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How to Make Yogurt

You will need:

o Starter Yogurt (Yogurt with Live Active Cultures & preferably no Pectin)
o 1 qt of Milk (whole milk makes a thinker yogurt)
o Medium Sauce Pan
o Food Thermometer
o Spoon
o Jar/container to put finished yogurt in (glass is best, no metal)

1. Pour Milk in sauce pan and heat to 180 – 190 degrees. (Heat alters the milk’s proteins
and helps create a finer, denser consistency.)
2. Let the milk cool to 115 – 120 degrees. (Higher temperatures will kill the active
3. Spoon warm milk into small cup with 2 Tablespoons of yogurt, stir to thin yogurt.
4. Poor yogurt/milk mix into sauce pan and stir.
5. Poor into Jar/Container and keep warm. (put in oven with light on {for gas stoves, pilot
light should keep oven warm enough} or wrap with towels to keep warm)
6. Keep warm and still for 4 hours to let yogurt set.
7. Refrigerate to firm.
8. To make think (Greek Style), spoon into a fine mesh strainer or colander lined with
cheesecloth and let excess liquid drain. (You can drink this. You may be able to reheat
excess to make more yogurt {I’m going to try this,})

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