Gan Chova News Letter March 2016

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Shalom Parents,

March 2016

We are so excited to share with you the unit we have been learning and having fun
with in the last few weeks: ......
sometimes I am .
We talked about the body parts they know
already such as hands, legs, face, and we
introduced new body parts such as tongue,
cheeks, eyebrows, teeth, heart hair eyeball and
chin. , , , , , , ,
, , .We learned these body parts
along with the song that reviews the body parts.
Ask your children to sing it to you. You would
love it!!!
To extend the learning we use Mark Carl
Technique finger paint on a paper, then designed our own face including cheeks,
mouth eyeballs and hair and glued it all together.

The second part of the unit was me and

my family.
We reviewed the family members such as
mom, dad, brother sister grandpa and
Each child presented his own family using puppets, the name of the family member
they presented and how old they are. This activity was done to help encourage the
children to be more verbalized and to speak Hebrew.
To practice more of the vocabulary we played family bingo. We also learn the song
my family from the Israeli TV show .From this song we learned that there
are some families that have pets and they are very important part of their family.
We concluded this unit with learning about feelings. We discussed feelings such as
happy, sad proud, shy, hungry, scared exciting and angry.
We learn the story: One Child with Million Faces.

The children created their own face of different expressions
using different Shapes. We also cut pictures of our
classmates and connected them to other classmate. We played
the Freeze Dance differently than the usual. When the music
stopped the children had to make different facial expression
to match the feelings they learned.

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