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Speech and Language Impairment

- Ashley and Hannah

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) officially defines
speech and language impairments as a communication disorder such as stuttering,
impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment that adversely
affects a child's educational performance. -IDEA
Tends to become present at a young age
Other disabilities such as hearing impairments and autism can be misinterpreted as
speech language impairments
Weak muscles in the tongue, lip, and palate
Difficulty pronouncing letters and words
Challenges in a school settingCommunicating with peers and the teacher
Giving presentations
Participating in classroom discussions
Classmates might bully the students
Articulation Disorder
: Omits and distorts speech sounds, makes speech difficult to
Language Disorder
: Difficulty constructing sentences, improper word order in
Fluency Disorder
: Stutter, frequently repeats sounds, syllables, or words
Voice Disorder
: Abnormal vocal quality, vocal pitch is higher or lower than peer,
noticeably nasal voice, vocally abusive behaviors (screaming, yelling, or throat clearing)
Learning Strategies:
Speech Language Pathologist can help a child pronounce letters and words correctly.
Slowing down speech and learning to control breathing is very beneficial.
Assistive Technology can help students with communication.
: Center for Speech and Language Disorder: Resource dedicated
to helping children with communication disorders reach their full potential through
family centered services
http://www.parentcenterhub.org/repository/speechlanguage/:Parent Center Hub:

This acts as an overview of Speech and Language Impairment providing resources and
: Special Education Guide: This website gives ideas for teachers and parents on
the best way to help a child with this disablility. This also discusses a child with this
language impairment and how to make their experience at school more positive.

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