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By: isa card

Dear reader,

My name is Isa. I am soon to be 16 and driving Yeah.

I am a sophomore at AMES. My multi-genre project is called MY SUCCESS.
I will start at the beginning of my life. As a baby I was sick. I was operated
on at 2 months old. At the age of 1 to 2 years of age I didnt speak. My
parents hired a speech therapist. I started preschool at age 3 and by the
time I was almost finished with 2nd grade the teacher told my mom that
there was something wrong with me I only knew 13 site words. Couldnt
read and struggled in school. As it turns out, I was dyslexic. I processed
information differently. I couldnt get basic learning down. Everything was
backwards, even my name. My mom came across a lady who specialized in
learning difficulties. I became an LD kid. I worked hard for many years
learning how to read. I hated it because I thought I could do it on my own.
My tutor Pat and I definitely had a love/hate relationship. I was determined
to do it by myself, but as it turned out, I couldnt. I needed help. Junior
High came along and I was not given a chance to succeed, I was told I was
worthless, but I knew that I was capable of doing more. Fortunately hope
came into my life when I received a letter saying I was accepted into AMES.
I became excited instantly because I knew I would finally get the education
and opportunities I needed. Reading and learning still doesnt come easy for
me. I find that I must work 3 times harder and 3 times longer to get
where I need to be, but most of all where I can succeed.

It All Began
July 1998
2 years go by
NO words
Could not speak
Help was on its way
Years go by
Could not read
13 site words
Help was on its way
Life was hard
Years go by
Junior high
Was told Ill never succeed
2 years later
Youve been accepted
Thats the day my life changed


/diss lksee /

1. Having to put in more work than the average teen.

2. Difficult time reading, writing and interpreting words and language.
3. In my case the struggle is real for me every day.


Me: * Just frustrated *

Mom: Can I help?
Me: No!
Mom: Why not?

Me: Im tired of needing help; I can do it on my own!

Mom: What are you working on?

Me: Flippen English homework!
Mom: Well
Me: I hate being dyslexic, I feel so stupid!

Mom: Take your time, you can do it.

Me: Thanks mom.

Success Strudel

Elementary ingredients:
1 cup something is wrong with me
1 cup cannot read
Jr. High ingredients:
4 cups constant struggle
4 tablespoons I am worthless
cup not given a chance
3 cups negativity
Chuck the first 6 ingredients
Add: a Can Do ATTITUDE
a caring, positive atmosphere
hard work, hard work, hard work
I am capable

Bake: until complete

Their wrong
I will succeed
ILL prove them wrong
I can do it
I know I can
Even if it takes me longer to finish
I will finish
I will do it
I will prove them wrong
I will succeed
I do succeed

I have come to realize that I will always struggle
with my dyslexia. I will always find that I will need
to work harder and learn to work through my
frustrations. Because of my LD, I have taught myself
how to learn. Through hard work and much
determination, I know that I can succeed at anything
that I put my mind to.

End notes:

Dear Reader: explains some detail about my life. I started

at the beginning.
Poem - It all began poem: Short version of my life
Exposition - Dyslexia definition: told from my point of view
Dialogue - Frustration: tell of a typical conversation
between my mother and me. We seem to have this
conversation often.
(1)Exposition - Success Strudel was a recipe about my
emotional journey
(2) Poem - Determination tells about my hope for my
Prose Acceptance: Having dyslexia is OKAY :)
End note: Explains my realization and acceptance of my
dyslexia. And This all starts with something being wrong
with me to knowing that I will have success in my life.
Hopefully I have shed some light about my life being

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