipanenis avin ston 3.2, the condom dition eae Pa = HalMea™ tap and May =Hoy Foland B) = Mama an When bli, the esponses Rand Sate dependent, in which ese {Me} and fg} have independent multinomial dsatons with ide 20 4nd probable (} and fp) rexpctvly. We have dseibed in Chaper 2 how to make afresces fom multinomial distbations. Thus the sal part ofthe anya is gan eonzeaod with ifrenees about (a) fom the “stbation with proabiies ina oy A) We otra tot ope In the Cllowing two chapters. 34 Contingency tables with ven magas Suppose th the dltbtion ofa bart reaponse (RS) defied by PR SRD = By W120 oat FE NB adhe In he previous setion we inaduced a tasfontion fom the probailie Ay) t0 parameters, {8h sand (ha). The eeerse taaforaton i siren by OEP = kB Pa sod Togas = HOE Athy (ORL D. ‘Thseequallon constitute esr model forthe losis of the prob abilities {p). known a ogdne mode. The equals en be solved “unlguely for the new parameter, and so the move i deseribed 25 surat ‘hypotiess, as dstne fom a tgtoogy, is expresedoaly when same of the parameters have specified values, in wbich ese th model i unstated ‘Thee ian analogy withthe anal of variase, where main effec and lntotactens ae defined in tes ofthe expected ales a the observations, it the consequence that the expected values ean be expesed a nea omminaton of ato effects An alert version of the Log eat ‘mode Is sgesed by the standard analy of valance model fo cas lassie fetorial dss, and was introduced by Dich (1963) Accorng {o the seondvesion, we wate log py = we +848, wha Bay Bh = Boy = 2 by ‘Tho two model diferent, bu ae relied When r= $= 2, in whieh cae By, = Ay We shall contaue to as the iat veson, which was ro Prsed In general tems by Mantel (1986) “The probabiites {py} ate uni determined by the combination of| rameters (0), (fl a8 (ho) We proceed to show tat the [py 6 to uniquely deteoined by a combeatlon whieh cons of the parame {4a} andthe marginal robaiitis (mj) and (jh Ths reslt cons the basi postions of (yp) tn the messorement of asocation ad wil ao be found important in the atymptotic Bahvios ofthe dtbatin hts Mo, 140, lotta = bbe Dede a Consider fat the cae r= # = 2 Sine {pp} al Pa) ae given, the pobabiie te expresed in tenne of Pu by Pa = Papi Pu PoP. amd pas = Pra—Pe—Part Hence py subject to the conditions sna (0,256 Pan~ 1) Pay sla (Pr, Bs) "The croteprodut stl ye lo gten, whence Pulou~Pe~Pa + DKPe~Pudlea—Pu) = ¥ ‘Ths Py sls the gudatc equation PLB —1)~ Pik ~ Nowe + Pa) + IP Pemes = 0. “Te ethan side spo atthe Yower Mat of py and native a the ‘upper limit. We concie that only one woo of the guste uations ‘in te penile range of py. Therefore the prcbalties fn) ae vnlgely elesmined by the combination of Poy Psd 3 “The generation ofthis el to 3 table of ode 7X bad on the following theorem, which Is da to Sinkbow (1967). Let (and a) be ‘pecfed marginal probailites. Thea, earesponding oath poling mate of onder % 4 thee ia unique mats COD wih ow aime (pa) a olunn sms (7) her Cand D are respectvly rr ad #% Sagan Iltices with poate diagonal nde themes unig upto ¢ salar ‘multiple, Furtiemote,CQD ean be foul by s convergent erative proces whic cont ofateratlysallg the rows and clin of Q to hate vow sums {and clunn sums ip tespecivly. A poof ofthe theorem is mite ‘Suppose that we are gen the marginal probable {py} and (pa) of « {abo of order Xs, tote withthe parameter (y} Thu the prob abies (yp) sty the conta ZyPy = Ps Bly ~ Boy and 108CPaPalPasPr) = Der ‘We prove a follows that theres # unig sation, Denote te croproduet ratio exp an by at, Let Q be any posite matric which has oder X ¢ and crossprovet aos (Yul, We may corset Q by aigningablany ose valves Ios nt row and column, an then elearning floments fom 43 = Verdetrltre ‘The coke da = di9 tea = ¥ isusuly the mest convenient. Ac {o the theovtn stated soe, thee Ia unique matex CQD withthe speted ‘magia ola, Moreoret, te craspredet rate of COD ae ven by i : 1 2 Geet nate Maat Mans) = ‘Thus COD satis ll the coniton stated andthe mali Prequed “The method of slleratly allng the Owe snd eons of a matic wilh gue srctre of eos predt eatin, unl pce row an eae {ots mt attained ts known 9 he itetive sang procedure (SP) ot 'uratve proportional tig procedure (DFP, A foal sate proetdure fr 7X 5 tbls is as fllow, in which the notation f replece ty ero any suf over which summation takes pce, We bun by ‘cain the coms of Q Yo mest the specified vow total This sings of the Heaton lade oP = aay, where = pale and af =. ‘Te nex get sale the cola off) to meet the specifi eatn total, We obtsin 1 = Paw where af? = poste). nen a ao ae bo ai adh clan 1 te a A = od May, where ef = (riale I”, ‘When ows nd elumnshe ach Bun sealed ts, P= aaa, vee = (rola The sequences ff"), {of and {pf7?) converge respectively to values cy, yan py sc that | Pu = eda ‘An secoun ofthe iterative sealing procedure by Plenber (19706) relates the procedure toa vatlly of sources ann vay of Hates probls 4 2x2 TAM 4.1 Mypereomete dation When we observe a bint saponin each of two populations 0 | ‘iy responses na singe popuiton, theres obtined by sampling aa be presented la 22 X 2 contagecy table Wie 2 = lor Pupabars): For each expesimenalsitvation, lafrenses abou ae bosed on the deh ‘ation wih proba anand) = (uy, hae 10) $n udm et fama v= mae (0,m0 + -n) and w = la (esd ns section, we conser the debt when A= 0. The probabitis ‘ne gien i tems ofthe feqencie (ny) and 10 = Ean ). A simple expesion for f() cua be derived by evaunting the coefficient of on both sider ofthe Metity EIC)-()- Si yn) = att nano ‘This shows that hence we btn {Comequety Hina My 0} canbe writen nets ofthe equtlent CIV) = vey) ™ We say tht the probabiltes (My; oa, 0] fom a yergeomerc Sintbutlon, The name ass becae mich Quali appear 9 soe 'n one ofthe ses sltions ofthe hypergeometi equation ‘The fetal moments of Mea My May 0) te obi by the following procedure, We take the dtbition i the fon Moruimestan 9) sd hence obtain Pym) = (nPn8n8 yr meta a1 tn, where? stands fore = NCE = 2)... (er +). There EWNEY = nude, 1 this way ~ of by other methods — we fn thatthe ft thee combs (of My ae given by the exresions below (Kens and Stuat, wlch, 5) y= motels, sd a = natal) 2~ hg) 2ay}O9— Ana? a= Noa. Further properties of th hypergeometric dstibution appear a pei ‘seo of este the section whic follows. gl a ma al my! a al, motel (=, 42 Exfended bypergeamettic dstibtion ‘We now consider the distribution wit probable (Ma: men ay 2D when the Yale of As ureteed In vw ofthe fae tha My has. ype tometsle disibtin when XO, we sy that My has am extended hyper omer disubtin, Deol the clans of My by (3) alt she cumulant goneaing Auneton be KU) + tog exp Guy “This Fonoton & expreed in terms of by (UR) og F041) 709, ‘A comguence Is that Buatng the coon of powers of u, we obtain 0) = log fi, oad 6A) = dey kd G=2,3,..9. - ‘These sels hold generally for the exponent faity (Kendall and Sturt, vol 2, e. 23.107). In wit flows, donate te mean and vrenee of Ny. boy # Vs) and var (My: 9) espectvly. An expansion ofeach in pomere of aes (uid) = a4 494 +008), 1) = aa #hey +008), “These exprossions ate due to Cox (1988). They ste ws only For aes of howe to 110 ‘The moments and dssbuton fusetion of My a6 the rato of ply: omits & For moderate ales of (ny) the excl expresios at acon Yenint to use without god computational ates, nd for lrg ales of {ig} they eventually become wets. Approximate expresons exh be dered fiom the ssynploue properties of the irbuton of Nx, which we now proceed Yo dtu. Thee ae thee fonayof tho symp dituton Aependiag onthe way that mayan no kas, 1968). Flt suppose that mp, ora "> sich that mht a, where O< af Denote aeM( at ae by 8 The sin (*) wd 9 sons loco aa ha ewe E.sinoto.0 6 Thea con fhe va Vs a Cor pen lo 8 082509), 505 oes we Sete tebe ri nn tr a CX pt he heath int a we ee rn wich oe thing ns nec ‘et apy Ma (i BL) oh ee eigen eng ens ting tal we my we anon See ind ye" ice tpn eh pi cae tet he ye ie pce ma Sone aes ts yet tion oO ap kth Sapa Te ame apa mop ay costes rot oe Tr (35 sn yao om he hey fr mip gr hr ony stan (990 ‘eo son 7 ten el a i ‘Gtample 4.3 The data appear in Table 3.1. An exact fst af the ype (YS aint the alterate > tell forthe sr of the proba covespaning fo the tas bslow TF|[e 1] peo 9 n}|s | |r» 63 wo _%6 Types wong} Lua 4“ ‘he toll probably ie 004106, 0 tha < LI ected by onesies tet wit sincace level of 65, We mow conche the analyse of Table 3h, Avadex Increases the opt of a puonary tumour by an estate 16, ‘ut the conisnee itera wide and the Intec only st confined by 2 onosied et ‘When the marginal totals ar ng, we proce a follows. Spot Ba the problem do test he hypothe 110g PasloaPa) = Ye gaia the alternative K slog Pupeslpapa) # do. here the vu es specified. There i 2 unique sot of qua hic sty the conditions By myfda) = mo, i mds) = rey. nd log (mu) maine Oa) mais} = Nee Ifthe ikethood fneton I eter ofthe unconditona versions pen at ‘he binning ofthe previes tion, then my) the maximunikelbood cellnate of ap, wader For example, couser the maximization of By my log Py sibee to By py = Land H. The axis bla by Inteeducng Lagrangian mtn fad 8, nd Sierentiating By my lon Py B24 Pa ~8 Coben —hgPr — leva + oop) vith respect f (py) We fd tha = nen Whe = Me 28d Hey = My Casein ym) ae, Ney a py an expect [avo By ton oe on ie oe sso m0 te aieady noted a wton 1 “tao f thf pose ade 0 vo gesagt {ee of he oncom! ted atom Th et pcre Sct on ad aos sue 2B (Observed — Bapcted)HExpeted whieh gs the test sai 27 0 Big (My MDOP IMO). ‘An alternative iis tie the logan ofthe loo ato, which es th et state YF = 2 Ey My og (yl) Both X? and ¥* converge ox when 1 te = (muah ‘We now show tat the sume states can be dred fom the condos laid funeton. An asymptote von ofthe optim test procedure {0 fe My fo 4 nomad stabi with eam m0) and valence 40) -+ m6) mits) + mHLOON" Bguivalenly, we can ofr the statistic 27 = Wa me? (milo) + mH) + mit) + mF) {o 8 table of x. Tho system of equates Nami) = ~ {ama =~ Wy — MnO) = Amn) Inglis dat 27 = By ty myPoFhm 0). Allerataly, we con bein with the exact Heino ttl T= Was Rod Joconveien satin small samples beet ofthe ed 9 0, ma by tneod deserted in the previo seton, would als to caeaitethe fal expeson forthe posto probity ofthe exent <1, Sac me would vjeet 10 the probity wer ae sna the two ap roaches at conten The test of section 4. appli toa table wh Frequencies (wou ead 10 th probaly for ¥< Wy = he = 0 and tha = ry ‘his choke of paneer in the pir station covespends Lo a tone ior be tha = “Although the poseror dstibuion of ca to han for ite ‘ales ofthe pant ora positon teva nthe Ut ye oral andj Define A= ln, He leCutnrars) ant ot = By ih ‘Then (A ~ po conver in dtebton 103 (, 1) (Lindley, 1964). A uae version of ths res ids to Bloch an Watson (1967), who ‘how thatthe apposition for neo) nro we take = boeCsutatrata) and where ty = Hy $4 Gy, By rit, Src eTAnLES 5. Distiaton theory ich of the experimental stuatlons which ge re foam 4 contingency lube canbe deserted by satin mode Based on re muta inepenten tes (Ny) such tat My basa Polson dtaaton vith pare Where = 1, 2s grand j= Hy 2p set Wie Nes = los Gataltatta) @ Dd. ‘The arent gen in sections 3.2 and 3.3 can he summit 2 follows ‘When acai with reateporis Ismde n+ popeltions, th dt bution of the response I the sme foreach level of the factor if ‘only i245 = O forall «and. Again when « population is cli by each ‘of two mathods which contaln rad eaters espestely, the responses ‘ant Sate independent if and ony if gn 0 fora and bares shout {A} ae Dazed oa the dstibution of (Ny conditional ont N= Maa = tee and Noy = tay for alla and 3 ‘The daubuion i denotd by My oy Yop) and defined by exp Cas mada mE eBay asd ‘We posted to dee the mi propertas of MJ Most of the ees re ren only In ole, beause they are obtained by dist generalization of the methods for 2X 2 abe. ‘Consider fist the ese when Muy = 0 for ll und, The dtibution then takes the fom ‘gem, 0} ~ (UM my WEE ny (My m4. We etahine the sim in the denominator by compara the coetiient of xfeag on both lds of the wentity Cea be ECR eae ED oi Haat Page 8 Gerba This hows dat Brgy Hy Cay!) = ny ny or equity Bag (Ulm) ny ata ° ‘he elabuton when Ay = 0 forall a bi therefore Masini. O} = My (Int We can sii gnaize the method of dng fcr moments gen lin section 4. a ence obtain the flowing esl, which ae Sterens (1938) and Haldane (1940), sot EM) = Horaln, eon MMe) = Melby N(adMafyn— Nap WM ‘The quanty 6, wed eis sweh that we ‘quis vc th Einm = Bm) = 1 ‘The parameters fh} fom a matic of onde @ ~ 1) (@~ 1). Wee A for the vector obtain wha the clams of thi ait age joined to Fon single column Ths ae Bates Dao ted or pacified vale 2 fine oy) 1 sna Bm) = Mos Bemy 2d May “ ee, fA AVn mI} = Letn-+&, ny“ and yy > sic tha mal a nay > Ry for al and: Under these cons, ‘Mons toy Na} ~ amy exe [1 Zy In — mf A, ‘The expresion onthe ht the dent fantom ofa kg gonna smularat dtubation fo (¢~ 1)(¢~ 1 aia (Min dimensions Sigurt ies becouse thers quences} mt sty the rb Independent conditions = mutA) and na ‘The prot of asymptote wonmaly esl follows the Hows ofthe reo In section 4.2. As foe, the denominator of i soy hal lin ed by comierog na) for af. = lon Anaya Das) —I08 Mma) he ‘Sting’ fonmul is mga used to replies the eto a flowed by an expansion of p in powers of my 10). A the tps whee the ontbutons fo par colected, we we the property of} tat By ty m0} 106 fA) Typ Ing mPa = 0. ‘This Went vied by checking thatthe cots of lox ma) og), alg mR) are all 20. Por example the coef of| tog ma), naely (4-— 091+ By fran mA) {5 z10 beeans ms() = toy ‘We tin neat f the memouts of {M-Denote the expectation of My by Qi) andthe dispersion mais of (8) by {yA} The fornia which the asymptotic dstbuton of [yl I expresed kes ee at 204.0) ~ m0). ‘Whee rand sar smal, an proximation Yo D (My:A} abled by expres the aympote density 26a fetlon of fy —m(Q)- An sppoxintion to 5 (My,A} can then be derived by standard sggunets. ‘This method becomes telous when rand s lace an a more convenient general procedae 12 olows. Consider re mtalyIndependsat vies {Wj such that Ny seormally dtibted with meno and variance both ‘mB The vats forma matic of oer r Xr, Wiley, Tor the vector btsned wien the columns ofthis ste te ajoined Yo for «wale cole, Thue IE Naso MMe Aan Md Wate for the vector obaincd by adjoining the (~ 1) slements (Mea, andthe (= 1 element (Mu) The IE = Wilsons Naas, Csr the etry dete y of = OTD. “ The dispersion matrix D(y) is obtained from D(y,) by standard arguments. Im acotdanc wih te wsal rotton, |. ]-Res | wal” La in ‘The eovant properties of norma 1958, p29) imply tat the persion matrix of y, conden on Sed ys st aIV.Consoqueny DN AI~ Yura aly, we generale the rule of section 43. A table of oder 2 3 roe = 1) 1 erreur, pid by Naa ite La = Nou Oa NlNa- "The vara {Ly} fom a atc of order (-— 1) X (6~ 1), Donte by Le the cor obtained when the ctu of his mates ae ale to frm nlc, Th TF = abate engl le at (ss Hah aed be fed nubs, 08 wate (aah Ingle and mth ves uo = biter * foto) ans ea, ‘hes pan x] sands forthe ita prt of x in these equatlons ony. {Consider the dsibution of wh(L—X) coats! 0m (N= Mal (No = iy) and. = is the Uni tp» Then the conta dibton ‘onerge lo 4 normal multarite dsibyton wth man estore and Aisperion mae fs} obtained by tating the ait a log Mi mutually independent aed such that vaca iog Ny) = ty. “The proof follows the same sn fae. An llerative fomulation of tho esl i bteaed bythe sbttaton of m8) for sry > yy Asien (0 toy uy + tovtron 52 Batinatin of “The paroter ) fom «mate of order (F—~ 1) X (I. Wits for the Wetor abit when the eal of this mates ate ane to form a ingle ol. Ts WF wm tehay oo rete Dane eDo Consider ft the point estimation of A. The conditional maxon tkelbocd estimator idee trom the ditbution tg hs May No) and denoted by A. We requle the desaises Blea hide PlonhlOraPhey My —# Wid) oF Mao 2 and | | ' a ‘They show that 5 satis the seem of equations Ma = Bg: 3) for alla ana b, ‘symptotedpersion matic af Xs ea by DA)~ (Dlr ‘The conditional maximum tkelibood estimate nique whenever exists (isbermen, 1970, eh, Tn print, the system of equations for R can be saived by the Newlon-Raphton proctdre for eer! dnknowns, Dest by 0) he vector of ques Og Lt A be the th appron mation to 2, Then sd chat AH = A (DMG HOM, Jn practi he exact elation of D{ Ry 1} may present consieabe oblems of enmeration, ‘The ineondonal sau loot estimator of As deine from {he cx distribution of: matuny independent Poon wernt 4) wh partmeter {a} pectin. Deote by A the uncondina sino. ‘The eaments of ae even by Hay = lon aaa). Gs) does not ext, bt he diel canbe reroved by defining he ‘oe estimator Moy = Mea + Dy + Da + DMs +B, wile has bia OG). We an ase (Kal 0F (a 8 nti pproxnatons {6 (a) nthe Nevon-Raphson progedure for culating the condtonat ‘maxinmtikethood estimate 3m fw contence eon for The quetion no to Inle 9 patel sl of feqvanls [can only ‘in somewhat ubliary terms Theteor we confine atention 'o approximate pons infeed frm lage spe, whee the boul the region automate decided by the procedwe wed, The cove ‘maths of etion 4 are eneaed Flows, Supost thatthe conlons fe ich tha the fequencles {Ma} have an asymptote nomal mila “stb, The aympttic deny fneton of (A) le ropertionl to exp 17, where 28 = By (Ny —m ADP 0. ‘futher ape to normal mulnait thery (Anderson, 1958.58) shows thatthe asmpotiedbuton of °F xb ng, Let ee the ‘PPE 10 percent pia of xy Th thet tos sch s 2° Af aniece won for wh conten tft appro inlay 1 The protien of enmertion nad here eatery tin = DG 1 eres ‘A more coment pode for enstutg a cotence eon tween the symptoms ttn f #8(0—2) deed a the pau ton, what wat denoted by 1, Comer te vate 1 = WAV. ‘hen 7 cones in dabation © ngs Sie HN conversa Probbiy to and Ny omens proality Yo my theo of hm (1986, st, 208) ese tha he sae Kington hls for 1 = 9 AA atin ch nlf lle 20 or ar cram of (i), hace v= Aa (a 04a) or the esas pe a cto 44, we we 2 pice of Hand ep iy by My 4. An asymptote equnalent tsi therfore 2 = PW (ay +P OE= 2. ‘Then he sof low Asch that 2? ¢, We sy that dhe reponse Rand 8 are ‘qs idependenr I, = 0 fr al nonempty cells In other wore, o 0) for nonempty als, Na stewie When (19 ~ 1) 1 The data in Table 36 eam be renranged lath fon by defining = Number of whorls +1, 8 = Number of sl loops 1, In lew ofthe contin +5 2 Mya mey in when “ i, Bay = eo (0+ lay —aaHLL + exp (6+ flay x ‘Thete sno expt solution ofthese equations. In such chcunstanes, the standard method ofcleulting the estimates ithe Newton Raphaon proce, which ali generate the seymptotiediperton matrix Tie Procedures dcused in general ts in vection 63, a ite appcaion (0 logit repeson i desibed by Ashton (1972, ch.) The second-order Antes of log L which ae required ae given by Flog 1180? = 3 noyeapeay =P lor L120 38 ~ 8) noyPuyPadss—¥, and 8 og 1/08? = 2, neyPryPafss—P. Sc thy do ot nore {hel ein ae the coreg leet of th omaton mai A conse repon fr 0,8) cn ‘tind fo iate noma aypasinaton tothe aston ef ‘Aes tetol of sai he atmo tions he faving Foran ate va of tine my) 0 sy the cons Fmd ~ moe Em fB) = May a fon mins fBVnBao(N) = Bley x). ‘We hae down in sections 4.3 and 8.3 that my the unconditional mx ‘mnetkettood estimate of the expected frequency In vow f and colon Th, ‘mf = nay Consider ft the eketon of. An estimator of 8g (Pu fee) Jog (My) We therefor pin by platting the obseved ests on a graph ‘wth ona tog (am) a absent model is reasonably wel, {te plotted poits conform approximately oa tight ln. The lope of he ln sa ft approximation tof. For ves of Bear tis approximation, we use the leat saing procedure ta cleate md). The appropriate syst of espe rato dtined by the flowing table: i ey nae af A ech valu of we alo exe 2G) = 2B y Myo Wyn f DD ‘The maxinuntketioed estimator fi the ve of 8 which minines YO) and 8 = to tts. Provided thatthe agrenent between {My al {ne atiactony we anne the aya by constructing 3 confidence tne for f. Denote ‘te minimum valve of 1°() by Y2jp ante the upper 1006 peteent ot of x. Then th set of vate off sich that 0) 5 hw AE ts a contdence itera fr f wth confidence cosficent approximately 1~e ” Example 6.3. Th data in Tble 22 show how the mortliy of Tolan ‘atana ependson tine snd the depot of benzene hexaehinide, A Liar reponse abtaines by pooting the lat fo cneprie of ria, ‘The corespondivg Frequencies ae gen teow, whee Ue explanatory ‘vale fy depos opi epost 1082 11611212 1258 130 LHR Dad 1s KD Ae 358M HO Wo obtnn the flowing seule, The minus vale of ¥*()& 2-246 (4a). This vale i attained when f= 3964, The corsespanding expected frequencies appear below. W617 20505 23 20s 21833 26:16 26 25889 60 21338 oven ne ‘confidence interval for 8 with conidencecueFilet approximately 95 percant obtained by taking #2 = 384) ao ein by (1376, 6619). Finally, we mention diferent eimation procedre withthe advantage of feedom frm Hertion, Define the lt cht amare by U = (Myla lor Mh) 8 Bey. ‘The minum tat chi square estimator of 8 and ave obsined by ink izing U, aed can therefor be calelted fom standard oem foe ‘eigted lnearreareson. Ts prose, de to Bekson (1944, 1985), ‘Speci cue ofa goer! method discussed lathe following sti 63 Linesr mals ‘Consider a set of mutually ndopendeat vs that Nas «Poison ditbution wth parameter terminlogy'Is Intended to clade any ofthe experineatl states aeady By way (Gh + On — nH) ‘fest approximation to 6 can sometimes be Stalned by graphical methods. In general the procedure i started by taking 4} = m, which proves iil ‘ales for and w. We then continue the Herations unl svecetive spproximations agree within preszibed limits. The same method is used in probit analysis (Finney, 197L, set. 42), and» generalized version, which, ‘an be applied (o any distribution in the exponeail family, i described by Neldes and Wedderburn (1972) A disadvantage of th Waitional Neviton-Raphson agerithm is fle to converge with some stating ves, ‘The algorithm can be mole to move this disadvantage Haberman, 1970, ch . Denote by 0* dhe approximation to @ obtained by taking uf my, The components of 0° saisy the system of equatiins BOF B ayaa (ony) = Za oan (send? ‘actly the sme sytem i obtlned If we apse (nec) th (909) = 10, fatinte var (6%) by the asymptote Form ASO), 20d ins W = 2, (90) —B; aug MODE with expect tothe punters ()). This an aplieation f the principle ‘Feast squares wih enplial weights, and standard tekniqes can be ‘wel fo make inferences aboot. In partes, the eaten of eiention 1 linea, the ipeson mati ofthe estinatr the inves ofthe tre of the equations of estnaton, and the text satiate for a Maes hypothe the ference betwen (th ate minus of W ander ‘and (0) the absolute minum of W. Stale procedr have been vo tated by Retean sce 1944 for lhe ess when $s) = lg A eeent Hatement of his sppreac contained in Heron (1972) and the mine ‘eas ate fnmulaed In general terns by Griz, Starner asd Koeh (1969), ‘When 60) = 1, B02; ay0Im, n which ater fom Persons static fn hat the denoniter of eck erm Is observed fequncy inte of sn expected fequeny. For thi rato, {he proved of minnizng His known atte minum: modified chsuare method. “The arguments sven to suport the ws of min sndied chaste ‘tint te a ele cla than thos calla for by maxinn wil hte wl lays betes td lea fans whe ease of elelton Is inportnt, the eres aalisblty of amputees dimiied the Frc tat this pment ha he ast, {@) The isin modified cise estimator 8 best asyopotcly ‘oul, in the sen tht 8° andthe maxinwnetkolood extn ator @ have {he sie styempatcproartinofconsidoney,ecieny, aad poral (Neyiman, 1989) On the other hand the secon-oner asymp eine (of G enced that of €* and ithe wasimu pose (Reo, 1961, Table However the concept of sconi-rrefieny ira rmote fom prac eles, where OF and @ ers uisingushable 64 Loplinea models ‘We now dics te ear model obsned by taking 0) = toe aud gen by Yoniy = Feud G= N20 Dd ‘This defines a opting model more general in cope than the ype encoun teed in sedon 3.4, where fhe coffees a) af weticel the values (Os 1. The log kloed becomes lol = const. Zy May QE; exp 440. Deote B Ay by 5,50 ta the kere of the log Mklond is 5,0) ¥, exp 4). “Ts the states {5} ae mii sient forthe parameters (6). The eqontins of erinton take the fom 3) ORB UH i... Devote the dipetson matics of @ and (4.82, 4) by 9 (@) and DS) resect Tien De® ~ (Ey When the coeticens fa} a liber O or 1, the equations of etiation mu sssrt that certain marginal totals the seme fr both the observed and expected frequencies. Given a et of signed vals forthe cross product "alos, the equations can be solved forthe) Te lratve elng poo ‘udare Geet 314) then ¢ more comet Newton-Raplaon proedure because no mati inven is involved. Com ‘erppce is fintorde for ite sling a compared wit stent {or Newion~Raphuon, Duta fe erations usa fli, a many ofthe Calealatons ae Within the range of detop caleator An algo a ANSI Standard Fovtan ie pven by Haberman (1972), Scape 64 Ther wes a suc that Veet =, lotiay SFM, Ba = FB fonsty = «Ha +B Weer 1 and be 2 ge “The equation of extnation ae DEM fe = Mar snd fay = oy, hte denotes 3 fi. A se of eondons imple by he model ee abate)“ © for lhe and b, ‘There Is an explieslution for he muximunntelhood extimalons, which ane given by Fy = Mat feeral, the porneters (6 ate represion ceficens, andthe quan ties (at values of explnatory vale, Tk Newion Rapion method ‘sum the best proce for sing the eauation of etnaion, Howe, ' combination of Hera sealing nd serch procedues co be used When the number ofreeeson parameter is mal, nd estimates of parameters Ad thelr diseson mat en be oti fiom the tbl of expect Frequencies, Other proedures for masinmkllicd etintion rom the loglinesr mode have been proposed (Darech and Rai, 1972; Gokhale 1972). ‘The property of oat saTiciency Inptiesthat the dsbution ofS, onditonl on the observed values of $45,» depends ony on Oy, ‘he other psamcters beng eliminated, Ths ditbation ven by (ex 4), mah exp (5M m), where the smn he denominator I taken ove al on gtve ings {such iat ‘mato of eaeultion than the iis the (otal fequncy , toss wi {Myo} and {Wa 8 Binay = 4 U=BS ot). ‘We find a before that th conditions maximums estimator of sales the eqution , $= BOIS: = SoS = Hi), ad silly F005, 85... ‘Bvaple 6.5 The vvaes Ny, Mee Nu yA ch th logis = 018s, open = = 8404054 8 loin = % = Gath) Wen the frequencies eat fom the simultaneous of ferent ‘mathods of elasaton, a least oe of which ebay, the logtnese ‘mode can be reformulated as fellows. A change of notation convenient, and we replace {¥) by (Mg), where f= 1,2 and g~ 1,2... Th Freucoces can be aranged tna contingsncy table of onder 2, the vows of which define «inary claeleation, We nsume tit Wig = Be +2 by and Logg = Be +25 cu Howe Bs Ba... fy ate parameters stached to the columns, They comespns 'o Mock effect inthe alse of vreoe, nd we requ fo eliminate theme ‘in ores to mae inferences nbout 8. We therefore conser the joists. ‘uton ot Ug} conditional on the observed values of the column totale Wa) This i's prodet of» bin dibutons ype by the die bation of Mg conditional on Map = hy, hich sincera and probabity yr shee Wit gy fOr by ~ eq, a we obtain lettre = 3) 208) ‘Th th nea ste model, which i ese a length by Cox (19908) ‘he model sucess uns 3 wie ange af statisti acalgues son. feted wit the analyse of binary dt, bat ha the falling advantages (10 The binary csifeton to which the probabilities fn) refrac na apc position. Thus, when several nary clsiatos ne preset, ‘how fe choice of ngtié model, sd the question as os to which of 6 ‘hem es the best epee {@) When thee or more methods of cliestion ar wed, the expected | Teguenls for vais elorant hypotheses ean be ealeaated by the erate sealing procedire,wherexs any dered logit ede al forthe Newton Raplaon posed, A comparative iy ofdlleent ways of fit Tog- ‘ines adele to mii eles data wth at feast one binary espns ieimad by Baop (1969). 7 THREEWAY CLASSIFICATIONS. 11 wee dimensionl contingency tables ‘The contingency table dacuned in preious chapters twotinenstonal ‘mca the frequencies above te laid by two methods, Wha ‘nother method of ensleaton is noes the Trequsnces define ‘vcedonensint contingency tbl. The dsipion i prey frm, sd ‘various ways of presenting te data ae sete in the examples below ‘ste esponer and J, ae flor ‘oF to-dimerslonl contingency tbe, doponding (vosponse observed st ech ee of fet oF Whether bivariate vesponse Is obsered. The corespondig expres situations may be denoted by RF and RS wspetily. Inthe sme Wy, there are tre bs types of heedinensoal contingency able (@) Rg, whore a unveate espns te ebsered foreach teste con atl of two cor, (RSS, where a biaate response i observed a each lel ofa factor, (©) RST, where varie reponse is ober, Bcanple 7.1 The date in Table 7.1 ae quoted from Hoblyn and Faker (1534). They refer to an experiment designed to investigate the propegaton TAOS 11 Syid fot tng ret ina 9 cn ef ne ama tT yg ag ns Alive Dead | Alive Dead a so | ie os | es of pum sootstoks from rot cultings. Pats ae clas a alive odes, tnd this dtines the respons, Therese two fcr, whlch each cer at {0 levels, as allows Length of cut Tine of panting ‘The number ofeutags e240 foreach texte combination. Knpetion ofthe table sages that long ating se eter than shot ad planting n longshot stone sping. 18 » ee aera rea ae rae rye ee ee ee Shon tne teers etn atc | GSB i a eaten Ae Ste wit ' Example 7.2 The data in Table 7.2 ave quoted by Cochran (1954). Mothess TADLE 7A Coatminers classified by age, breathlessness, ancl wheeze Behl eh i en ened te he spent ed ipgcny "| Bentsen tiem Yoo Jin years Whee No wheeze | Wheeze No wheeze ‘a TAMLE 72 Lao motoneuron ed mete etn a i ah ae ou | R58 | owe lB Number ot ‘ a ao fa | ate | am Irae Coal rime coum HP tan | ie | am | a 7 os )$ 3 | % mm |e tose wow fa ow Pee Lom | as tn | Soo meee ee epee |S OR | dU Le ‘problems are compared with mothers of childrea who had not been so Total 1827 00 1833 t4ou2 [18282 fofewed. The to group ae described spectively probs and conte, ‘A record wat made for exch mother of whether ro! she had sufered ‘sy Infant les (eg. slbitls) prior to the bith ofthe eid in the sty ‘The csitction losex/noae defies «Laur spose lace the loss ate Increases with the bith rer ofthe ci data te gto fr thas bi ‘ower hse. Group and Winder ar eated a factors. Example 7.8 Te data a Table 73 ave quoted by Stat (1983). They se bised on casosecods ofthe eyetesing of men employees in Royal peumocanloss and between the aes of 20 and 64 yous (ns) atthe {ie of examination. A short questonnie about resprtry symptoms wa gien ta each tan ad te epi obtained enabled Mn tobe lied tt espect to the presence oF abseace of specif symptoms. The symptoms onside here ate brestlesies and whesze, Aaublvsion ofthe miners Into te-oar segue was ao made, We therfore have to binary respons at's third response determined quantitatively pesto ofthe Adal shows tht the prevalence of each symptom icrsses wilh creasing age. One object of the analysis is to pee this obsration en 2 quantitaie bis The question ako arses wheter the asioctaton between beathsnas TABLE 7.3. Unoded distance vision of L242 men aged 30-39 fear ey rom fp tM hc ae seal with an, owt wy. sic eye] Highet__Seeend__ Thiel _Lawast 72 Asacation ofthe responses Higer [aris | 1088 ‘oppose that 2 population i eased by ech of three methods, whieh Second Me 494 asa | contain r,s, and cteores epectivly. The conespondlg responses RS, ‘hid mist sas | os nT bave «Jia dtbuton ion by Lowest a M105 oot ss een tot [109 misao. | 34 aha cuir Bah oe We discussed the asocation between two sponse in selon 3.3 and were led to an analy tad ona transformation ofthe probable. The sto lion ofthe responses ca be analysed by snr methods ‘We ssume tat py > 0 forall, ak, Deine parameters a Flows, ‘Ordnance factories in 1943-6. Te conesponding dat for women ae gen In Table 3.5, There ae two responses, defined by vn inthe right and Tat eyes, A guaston which asf whether the seocstion between respon Jn the same for men and wore } 1 80 ee Geta — $y = Yoel Dat = Noe Cra PrlPaars)s Yo = 106 Pre Prhe ae = 198 Pae Prats Yao = 1 (PrP PrPree nd Ea = le se PatProiPrlPamPasePr Pt Ware 1,24 .005P= Ty B= 12g Band C= 12s 0004 "The probe ae expressed terms of the pao. by the syste oF equations gen below TopPat = 6s HBP Py Lge = Bas Pe ee Pane = HOA Hae VPrne = Ba Be Mh and lope = #4 05+ 85+ Yet Net at Me ae ‘This tem consitutes a logtlacar model of the fon deeloped by Mantel (1968) An caer voto by eh (1963) i slogous to the eae mode fora thee ay layout in the analy of variance, and i defined flows: Togrun = wt arth tn By tna th + Oe, wher 3 2 yma 2 Oy me all eo, an sry for theses and. We shal conte to use the ae version, which has he advange ‘ha the parameters ae expressed mor simply in enn of the probabilities, ‘Conier the hypothesie Hehe = 0 forall, and ‘When i olds, oe aaPialtastin) ~ Me? forall ‘Thus the sytem of cosprduet slit forthe contingency table of order 2X t obtained when R=! the sume forall values of. A lala argument Shows tht he system of eoespredit ratios these french enegory (ofS, and foreach eatogoy of 7. We hae explained that the iaciaion between two responses can rexsombly be mesure by the eoresponding| ‘21 of erssproduet itis, Henc the seein Blween Rand the Same for eah category of Fal sinaly when th espasea RS, sad 7 ‘te cyelly permuted. The tr “elereton” synonym for “stocaon”. ‘We therfore dese Hc the hypothe hat the second-order or thre: reponse intercon R$ 7 fara (Bale, 1835; Roy and Kasten, } 196). Consequently the parameters (Ee together ie 2 genera efniton ‘of RX$X 7. Tix conclusion cele forher sport rom suoat bed on symmetry (Altham, 19700), a ‘Te defitlon of zoo thveesespone interaction bythe hypothe Hy ‘a Ue eted on srl occasions by Lanester (1967 18631, p- 21 1965), Hr objections canbe expressed felows. The probes (Pgn) ‘defines treedimensonal contingency tale in which pj, occupies the call Food by tei ow, fh alum, sb kh Lye. Suppose thatthe thee respon interetion is ao, Now consider anew tbl which formed by ‘lping over some othe layer, eviag the estado unchanged, Nome ‘al example show thatthe new table ean dupa a vee eapons lateaein ‘he eas wth ess infrmation about the vars, we ean detect an Interaction not present before pooling. ‘An anover 0 thi ete Ira flow The relationship betwen the babies ayer expressed by row ad col effect aswel a by {ny Inersetions tht may be present Pooling unjustified if this relation ‘hip rare betwen ners cleanly des in the exampis which Lanrser fives, On the oter hand, pooling is sted ithe layers are completely Fhomogeneous, Simin qustons sie eannection with erate deat-eates ‘Aanitge, 197, set 120) (Conseil wih hn bon colspsd ovr all the lye. Deno by ay the fetion ofthe marginal probaililescoeesponding 1 hay 0 thst op = Foe PaaPrlPasP0) Whoa yf tee, Ny = gy fr allan only if the tbl is perfect (Dao, 1962), where a poet tbl tose which sti Pum = PapPraPuelPraPoyteex for aij, and k ‘Thus, when the threesesponse interaction fer, we cannot ive a cleat [seaning to twoesponse tteralions defied In frnof mail pb ‘sbi, and mt thertore exer caret slectng the mgaence of hypotheses 1 be tested, Further aspects of pooling are disused by Bishop aon, ‘The following procedure (Goodman, 1970) proves» nested sequence of hypothe and an interpretation of the pater tr that [al ‘Suppose tha My hols, and conser the hypthesis 0 forall bande Hand, toot bal that PaePit PasPng fa By and 1 by ay By debiition, a = Pin Pps 28 teeta ~ Aoi forall a ‘This express the hypates of indepenentraponet fra twodinesslanst Lube wth probabilities (qn). Hence 4 = ajatas for alfa &, equiva, Pune = PPro Fora fsa & ‘Te conjunction of Hand Hy therfore ait he fllowlag interpretation for each valve af, 5 aed T ae independent, conlionl on R= ‘Suppose nest that My and My both hod. Conder the bypotheis Wyte = 0 fovalta snd e ‘A tpetiion ofthe argument used when combining Hand Hy shows t Ha tgetar ply that Pun = PuobantPow fo When i, Hy and yall Hod, we otal PraPate = Pong for l,j ak Suration over als to and ryePaen forall) and Ths, My and Hy together imply tha Pum = Pusbese for ,j and b The addon of tothe cojuntion of Hy nl Hy therefore eave ‘0 the hypothesis hat Prae ~ Pree forall gud k. ‘Tis othe condition that and ae Independnt. "The final lage ofthe eqenee now follows, Suppose tat Hf, My and hol. Conse the hypothesis Ty on of the arguments nthe peau sage shows tat 1, ty and — | iy together imply hat Pun = PrwPaye forall.) ond & When HH Hy a Hall ol, we obtain © oral «an un = Prespoyetoos for alfa ‘Te aditon of Hy 10 the coausction of Hy, My an Hy teers 9 ‘alent othe bypothesi that 8 Puc = Bosra for alia “Tis the conton that ad Sat Independent. 13. Distbution theory ‘We conser» population cased by each of hee methods, which ete response &, 8, and 7. A sample of zen taken and Is he frequeney ofthe een (R= 7,3 =f, T= 8). The frequencies {my} form ‘contingency tbl of order sin which ny deapics the el formed by the ls oth am, abd th yer Dente by Ni he ‘late conespening Toya, Then the dtbton of (Ny) mano ‘ith index ns probblites {py} An alternative deat ofthe st bouton i follows. Consider re muta independent yarits (ya) such that jy has a Poison disebtion with parameter ye. Denote ay, Mi iy by H- A sample of se doting the condition ule by W and 2, 211 =n. Theditibation of (Mia) onions on N= ihe om, wih Puy = Baal ‘Wen the tlio distbuton i expresed fn terms of etn in the previous ston, we obtaln 20g ton! = Gn mu! exp + 2 nae +E Moats 4+ Deen + Ea Madan + Ea Matlac* Be nate + Bae Maen) [As before, the convention & tat a sfx over whi summation takes plce fe eplaced by axa We can vy that the two expestons forthe de bution are demi! by checking thatthe owes of Paes Pass Pat AN Prat ic, because syely then asus that the remalnng powers wil ako ‘pe! For example, the cotfiient flog Py in Ho exponential tem is naa By see ade Dg ae * Mae Corcespondig tothe suence of hypothe yy ya Hy, there fia sequence of conditional dstbtioe which we now deve Fis, con sider the hypothesis. Inferencs about (a) ae based on the dsebulon ‘of (Mae) conditional on the sbsered vals of (Mash, (None (Wend (Waal (Wao) amd onl Sloe the ttl Fequeny Fixed te codons ‘ne equivalent to the observed vies of (a, (Mau) 0d (Mop) The dalton of Wen ™ Pa) pes that (ye = my). Ths the conditions itibtionrequied i x0 Gaetan hin My! Zinn 0 one Moers Mut Secondly, supose (hal My hol sn conse Hy, lfrencs about lr) ane base on the ditabuion of (Aaa) conditional onthe observed vas (OF (Meal Mesh Mac (Maa) and (Man) The conto re equbalent ve as fied values for (Myo) and (Mg). or each vale of the dstebtion ‘oF {Nia} conditional on the observed values of Ej) a(n) ‘Niacin, Mon Pe. Thecondtonldstebtion of ln the convo- Jutlon ofthe codon dstbtins of {Npeb for = 12s... Cite, ‘Thirdly, suppove tat Hy an 7 bot bald, and consider i laerecie bout ig at based on the dltation of (Mga) cadena! on the observe ales of (Ma) Wal Meus. a {Ng}. The condone ae quvlent tothe oseived aes of (Mju and (ay, When the values of {Wahab given, only Ue equenis (gy)ad (gud) vrai vara Forsich ‘hat a two-dimensional contingency ible wniquely deers! by 2 com ‘ofthe marginal totals and eros product rates Island and Kulak, ‘The dstbtion gf) converges to normality ws the allowing com ‘ons. Let Gage en) ad (Bo postive quantities whch frm con ‘sitet st of to-dmensionalmacinlprobabiies Ths Bymye = Ba tiae Fimo = Barone Eitan — 2 tom “ Ty tu = Ba toe ™ Ea tow = | Por speci vale of Ha), tine mult say Bymyn) = Hay Eyrmn(O) = mone Be mal) = Myo. (ral a in Mal) mast Md) Meu)” ‘onside the dsb gf} nthe Bt when nye->, ny >=, sad ay “> sch away tha yl, lt Hn ad al Syn fo ij, ak The #1) ~ am) 090 42 (nas — mn Pl ‘Te oxresion onthe ight i the deity ncaa of slr no nina station forthe (I) — 11 rales a) Alineasions Signi aces beets { 2, (nin —myy(@} = 9 for af and nd snr fr sunnatons oer ja “the method of prot ia fre eteratzton of the corsponing methods fr 2% 2 abe in section 4.2 ad Xs tales sston SAL tne soge whee the cantons tothe expson of th hg pebabl ratio me cesta thw propery of (ny) that Bap bun ~ my} nm) — Pate Mae Mand Hae 0. Bae (Ny!) = tn! ye ‘Thus de condor istibatlontequled Mas Hosts Hs ily, soppse thst My ly a Hal hl, se conse fy shout (A) ae based on the datuton of (Nut sondonal othe observed vals of (Mia and (Na) namely ae tho, tj Dek ‘Tie conltonldstbutions wich are i he stay ot thee lensonal contingency table incude several extended hypereomeii stbins, whic ean Be used to make snerences by mets sendy “seated. There alo arises a georled fon ofthe exons hypesgeo ‘mete distrib, samy ate Mss Mts Rae, (ex Cate Manta M2 HP Cae Make Ml ‘The exact use Of |.) presents conseabe problems of enumeration exept In pec caves, eg, when r= 2 = 1 = 2 oF whan sll. Resour to ‘symptotie methods meaty always esata. A normal msl po tation to the dsbnton of Wg! ually employe. The coseponig li theorem i tad on the property ofthe nensona sontngeney ‘ables whieh wow follows, Suppose tha the dstibution of» terse vxpone (5,7) defied ad tos DR =i, T=) = pu “his identity svi by checking tal the ceticens of log man), ‘hen the probable [a ate uniquely determined by a cmbination op mayo Ma, el 6 eG a 200 which const of the twosdtinensiona!mruglnlprobbilties (ye), (Pes) "The asymptote dopesion malic of (Ma) conldonal on the observed ‘wodinerson! totals otaloed by a seaghlorwad extension ofthe ‘mad describ for Xr tables bn etiam 5.1 7A. opriments involving factors We now dscuss two other experimental situations which ie se 1 2 coalngngy table of order 7 2% t it, suppoe that a baa sean (6,1) i observed a each level ofa fect F. The ditabution of (5, 7) a (vo together withthe patter fe). Prtbemors he Val ‘an be obtained by Heratvesaling from ay tee dlnensona se with We specie aes of (Ea) ete able with elements fy) here ‘ave = 50 (atc) and yy = 1 otherwise, ‘These eile re proved by the same elnigues which can be wed fo show the Hh oe of Fi expres by PS HAT Hk F GEN BRE My dh A sample of se ng ken on ts papas eonesponding to F dnd my the ego of the een (Sf, 7 (nl have moo ation with ono (pia) A onoranton to the pares tou Iho the dnbton of Uh Ny (vont Pn) exp Ce nab + Ee tee + Ban maaan + Dae Msetn + Bae Mate + Fae “The parameter inthe exponential om ean be interpreted Flows, Consider the salyss of vrane of one way layout ith expected ass (The min effect is wally dined by the et of dfrenes (ry ~ nl) Tor 1,2, .-~,7 but an equal vil definition & gen by the st of sitferences (ng) fora = 1, 2,---yr~ L. Al the love of F, the Interaction 3% TW wasted by he parameters Fos PncPoPaPa) (© repay 16 ne? We fa ha he prams {nd mewor the effect of J 37 ey hls san 7 th San al each evel of Fan messy) When fy hs, we ean oced to case the ees of Fon St ini, which re Irene by ha and ed rope I Hy Hy ad all bad, {then and Pe laden and en ath sae btn fr all del fF = ‘Stony, support a espowe 7 obued for exh wate combination of two facto and The dso oT forthe Wet tnetconblaien (= f=) oxesed by werk: Fah, for aba, Pn Ap NE Ry Dh ‘A.stmple of se nyo Len foe the population comesponding to GP) and yy tte reency of the erent T=. et each) the ates Wi} ave 3 liom dition With index ye ad prob ables fy) Hence the dsution Is so My eta) ex ae B+ Pa Mate 4 Dae ure # Bate Mahan For each he was 7 he exponent tem i now nly of vance of « tworvay Iyout with expected {otlows, Consider the pv ete man te of Fy ae Sune of Gy Ina 4d fr b= eg ease ef ad or the tentment combination (= i, = the mn effet of Te meme by fo Ceylon) forall (Om ceplacing ny by I (ylPu), we find that the parameters [Ey messte tte effect of FG on 7 When Hy holds, the effet of G oa TI the sume at each fel of a is measned by (yg Silay, he effect of Fon 7 5 the same a eich level of, as messe by {ig} I ya Pe AM bold, then the daebaton of 7h the sume foreach eaten comb ‘The condition dstibotions which hare aay ben drive can these: for be used co make nfrencas when s bart esponse i chscvd a ‘ach love of a factor, or when a rospons is observed foreach treatment ‘ambinaton of to firs. Farther dla of the second experimental sation whens 1 2 ae len by Zale (1971). ‘ll hes techniques aie fom the mentoreent of ascelaton by the lop ofthe cressproduct eto. Hower, the amen in fear of this measre no longer apply when a respons is obsved foreach treatment combination oF to acon because the tbl snot than symmetial in he thnsifeatons. Sopose thatthe response I binary, and wate p fr the pobablty of secs. The elsonblp between response and tetment fombinaion canbe expressed by a linear mode! for same fusetlon /(). Functions in eamipon use ae p ise, and the pro, angular ad log transformations (Cox, 1970, sect 2.9; Piney, 1971, see. 3.8). For exams, onsier an exponent where ha 2 ewe and ha eels. The fer toce betwesn the levels of atthe th level of fs then measured by 8) = Mod ~flon. Mximumitlnond procedures reapplied to this situation by ates (1955) When 6, 8, a feclly most poweseleteron for testing the hypotiesie 5-0 aginst the aerate 8 #0 i ised on weighted sm ofthe aiferences Maange Menbtares here the weights depend on te tasfonnation used (Rahakishns, 1965) as » 15. Ratimation sd tet procedures ‘ote § forthe vector obtained whe th parameters (Eg or » ex Jn systematic oder. The condional maaimutyleliood estinator& sts, the system of equations Rone = E Wee) forall ‘A alution can bo obtained, in pcp, by fi ‘method fr eating A odtingd in sion $2 “The expected fequencles (mya(0) at cleuatd by the Herat sealing procedure. We begin wi ery fregueney I, (ye ae atin’ to the scucy spect (he estimate values of expected fequencies s piven by Haberman (1972), ‘When r= 2, imps the Mae logit model Yee DiplPan) ~ we) Bae ‘The tecniques of minimus git ch oq can then be wed to tet My ‘(taann, 1968) and three eldence that lo anal epee they prot more sce than X* or ¥? (Orff, 1970), A secede reason may be thatthe paramos [y) can be expres in terms of smaller sumer of pseametr, In that et, we F proceed by analogy th wection 6-2 When thre i no system patern Song the (a), we must asbside the teeing tal no con situa set of olinensiondl les, ad analy thse separately by the ehods of thé the previous chapter Suppose tha Hy acepid,Unfeences about (care batt onthe Auton of (Ne) endtional onthe ebserved values of (My) and Nau ‘whch isa convolution ofr extended hypergeometi ltbations Write» Tor the vector defined by systemati oder of the paramos (a ‘The condiloal maxinutieliod esinaor ¥ sls the system of ‘euations Mave = BWuei3) For all ane When s= ¢= 2 some progets ha been made, Approximations t Fy ae tbl when ms neat fo zero (Bch, 1964; Goodman, 1969), and an “uct teatment is pole when the Fixe marginal fla ae very sal (an, 197) ‘A ligesampleapproxch to inference about» when old is flows. Forse values of et (mn(,) be the unas quanti whch Dane er generalization ofthe Ease = Joe Wane MroeMeaelNoviManeNeseNea) ‘Asn seton 5.2, the estimator sa tg te Das * DO DODD Be BEGG Fa DO FDI FD 4a fe expecaon an i bis sl, Sy, we Bd at B= @ PTO Nn IE env in don © xg wh the diel waa Sst fn by Hcg te nes Hag ig 8 ey ‘te tal independent and such as ee in +) = Wr “hese 7 eds at ones 1 coatMence eon for g ad sinc Inter fr Ue We next come fH Toba ofa xt oe dba of Mad onion on the served two dinesonl tial Ltt Nwev, the aero poste sto Mean ply Wh he vie off Doe Ue seatay tee wily set | “ites i abe th spine ofthe he oven gee {cso fs bud to Invave appoxinate maths whch re it samples Able, the salad est eed ne 27 = a (Mn men(ODFFmy(O, on YF = 2E yu My lo (My ly() When i ste, X? comergs ly datbaton 0 ‘ions stated in sett 7.3 for he arympote {eeratization of pment gen nsections 4.5 and 5.2 1s the maximartklood estinte of mpi wer Hand tha thee hoodrat state ¥? Is asymptotically equiaent 0.1. Fymn(O.) = Mags Za ml) = mys ot ag m0 OYm mB) = He ‘Then te stood sata aati ¥en by Y= 22 pM mC OVm (0.1, Sistibation wo x2 hen lhe poate is for 2 and ayy 9 sich fea k Conier the Ea ~My oem) Fae Wate Mae = 0. By taking £= 0, we obtain Zip Mn —myn(0} R-n(0) = 0. ‘The replcement of log myu(6) by log 0,v) further shows that Ba Min — mp0) Ya my (Os9) = ert te Yn the frm YF ~ 22 my(0) 08 (mun OVmn.9) An asymptotic equirent sais i 2 = Bp Oma —Myn(O.0)Pm a0. Wen the condone fr conveigece Ia dsuibution of X* and Y* ae sultably approximated, atest of Hy asumng that fy Hos made using titer state with te expected frequents smp0.0) = my Mea We Anoee test procedure i the following (Bch, 1965) We requie 10 tet the simple aerate he that rye = 0 for al ed gas compost onion fog Welhood function wld expect to ad at ae {vector with ment tpi by Ing = Tso cla ‘When tg and Hy both ld the exit means, vse, gd eovariancs of (ipl canton on the eared value of (Mj) and {Mn 06 gen by se E.On) = Myo Monts or ON! La D be the dspssion matrix of, wih element yi by 2B, o¥ es Nave Then a wy ‘he asymptotic distbution of Ki dition which apply 0X? and ¥?, ba lo when >, whieh cae the ‘marginal total (ab ry) may beam On the othe hand, A enrally ore diiut to cleat tan X* of Y*. “The standard method of dsving confidence regions rm te ‘dyerbed in sztion 52, em be apled tether X™ or Yin respect of, ‘Yhe #0 fora leat one pi (bc). An appropiate tate 4s of section 23, denoted hee by A Une Hy, the devas ofthe fom ylByrheemdMae une Me raa(oe—D on but th problems of enumeration ae onsderable when 6 1)(¢—1)>2. When s=1 = 2, the metod pesented by Corfe (1856) and deserted Jin ection 4.4 extends directly fo gv confienee interes for, (Gat, 970). Suppose that Hy i accepted in won to Hy. Eston an tt po irs fr [ahd [ha based ona sig extended hypenomeee ‘stabi fresh sof parameters, The eevant metho re dca In previo chapters 1 Hy au Hy ae also seeped, then R, Sand T ae mutual indepen (Conder the Met Ol. Nay Moa) tN No Mat No) PNe Myo Non) Pal Nye, Roa) % ple Mies Nee on. Successive tes on the sight ge the dcibatons fr lferencer about (© sl GO (a) hen {Base OF (Dh when Ee = 0) an (ye =) and (i) Pa whe a = Os (ag = OF ad ie Of A sa sea Fok when ach ondilonal probability) is eplaed by a liklhood ratio 1), The coesponding entity interme of ~2 Tog. JC) sows tht the kaliood.ati state fr tsting that RS, 7 ve mately independent 18 the am of four sch quanites which hae asymptoue¥? dstbutons tnd are mutual Independent when all tbe elevant nl hypothe ae te (Goodman, 199, 197). ach ofthe Helthood-atlo stds i the foregoing analy ean be futher pattioned, For example, sppore that hols, td we equ 12 parlion the satis for testing Hy, Inoue the hypvhess Jaime = 0 foratte ‘Then a posible parton omits of the Hksllhood-ati ttl for tetng the sequence of hypotheses aed by JJ, when J had, Jy when J, a8 Ay holy oy ad Joy When Js Jy dg hold. The expected fequeeles orresponding (Jy ae bts fom any table which sais Hy by seling ‘the marginal oa (pq) (nn and ray! For #1 agi satisacoaly wit the ves observed. Sma, the expect requndes conesponding {o J, wen J old at derived by kg the sail ttl (nye (oul (oul fr b 1, 2. The procedure terminates with J, when te ‘estretons on (mc dspear athe expected Fequecie are ‘mun 0,0) = nysroaten By this method he (¢~ 1(¢~ 1) ders offen forty eve Into (¢~1) eof (1 Thy cou equaly be dived into (1) sete 2 oF (¢— 1) Any oer method of pooping the elanentary hypotheses ype yr = 0 unlialy to hve a pact interpretation, and te elelation of te corespondingexpeetedfrequencles wal present pater dificult 1.6 Numeral examples We procet to anys sof data whi ae decibel in section 7.1 ‘Beale 75 The dats st lenin Table 7.1, We te the flowing notation Length of entng Bs: longshot (F= 1,2. Time of panting (G): at onein sping Y= 1,2). Rasponse (7): lve (& = 1,2, Consider st the yporbes Hy ecling to which the iteration otween length af eating ne of panting has no elect on respon ‘The expected fequels yy (0) ae caeaated by the erative sealing ‘procedure, beglanng with table n which al feoquencies eT, and aig to chin the twodimensona mua foals gn blow. co «GS 263 ado 2) mo a2 BD mo bes G2) mos Denote an By aT Following table expresses the tte aueneies tems ofa ner the coment onthe rg foals, and er ny mn(0 Fa [Reaseney | man [ mal) [| TGT [Feaveney [me | ma) Quy | a [156 [atone Pern | 263-2 [ior | rorso8 (112) | 40a | a4] r8904 | G12) | o—28 | 133 | 138-096 (an) | 24a | a4] root | an | amis | 31] 36006 (122) | a" | 136] r61086 | (222) | 368—a [209 | 205-908 Une Hy, the fequeney A ts approximately nonnal with mean 161-096 sed standard deviation (161096 + 789067 +, 20ROEIYF = 389, ‘We equke ha probbiliy ofa deviation from the mea x ete dition 1 las or lve tan that observed, namely PA S136) +p > 169. “The nomnalspproxination wih continuity conection gies 0087 + 0085 ~ 0.102, We conc that J has no effest on 7: ‘An exact test of ye made using the condor distbation of, which ive by BA =0) = ela? (240— ay} 259~ a) ~23) (0 ~ 12591065 0] P Hee is chowen 2 tht the total probability is 1. The ean a stand evton of nly that al Fequncesontide te range II # 12 have ‘walle probable. Ths c can be evaluated. The prabbly of obra, A= 136 6s probable requoney I sgl O42, Consider next the eet of sy». The 2X 2 tables for F = have the same crosspredvct ratio @ Por eich {and eof» we elle the ‘expected frequency m(,») and vance (oma (0.9P" + fn (O,9P + ma O.09F fo, 097 ‘Te condional mean sl stance of Ny ate abtined by summation over {This leads o two tes of v, sch that 263 appente a the upper and lower 24 percent pointe ofthe dsubution of Ny, soned oma, I thi way we fd tht th effect of planing tons rte than in sprig He in ‘he inter (1130, 1725, wih a conencecofTient approximately (095. Simi, the eft of Fes n (0723, 1313), with the sme cont enc cet ample 26 ‘The data ae gen In Table 7.2, Wo ve the following statin Dinoner(): 28-45+ = 1,2,3). Group (G): problemseontiols = 1,2) Response (7): loseoone (k= 1,2. Considers the hypo Hy The exci eqns {myu()} se hen in Tale 75. We find that ¥* = 0853 (24), and conclude that ‘FXG has o lft on 7, Consider nent the hypotbess Hy. The expe frequencies m0, 8) ee gven in Table 7.5. Hee ¥° = 2301 (1 4.), and we conclude thst Is no effet on 7. Aa alternative tt babe onthe conditional Utibton of May Under Hythe meus nd vances of (Nj) a a8 Fallows Non Maya we 24502 2300 S88 G26 “5321 om 9s ‘TABLE 7 Lose of mother in retion 1 beavioal problems and itor of children: expected frequencies my) and (0,0, mipetively upper and Lover amber of inode 2 1a st ith | Probleme Controle | roblns Control [Probleme Contos Tams | 20503 9497 | 27219 14787 | 252m 1516 nang 11866 | 24903 17007 | 23360 17640 era97s4son | 39:787 wnG 21284 None | sises 52434 | 2097 2561019360 ence My hat sean 66-70, vatnce 1760, and standard deviation 420, ‘The probly of x deviation st ng ot lagi the sane decton 084 lly we aval the effect of F. Let define the change in respons from a irtorder of 2 to one of 3-4, and It define te change frm 2 lost The 3% 2 lables for =) hae the same par of exossprodvet rts (6, o).For oak pi (4), we eat the expected reuencies fom 9), and then 18 = 22 My Be ma 0V (0.0) By seaming the ple of Gi) we obtain lp such dat Y? ‘pecfed percentage level of fT revling condencedsubution Shown in Fe 7. ‘Bxample 2.7 ‘The dat re given ia Ta Beethlessnens (Re Yeo (= 1,2) Wheese (8): YewNo = 1,2) Age (20-24. 460-68 = 1,2... ‘test of Hy ges ¥? = 265686 on BA. (P < 0001). The lg cross pros ral In order of neresaing se are a fits: 321 369 «40 Hd 301 278 292 244 264 E24 Conte dtsion for eft of tor Fin 3% 2% 2 contaeney ule ‘he erate sclng procedure 1 ach the observed two dnensons frail oll Agegroaps ooo ro rn ' roa M4 ' ‘The minimum wae of Y*f 6805 (7), whic iiates a sttory “The vale is ataioed when B= 0-136, and the expected Fequencies ae ‘hen a down in Table 76, A cadence intra for 8 with » confidence eaficeat of 095 costs of lth ve for which YF < 6805 +3881 = 10616, where 3.641 the upper S percent poof xf The resulting fiom —0-1887 19 00731, Nob 1 : athesnes Hl Breath i ‘omer the hypothesis that ie = (=P for sme For values of ln the nighbouthod of ~015, «tbl of expected fe tence (ny() eluted, beponing withthe eae below ad wing 9% cs TTARLE 7.6 peste fremencet of cnbniers fr lear aresion of a eg oreprodct rao on ee me Recaro | _Bronnesess | No betlonnes see it imps | Were” No'wheee | Where No wheeze | TO! aca i Boat | iGa1—Sa9 | 937 raat ERG fp Bt Deis and typotes asa | drat 1079 | 10699 ssa | m1 Suppor thats teiments te compared by absving a response obtsned got | S249 dost | inest insta | 211300 Af tom experimental subject, Matching i usd nan atempt Yo improve the asap | raias art | aseot —aasrao | 27as00 sous | 16929 sae | a7 meas | 2am asa | omer as | aigas ir | 29300) so-sa | 39304 12766 | 25566 131334 | 200000 ss-9 | aie 39a | 22a 979-79 | 175000, coer | 36551 irra | taew _sivsi | seo, ‘tora | 1927-00 con | r#33.00 1402200 | re28200 prechlon of comparons between tetents fom he lpelaaied by an Mom spl The procedure Iso easy 1s subjects tor groups of le | by mean of ast of matching vrses which are eorlatod with each other and with the depce af spose Subject athe sane group ae repre 38 "yuilent ith rspet to tho matching variates, and diferent teatment ‘appli eo etch snbjet The expuimontl dongs known a moe ‘aps wien += 2, aa match sett peer : ‘When the response ctor, the experimental data ae the fe qencst ina contingency table of onder X 1 Xt, where the elsifatons Teatent, al respons, respeatily. The sample size 1 on of group sd eaten, Methods of presenting the dat at tated inthe example which follow. The general ptncpes of | ‘nitching ae dss rom & practi! vewpoit by silevicr(186). ‘Example 8.1 Te dat in Table 81 se quoted fom Maxwell (1961). They ‘wer obtaled Hoan experinent concerned withthe let af the symptom | “This aayee dk only with the quetion af How the asioeatlonbetweee brentlesnes and wheeze varies with age, and diewes that quetion from ‘only one vewpolit, Many ther water remain fr conaidration, They ae ‘xasned In dtall by AsMord and Sowden (1970), spd Mantel ed Brows aon, TABLE A Resotery of 28 pas of depres pation Depersonaized| ron Meet | necovered _ Nol reoreed Recovered 5 » Not rxovrad 2 4 ‘Tout 16 2 2 “deparontzaton” onthe prognosis of depressed pals. A set of 23 “gpersonloe” pllents war mtahed oe toons for as set, duration of ins, an on cetin personaly variables, with 25 patents diagnosed 38 “not depenonaed”. Alera couse of ECT. the members ofeach pal were dignoted a “wecovered” of “not roorered” and the corresponding Frequencies ar piven inthe able, We reqs to tet the fypathess that dpersoalizaton’” not sical with ogni again the alternate ” o* that the categories "aot depesonlzed” and “recovered” ae poi associte. Here = 23, = 2, and = 2. Although Table 8.1 Is forly ‘qutlent 10.22% 2 contigeney tbl, the unite ae pas of subject, ad the al ethos do nt apply ‘Buample 8.2. The daa in Table 82 ate quoted from Cochran (1980). Spc ‘mons of diphtheria bull were taken fom the throats of 69 mpcted ea, 0 ‘TADLE 8.2 _Groweh of 69 specins of dphiher bull Mei Frequeney agen rival a rioil 2 oririf 3 oro) 4 ooo ol 9 ach specimen vas gown on enh of four mala B,C, D. The cent was tier sucess, counted as 1, of alu, counted a . We teuie 10 test tha {he diferent media se equly effective, taking recount ofthe fae that he ‘probability of growth wil depend on the sunber of diphei Bac pest Her = 69, 4, and 1 = 2 ‘Most applestion of matching to gustav vrs sre concerned with 1 binary respon, and we therefore make the aston tat f= 2 thea fut what follows. The methods of analysis are gly obtained by petal. ‘previous teu and ean be extended to othe values ofr without diy ‘An appropiate mode for mathe sets devebed by tletinn 1968). Matching based on «wera, which fully liensonal The ‘alae of A forthe A prow itm where, my == form andon sample of soe. or exch ue of HY, cbsvatlons ae mate oa the binary ates Ty Tay oo Ty hee T) refers to thet talent. Denote the variate pC = 1) by Fads expectation by py. Ts Plt = = pp We asune tht 775,74 uty independent editions on ‘on the flowing sen. Let Tym be the vara coresponding (0 ‘he dstbution of 7; condtinal on A= m- Thea 70), Ta) = Ti swe Indepanden! fo all. The asumpion fps thet. aps a). CT, = iN) aie, oa uo ° the eaten are ‘ena ci Be expresed (Madanshy, 1963), A strong Foxman een bythe bypthes, He, according to whlch the conitonl probability of sees he smo (el posite ales of That PCD ~ Min)» ply Mn) = «= vey The vines Pa, Pa ooo, ate the Mental Wat Paros = PAT “The probobites ay.) am be located ln the calls of «contingency able of ofder 2" whee the th cussion eles fo the respon for the th {eetment. A eomsequence of Hy tho Hypothesis Hy, according to which “der pertains ofthe slic, This inaance en vata ofthe com sis Leonie the im) forall, typotiei This she condton hat the one denensonsl margins are hemogen2005. “Thus Hips, tH does nt imphy Hy except when s= 2. For example, take r= 3. Then fe gen by Pray = ae = Ban ad Oar = Ors = Oo (nthe other hand, 1 gen by P= 0 We sy tat the groupng of subtte Ie nefcte Hf 7 7, ‘ae mul dependent, in whic ase 47 = sim) All these expressions have coustepsts which ae conionl on the vl of M obsrved: Denote by Ty the vaste defined by the dstebuton of 7, tonal on A= my i by forall) ad Pu = wT y = 1) and ay ~ pty = 0 ‘The natu analgue of Hy, sho denoted by Mo, i expres by Pam Be oe = py feral However, the anlage of sets hat the average probably of sucess forthe subjects nthe sap the sn frail treatments, and ths state ‘ment hss ete vale, The rowping i ineetive when Pu =) forall andj. 100 ‘This condition obaes when 5 Indpeatent inom random ‘Matching sa parte form of sttiiestin, where the pocedae i 8 folows. We chy the subjects ato homegeneo snp, each of sue Tage tans, and then spply the dere treatin a subsamples which ate generally unequal nz. tn other words, the sample ee fresh come ‘ination of stat std Uesiment, previously I, naw aay, 82 Matched sete We begin with «matched pair sign. The be sey, which cannot bo tsted is ha the intracton of pt ant rete a let on response Tha hoe, and Jen (ru antonan) =» forall ‘This sows that the probate f sacs for the two testment, when mensred on aot el, derby the same amount forall pits. ocordag to the gener theny of Xs % 1 eonlngney table, nfeenee about» ae bad onthe dstbition of Nye coals! onthe abrerel wes of (Vuh Inthe th pit the vector (a ey) ba thes por vat, namely (2,0) {, 2, and (1,1) When th fit vec, Ny ean when the second aie laa Mt~ 0. Tso wton i posible ner eae, tnd information about » avalible. Consider ow te thin port: 0 = Us = 1) = pnait(rven + Par samples ae matched a ae ‘The conditional probity hee I the ste for al pais. Since plies Ny = O'when My = 1 te information aout» Is dared fom (he pals which gv a diferent esl forthe Iwo Lene. Such pis re Aesetibed at ied. ‘Wo are tus ldo the following conehions. Let Ty denote the inary responding tothe th rete athe th pl an et Py be he Frequency of pis fr which 7y = w and Ti =v. The frequency of ted Drs Fg FS G, ands observed vale fe denoted by. afters shout ae based onthe dstBulion of Fis conditonal on Pa Fan = 8 "hich is binomial wih index ean probably (U4 «-*)", When the tee mens are dente,» 0 sad the bin! probabity i} The procedure on well nde gad prot | OF rterring Ft binonilda {ex for coninaos variate wih a symmetieadistibtion ad hypothe rneanzeo. An approximate dstbution fuetion for Fy obi rom NUGI2, 81), wg 3 contnitycoreton. The soem et with 10 4 continu coction fs due to MeNemar (1947), ond const in cefeing the satisie AT = Pa Fay lo Pa) {6 4 table of xf. In what follows, we refer to both the exact and asymptote ocadres a the gts 'N notable este ofthe sign test that noe ade of th pis which lve the sare rel foreach trelnent. Supp fia the vais of Fe a oy ae aven, We might expect, as Cochan (1950, p 258) hus ponte 0 Ua spies ought to be more defintely eeabised if Fg ani Fi we ero han ify andy are ge ln tts property can fll from Bayesian amiss where prior dstibution ae asiped tothe tetiment and rfc The deals ane gen by Athan (19TI3), where several Raye ‘model appropiate for matched psi ve dacs, vample 82 ‘The dato ae glen a Table 8.1, A onesie tat of the hypothesis tht “depesonalztian’” Is pot asocated with ogni mae by caleaating thepeabbty of 2 o ever sci In a sguanee ot 7 (cals with probability far succes. The probably i 29/128 am we con: thide that Mperantiztion” and ogni se ot anced. ‘When watched piri formed by applying tretnentsF and to the ‘same subject we require to take account of pose order elf. Suppoxe Uhat one grup of sbjet ie hen the rete n the onder (FQ) amd ‘other gio in the order (G,). An spropiate analysis of tho two values ‘was dsined by Gat (1965), who showed that we sppistions of the Fer-Lrwin procedure provide the te requied. A numeri sy ofthe ‘eltomiip between the sign test aud Ga’ test wat made by Nam (1971), le showed thatthe sight sisted when an onder lest exis, wile tho sign Lat when the order effet 50, et shoul be wed la plac of the sgn teat hen a cde effect ic suspected ‘Wo now consider the analysis of « mated sts design when thee are 5 ‘westmens The assumption made sin that H hs that oe (nvaPa te) ‘Thus the probabitis of sueces for any pir of trevtmens, when menured ‘on lop sel, afer bya content amount for coeding 16 wth ry = 0 fr al, pies Ho, (esx) ae tad onthe dstibuion of Woyy}eoitional om te observed vals of (Wig), ist drive by Rasch (1960, ch X). Cons the test of Paar foal > Hg which ses he sate K? of sation 75, Th frsency of succes for 102 the jh weutment Ty, Wate he frogueney f secs or the fh 61 A= BT ‘a 4 nef si fr tT is 5) Showed that 19 = D2 (Ty - AMEE toB 18), hast the obser veo Tp. Thi state was developed by Cachan. (0950) 4 sanded van of (Ty) ~ AY. le dented Kb O 8 Showed tht Q emerge in tibtion fo By a:7 > when te ‘Anextersn of Cac at stati the stanton whee eee ‘ning or some combinations group 0d estnent was nade by Crt st, sample 84 “The dats ae gten Tole 62. They edt the Fong frequency dstbatons te 0 234 6 7 0 Rregteney S91 3 4 reguuncy Hence Q = 805, ear the opper 5 pesent point of x, ‘The exat distribution of @ canbe dexved in principle at est, rom the folowing conlderaton:. Lat Py Bethe mbar a a8 fr wh T= Ta = theses Ty = ‘Wee G, for the numberof sts such that Tp = #. Ths Gy the an of Feyoay ov al permutations ofthe sixes noch tat f=. Only one parmation possible iP = 0 ors, When fi trie, vta WoT = aoeeTae = Wie = 2) -() “Ths te joint astibotion of the Fequences (Ey oh cantina on Tyo ¥ and G, = gs the symmete nalinonal aft) a tae! ‘The joint dstebution ofa Fequencs (yy. contin on Gy = Bas {4 product of sch probabilities, ‘Bennet (1967, 1963) estinates the probate ofthe frequency ds ‘outlon of Tig} By various methods, subject to the const Imposed by ‘Hn hs rteron i poodnesof Tsai, The vlstve meds of the ‘ious tet state ar uneaorn. 103. A lficony of matched pis for binary date “The bale ssption forthe matched pts design Is that lox adapta) = forall Inference abot» ace made fom the daesbutin of Fy conitional on Fp Poy ~ whichis boil wilh Index g and probity (1+ e° ‘This method ft ald whether o nt the matehing i effective, However, when the mstching ie netTecive, 50th P= Py and py = Py forall other method of making infercnces about» becomes avaible, Consider {Me folowing 2% 2 abl of Weatment snd respons: ‘Trentment Succes Fale Lo ty Tw 2 Te Te ee Ty By + Fy and Tn = Bat Foy Denote by to (Of Ty = Tou + Te: Inference bolt» are sow made from the dsbtion ‘Ty, condita oh Ta fe, which asthe extended hypergeometric form, ‘We proceed to compare the two tits when matching I efectv. The lipotts Hs according wich py = Py ca be tested I ge samples sing either AL > Co Pale o 28 = WT Te) Har Eich stati converge in dsibation fo x2 when His tue. Wald (1947, (108) earkod tha the values of Fy and Fy depend on random pang, ‘ihc suggest that eat be at effet at However, be proved ‘rie (1943, App. A) that the powers of 17 and. are aympotienlly ‘equ ora sequence of alternates {(, Pa) sch that the sequence nue ~Pasirt) i bounded, The power functions ofthe sign tet and the Fieri test have bean cata by Youkeles (1963) st useate vals of (pps) when = 10, 15,20 sn 30. Sho found tht the power ‘ofthe sign te can Berle ow in sal samples, but that the diferencet fe vitally eapeared when r= 30, Chas (1968) conldred alternatives ‘tthe type ps = Epu where OE < 1 He messed ffcency by the ratio fof the sample size for X10 tho expected somple sive for] when the nome fF uated pail te, The two statis were compared under the sme ‘ondtions of sifcaee lev, power, and altel hypothe Thee riethods of comparison were conierd, a ols (©) Fis the sigience love and power I ~ 9, Conder a sequence of erates = Ge where f= (0) Fix Uand the power 1B Coates sequnse of sigfeance levee ao. (0) Fhe the spices lvl. Conder related snes am) such that f+ Tad 0 ‘The conclusion is that the asymptote «fleny of 17 with rexpet to? 1s 1 for (2) nd (buts tha 1 for (2). Howerer, in mort sitontons of ‘practi ntered the asymptote relive efieny unde (2) sgt high “Another approach othe study offen Io eonider the peblem sone of esintion. The maxintm-ikeliioad estar of» Goa te cone ional distbuion of Fes By = log elo ou ‘This estimator has infinite vasance, bu > ce the dtebtion af G9 exon comvegs 1 not, where wae) = 1+ eye ing for nd epicing¢ by £(G), we obtain var) = (Pats Psa, maPaavas Denote by F the maximumtkellhod estates af v fom the condos dstbution of Ty ABT, F ~1apTx~og Ton) ~ lg Ten ag Te) Wh the same inepretation of var.) a before, var) = Cibvas eva ‘A mene of asymptote efieleny nthe Ht > gen by Subst vac (Yvan) = (Deas + Pads Maat Poa Now m4 ~ a and gy qa atelier both 20 or diferent ip, so that ima) <0, whence pias Pen spies Pane We concide tht var) < va), ‘with equality If and only Uy =p, ln whlch ease v= 0, For fixed value ‘ta, yp, the rei ffcleney tons to pas #4, and to a = When the matching festive, rma consistent esnator of», 1a comistent estntor of lon pa BanlB Pn Ea). Suppose thatthe ves fy} fom rom samp from te ditrbuton ‘ofa vrae Py. We consider the special eas where Pi uniform on (0 1) Denote” by'W sad detine P, by" POPP) =v. Then BCP and Be) = (D+ v ogo In he ln, a >, the bio 8 = tole DEC AEC EU PD) 9 = fog (C1- 9) + oe MI 99+ # on OL ‘wo puter asymptotic valves ar 0 = =H 40(%) a9+0, and 6 ~ toglel ale. “Ths te bias de to collapsing the theedinesinal contingency table of Pui, Iratment and repose ito ale of rete a response only i crt 30 pte ee, tatty aa ore a of oo whence 9 MULTIVARIATE DATA 9.4 Malisiensonal contingency tbe When the ul ofa populton ae csi by several methods appli stltaneouty, th groups whieh veut ean be sepresnted by the el of 2 fenocalized reeiangla late, whee the ate ter to He maths of cs Freaton The eoresponding say’ of eel requence is knoe a ul smonsional contingency fable A table of deraons may have 1, 2,4 ‘ees whlch eorespond to responses, a the remainder hen eosespond to {eto Ts thee ar dbase (pe of able A loca for paaing ‘multidimensional tbls even by Haberman (19739). ‘Bxomple 8 ‘The data in Teble 9.1 ae ake fom a report by Kies, ‘Nereagon ad Campbell (1968) which studied the rlloaship between ear TABLE 9. Accent 10 slay drivers in 090 welhts of ea lsd ‘by ecient type, ecient severity, and dive ected cx | Delve ‘Accident eaiistion weight | lected Collison Rollover Not se _Severe| Not wre Severe Ne sso sof ot Seat | vee % al 9 No wee vor | 1a 404 Stand | vee ' tr] 2265 shu and acldeat ljles. We Follow Bhapkar and Koch (1968) in considering ‘only drivers who were alone, an in condensing the cial clsentons of ‘ir weight, scien! typ, and acide seedy two eateposis each. The repoet present legthy and detailed dscussion ofthe stil material ata bare only on Table 9.1 a follows, Thee i o Info Imaion about the numberof em and standard ces tek, ad te fo ‘of #20 and 4011 expt nay not be representative, Car weight i there: fore tak as a fetor, and weidet type, accident see, and deer ejected ss responses. However, seen! type affects acldnt sereity, ni bah fet Ativer sete, 106 07 Bumple 22. Mingesots hghichoo grnuater of Jone 1938 were aad ‘with respect to (postion by ls shih school graduating cls, 1) post Mavacoo ns Ap 189, i se an (9) set lee nse eaten. The cleors of post hgsdool stat are (C) Enrolled Io elle, (¥) eae in socal shoot, (F) employed Fults and (0) other Table 92 presen the dats which se quoted fom TABLE 92 Minnerom highschool graduates cased by four methods I a i |e Se wl at ale i 8 2 [RSE RNBS 2 She w Ban 2) 0 PGR SS Bae ESTs ass 3 [SHG wiles we wale bas a] od [2 aS Rss 2 ee oes EL os [Re Se SPR Sse S BUC SEES Be 8 Bos Hoyt, Krshalh and Torres (1959) Thee objective was to sty tho dependence of port highacoa sate on the ther vraler. An alas abo gven by Ke and Kalack (1968), who ota out that threes "sualy ge sumer of gle compsted with boys for the third eel of Father ocepation, 922 Panclpes of analysis "The methods of says fora theedimesinal table canbe extended thon dfelty to wlnenson tables, Tey need To be spplmented by procedures which éltingish between the are number of statist ‘model sratble In Tour of mae dinnsons. Ths the prablms ae ese {he sme as those which aise In the analysis of continous measurements ‘hon thee are many expinatry wari o actors, We begin by changing the noaton of section 7.2 in nde fala the generations tal ar required. Conse three timensona able, and woe 108 sxction 5.2 and 7.5, the vsines ofthe resting etinator ate dhenses [inated by eating the water fog (ys +43} I they were mute | independent and such that, a on Yun FB) tn 4 1 this may we obtain standadied ontat of the form 682 ff Tach '6 approximately (0,1 al the patametrs ara zro:AUhough fhe standardized contrasts ae nt independent, we can ini those which re ein ss of parameter fellows: 8 beara, 0 = Yow Poult O88 oe (PanPaalPoatesd OBST = Woe PanePenPrdiePsiPersroePad ‘The sts of parroters (8), (7), {WT}, and (PREF ae smn dtined Suppose that consideration fs esl haar! mol, which are such thatthe Following property lis: i st of parameters iro then ‘oth pt wold ech ee iho ps {tn spre mh ent met sha bo ‘ed fr cnn nh maT dq ala ag [sine y Dan (199 in eon of ea oe [fi pies to ctinncy ey Cin te 0 j Ate ets of gn ppt ese oe sow, Sayyid ae es i ens ones cen rien: 2) sais for testing, = Oven, = Oagaist y 0 paver 9016 HET = 0. 0 tmples ng tn may oe ot af as, vy mc ad ‘o the observed frequencies by fixing a set of magna ots anc using the eztv sealing prcedre on sable wth unt Fequeneles. The elatiosip beeen the pvometos wh te co aed the magia ot which ate ‘hed shown Ia Table 93 for combos of parameters which typ, TABLES Merwe! models fr thee vy elsistions Y= 22m logon), Tron cate Nand of pate gal oak” in my and my a loro xe uence de» Od tne ‘6, oviny The mnt of pen eas Seis on {MEME ond Hon Wil late egw mal wh ve py te | Ey He-DU-D Wal [se enters few por nce ea OSE be Ope" @-)G-1) ‘(Wyo)s (Noon) jlimination. Alternatively, we can move ¢o a model which involves more OST) WET}, OAT), WZ) ee D {Wyo} ;purameters, a procedure of forward selection, by calculating which of the Not®, OE). ELE) mr—s—142. lm Boh Maal gteondng pets proves fw ihe sate Ss ae pt aan eee ees) ue fh Kept he ott of epee eh a co. ce ye! nh 1968) Thy he apn acy Nate, rary fn fry Onanee (OT hav a Deviation fom any proposed model ean be detested by a anassof| Peondaded esis, which are (pid by (Min monn, her my Ham expected fequncy uae he mod. The sympel a on of ey) dase by Haberman (1928), and ths ork eds ction o jd readut whch ae approximate WC, We nly teased ves whch se spticanty bg y potng eked ves aun the sate of sand orn ibn P)sertas egen by Cox and Sol (196) an Haberman (19750) ‘he pss in eeway case, Under condone vk sto th ee of clipes contingency be, ‘nti ened eit fhe expec fqn item af theater fo tar of tweety esata, 1% Haberman, 1970, de sop, 197 Meow om tino fn pope a motel TA aranate 3 srsted mode eet by sitting M1 Poni the expen ge bow or nos the aed 110 m4 My lap at Pat" Gh!) Xeaplnee..001 Emile Menara be A Al We intpiet successive parameter here a logistic tensor when all at fa ated 2 the ain effec om hi taf of factor 2, 3s the Interaction eet of facts 2 mid 3, ..-y andthe iteration elec of ator 2, 3yevud, spell. “The analysis of mullite bia dais much sinpliid I the paramere decrease In magiie 2 he nomberof safes ices, Whan thi siution ‘oes not obit, mates may’ be improved by changing te definition of Some respones, eclaigue sugested by Goodman (1971), An example de to Gox (1972) sas follows. Conder a supe of pa conating af husband nd i, a ene {\ ‘Ctnband votes Labo When a mods has been finally accepted, the parmesan be estate by ubstitting gy for Pa in the expresions ie the resting etinaor are threes estate by Heating (og mn they wore tly independent and uch that var oem} 93 Muliae binary dite “Thee ste may experimental stuntions where each sponse oF fetor defined by elation with vo calegoret. Methods fr the analy of ‘nvltvrinte binary data therefore eit pei sttenton. When the generat Spprcnch clined in the previo section i peiied for binmy dala, shothor change of notton Is convenient. We proceed to ge two Mk ‘Suppo fat tha each of d blany clsiieation ir espns, We sia thatthe frequencies (Way ye) oF 2 congency table of ode 2% hae a nomi istbution wh fx and probable [py ree Fly whe fod - +. 12 Define parser ae Flv 8, = 10H 0 a0. Pam a» whee the sixes ae al 2 except hat the probably Lathe mumerator has, ATi the th poston (= 1, 24d). Next, Ope = FORD ah Pan Pa 888 2D 2D ere the sixes ae ll 2 excapt tht the probably Inthe numerator tas Tin both the rth and sth postions, we the probable inthe denoninat have Fin the than sth postions respectively © = 2, 3... dir <9), ‘Oe pavetrs Os a me died he same way. The dit baton t Ey) Hin 1A ite ves Labour © otherwise © otorwse. “There are? posites. Another way of epasntng them 10 dine { 1 iC husband and wite disordant Lek ° [third way i take R" = R= 8, Al othr tanformatons 9 (8,8) an be bland fem those dhe pais When there are binary respons, the choice ofa rasfonation sequent tothe choice of sof gent ors for an Ablian group of ext 2. For such iatformalon, Bloom (1972) shows tht a ogtinear model fr the ois data becomes anobae legenr model withthe coefiens permuted, He gies x modified veson ofthe teat scaling pred to take account of the fact that Mase fal model forthe watsfommd data doesnot in general cores to 3 hr= ical mode forthe orginal dat. Ths lie of approach ca lad to 8 Sect ino thet bon which my be Yee aaa beta aia 94 Allocation les ‘Suppose tt multvarite respons (RS...) ea be observed in ech ‘of two populations 2 and 1, std devote a type abueretion Cf, =) by wee Ditoutons and procedures for problems of iference conceal (0, Wag), can nn’ be derived as bore “Secondly, we conser mst of binary esponses Indexed by the (etext combinations of 42" factorial experinents Thi ae dcssod by Zl (1972) wing an operational eal. He ctl exact procedures of i onan te approninaton to then. An alternative approach to express he dst h atl OF (Mpa) i the form Fat) in ua ‘The problem tof a tle 8 for sloating sn observation w tothe fy ‘or 25. When the probably dtibtions f4) and fx) ae eae know, we proeot as fllows. Lat tho poe probable hat w comes from 2 er £2, be mand respectiey, Denote by a,(8) the probably tht rule 8 Islets an em om chose a anon (4 1,2, Then the prob ablity of mixaloaton, say (8), given by C8) = m0) may) “The poster probabilities thet comes fron oF Sy can be obtained from Bayes’ theorem, whence we find that oe soy Lv} = og Cefta)+ of (OG) “The renl cn be exposed in word q og posterior ods (on versus) log por ode + log tion’ eto. [A natural allocation le slg Wt 2 04 Sy aecndig 28 the og posterior as is posive or negative, espectitely. This ol yf, mina the probably of mlllocation (TW. Anderson, 1988, set 6.3). When ays mye}, Fallcatesw to fy or, according a he og Hkelioed rab [spose or negative, respectively. ‘Since the probity distributions f(.) and f.) a6 waknown, the allocition rule mst be constvctad on the Base oF sample akon from th two populations. A change of notation is convenient. Denote the posible bseratlons by Wy, aye Ail af ae my ake Crom fy a8 the Foqueney of 8 Nay, where w The Frequencies (Yn havea multinomial dsb inde ant prob ates (py) eset Suppem tha 1 smal, nd aohing assumed abou the steatue of ‘nd the etinates icioo rato Paya. Denote by {* the coresponding location re, ‘Then £* asthe flowing properties (Cachan ané Hopkins, 1961; Hs, 1966). Flt, the expected vale ofthe sets! probably of mission, 4 (9G), exceeds the thereia optimum probability po). Secon, the expected Ya of tho estinated probably of miscasietion, Le, {BCE tes than the theoretic! optim probity 9) ‘When sage, and nothing Is sumed bout the strvetire of (Pan ‘ious modifications of the Iki ai ule hive been proposed sed ‘xanined (ls 1967) Por example, suppose that fy.) a fs.) refer to Imoltvrse binary data, A pear nghbour rl of der 1 thos based ‘ot only on the feguenles with which ys observed Hn each sample, Bt us loom the frequen for entegodes which fr from te hth in sespect of ust one of the binary responses. ‘The structure of yy} canbe taken nto account by asuing that each system of probes I repeetned by alg near mode. This enables us {0 expt the lg posterior od aa nese combination of unknown pat Ince The esimation of hte parameters by maxiniom hiked on te {hl of srpls taken from each population separutly fs problem dscused by JA, Anderson (1972). 95 Names example Beample 2.2 The dats in Tob 9.1 ar dterbed st the begining ofthis chapter, A pol rind by atimatog tho main effets and Interaction of eetion iy foreach combination of weight sd type. Drier gested [Accent svety | tneragtion Yex(raltn) | lend) | amy fats) at._Rott | Cot, Rok | Como Sma [F188 034] —o8s 06 [07 om Stndad [185 —o42| —o61 100 | 098 148 “The following tentative conclusions emerge jetions occur atthe se rate foreach weight ear, Dut are much more Hly i rollovers. Acedents tend to be somewhat more severe wih standard eas and smh moe severe in ‘ollovre Beton ioree with ave, partially i accents which involve rollovers of stindard et. fsa analyse Begins by tenting the hypothe tht welght hat no “fect on the ineaction of tpe, ser, amd acon. The expected re ‘qncler area follows. They re eaeuaed by fsa the 3D mahal tls thd seg ISP, oping with able fn which ll equents at 1 M992 151608 61608110392 27408 21992 17392 BLOB 79608 1020392 M6392 405-608 oosez 162608 73608 263392 Since ¥¥ = 0670 (1, the 4D tration i eke a 10 Consider next the interaction type svely % eeatln, whi now tthe sme vale {he 3D tbe for each weight The expected Gequenles for zero T2CS XE ie obtained by applying ISP to each ofthe 3D Lables wit lial Fequenies, 1 ase fed 20 toa, A conparvon wih the expected requendes for 210 AD intraeton gives Y= 2940 (0 8). The oes 30 interetions ae 14 teste in the some way. None dle pian fom eo, bu some var sllon in BW conned, Tnterction ¥ WHTXSXE 670 WxsxE 2924 Txsxe 2940) 6655 WXTXE 1402 |(wotelow) WxIKs vn] AIL 30 tattoos are now em as zr. The expected Cequenles ar ‘a follows, They are aiuated by fixing the 2D magia otal and sing IP aso 4025757346 115288 2068 25915 14g 835A0 WsISOH0 1025593 Weded 406-82 Wori3s2 164235 32344 255290 ‘A. comparzon ofthese frequenels wih he provios se gies Y= 6655 (a). At ths stage thre ae ow nl hypotheses lt st Would not be Injected vt of hind. We thretore ttn 10 te culation of estimates ad sand enor Tor 2D effet, For example, sevey X etn Is estimated a op (959-120) (25935)(140237) (23698), ‘andthe eatinaed since b the epoca of (950-1901 425935" 4 140237" + 25608" + thre sir terms Tension SX WAT WE WxS TXE 1XS Eximate” 1031-0729 “O14 O837 1366 bee Standard enor 0099 0095 0110 0086 00920083 oy analyse ie sow confirmed and numeri vale ced tthe relevant pruners. EXERCISES 1A has Pon iteaton wit we Siins Forma Ioai!~ (4 Spon) 1+ 420, ++ sn and expand in powers of x. Heuee show that PO =/)~ Cnt exp (Ua) + 06°, Take bee =P bate, 2 Wha Poison astibtion with parameter Obtain an expesion fora (4+ powers a, ad show tha he cient of * lero when e =. Pind sine expansion fr var (WH + (NDF) 2 sft in a es (aN sor = show that (3, /) the unique minimum arise unblased estimator of P= D (Garton, 1961; Glaser, 1962; Pt, 1963) 4 The independent vstes Mand t(j) au 9) respectively ‘enae ss by p Conditional on M+ y= my sow ha (Vp — Naya) Converge to (1) st > o, Henge obtain a coadence intra fr 2 ‘with coadence cootsen proximately Ie 5 Asample of sce takes rom (ad the sample mean ef (= 1,2) Show thatthe vrianee of My ~ fs may be extn by fn gi y= an by Ming gs (Kalleich and Sprat, 197) 2 114 2), a the foquncy ofthe const 6 A sample of sie ris fren A= Show Gat the joint teaton of FF Fa, us 46 evn by mon 1 1 flhtht- GD"! ser, 1950) 7A rector varity ht clement whish te uty independent a Ia uni variant, Define x= By, whee I ea mata of err my X and ‘ann Tha the diptslon mat of eR, which ssa fm > -Aécoring fa theorem of Bos given by Ping and Rayner (1971, 8.23) ite matrix HF(BH™ Bs unique, Mempoent, sym, and hs the same rank a B Dace that vy = TBP Extend this elt to the ete where yt son-singul ipeson mati K (D.A. Bran, personal communication) 8 Suppose tha Ms, Ma, vith parameter B,D Tustin sch tha Wort aat)— 96d¥et gan = + 0Gr4 fox evry Md a Show ta the ate (ov) — ood 4) converges in dtivtion 10 (Ol) a8, Dede that the kernel of| {he Teg aio function, athe ite > = for al sympotely oH, who W = © (4) —suDFIMAOWDP. 1, sre mutually independent Poston variates be respectaly. Lt 4) be a ereatiable ‘The conitons are the sue a nthe povows exerci, Consier the hypothe that y+» have a commen wale, say A. Show that the minus of W wih tose 8 daibted ae x2, Inthe i > ‘Obialn the expressions for the imum which cored to (040) = m0) 06) = logs erty tat the corresponding ales for the data of Table 2.1 ae (201, e210, 10 A random sample of io ken from (2), ad the observe aes a Me Suppose ha hae 3 prior dstsbuton with density suyecmy! for 1 0, nd otherwise xo. Show that the posterior dstuton of ‘songs 1 the same family, aad dece thatthe posterior diibtion of 2a PW is xXorsnn, whee mn Ey. Hence obtain a Bayesn method Infrene about the ratio of two Poison mans by uring the (indy, 1968, et. 73) ‘The data in Table .1 ave boon exacted fom Mats (1932), Thay ive, foreach of eight rectangle aren manning 1500 tn by 1000 on, ‘TABLE BA Number of houses per square of sie 100m eich of et _retanulrareas mesaring 1300 m by 1000 m ‘Nar of hous par aire aero eae i fw ss a0 aim 3 2 a|m a 3s 1 4]s a7 mat s | 4s m 9 2 ole 7 mw st 7 lo sw 31 alo 9 m4 42-2] the fequency disibution ofthe umber of houses pe quae of se 100 ‘Assuming tat the dstuiuton foreach are is Piso, but that ferent ‘eas may have detent parameters, ts the hypothesis thatthe parameters ofthe tes Ive the sae ve 12. The tne of delivery for selected aes n Bentham daring 1950 and 1951 i stot by Chats (1953). thse lsd ational snd omlin, and farther divided by the poied ofthe yea the ho the day. The folowing quences are the fe ialitattna bit from | che data frm a sample from a Poisson | sibtion asia the alternative tt independent Polson vais have 8 . ug) AG The units of » poplin ae cased with sespect to two binary ones Let py be te pobabity that nit peed in eatery of the Fis response and category j ofthe second. Suppose that x mesnie of soc lon betveen repontes st satiety he following two coniions (@) The measure is function of PP ahd Pa fPae Faery, of Pubes sid alder (0) The aleratve messes ae equal Show tht any seh measure of asoclatlon I function ofthe crossprodel ior lbPa. ally peak in mean value, 2,4, 32, 65, 50, M4, 2, a, 39, 2, 38, 1, 38, 28, a B36, 96, 32. 37, 3, 35, 3, 8, LN; have « muleomil dstebaton with es Ps Paso» Pr. Shanon ‘onitcied's olows, Wie & fo Inde ns pro ‘gpd by =P 100 air percent point the equation (eawads, 1963) 17 Hy ha he dst May sy 9 Show Prov that thei » sbiity teat east 1 BWM OWN) = 0. ‘alae of the parsers and ence obtla| Te E (Ny 39) Ba OHO a: BO) 964; Godan, 1965). (1) vac usd (ite, 1964) 14 Ava That a binomial wih index and probability 9, Show tat Etec FHT =e 1 Comer te dsbaton Mn) 8 he 2. nd na, auch thal ln» ae Denote aol ~ a + at) by 8 Prove tha (8) pcan ™ (Harkness, 1965) +00, inn =( 1S _Avasite That bins dsttbution wit Index a probably 6 Vealy that 19 Consider the dntebtion MO i ay 2) 0 the Hn 8 0 >=, jog Pera mr, sch that mt > E Denote E* bys Prove that in Most mond) = wa e°#lng * pera = Leda aeat.a 041, 7 HO> 9 = BOA aE Ao ‘edt get ht ne ea a bet ve wh ety oon Ma) = BC+ etd), Poe hat 90 1 ~8) (1-1) then bed wih 1) degrees of freedom. Deduce that log(0/(1 —0)} haan af # Piet + Dan tee aiicerannny Show hae fne esse ote fm Hayes ans wh sta rant a ey en 10) = vee r—ay rks, 1965) 20 The varaes Min My Nay and Ny fe oxy and independently ines Mix and Me respecte. Cnstvet i VU th propertis of #noxmal variance of, conan onthe nce vles of Ny Nor ad dt oe Gan, 1966) 120 1 Find the maximomkellhood estimate of. from the conitiona dsibution, td obtain a confidence interal for hth a confidence eoefcent of feast 95 percent. by by and wate ¥ = LW leit + mid hy Unie the condions given in section 4:2, the we X= Mama) Comid + m+ m+ mid convene in dstsbation to 2 (01. Use thi vest sow that comes OR (1 ander the ste condtons. 22 The unis of «sample ae eased with rapt to two binay eons Define ng RP 8 eral # = leCruton). A= be (Pupiapapa). ‘Ths the Meio fein nl exp (me mp8 4 Maxine ths function sibel to + madly uct Pat part Da = | ence show that the wnconions! maxim iksiiood eetinator of i og ua Ma. 23 The conditions jolat dctbuton of Ny and Mar nlexp ae ba 8 tnd one hte mins tool etna 9 em thi ston iter epaten 2 toe (84:3) WAVE 9 Oa) ‘eay thatthe eqston is suse by X= 0, and by all values of X when ‘hg, “> an >, ch thal gh yo a Ma 24 Physclans with and without Ing cance at laid by smoking sins the tbl Below, whichis en fom Wynder and Cornfield (1953). Smoking slate Lang cancsr Controls Nonanoker a " ‘Sinaker o x sme in the previo exer, Show that he 25 The unl of «sample ae hse with respect to we raponses ‘and S. When the elatieation are mde correctly, PIRRES=D = Py GEN FTN Dodd owerey, the data ae suet to wislaietion, whi Obtains indepen: Ani ox the two reqonses. The effet on Ris that a wat truly in eaepory “is ecode in eteory wth probability ey. Theres sor probability Spe for Sad Bete = Bele = ‘Mtr mitlsiiation, and Dias: ‘Show tat Dy Ply = Du patude 26 The conditions ave the same a nthe prevous exer, and = #2 wa N= top apna Prove that f= 0, then = 0, but tat eterwise 1 0,07 = Oagaiat DF 8, remain valid under season but that thet powers ae reed (Goss, 1954; Novel, 1985; Wah, 1983; Mote ind Anderton, 1965; Aska and Procter, 1967) 27 Two weatments which each pve reo binary response ae compared 2 follows The expetiment requis ems, which are ded By 9 random Portion nto gOup of Hy feng the Rist (etme nd a group of ng reciving the seen. Hew nyp ap ae ned in wan, The fe ‘qc obsined are shown i he tbl below ‘Sveans Fallre Total Fit estat Na My te Second eaiment Ny Nay ‘Torat Ne Mn wa 1m. ‘We req to test ht the extents ate equally effec. Show that a) rl ble ae sald text of this hypothe Bed onthe dttion of My onda aa aa ‘on the obzred ve o ] Am m A mmm (Goad, 1947, Penson, 1947) 4mm ae {es the hypothe of fadepeence asia he alternative ‘efined by 08 <4 O98. Show thats wlforiy thot powefl fs i raed on be stat Of contol on the hued flequence ofA and tains when independence hos, jen ‘28 Treatment and 2 are applied inlidly and togtha to rou of tee. The probibities of death ae py fr teen aod, fr tenes 2, Aecottng ton hypothe of joint action, the probabil of desth ‘Peps when the Wetmens ae apple together Dene the corresponling simple tes by ni, ays an respectively. Le My be the numberof dees in group (= 1,2, 3), ad Np the aunber of stevie Show Mat the agcement of datas hypothesis canbe teed by thet Wa, Mn Na. Jy FH) aaa Fw) Ya = whore w satisfies the quadratic equation GFW) CO0 HH) ast) = OM A) Wee HD O91), tnd the soo which es between Ny, and the negative vale ofthe sma My and M-| 18 nem! 04 DYE M [ON abt (Aamitge an Hey, 1987; Okamoto and hi, 1961; tha, 19700) a andard 31 A2X 2 tale with obired frequencies (ny) analy by td Bayesian moods. nthe sndard analy, define a= E Meinnsnan 0 jo 8 = Mesime naps (Cte, a pend to Mather, 1940; Fier, 1942) ‘Th Bayesian aay made using pie distibutin For (oy) wth day 29 A binmy respons observed on neu before etment and ff Te Be gala after eaten. We rete 10 ts the hypothe of equ popotons chang, expres by (0 afer 2 belo) = p (2 alter before). ‘Sow that this hypothe esi withthe hypotbese that U and ae Independent, wee Ui response before eaten and change, ce £ (D9. ea. Par Pea) Hy e+ where 016 Define = POESHIN =m aD. wt < + 1. Suppose thatthe probales forthe nomempy cls atsy the hypothe of quatindependense. Powe thatthe mcr kethod estates of the expsted fees ae obtained by he flowing proce “ fans) on digo es #41. a he Sega hang ain ect pa Bec esi ee (Wate, 195; shop and Pentex, 1968) 42 A lower onl contingency able i tle of ker FX in which call Gy) is amply when 1 on fed proportions show BEN) = mote, o€ T converges to Ny YP when Hee, where Py, Yay ‘outalyindepentent (0, 1) variates 8nd yy, ‘oots ofthe mat wth elements Sin —CeenF By mgy ty tng EN = 120-2 (Oksmet0, 1963) sad a4 By) © momnsla Dy hare te = Bynaynin an = ty CHP 50. Aswime that the model ofthe previous exer applies to the data fn ‘Toble 3.3, with xj =—1, 0, or the thee levels of ton se. Use «normal pproxination to the dstbution of 2 yx tet tal 6D, Compare the eit with tat obaied from x, an expan the deren 47 A sample of sien is akon from (0,8), Suppose thatthe etl wih dons asetion datbutlon of bvaal respon bales hase a Dich prior astibtin SIA binary respons Ii obsrved at each lee of 2 falor F. Sappose that Suh Ny pi", where Ly ry Devote by Ty an estimator ofthe expected free ncy py an et the as Fumetion be By Cy —npy)- Show thatthe Bayes estnator of my 1 2a, Hy + ho K+ (enbag and Hotlnd, 197) Py ak By O12 ‘Show that an unbised etinator of BF = BMH Ne Bynes dP ot, and that an unbiased estimator of rar ("hen B= Os at) Mate where of i defined in Exerc 49. Dae a procedure fr etn the ypo- | esis = 0 against the alternative 6 0 for small values of B. ‘Cochran, 1954; Anta, 1958) 448 An inset pases successively through (~ 1) stages dung development ‘sd evenly reaches the th stage, The dations ofthe is 1) sa tre tually Iadepondent os: negativo andar varie 7), Ty, Te Denote the tne fom hatching by #Then te nec ie nage hens, HATA HTS TATA ATE G ETAT ATS. Suppose that 7,8 (a, oa) whee o small = 1,2, 5 — 1). Dae the maximtkethood equations and the lformation suits for the 152 brite response (8) oben, wher each pose ode | nodes ssf} for ad i) fo Sand make tessa tat Hd = Reed) = 1.2, Prove te flowing ra: (Th condi mxinue Mood ett of sain the eition hb= 12.8 D he De Buh, = Fy tas) (Alchison and Silvey, 1957) 120 1 0) A nitrmty most powesol unbiased test ofthe hypoth fami minis log square method. stains th altenatve 8 #0 obaine by eeag By Nye Ubutloncondona onthe observed aes of (ig and Wo (ip When = 0, the mean an vane oft conition {Pavens with » conan requiring teetment ave clase by mt age sera and th success fie of the testnet. The able blow sve. obabily foreach combination of eateries Ey Nyerd0) = rb a vey MyedyiO) = nade D, ae a wha a9 of ae dete by anny Wh Unde 30_O1 30 | Vader ° wees] om 0m | 008 O16 Oe Fane | 016 1k | 008 O18 Bm O11) Ey My or Hedy ~ HadEa mes ~ He) By = mt ht te sae dpe of auton baton eo pan var B= Bamaley— 2m yn)? DY drs of treatment for oth mals an ones, but tht ge and cout foe inependent when the sons are combine. " Conte sr ite where hee Is rdependence for bth males nd ets, but a postive asoiaton between the eateries of under 30 ant ‘53 Apply the model ofthe previous exerl fo the data quoted in Tale Mimces when the sxes me combine. 34, The sjtem of eros prod ralloecorepondng othe srs (Gimpron, 1951 Bich, 1963) In section 61 dein By the fllowing tb ‘The alibod ao sats for testing the hypothe of zr0 (Wo fepone Iteration Is JY = 208mg logy Bs log ma ~ By to 08 Moy 1 EH: natural enesatization for testing the hypothe of zero theesesponi nection ithe statistic oe ot ow toad ee) or vaso 8 arf, us th aie sealing posed to cate expected frequent, Hence obtain the following ret. (When B= 0, 779-037 @ A) (i) The lai vie of Yi 6706 (7.9. This ve = 0053, AG) confidence intra for 6 wth contdene coefent 95 percent | (00131, 01215), State your concuiosconcrsng the provement teacher fatng with improved homework condtons, 1 224 un oegy ~ Bo toy Frye Fn Mon OE Mo =p nylon nyo 01 ty Hao lOB tot Ba a BM ~ nb Show that cones fxr any 4 when Hy Halls and | ie un = Pop Pex PolP Porn SA binary respons sobre ot each eel of a quate factor F Suppose thatthe fequeacis (ste mutual independent Psion vate wl parameters ay} respectively, where = ay #0 By — Apply the misimom modified ehsquare mathod to etinate (i), 0 and ‘B.Show thatthe etinalor of @ and fare the same a thos otaed by 51 A tbinary sesponse Ris obese at exch teatmet combination of $90 incu and which ocr at 2 and levels especies. The caego1y Pa Teeprcsnt stcsee At the kth Tee of, the fequenies form 12 2 table shown blow: 132 a Level of F Succes Paine Total FN Mantas 2 Nay Maga oust May Miah ae, in 6 = 0, denote the common vale of py and py vis eae and ine D = 2m Maula —Nevhton). Conse s tet of ths hypothesis 5 = Oasis the allerntve 6+ 0 based on the state Dif DY. how thatthe symp sicency of thi et Is maxed by taking 4 UPL ppl all Pa) Moneltoreeaa beac that the tet of Exon $8 is obtaued by taking 10) = ln GIP). by oy Intode ‘The mean and vance of ane given vexectvely by my = tinnPne 20d = conditional on the observed ve of Mi, arene any 1) Write m = my and v = 5 vy. Conier the bypotbes which sul he the the interaction FX @ bes ao eect on R. Show tat an symp tolealy ald est of yi obtained by rfesng te 0 = 24 Cay— mm) = Wn —mhe {0 the dation of xf (hake, 1965) 61 A sample of size mI taken fom the Winn diteibtton of (R, 5,7) [The parameters {ye} hae spelled aes. Show thatthe maxim kehood esis of my In my) ror ala that Ean bun ~ mun) os ml$) = Pape ltare~ (Eaten, 197) {8 The expsinenta situation I the sme atk he puvious exer, Suppose now the the Intestin J X g hat no eet on R, Wal A= log iusPas/Pvnpinnd (kare md s=3, [<2 Consider the statisti A? defined in section 7.8. When bow tat B= ALS Coons maonn aad dada dy 1 define U = (Miso. Show that he wniforly most power est of > O agit X <0 8 Implemented for ingen by referring U to the distrbuton (0, (Cooke, 1954; Mana nd Hasna, 1989; ie, 1964) 41 Emtranaiosadone—¥, Ay, A ate define by eye permutation Th condilons ae the same as In Exerc 5, and My held. Det ¥ = lag —ma ie). Aer (st of A 0 puns <0 nwa a he summation of oi procedure, and implemented by refecngV tothe Stbution (0,0. [fitz tis procedve, and ad Ks asenplotic ative ficency att OF Hy when Hy hold. ‘Yates, 1985b; Pastesck snd Montel, 1966; Sede ‘nl Cochran, 1967, p. 254; Anmltage, 197, p37 (ois, 1965), ‘A investor laies a random sample of diabetic pallens in three ay wheter the dai stared before the age of 4 (“ary one”) on er whether seid amily member aloha dibtes (4) or no): i whether the paint was dependent on nels injection C$) or ould i runtaned wl ss convenient teens (-). The rele ste shown Table 63, Comment onthe infect, ary, offal tory onthe eter to fsponss and the eltomhipbutween thom, If the csumstances ate apo: fn, obtain point estimate and» confidence interval for the velatve rk ‘cing dependent on insulin fr patients who have ely one es compared (0 The condtions se the ae a nthe provous exer. Sappone tn 2 fnetion (ext soc that Fon) —Mo) fon at, (05. Nowa) 1 bs ‘TABLE E3Dibevic patients etosied by sn of ome, sun TABLE ES Liters of mice cased by terse, tretment, and dependence, and fay toy munberof depletions Fal Histon aa Na owe vhs Luter see | reament | Naber of Sot Twin dependence |e © 2or mone ay oat © a fie 2 7 wus Lae onset saa a wo 7 (4 ‘The dain Table Bt ste quoted rom Wool (1955) Patents wi . ou 0 ppc ulcer in London, Manchester, an Newente upon Tye ae csi sok 9 BRS TABLE E4 Blo groups of peptic wer and conrot patient 1 Londo, ‘Minch, and Newel upon Toke 2 0 Bs iondon | Wincheer | Newel een ontrot_Uies| Consol _Uk — Contet_Uksr | Contr _Ulet | Contol Ur ail ve 0 a [ao sm | ams m6] sae 209 ipo co | asm on | assz ast | 6598 56 67337 puss vg heat fe panig Ig ef to he paso tp oes Te tb cn 76a tt hacen phi en eas lr Cohn (HEY. 880 cress ee cars Cao th ms on ae Sipe cst She ena a ttl he ont pn oo ged fa oton 4972). . “ weet ton ta by blood roup, and the same claaletion is ade for cont groupe nh the ells Antje the dependence a type of pallen on blood group nd location. Previous analyses ae gen by Woot (be i), Ku and Kalack (1968), Berkson (1968), Cox (1970s, p. 845), and Beso (1972), 65 The data a Table Bate quoted fom Kasennun ad Larphiar (1959), Liter mie of alert setae tented in one of two eiferet ‘vaya the able gies the feguenels for , 1, ed 2 or more depletion pr lier. Amlys he dependence of depletions on ier see aed eat At ence 1 sng Provioussttycs ae gen by Kasten and Lsmphis (pe. ft), Plate Lo (1962), Goodman (19630) Berkson (1968), Ku and Kolbak (1958), Gril me Short ong Shoxt ‘Storme and Kech (1969), and Berkson (1972). Bn8s9 134212 STII 208436 [iss Som bution with inde yan protabliy (1 2") for ie Derive minima toiled ch square exists of fy) anf Hens ‘bina atest stats For the hypothesis thatthe model safety is it. (Cela, 1989) mete and ny ns ‘oho is the cedar effet ane the tentent fist, Show thatthe sas Fd, ~Fyweysen f¢an 5,Ddas that tsts of 8 cam be aed on the 22 Tables shown Ok Show that “ (@u> Gx) = nOW>#), < the probability on the li alte fom the poliior aistbaton Teo =Odntmtnge Tet ofeOetitangs Gf. ya the ate Wh act dtbnton wth devs ncn a oh ar opt toe" ak OF n-RaoP ee Goan 199) | 71 Tile 93 sows, oa dena silo, esata between the parameters which ae eo nx herscicl mode athe mat ‘which ve Rod. Conse s 69 Wn clea to compare two snags, A and B, 175 pats are candomiy sloeated to one ofthe four sequences AB, 4, AA, BB. The Pate of etter indste the testes the patient cies in the fis and ma i toes i the i ed] 72 The marina which we xed «mules! contingency Table const oF a,b (ag oo» a WBE My yee cond OF sobs of ff «2 tet with 260 When tty fe RAVE nO Teter in carmen, show thatthe maximum ikelbood estimstn of the ‘expected freien forthe corresponding herria movel ae piven by Peters second No preference 4 0 gt = Na Mays MagfONE, iat n wore hth podet oF the munbir of etgoue fr exch eaponse with ° 5 leer nt contaled in ary a yt te é s ‘When theres only ome se of ies, w, that conse Sn two or smote of t-te show Cat ‘Analy the data rom the Al and BA sequences to tet whether there | Isevidenesofn eatment effect Inthe prstos of «pose period efit, | tice vrs, Aral the remainder ofthe dts fr period fet and propose a mt of conning the two alee for pod effec, 4 4. Nowely | geo = NayNays Nag DN wheres the nomber of subsets Hy. hat donot conta, fd he number that do. Hence bua the expect Gequenls for al cho mols n Tuble 93 except the ft q (Goodman, 1970) 40 Asatced ple dein sed fo compe wo teatments. The obser ‘ations ae binary variates Ty and Ty. Coasier a mel in which 1) for evry pale, {Ts = 42 == Our Cee 0, Ds Ai) the pacer) oe the observed ves af variates {the pror dst of (By) has the Diehl Form with params 7A sew deterent X and aston detergent A wee each peed with 100s conser sete at random, After «pee, congeners wove cs ed ith seapect 1 the following (0 he product prefered (XH, (i he detent generally used Qfnot, {Gi the kindof water used Chadnediumyso, {the fempertre of water sed (101* 10 11S"Jover11S°F). “The dat we vn in Table B6, which quote fom Rs and Sal (1963). a a fy be the observed Fequeney ofthe een (7,1, 7, wand dios Pao = Boa toe

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