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Isa Card

Mrs. Martin
Euro History

WW1: General Erich Ludendorf

Ludendorff was born in April 9, 1865 in Prussia. Ludendorff was the third
out of six children. His mother Klara Jeanette Henriette von Tempelhoff
(18401914) and his father August Wilhelm Ludendorff (1833-1905), were a
big part of his life. On December 20, 1937 Ludendorff died at the age of 72 in
Munich, Germany.
Ludendorff went to school at Cadet School in Pln. Ludendorff mostly studied
mathematics. During his years in school he met a guy by the name of
General Heinz who at the time was also attending Cadet School. They started
taking about how Heinz at the time was a solider. Ludendorff decided to
finish his schooling at Hauptkadettehschule.
In 1893, Ludendorff was selected into the war academy, then General
Meckel, recommended to the general staff. He was appointed to the German
General Staff in 1894. Ludendorff was rapidly moving through ranks to
become senior staff officer. In 1905, he joined the Second Section of the
Great General Staff in Berlin. In April 1914 Ludendorff was promoted to
Major-General. Ludendorff fought in WW1 as the General der Infanterie. At
the end of the war he was awarded Pour le Merite, and iron cross 1st class.
Ludendorff was an elevated disciple who was a glutton for work and man of
character. General Heinz was a big influence but most of all his mother and
father were the one that helped him get to the position Ludendorff was in.
Overall he was a great solider and general and made his family proud.
Ludendorff was buried in the Neuer Friedhof in Tutzing, Bavaria, which Hitler

By the Revolution the Germans have made themselves pariahs

among the nations, incapable of winning allies, helots in the service
of foreigners and foreign capital, and deprived of all self-respect. In

twenty years' time, the German people will curse the parties who
now boast of having made the Revolution.
-Erich Ludendorf

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