1 Questionnaire : Your Mail Address: You Can Mail It To

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1 Questionnaire

1 I received courses about my religion (yes/no) when I study.

2 I received courses about world religions ( yes/no) when I study.
3 I havent heard anything about religions (yes/no) because of
4 My information about religions comes from.
5 I am a believer because of
6 I was a believer because of
7 I am a non believer because of
8 I was a non believer because of .
9 I m very ..( +/-) about beliefs and religions because of
10 I would like to know more about beliefs because..
11 I have questions about beliefs and religions in relation to.
12 I have my doubt about beliefs and religions in relation to
13 I cannot understand that people misuse beliefs and religions in
relation to..
14 The last time I talked about religion was when
15 The last time that I participate in a religious activity was
16 Im belonging to one of the main religions and that is.
17 I know my religion quiet well and I have no problems to tell people
about my belief. (Yes/no)
18 I come from.
19 I study..
20 I am.. ( age)
your mail address:
you can mail it to hugo.verkest@vives.be

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